
Hill Block Dhenkia Village

Hill Block Dhenkia is belongs to Mayurbhanj, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Hill Block Dhenkia
Village code : 388023
Block Name : Bisoi (0066)
Area : 691
Gram Panchayat : Luhakani (01)
District : Mayurbhanj
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Baripada
District Head Quarter distance : 66 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : BARIPADA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 15 Kms
Population : 34
Households : 9
Male : 16
Female : 18
Govt Primary School : NA
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 757048
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : NA
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

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Near by villages of Hill Block Dhenkia

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Budhiakudar 387668 Khanta 132 Hectares 682
2 Jodamahul 387669 Khanta 128 Hectares 667
3 Sarlihill 387770 Sargada 448 Hectares 9
4 Daleidihi 387771 Sargada 36 Hectares 51
5 Henselgoda 387772 Sargada 201 Hectares 259
6 Ladohill 387773 Sargada 1 Hectares 5
7 Lado 387774 Sargada 53 Hectares 125
8 Hatisal 387775 Sargada 49 Hectares 162
9 Barundapahadihill 387776 Sargada 526 Hectares 14
10 Bhejidihi 387777 Sargada 139 Hectares 302
11 Kadatamak 387778 Sargada 216 Hectares 424
12 Jhumukapahadi 387779 Sargada 203 Hectares 346
13 Tanguru 387780 Sargada 142 Hectares 379
14 Sapaghera 387781 Sargada 122 Hectares 266
15 Sargoda 387782 Sargada 232 Hectares 1281
16 Baliam 387783 Sargada 99 Hectares 122
17 Saranda 387784 Sargada 238 Hectares 594
18 Sanbantha 387785 Sargada 146 Hectares 280
19 Saranda Bisoihill 387786 Sargada 449 Hectares 2
20 Dalki 387787 Luhasila 165 Hectares 623
21 Badabantha 387788 Sargada 165 Hectares 533
22 Merudihi 387789 Madheikacha 198 Hectares 299
23 Arjunpani 387790 Madheikacha 134 Hectares 245
24 Bhadupani 387791 Madheikacha 64 Hectares 52
25 Gohalhill 387792 Madheikacha 14 Hectares 117
26 Tandipani 387793 Madheikacha 112 Hectares 266
27 Sijuhill 387794 Luhasila 4 Hectares 34
28 Badbill 387795 Madheikacha 98 Hectares 205
29 Kumbhardubi 387797 Madheikacha 149 Hectares 331
30 Kaduani 387798 Madheikacha 187 Hectares 180
31 Khejuri 387800 Madheikacha 345 Hectares 769
32 Kuali 387801 Madheikacha 87 Hectares 232
33 Madheikacha 387802 Madheikacha 116 Hectares 421
34 Kakudiruma 387803 Luhasila 115 Hectares 518
35 Betjharan 387804 Luhasila 147 Hectares 331
36 Luhasila 387806 Luhasila 199 Hectares 679
37 Balarampur 387808 Luhasila 115 Hectares 280
38 Nuagaon 387809 Manikpur 187 Hectares 583
39 Manikpur 387810 Manikpur 223 Hectares 578
40 Paunsia 387811 Manikpur 133 Hectares 260
41 Paunsiahill 387812 Manikpur 48 Hectares 62
42 Bantaligoda 387813 Manikpur 91 Hectares 173
43 Bandhagaon 387814 Manikpur 218 Hectares 396
44 Kendua 387816 Manikpur 75 Hectares 112
45 Amdabeda hill 387817 Manikpur 194 Hectares 64
46 Amdabeda 387818 Manikpur 151 Hectares 308
47 Kalajhari hill 387819 Luhasila 87 Hectares 141
48 Jamda 387820 Luhasila 200 Hectares 640
49 Kalajhari 387821 Luhasila 119 Hectares 135
50 Kuajhari 387822 Luhakani 208 Hectares 683
51 Karanjei 387823 Luhakani 64 Hectares 221
52 Jedelghutu 388024 Luhakani 80 Hectares 165
53 Banki 388025 Luhakani 182 Hectares 862
54 Dumuria 388026 Luhakani 267 Hectares 712
55 Madhupur 388027 Luhakani 106 Hectares 278
56 Luhakani 388029 Luhakani 203 Hectares 1238
57 Laxmiposi 388030 Luhakani 154 Hectares 241
58 Kundra 388031 Luhakani 243 Hectares 401
59 Kashipentha 388032 Luhakani 117 Hectares 330
60 Edelbeda 388033 Luhakani 85 Hectares 135
61 Banpokharia 388035 Luhakani 137 Hectares 260
62 Fuljhara 388036 Luhakani 160 Hectares 175
63 Gargadi 388037 Luhakani 156 Hectares 361
64 Kundurukocha 388038 Manikpur 116 Hectares 231
65 Luhamalia 388060 Luhakani 245 Hectares 614
66 Satsul 388061 Luhakani 119 Hectares 383
67 Bholbeda 388062 Luhakani 193 Hectares 820
68 Handifuta 388063 Luhakani 174 Hectares 334
69 Pithakutni 388197 Khanta 163 Hectares 989
70 Pokharia 388204 Badjharan 170 Hectares 747
71 Dunguri 388205 Badjharan 14 Hectares 74
72 Jayantpur 388206 Badjharan 55 Hectares 212
73 Baigankudar 388207 Badjharan 50 Hectares 331
74 Podachakdi 388208 Badjharan 29 Hectares 18
75 Madansila 388209 Badjharan 164 Hectares 618
76 Dhobadiha 388210 Badjharan 79 Hectares 182
77 Sanjharan 388211 Badjharan 115 Hectares 276
78 Badjharan 388212 Badjharan 282 Hectares 843
79 Jodia 388213 Badjharan 155 Hectares 889
80 Ambadiha 388214 Badjharan 197 Hectares 845
81 Bhalujodi 388215 Badjharan 295 Hectares 928
82 Patpur 388216 Luhasila 141 Hectares 497
83 Asana 388217 Bijatola 157 Hectares 465
84 Baghiatangar 388218 Bijatola 374 Hectares 1380
85 Damudibeda 388219 Bijatola 323 Hectares 621
86 Chadripahadi 388220 Bijatola 114 Hectares 338
87 Mundhathakura 388221 Bijatola 284 Hectares 1474
88 Bantali 388222 Bijatola 234 Hectares 966
89 Jaunti 388264 Bankati 137 Hectares 341
90 Barajiani 388265 Bankati 369 Hectares 1127
91 Gadmunda 388266 Bankati 258 Hectares 993
92 Mundakati 388267 Bijatola 287 Hectares 902
93 Ektali 388268 Bijatola 190 Hectares 645
94 Bankadunguri 388269 Bijatola 109 Hectares 237
95 Jodapokhari 388270 Bijatola 155 Hectares 445
96 Bijatala 388271 Bijatola 359 Hectares 1544
97 Dambeda 388273 Bijatola 147 Hectares 426
98 Bhalukichua 388275 Bijatola 214 Hectares 514
99 Khadiasol 388276 Bijatola 83 Hectares 230
100 Bankati 388277 Bankati 259 Hectares 1127
101 Baliadhipa 388278 Bankati 229 Hectares 699
102 Udalikudar 388279 Bankati 129 Hectares 359
103 Taldiha 388280 Bankati 186 Hectares 543
104 Karkachia 388284 Bankati 472 Hectares 1152
105 Jadachua 388285 Raihari 180 Hectares 405
106 Hatnabeda 388286 Raihari 62 Hectares 215
107 Tulsibani 388287 Raihari 293 Hectares 605
108 Teltangia 388288 Raihari 249 Hectares 501
109 Bagdega 388289 Raihari 156 Hectares 329
110 Ektali 388290 Raihari 168 Hectares 470
111 Jamudali 388291 Raihari 230 Hectares 552
112 Batduma 388292 Raihari 203 Hectares 434
113 Bhadubeda 388294 Raihari 208 Hectares 909
114 Dumadihi 388295 Raihari 204 Hectares 855
115 Raihari 388296 Raihari 365 Hectares 1445
116 Palasbani 388297 Raihari 300 Hectares 748
117 Jaldiha 388298 Raihari 137 Hectares 288

