
Dombaha Village

Dombaha is belongs to Morigaon, district in the state of Assam.

Village   Details
Name : Dombaha
Village code : 283844
Block Name : Bhurbandha (0043)
Area : 143.87
Gram Panchayat : DHIGALBARI ()
District : Morigaon
State : Assam
District Head Quarter : Morigaon
District Head Quarter distance : 12 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : Marigaon (MB)
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 12 Kms
Population : 308
Households : 66
Male : 167
Female : 141
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 782105
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : NA
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Dombaha location

Near by villages of Dombaha

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Bangalpara 283462 GARMARI 247.23 Hectares 555
2 Karatipam 283463 GHAGUA 230.76 Hectares 3098
3 Sarubori 283524 GHAGUA 208.63 Hectares 1350
4 Morigaon 283545 GHAGUA 125.13 Hectares 830
5 Kaliajari 283841 DIGHALBARI 99.02 Hectares 202
6 Simaluguri 283842 DIGHALBARI 212.27 Hectares 87
7 Lathabori 283843 DIGHALBARI 149.74 Hectares 110
8 Dighalbori 283845 DIGHALBARI 258.87 Hectares 2677
9 Parajari 283846 BARANGABARI 395.4 Hectares 798
10 Charabari 283848 BHURBANDA 318.16 Hectares 1565
11 Bhurbandha 283850 BHURBANDHA 305.51 Hectares 2109
12 Garmari 283852 BARANGABARI 388.88 Hectares 1051
13 Rupahi Bori 283853 BARANGABARI 171.99 Hectares 648
14 Bakharbori 283854 DIGHALBARI 228.16 Hectares 1732
15 Boalguri 283855 DIGHALBARI 107.14 Hectares 283
16 Hagaltali 283856 DIGHALBARI 102.96 Hectares 400
17 Ralipathar 283857 DIGHALBARI 207.6 Hectares 235
18 Block No.27 283858 DIGHALBARI 102.29 Hectares 110
19 Kanphala Bori 283859 DIGHALBARI 147.04 Hectares 1190
20 Chamkata 283860 DIGHALBARI 232.44 Hectares 336
21 Chutiakhal 283865 DIGHALBARI 181.52 Hectares 1025
22 Udari 283866 DIGHALBARI 265.68 Hectares 1351
23 Chatanguri 283869 KUIARGAON 359.95 Hectares 3114
24 Katahguri 283873 BHURBANDA 230.53 Hectares 1827
25 Doani 283884 KOWNGAON 104.42 Hectares 907
26 Saru Doani 283885 KOWNGAON 124.74 Hectares 148
27 Jarabari 283886 KOWNGAON 147.56 Hectares 401
28 Pakamura 283888 MANIPUR 173.79 Hectares 20
29 Manipur No.1 283890 MANIPUR 159.96 Hectares 2594
30 Manipur No.2 283891 MANIPUR 124.58 Hectares 1278
31 Nowagaon 283892 MANIPUR 207.62 Hectares 1377
32 Ghoramara Pathar 283893 114.46 Hectares 449
33 Basanaghat 283898 MANIPUR 188.62 Hectares 2034
34 Aujarigaon 283899 MANIPUR 168.92 Hectares 1287
35 Aujari Pathar 283900 MANEPUR 158.89 Hectares 317
36 Barunguri 283901 MANIPUR 333.58 Hectares 407
37 Bahakajari Pathar 283902 MANIPUR 168.3 Hectares 548
38 Bagharapathar 283903 BAGHARA 370.9 Hectares 108
39 Ulubari 283904 MANIPUR 110.5 Hectares 792
40 Bagharagaon 283905 BAGHARA 223.14 Hectares 1094
41 Silsaku 283906 BAGHARA 200.13 Hectares 1043
42 Khokhanagog 283907 BAGHARA 104.59 Hectares 839
43 Tetelia 283908 BAGHARA 113.06 Hectares 354
44 Tetelia Pahar 283909 BAGHARA 481.82 Hectares 645
45 Jerengabari 283910 BAGHARA 246.01 Hectares 481
46 Gunamara No.2 283912 BAGHARA 172.5 Hectares 1482
47 Uabari 283916 AZABARI 192.72 Hectares 1003
48 Dahuti Padum Pukhuri 283917 AZARBARI 108.46 Hectares 398
49 Ajarbari 283918 BAGHARA 161.71 Hectares 383
50 Meruagaon 283919 AZABARI 183.96 Hectares 681
51 Bordoipathar 283921 AZARABARI 310.29 Hectares 462
52 Jurgaon 283922 AZARBARI 261.36 Hectares 324
53 Hatihulunga 283923 AZARABARI 194.43 Hectares 156
54 Chanuabari Dikchang 283924 UTTAR DHRAMTUL 220.54 Hectares 153
55 Chanuabari 283925 UTTAR DHRAMTUL 282.24 Hectares 1120
56 Mikirbari 283926 AZABARI 249 Hectares 559
57 Karaiguri 283927 AJARBARI 235.51 Hectares 536
58 Athubhanga 283928 AJEERBARI 264.22 Hectares 37
59 Damal 283929 AZABARI 266.58 Hectares 1509
60 Charaihagi 283930 BAGHARA 171.13 Hectares 772
61 Tengaguri 283931 BAGHARA 200.67 Hectares 466
62 Hakanamara 283932 AZARBARI 238.72 Hectares 1469
63 Maidhali Pathar 283933 BAGHARA 164.65 Hectares 356
64 Pasatia Morigaon 283934 BAGHARA 185.57 Hectares 869
65 Salmari No.1 283936 SALMARI 144.25 Hectares 472
66 Salmari No.2 283937 SALMARI 294.77 Hectares 1866
67 Salmari Mikir Gaon 283939 SALMARI 173.24 Hectares 1729
68 Salmari 283940 SALMARI 247.96 Hectares 537
69 Banpara 283942 JALUGULI 394.84 Hectares 4313
70 Naramari No.1 283944 TELAHI 284.8 Hectares 3106
71 Belguri 283945 TILAHI 385.76 Hectares 309
72 Lukakuchi 283946 SALMARTI 209.72 Hectares 722
73 Patrabari 283947 TELAHI 260.35 Hectares 914
74 Dihukichamaka 283948 TELAHI 233.76 Hectares 378
75 Thekeraguri 283949 AHATGURI 196.58 Hectares 929
76 Morikolong 283950 AHATGURI 288.16 Hectares 1126
77 Rupaibari 283951 AHATGURI 414.89 Hectares 2412
78 Mikirgaon 283952 AHATGURI 234.59 Hectares 2740
79 Telahi Bhatgaon 283953 TELAHI 260.25 Hectares 2549
80 Bangaldhara 283954 UTTAR DHARAMJUL 442.01 Hectares 2786
81 Barbari Pathar 283956 UTTAR DHARAMTUL 249.69 Hectares 603
82 Mantabari 283958 UTTAR DHARMTUL 208.21 Hectares 816
83 Matiparbat 283959 NELLI 151.97 Hectares 2597
84 Muladhari 283960 DHAKIN DHRAMTUL 53.39 Hectares 765
85 Silbheta 283961 DHRAMTUL 188.46 Hectares 1257
86 Pub Dharamtul 283963 DAKHIN DHRAMTUL 210.19 Hectares 820
87 Durula Dubi 283965 UTTAR DHRAMTUL 271.12 Hectares 345
88 Chipiri 283966 AHATGURI 309.73 Hectares 522
89 Ahatguri 283967 AHATGURI 231.38 Hectares 2386
90 Morakolong 283968 AHATGURI 302.73 Hectares 425
91 Thekera 283969 AHATGURI 232.58 Hectares 461
92 Ahatguri Pam 283970 AHATGURI 371.94 Hectares 680
93 Charal Pam 283971 AHATGURI 142.39 Hectares 86
94 Amzari 283974 DAKHIN DHRAMTUL 201.38 Hectares 212
95 Hatkhula 283975 DAKHIN DHRAMTUL 338.7 Hectares 798
96 Alisinga 283976 SILCHANG 279.74 Hectares 1805
97 Basundhari Jalah 283977 SILCHANG 375.77 Hectares 2156
98 Block No.8 283979 DHRAMTUL 126.25 Hectares 664
99 Sarumati Parbat 283980 NELLIE 131.42 Hectares 590
100 Barkhal 283981 NELLIE 155.43 Hectares 1776
101 Palahguri 283982 NELLIE 243.7 Hectares 1644
102 Killing Bagicha 283987 NELLIE 283.05 Hectares 1177
103 Amguri 283988 NELLIE 50.44 Hectares 218
104 Neli Bagisa No.2 283990 NELLIE 168.44 Hectares 829
105 Barpayak No.2 283991 NELLI 33.52 Hectares 832
106 Dahali Makaria 283993 SILSANG 255.87 Hectares 951
107 Bhugduba Habi 283994 SILSANG 170.29 Hectares 415
108 Bhugduba Bill 283995 SILCHANG 149.24 Hectares 393
109 Banpara Darapani 283997 SILSANG 84.77 Hectares 1088
110 Moukhuliamjari 284000 DAKHIN DHRAMTUL 29 Hectares 360
111 Baltala 284001 DAKHIN DHRAMTUL 36.21 Hectares 137
112 Dapunibari 284002 DAKHIN DHRAMTUL 215.81 Hectares 816
113 Bargog (Amsoi) 284004 DAKHIN DHARAMTUL 10 Hectares 400
114 Khuapar 284005 DHAKIN DHARAMTUL 20 Hectares 124
115 Gegera N.C. 284006 DAKHIN DHARAMTUL 41 Hectares 499
116 Khulahat Forest 284007 DAKHIN DHRAMTUL 8.42 Hectares 210

