
Amarpali Village

Amarpali is belongs to Sonepur, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Amarpali
Village code : 419255
Block Name : Biramaharajpur (0238)
Area : 317
Gram Panchayat : Bahalpadar (01)
District : Sonepur
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Subarnapur
District Head Quarter distance : 40 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : SONAPUR
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 37 Kms
Population : 1038
Households : 254
Male : 525
Female : 513
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 767018
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : Available
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 20.57 Hectares

Google map of Amarpali location

Near by villages of Amarpali

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Chadeigudi 419148 Jaunrabhaunra 75 Hectares 84
2 Khajuriapali 419226 Kotasa Malai 91 Hectares 83
3 Sarasdadar 419227 Kotasa Malai 54 Hectares 97
4 Sunapali 419228 Kotasa Malai 79 Hectares 172
5 Rijhaidadar 419232 Kotasa Malai 187 Hectares 33
6 Sagajuri 419234 Durjantaila 518 Hectares 1252
7 Luhakhandi 419235 Kotasa Malai 62 Hectares 139
8 Mahukhandi 419236 Kotasa Malai 45 Hectares 57
9 Masinapali 419237 Durjantaila 179 Hectares 288
10 Masinapalijungle 419238 Durjantaila 151 Hectares 134
11 Brahmanipali 419239 Durjantaila 60 Hectares 234
12 Kendupali 419240 Bahalpadar 105 Hectares 219
13 Surdhapali jungle 419241 Bahalpadar 190 Hectares 179
14 Durjantailajungle 419243 Bahalpadar 190 Hectares 165
15 Durjantaila 419244 Durjantaila 134 Hectares 83
16 Gania jungle 419246 Khandahata 66 Hectares 15
17 Goudgad 419248 Bahalpadar 292 Hectares 760
18 Malidadar 419249 Durjantaila 100 Hectares 176
19 Kuhidadar 419250 Bahalpadar 43 Hectares 90
20 Dadarpali 419252 Durjantaila 129 Hectares 375
21 Badmal jungle 419253 Bahalpadar 130 Hectares 31
22 Bahal padar 419254 Bahalpadar 316 Hectares 707
23 Kenjheriapali jungle 419257 Kenjhariapalli 129 Hectares 62
24 Badmal 419258 Bahalpadar 321 Hectares 513
25 Kesalgaon 419259 Bahalpadar 129 Hectares 176
26 Jatiapali 419260 Kenjhariapalli 60 Hectares 269
27 Kenjhiriapali 419261 Kenjhariapalli 467 Hectares 910
28 Hirapali 419262 Kenjhariapalli 110 Hectares 242
29 Amatpali 419263 Kenjhariapalli 160 Hectares 312
30 Khairmal Jungle 419264 Kenjhariapalli 357 Hectares 38
31 Khairmal 419265 Kenjhariapalli 323 Hectares 645
32 Baghartaila 419266 Kenjhariapalli 190 Hectares 414
33 Achandbaghartaila 419267 Kenjhariapalli 301 Hectares 781
34 Bairagipali 419269 Kadodar 282 Hectares 388
35 Umadeipali 419270 Kadodar 85 Hectares 70
36 Litipali 419271 Kadodar 175 Hectares 228
37 Lttipali Jungle 419272 Kadodar 194 Hectares 30
38 Bagabahali 419273 Kadodar 99 Hectares 87
39 Baraghatdadar 419276 Durjantaila 140 Hectares 217
40 Goghat 419277 Durjantaila 93 Hectares 275
41 Kunjapali 419278 Durjantaila 255 Hectares 928
42 Khuntulapali 419281 Kotasa Malai 262 Hectares 948
43 Kotsamalijungle 419282 Kotasa Malai 45 Hectares 44
44 Kotsamali 419283 Kotasa Malai 560 Hectares 1644
45 Golabandha 419284 Kotasa Malai 80 Hectares 314
46 Redam 419285 Kotasa Malai 95 Hectares 314
47 Ranipali 419287 Kotasa Malai 144 Hectares 287
48 Kudapada 419288 Kotasa Malai 93 Hectares 2
49 Baghapali 419290 Kotasa Malai 119 Hectares 501
50 Jagannathpali 419291 Kotasa Malai 45 Hectares 193
51 Gailgudi 419297 Kadodar 239 Hectares 316
52 Kadodar 419298 Kadodar 247 Hectares 918
53 Badpur 419299 Kadodar 78 Hectares 10
54 Birsinghapur 419300 Kadodar 176 Hectares 273
55 Joyapur Jungle 419301 Kadodar 38 Hectares 9
56 Bamaraj 419302 Kadodar 205 Hectares 613
57 Rugudipali 419303 Kenjhariapalli 210 Hectares 231
58 Puleswar 419304 Kenjhariapalli 443 Hectares 773
59 Balipali 419305 Kenjhariapalli 180 Hectares 382
60 Kadalipali 419306 Kenjhariapalli 147 Hectares 322
