
Chadripahadi Village

Chadripahadi is belongs to Mayurbhanj, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Chadripahadi
Village code : 388129
Block Name : Bisoi (0066)
Area : 131
Gram Panchayat : Badmanda (10)
District : Mayurbhanj
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Baripada
District Head Quarter distance : 80 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : RAIRANGPUR
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 56 Kms
Population : 278
Households : 67
Male : 133
Female : 145
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : 1
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 757033
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 21.8 Hectares

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Near by villages of Chadripahadi

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Hatichhad 388041 Khadambeda 295 Hectares 397
2 Tarana 388042 Khadambeda 110 Hectares 101
3 Duarsuni 388043 Khadambeda 47 Hectares 267
4 Rajabasa 388044 Khadambeda 170 Hectares 223
5 Deopata 388045 Khadambeda 283 Hectares 557
6 Dudhakundi 388046 Khadambeda 224 Hectares 202
7 Argalbindha 388047 Khadambeda 511 Hectares 88
8 Panduda 388048 Khadambeda 196 Hectares 402
9 Keshargadia 388049 Khadambeda 190 Hectares 135
10 Musamari 388050 Khadambeda 178 Hectares 575
11 Saraspada 388051 Bisoi 199 Hectares 460
12 Sagajodi 388052 Bisoi 106 Hectares 193
13 Sunagadia 388053 Bisoi 169 Hectares 453
14 Jodia 388054 Bisoi 372 Hectares 1127
15 Budhikhamari 388055 Bisoi 280 Hectares 449
16 Panposi 388056 Bisoi 137 Hectares 452
17 Kundulia 388057 Bisoi 210 Hectares 622
18 Jambirdiha 388058 Luhakani 242 Hectares 475
19 Manicha 388059 Luhakani 293 Hectares 1169
20 Deodang 388064 Bautibeda 286 Hectares 537
21 Thulukchatani 388065 Bautibeda 882 Hectares 267
22 Parabhadi 388066 Bautibeda 115 Hectares 131
23 Bautibeda 388067 Bautibeda 202 Hectares 524
24 Mangalpur 388068 Bautibeda 172 Hectares 220
25 Nuadihi 388069 Bautibeda 233 Hectares 1000
26 Hizili 388070 Bautibeda 306 Hectares 782
27 Majhigan 388071 Asana 105 Hectares 595
28 Bobeijoda 388072 Asana 69 Hectares 285
29 Palgoda 388073 Asana 217 Hectares 355
30 Tentiduma 388074 Sanpurunapani 94 Hectares 179
31 Kuilisuta 388075 Sanpurunapani 155 Hectares 494
32 Sanpurunapani 388076 Sanpurunapani 113 Hectares 396
33 Charupani 388077 Sanpurunapani 190 Hectares 646
34 Karanjharan 388079 Sanpurunapani 181 Hectares 501
35 Burudihi 388081 Sanpurunapani 100 Hectares 82
36 Kalimati 388083 Sanpurunapani 114 Hectares 239
37 Rangamatia 388084 Sanpurunapani 279 Hectares 654
38 Sarupani 388089 Jagannathpur 140 Hectares 175
39 Pokharia 388090 Sanpurunapani 177 Hectares 350
40 Kaduani 388091 Sanpurunapani 253 Hectares 595
41 Dabanki 388092 Sanpurunapani 158 Hectares 146
42 Kudumda 388093 Jagannathpur 160 Hectares 372
43 Jaganathpur 388094 Jagannathpur 158 Hectares 296
44 Bhitaramada 388095 Jagannathpur 107 Hectares 124
45 Badajodi 388096 Jagannathpur 193 Hectares 517
46 Badpurunapani 388097 Jagannathpur 177 Hectares 571
47 Mahiskudar 388098 Jagannathpur 182 Hectares 553
48 Jamudihi 388099 Jagannathpur 60 Hectares 185
49 Gunduria 388100 Baneikala 259 Hectares 672
50 Saragada 388101 Jagannathpur 182 Hectares 528
51 Chaturisahi 388103 Baneikala 102 Hectares 149
52 Patharkata 388104 Baneikala 155 Hectares 616
53 Jamjhari 388106 Baneikala 288 Hectares 946
54 Patejhari 388107 Baneikala 271 Hectares 422
55 Sanjambilla 388108 Nuagaon 300 Hectares 426
56 Kulipasi 388109 Baneikala 183 Hectares 447
57 Baneikala 388110 Baneikala 189 Hectares 593
58 San Nalua 388111 Nuagaon 57 Hectares 92
59 Nuagan 388112 Nuagaon 446 Hectares 1208
60 Kurkutia 388113 Nuagaon 195 Hectares 383
61 Dumurdiha 388114 Nuagaon 323 Hectares 884
62 Dhangidimuta 388115 Nuagaon 54 Hectares 88
63 Dhalabeda 388117 Nuagaon 65 Hectares 62
64 Bankati 388119 Nuagaon 207 Hectares 544
65 Mayurbeka 388120 Nuagaon 113 Hectares 178
66 Teleighutu 388121 Nuagaon 117 Hectares 447
67 Bad Nalua 388122 Nuagaon 246 Hectares 807
68 Tamal Bandha 388123 Nuagaon 323 Hectares 759
69 Baghiatangar 388124 Nuagaon 67 Hectares 179
70 Kesam 388125 Badmanda 312 Hectares 688
71 Budamara 388126 Badmanda 282 Hectares 1042
72 Radhanagar 388127 Badmanda 354 Hectares 1114
73 Andharjhari 388128 Badmanda 213 Hectares 415
74 Allapani 388130 Badmanda 237 Hectares 624
75 Budhi Khamari 388131 Badmanda 291 Hectares 605
76 Sanmanada 388132 Badmanda 163 Hectares 556
77 Badmanada 388133 Badmanda 227 Hectares 1515
78 Raliabindha 388134 Badmanda 180 Hectares 593
79 Rengalbeda 388135 Badmanda 181 Hectares 524
80 Jambani 388136 Badmanda 124 Hectares 188
81 Tambajhari 388137 Badmanda 288 Hectares 283
82 Brahmanpasi 388138 Sanpurunapani 145 Hectares 238
83 Arjunbilla 388139 Asana 458 Hectares 881
84 Badjambilla 388140 Asana 284 Hectares 981
85 Talapati 388141 Asana 248 Hectares 919
86 Asana 388142 Asana 239 Hectares 1206
87 Bhatchhatar 388143 Asana 313 Hectares 1022
88 Patharpoda 388144 Asana 102 Hectares 355
89 Bankidihi 388145 Asana 227 Hectares 744
90 Khadiasul 388146 Asana 225 Hectares 467
91 Raikadkacha 388147 Asana 119 Hectares 232
92 Raikadkachahill 388148 Asana 47 Hectares 58
93 Kasipani 388149 Asana 115 Hectares 150
94 Kendumara 388150 Asana 109 Hectares 318
95 Talakbadi 388151 Asana 323 Hectares 588
96 Sanrangamatia 388152 Asana 49 Hectares 119
97 Rugudidihi 388153 Bautibeda 357 Hectares 518
98 Asanbani 388154 Bautibeda 133 Hectares 205
99 Sunaposi 388155 Bautibeda 141 Hectares 418
100 Chatani 388156 Bautibeda 360 Hectares 762
101 Mahubhandar 388157 Bautibeda 343 Hectares 1254
102 Kaduani 388158 Bisoi 261 Hectares 801
103 Khejurikatas 388159 Bisoi 102 Hectares 138
104 Katas 388160 Bisoi 169 Hectares 816
105 Bisoi 388161 Bisoi 408 Hectares 3589
106 Kadapani 388162 Khadambeda 236 Hectares 744
107 Khadambeda 388163 Khadambeda 590 Hectares 1093
108 Sanbalichua 388164 Khadambeda 346 Hectares 327
109 Kitabeda 388165 Khadambeda 439 Hectares 506
110 Chuakankar 388166 Khadambeda 201 Hectares 282
111 Dantuani 388167 Khadambeda 229 Hectares 273
112 Badhunia 388168 Khadambeda 522 Hectares 2028
113 Dhana 388169 Bisoi 241 Hectares 650
114 Nangalkatapokharia 388170 Bisoi 330 Hectares 853
115 Makhuna 388171 Bisoi 188 Hectares 310
116 Ektali 388172 Bisoi 293 Hectares 180
117 Pankhi 388173 Bisoi 199 Hectares 386
118 Bisoihill 388174 Bisoi 236 Hectares 194
119 Purunabalichua 388175 Bautibeda 366 Hectares 626
120 Asansikhar 388176 Bisoi 227 Hectares 454
121 Kulgidihi 388177 Bisoi 248 Hectares 484
122 Ghodabandha 388178 Bisoi 107 Hectares 180
123 Osadala 388179 Bautibeda 234 Hectares 505
124 Sanbelpahadi 388293 Raihari 112 Hectares 192

