
Goghali Bhanga Village

Goghali Bhanga is belongs to Sonitpur, district in the state of Assam.

Village   Details
Name : Goghali Bhanga
Village code : 286657
Block Name : Bishawnath (0072)
Area : 172.05
Gram Panchayat : ()
District : Sonitpur
State : Assam
District Head Quarter : TEZPUR
District Head Quarter distance : 5 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : Biswanath Chariali (TC)
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 5 Kms
Population : 843
Households : 146
Male : 450
Female : 393
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 784176
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Goghali Bhanga location

Near by villages of Goghali Bhanga

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Tinisuti Mukh 286554 69.16 Hectares 256
2 Dhali T.E. 304/487 286556 394.28 Hectares 732
3 Dhali T.E. 316/515 286557 234.35 Hectares 561
4 Dhali T.E. 278/475 286558 195.33 Hectares 369
5 Dhali T.E. 279/476 286559 127.72 Hectares 1978
6 Diring T.E. 314/513 286560 35.45 Hectares 245
7 Diring T.E. 313/519 286561 38.57 Hectares 564
8 Diring T.E. 315/530 286562 236.6 Hectares 2067
9 Pabhoi T.E. 14/15 286563 474.24 Hectares 645
10 Pabhoi T.E. 412/536 286564 165.73 Hectares 347
11 Pabhoi T.E. 7/2 286565 123.61 Hectares 1603
12 Majuli Ghur T.E. 65/97 286588 38.97 Hectares 712
13 Majuli Ghur T.E. No.2 16/17 286590 33.13 Hectares 1680
14 Majuli Ghur T.E. 4/16 286591 169 Hectares 492
15 Majuli Ghur T.E. 36/2 286592 321.99 Hectares 422
16 Pabhoi 286593 187.51 Hectares 1012
17 Missamari 286594 307 Hectares 976
18 No.2 Diring Pathar 286596 160.18 Hectares 747
19 Dhali Mara Diring 286597 206.88 Hectares 448
20 Sakomatha 34/92 286599 89.41 Hectares 162
21 Sakomatha 73/18 286600 150 Hectares 365
22 Sakomatha 20/8 286601 36.2 Hectares 1110
23 No.1 B. Miadi 286603 103.15 Hectares 65
24 Balu Danga 286604 376.22 Hectares 1635
25 Sakomatha Gaon 286605 237.86 Hectares 1660
26 Kamar Jan 286606 228.48 Hectares 733
27 Bengenabari 286607 10.97 Hectares 118
28 Begun Bari Bagicha 286608 370.04 Hectares 70
29 Babu Bil 286609 56.25 Hectares 36
30 Sadharu Ghop F.S. 3/5 286617 242.2 Hectares 1405
31 Lehu Gaon 286639 378.48 Hectares 1261
32 Gerua Bari 286640 323.88 Hectares 1053
33 Pani Bharal 286648 191.69 Hectares 1408
34 Bali Dubi 286651 467.2 Hectares 838
35 No.2 Bholakata 286653 189.42 Hectares 107
36 Gare Hagi 286658 325.55 Hectares 1616
37 No.3 Chalia 286667 546.27 Hectares 11
38 No.4 Chalia 286668 99.83 Hectares 493
39 Sadharu Guri 286671 55.62 Hectares 158
40 Sadharu T.E. F.S. 10/9 286672 66.23 Hectares 653
41 Sadharu T.E. F.S. 23/28 286673 67.71 Hectares 903
42 Nilpur T.E. 255/420 286674 97.47 Hectares 1763
43 Pratap Garh 91/158 286675 35.42 Hectares 1204
44 Pratap Garh 72/110 286676 83.34 Hectares 1344
45 No.4 Pratapgarh S.P.P. No.1 286677 39.34 Hectares 181
46 Chalia Chapari 286678 164.08 Hectares 1129
47 No.1 Komalia 286679 268.23 Hectares 1207
48 No.2 Komalia 286680 406.97 Hectares 2496
49 No.3 Komalia 286681 194.45 Hectares 1826
50 No.4 Kamalia 286682 289.69 Hectares 1525
51 Dakhin Da Gaon 286683 SUWA GURI 75.64 Hectares 1077
52 Gar Bhitar 286684 327.34 Hectares 2898
53 Na-Bazar 286686 61.03 Hectares 729
54 Gaibandha 286688 103.35 Hectares 189
55 Garoi Mari 286689 247.46 Hectares 151
56 Sal Mari 286691 175 Hectares 2568
57 Niz-Biswanath 286693 88 Hectares 2511
58 Biswanath Town 286694 66.29 Hectares 2792
59 No.5 Komalia 286696 223.05 Hectares 2155
60 Solmari 286697 227 Hectares 1520
61 Barjarani Bangali 286699 185.17 Hectares 1876
62 No.1 Barjarani 286700 72.16 Hectares 160
63 No.2 Barjarani 286701 602.87 Hectares 2720
64 No.3 Barjarani 286702 96 Hectares 337
65 Muja Basti 286703 70.65 Hectares 722
66 Biri Jan 286704 182.71 Hectares 936
67 Bharali Juli 286705 231.03 Hectares 1045
68 Ranga Jan 286706 177.23 Hectares 490
69 Nahar Bari 286707 182.25 Hectares 1039
70 Uttar Jinjia 286708 243.23 Hectares 1806
71 Pub Jinjia 286709 265.59 Hectares 1779
72 Pachim Jinjia 286710 441.82 Hectares 2342
73 Ara Gang 286712 122.25 Hectares 666
74 No.1 Garoimari 286713 137.51 Hectares 369
75 No.2 Garoi Mari 286714 16.41 Hectares 422
76 Jingia T.E. 209/370 286716 268.25 Hectares 1190
77 No.2 Ratowa 286718 3.24 Hectares 373
78 Madhu Rani 286719 288.71 Hectares 1368
79 No.1 Dhemaji Bari 286720 95 Hectares 237
80 No.2 Dhemaji Bari 286721 321.64 Hectares 737
81 Tipu Basti 286723 25.05 Hectares 313
82 No.2 Disiri Pathar 286726 62.42 Hectares 932
83 Ratowa Pathar 286727 404.46 Hectares 1587
84 Bihpukhuri Kachari 286728 114.03 Hectares 249
85 Monabari Basti 286729 306.17 Hectares 2172
86 Jara Bari 286730 260.31 Hectares 1307
87 Brahmaputra Chapari 286733 192.35 Hectares 2853
88 No.1 Monabari 286756 113.4 Hectares 820
89 No.2 Monabari 286757 97.77 Hectares 512
90 Monabari T.E. 317/516 286763 222.03 Hectares 690
91 Monabari T.E. 212/354 286764 77.34 Hectares 51
92 Monabari T.E. 292/495 286765 91.39 Hectares 946
93 Monabari T.E. 195/327 286766 233.28 Hectares 1270
94 Monabari T.E.P.P.No.1(Bihpukri 286767 161.66 Hectares 1300
95 Monabari 153/269 286768 244.18 Hectares 1912
96 Monabari 326/578 286769 128.76 Hectares 724
97 Monabari P.P. No.1 Bl.1 286770 58.73 Hectares 684
98 Monabari P.P.No.2(Bihpukhuri) 286771 155.83 Hectares 818
99 Monabari 154/279 286772 303.48 Hectares 254
100 Monabari 269/451 286773 24.29 Hectares 799
101 Monabari P.P. No.2 286774 161.66 Hectares 1296
102 Monabari 213/379 286775 196.31 Hectares 1174
103 Monabari T.E. 280/496 286776 MONABARI 113.62 Hectares 363
104 Monabari T.E. 169/303 286777 MONABARI 209.69 Hectares 8
105 Barbil T.E. 215/372 286807 245.36 Hectares 546
106 No.1 Rangagarah 286809 147.15 Hectares 154
107 No.2 Rangagarah 286810 47.14 Hectares 159
108 No.3 Rangagarah 286811 47.15 Hectares 18
109 No.2 Bargang 286812 153.59 Hectares 1966