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Dombaha.

Q2: What is the village code for Dombaha?

A2: The village code for Dombaha is 283844.

Q3: In which block is Dombaha located?

A3: Dombaha is located in the Bhurbandha block.

Q4: What is the total area of Dombaha?

A4: The total area of Dombaha is 143.87 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Dombaha belong to?

A5: Dombaha belongs to the DHIGALBARI Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Dombaha located?

A6: Dombaha is located in the Morigaon district in the state of Assam.

Q7: How far is Dombaha from the district headquarter?

A7: Dombaha is 12 kilometers away from the Morigaon district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Dombaha?

A8: The nearest statutory town is Marigaon (MB) which is 12 kilometers away from Dombaha.

Q9: What is the population of Dombaha?

A9: The population of Dombaha is 308 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Dombaha?

A10: There are 193 households in Dombaha.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Dombaha?

A11: There are 167 males and 141 females in Dombaha.

Q12: Are there any schools in Dombaha?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Dombaha. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Dombaha?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Dombaha.

Q14: What is the pin code of Dombaha?

A14: The pin code of Dombaha is 782105.

Q15: Does Dombaha have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Dombaha.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Dombaha?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Dombaha.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Dombaha?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Dombaha.

Q18: Is Dombaha connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Dombaha.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Dombaha?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Dombaha.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Dombaha?

A20: NA, an ASHA worker is available in Dombaha.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Dombaha?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Dombaha is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Dombaha?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Dombaha.

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