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Chadripahadi.

Q2: What is the village code for Chadripahadi?

A2: The village code for Chadripahadi is 388129.

Q3: In which block is Chadripahadi located?

A3: Chadripahadi is located in the Bisoi block.

Q4: What is the total area of Chadripahadi?

A4: The total area of Chadripahadi is 131 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Chadripahadi belong to?

A5: Chadripahadi belongs to the Badmanda Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Chadripahadi located?

A6: Chadripahadi is located in the Mayurbhanj district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Chadripahadi from the district headquarter?

A7: Chadripahadi is 80 kilometers away from the Baripada district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Chadripahadi?

A8: The nearest statutory town is RAIRANGPUR which is 56 kilometers away from Chadripahadi.

Q9: What is the population of Chadripahadi?

A9: The population of Chadripahadi is 278 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Chadripahadi?

A10: There are 193 households in Chadripahadi.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Chadripahadi?

A11: There are 133 males and 145 females in Chadripahadi.

Q12: Are there any schools in Chadripahadi?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Chadripahadi. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Chadripahadi?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Chadripahadi.

Q14: What is the pin code of Chadripahadi?

A14: The pin code of Chadripahadi is 757033.

Q15: Does Chadripahadi have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Chadripahadi.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Chadripahadi?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Chadripahadi.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Chadripahadi?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Chadripahadi.

Q18: Is Chadripahadi connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Chadripahadi.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Chadripahadi?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Chadripahadi.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Chadripahadi?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Chadripahadi.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Chadripahadi?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Chadripahadi is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Chadripahadi?

A22: There are 21.8 Hectares of forest area in Chadripahadi.

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