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Goghali Bhanga.

Q2: What is the village code for Goghali Bhanga?

A2: The village code for Goghali Bhanga is 286657.

Q3: In which block is Goghali Bhanga located?

A3: Goghali Bhanga is located in the Bishawnath block.

Q4: What is the total area of Goghali Bhanga?

A4: The total area of Goghali Bhanga is 172.05 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Goghali Bhanga belong to?

A5: Goghali Bhanga belongs to the Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Goghali Bhanga located?

A6: Goghali Bhanga is located in the Sonitpur district in the state of Assam.

Q7: How far is Goghali Bhanga from the district headquarter?

A7: Goghali Bhanga is 5 kilometers away from the TEZPUR district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Goghali Bhanga?

A8: The nearest statutory town is Biswanath Chariali (TC) which is 5 kilometers away from Goghali Bhanga.

Q9: What is the population of Goghali Bhanga?

A9: The population of Goghali Bhanga is 843 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Goghali Bhanga?

A10: There are 193 households in Goghali Bhanga.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Goghali Bhanga?

A11: There are 450 males and 393 females in Goghali Bhanga.

Q12: Are there any schools in Goghali Bhanga?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Goghali Bhanga. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Goghali Bhanga?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Goghali Bhanga.

Q14: What is the pin code of Goghali Bhanga?

A14: The pin code of Goghali Bhanga is 784176.

Q15: Does Goghali Bhanga have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Goghali Bhanga.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Goghali Bhanga?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Goghali Bhanga.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Goghali Bhanga?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Goghali Bhanga.

Q18: Is Goghali Bhanga connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Goghali Bhanga.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Goghali Bhanga?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Goghali Bhanga.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Goghali Bhanga?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Goghali Bhanga.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Goghali Bhanga?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Goghali Bhanga is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Goghali Bhanga?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Goghali Bhanga.

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