61 Telipali 419308 Kenjhariapalli 333 Hectares 879
62 Barajhula 419309 Kenjhariapalli 193 Hectares 482
63 Ludumunda 419310 Mursundhi 184 Hectares 346
64 Karadapal 419311 Mursundhi 233 Hectares 588
65 Gopapali 419312 Mursundhi 230 Hectares 680
66 Bhutiapali 419313 Mursundhi 189 Hectares 494
67 Ghantopali 419314 Mursundhi 174 Hectares 387
68 Mrusundhi 419315 Mursundhi 862 Hectares 2132
69 Madhupur 419316 Kamira 51 Hectares 169
70 Tentulimahada 419317 Mursundhi 218 Hectares 846
71 Duhulpali 419318 Mursundhi 145 Hectares 420
72 Manikpur 419320 Mursundhi 418 Hectares 1244
73 Hilung 419321 Hilunga 576 Hectares 1271
74 Patharghat 419322 Hilunga 128 Hectares 458
75 Baghamari 419323 Hilunga 154 Hectares 720
76 AmulyamaniRanipur 419324 Hilunga 380 Hectares 455
77 Mendamal 419325 Hilunga 921 Hectares 2004
78 Jambhalipali 419326 Kalapathar 253 Hectares 846
79 Jayapur 419327 Kadodar 164 Hectares 277
80 Padhanpali 419328 Kalapathar 93 Hectares 338
81 Nuapali 419329 Kalapathar 189 Hectares 711
82 Babupali 419330 Kalapathar 134 Hectares 474
83 kalapathar 419331 Kalapathar 834 Hectares 2753
84 Bagchhera 419332 Kalapathar 195 Hectares 416
85 kairajhuli 419333 Jaloi 72 Hectares 374
86 Jaloi 419334 Jaloi 605 Hectares 2757
87 Kudapada 419335 Sindhol 123 Hectares 586
88 Khirpur 419337 Jaloi 161 Hectares 512
89 Saharapali 419338 Jaloi 155 Hectares 831
90 Radhiapali 419339 Jaloi 96 Hectares 307
91 Gagankhalai 419340 Jaloi 37 Hectares 122
92 Ghikundi 419341 Jaloi 152 Hectares 184
93 Jamgaon 419342 Jaloi 308 Hectares 614
94 Gunjipali 419343 Jaloi 148 Hectares 528
95 Limbapali 419345 Jaloi 79 Hectares 316
96 Kesalpura 419346 Jaloi 442 Hectares 691
97 Brahmanipali 419385 Mahada 154 Hectares 607
98 paikpali 419386 Mahada 186 Hectares 301
99 Parbatipur 419387 Mahada 75 Hectares 346
100 Mahada 419388 Mahada 175 Hectares 998
101 Gumurdula 419389 Mahada 154 Hectares 267
102 Paligaon 419390 Mahada 253 Hectares 902
103 Tikuda 419392 Mahada 459 Hectares 873
104 Ghamadiapali 419393 Mahada 71 Hectares 436
105 Gandpali 419394 Kalapathar 143 Hectares 473
106 Kumarkeli 419395 Mahada 595 Hectares 1551
107 Bhudobar 419396 Mahada 160 Hectares 1213
108 ApatNuagarh 419397 Mahada 161 Hectares 556
109 Rathapur 419398 Ufula 332 Hectares 1029
110 Pandiapali 419399 Ufula 136 Hectares 404
111 Bhangamunda 419400 Kalapathar 128 Hectares 337
112 Yamapali 419401 Kalapathar 87 Hectares 452
113 Dahanipali 419402 Hilunga 120 Hectares 496
114 Kanpur 419403 Ufula 275 Hectares 1025
115 Dantapali 419404 Ufula 28 Hectares 155
116 Naikpali 419405 Ufula 51 Hectares 135
117 Tithipali 419406 Ufula 202 Hectares 861
118 Kamalpur 419407 Ufula 260 Hectares 1936
119 Khambeswaripali 419408 Ufula 59 Hectares 398
120 Buroghat 419409 Bagbar 106 Hectares 2512
121 Goudkela 419410 Ufula 129 Hectares 980
122 Ufula 419411 Ufula 316 Hectares 2430
123 Laturpet 419412 Hilunga 186 Hectares 786
124 Ranapali 419413 Hilunga 58 Hectares 449
125 Champamal 419414 Hilunga 325 Hectares 2562
126 Krushnapali 419415 Hilunga 114 Hectares 360
127 Sandha 419416 Bagbar 239 Hectares 1101
128 Jharkumunda 419417 Hilunga 187 Hectares 2033
129 Bhaliapadar 419418 Bagbar 161 Hectares 556
130 Deulmunda 419419 Bagbar 157 Hectares 590
131 Lumurjena 419420 Bagbar 159 Hectares 741
132 Deuli 419421 Bagbar 144 Hectares 548
133 Kumursingha 419422 Bagbar 290 Hectares 543
134 Nuagad 419423 Bagbar 313 Hectares 852
135 Phulchara 419424 Bagbar 177 Hectares 513
136 Bagbar 419425 Bagbar 430 Hectares 1043
137 Gudguda 419426 Bahalpadar 154 Hectares 247
138 Gudgudajungle 419427 Bahalpadar 56 Hectares 134
139 Bhaludunguri 419428 Bahalpadar 191 Hectares 646
140 Kundapal 419429 Bahalpadar 42 Hectares 38
141 Puipani 419430 Khandahata 19 Hectares 38
142 Sahajlatha 419431 Khandahata 140 Hectares 306
143 Nuapali 419432 Khandahata 65 Hectares 118
