
Temren Village

Temren is belongs to Bargarh, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Temren
Village code : 380708
Block Name : Bhatli (0007)
Area : 260
Gram Panchayat : Chadeigaon (11)
District : Bargarh
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Bargarh
District Head Quarter distance : 14 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : BARGARH
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 14 Kms
Population : 1030
Households : 239
Male : 531
Female : 499
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 768038
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 5.45 Hectares

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Near by villages of Temren

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Kenabuda 379766 Mandiadhipa 308 Hectares 483
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3 Bargaon 380600 Bargaon 1231 Hectares 4889
4 Barahaguda 380603 Barhaguda 842 Hectares 4748
5 Ambasadha 380606 Barhagoda 481 Hectares 2440
6 Gondpali 380610 Kuruan 283 Hectares 1028
7 Bausenpali 380611 Kuruan 163 Hectares 397
8 Babebira 380618 Gobindpur 293 Hectares 931
9 Haldipali 380622 Gudesira 195 Hectares 608
10 Gudesira 380624 Gudesira 771 Hectares 3827
11 Dumerpali 380633 Gudesira 301 Hectares 1332
12 Adgaon 380635 Adgaon 1359 Hectares 4479
13 Gaisama 380637 Gaisama 1083 Hectares 3773
14 Bagdia 380639 Nileswar 337 Hectares 580
15 Bandhenbahal 380640 Nileswar 304 Hectares 680
16 Banbaspali 380643 S. Dumberpali 344 Hectares 1535
17 Dumbarpali 380644 S. Dumberpali 399 Hectares 2039
18 Balijori 380649 Nileswar 375 Hectares 1523
19 Samardarha 380657 Dumalpali 154 Hectares 278
20 Tala 380660 Sukuda 166 Hectares 341
21 Khajuria 380663 Mulbar 222 Hectares 519
22 Rautpada 380664 Mulbar 898 Hectares 1089
23 Sukuda 380670 Sukuda 1023 Hectares 2528
24 Sukudadanbirti 380671 Sukuda 25 Hectares 71
25 Kharsal 380673 Dumalpali 508 Hectares 1856
26 Khaliapali 380681 Kelendapali 415 Hectares 694
27 Sulusulia 380689 Nuagarh 734 Hectares 1718
28 Raisobha 380696 Tejagula 190 Hectares 1220
29 Tejagula 380697 Tejagula 310 Hectares 1182
30 Rusipali 380701 Kamgaon 33 Hectares 703
31 Talpali 380713 Narangapur 670 Hectares 1189
32 Kharmora 380723 Kharmunda 682 Hectares 1571
33 Tarakana 380725 Kharmunda 530 Hectares 1642
34 Amjhar 380852 Tangarpali 284 Hectares 446
35 Jangod 380867 Janged 531 Hectares 1849
36 Haldi 380869 Janged 188 Hectares 746
37 Amlipali 380871 Amlipali 1134 Hectares 3297
38 Bargad 380873 Lachida 138 Hectares 193
39 Jujgaon 380875 Kharmunda 505 Hectares 1249
40 Banahar 380883 Tope 395 Hectares 1558
41 Janhapada 380889 Janhapada 1677 Hectares 7210
42 Attabira 380893 Attabira 1027 Hectares 10833
43 Amastala 380906 Larambha 421 Hectares 1949
44 Babebira 380908 Kulunda 433 Hectares 2167
45 Jhilminda 380917 Jhiliminda 642 Hectares 2546
46 Jhankabahal 380919 Kadobahal 172 Hectares 558

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Temren.

Q2: What is the village code for Temren?

A2: The village code for Temren is 380708.

Q3: In which block is Temren located?

A3: Temren is located in the Bhatli block.

Q4: What is the total area of Temren?

A4: The total area of Temren is 260 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Temren belong to?

A5: Temren belongs to the Chadeigaon Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Temren located?

A6: Temren is located in the Bargarh district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Temren from the district headquarter?

A7: Temren is 14 kilometers away from the Bargarh district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Temren?

A8: The nearest statutory town is BARGARH which is 14 kilometers away from Temren.

Q9: What is the population of Temren?

A9: The population of Temren is 1030 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Temren?

A10: There are 193 households in Temren.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Temren?

A11: There are 531 males and 499 females in Temren.

Q12: Are there any schools in Temren?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Temren. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Temren?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Temren.

Q14: What is the pin code of Temren?

A14: The pin code of Temren is 768038.

Q15: Does Temren have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Temren.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Temren?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Temren.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Temren?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Temren.

Q18: Is Temren connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Temren.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Temren?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Temren.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Temren?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Temren.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Temren?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Temren is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Temren?

A22: There are 5.45 Hectares of forest area in Temren.

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