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Hill Block Dhenkia.

Q2: What is the village code for Hill Block Dhenkia?

A2: The village code for Hill Block Dhenkia is 388023.

Q3: In which block is Hill Block Dhenkia located?

A3: Hill Block Dhenkia is located in the Bisoi block.

Q4: What is the total area of Hill Block Dhenkia?

A4: The total area of Hill Block Dhenkia is 691 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Hill Block Dhenkia belong to?

A5: Hill Block Dhenkia belongs to the Luhakani Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Hill Block Dhenkia located?

A6: Hill Block Dhenkia is located in the Mayurbhanj district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Hill Block Dhenkia from the district headquarter?

A7: Hill Block Dhenkia is 66 kilometers away from the Baripada district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Hill Block Dhenkia?

A8: The nearest statutory town is BARIPADA which is 15 kilometers away from Hill Block Dhenkia.

Q9: What is the population of Hill Block Dhenkia?

A9: The population of Hill Block Dhenkia is 34 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Hill Block Dhenkia?

A10: There are 193 households in Hill Block Dhenkia.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Hill Block Dhenkia?

A11: There are 16 males and 18 females in Hill Block Dhenkia.

Q12: Are there any schools in Hill Block Dhenkia?

A12: Yes, there is NA government primary school in Hill Block Dhenkia. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Hill Block Dhenkia?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Hill Block Dhenkia.

Q14: What is the pin code of Hill Block Dhenkia?

A14: The pin code of Hill Block Dhenkia is 757048.

Q15: Does Hill Block Dhenkia have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Hill Block Dhenkia.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Hill Block Dhenkia?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Hill Block Dhenkia.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Hill Block Dhenkia?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Hill Block Dhenkia.

Q18: Is Hill Block Dhenkia connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Hill Block Dhenkia.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Hill Block Dhenkia?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Hill Block Dhenkia.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Hill Block Dhenkia?

A20: NA, an ASHA worker is available in Hill Block Dhenkia.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Hill Block Dhenkia?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Hill Block Dhenkia is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Hill Block Dhenkia?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Hill Block Dhenkia.

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