144 Badkirasira 419433 Khandahata 179 Hectares 539
145 Sankirasira 419434 Kamira 188 Hectares 475
146 Tileimaljungle 419435 Kamira 149 Hectares 23
147 Suliadadar 419436 Pitamahul 38 Hectares 54
148 Butukhaman 419437 Pitamahul 77 Hectares 11
149 Budelbahali 419438 Mursundhi 223 Hectares 7
150 Tamkiadadar 419439 Kamira 84 Hectares 146
151 Tileimal 419440 Kamira 63 Hectares 196
152 Yubarajpur 419441 Kamira 156 Hectares 546
153 Badkirasirijungle 419443 Khandahata 44 Hectares 80
154 Tulasipur 419444 Khandahata 33 Hectares 79
155 Chupukadadar 419445 Khandahata 77 Hectares 233
156 Kusadadar 419448 Khandahata 470 Hectares 552
157 Hatilimunda 419450 Bahalpadar 45 Hectares 155
158 Patrapali 419451 Bahalpadar 59 Hectares 212
159 Burbuda 419453 Khandahata 268 Hectares 589
160 Bisalpali 419454 Bahalpadar 82 Hectares 334
161 Chingranali 419455 Bahalpadar 102 Hectares 152
162 Bardakata 419456 Khandahata 428 Hectares 1009
163 Ghichapali 419457 Luturpank 206 Hectares 695
164 Bhaludungrijungle 419458 Bahalpadar 559 Hectares 412
165 LuturPanka 419459 Luturpank 481 Hectares 1227
166 Mendilipali 419460 Luturpank 182 Hectares 633
167 Purastampoli 419461 Luturpank 81 Hectares 252
168 Bankia 419462 Mursundhi 185 Hectares 483
169 Chauka 419463 Mursundhi 311 Hectares 723
170 Yubaranisitapur 419464 Mursundhi 111 Hectares 210
171 Barghat 419465 Khandahata 295 Hectares 713
172 Adal 419466 Khandahata 423 Hectares 1082
173 Rijumunda 419467 Khandahata 154 Hectares 406
174 Khandahata 419468 Khandahata 526 Hectares 1654
175 Gudipali 419470 Khandahata 133 Hectares 342
176 Rambhipali 419471 Khandahata 80 Hectares 306
177 Buthipadar 419472 Khandahata 149 Hectares 470
178 Pandua 419473 Khandahata 203 Hectares 348
179 Sunariberni 419474 Khandahata 116 Hectares 252
180 Barapadar 419475 Khandahata 87 Hectares 204
181 Rajanpali 419476 Khandahata 15 Hectares 51
182 Janakpur 419477 Khandahata 172 Hectares 457
183 Bikalpur 419479 Kamira 210 Hectares 676
184 Balarampur 419480 Kamira 113 Hectares 69
185 Lakhani 419481 Kamira 212 Hectares 761
186 Madhupur 419482 Mursundhi 34 Hectares 215
187 Sergeda 419483 Kamira 178 Hectares 493
188 Durgadebipali 419484 Kamira 10 Hectares 123
189 Sangrampur 419485 Kamira 193 Hectares 800
190 Sanbardakata 419486 Kamira 77 Hectares 350
191 Rajbahadurpali 419487 Kamira 82 Hectares 190
192 Bhatapadar 419488 Pitamahul 33 Hectares 328
193 Kasalpur 419489 Pitamahul 104 Hectares 172
194 Pitamahul Jungle 419491 Pitamahul 205 Hectares 164
195 Thakurpurjungle 419492 Pitamahul 145 Hectares 5
196 Gariamunda 419494 Pitamahul 59 Hectares 205
197 Thakurpur 419495 Pitamahul 143 Hectares 285
198 Kunjamahul 419496 Pitamahul 54 Hectares 239
199 Duleswar 419497 Pitamahul 148 Hectares 559
200 Malidadar 419498 Pitamahul 100 Hectares 50
201 Duleswar jungle 419499 Pitamahul 51 Hectares 26
202 Durdura 419500 Pitamahul 70 Hectares 162
203 Pitamahul 419501 Pitamahul 525 Hectares 1248
204 Tebhapadar 419502 Pitamahul 302 Hectares 1495
205 Amsarbhata 419503 Kamira 165 Hectares 1142
206 kamira 419504 Kamira 433 Hectares 1454
207 Nuapada 419506 Subalaya 237 Hectares 314
208 Kelgaon 419508 Subalaya 82 Hectares 350
209 Govindapur 419509 Subalaya 147 Hectares 488
210 Chandali 419510 Jatesingha 257 Hectares 758
211 Bad Khamar 419511 Jatesingha 399 Hectares 1589
212 Ektal 419512 Jatesingha 83 Hectares 191
213 Godhaneswar 419513 Jatesingha 53 Hectares 241
214 Dunguri 419514 Jatesingha 361 Hectares 1505
215 Anandapur 419515 Jatesingha 260 Hectares 410
216 Kudapada 419516 Jatesingha 260 Hectares 670
217 Basudevpur 419517 Mursundhi 70 Hectares 232
218 Yudhistirpur 419518 Mursundhi 193 Hectares 661
219 Kudapadajungle 419521 Kalapathar 28 Hectares 37
220 Jatesingha 419522 Jatesingha 425 Hectares 1640
221 Keutipali 419523 Jatesingha 103 Hectares 135

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Amarpali.

Q2: What is the village code for Amarpali?

A2: The village code for Amarpali is 419255.

Q3: In which block is Amarpali located?

A3: Amarpali is located in the Biramaharajpur block.

Q4: What is the total area of Amarpali?

A4: The total area of Amarpali is 317 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Amarpali belong to?

A5: Amarpali belongs to the Bahalpadar Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Amarpali located?

A6: Amarpali is located in the Sonepur district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Amarpali from the district headquarter?

A7: Amarpali is 40 kilometers away from the Subarnapur district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Amarpali?

A8: The nearest statutory town is SONAPUR which is 37 kilometers away from Amarpali.

Q9: What is the population of Amarpali?

A9: The population of Amarpali is 1038 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Amarpali?

A10: There are 193 households in Amarpali.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Amarpali?

A11: There are 525 males and 513 females in Amarpali.

Q12: Are there any schools in Amarpali?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Amarpali. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Amarpali?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Amarpali.

Q14: What is the pin code of Amarpali?

A14: The pin code of Amarpali is 767018.

Q15: Does Amarpali have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Amarpali.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Amarpali?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Amarpali.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Amarpali?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Amarpali.

Q18: Is Amarpali connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Amarpali.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Amarpali?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Amarpali.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Amarpali?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Amarpali.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Amarpali?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Amarpali is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Amarpali?

A22: There are 20.57 Hectares of forest area in Amarpali.

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