Badaatala is belongs to Koraput, district in the state of Odisha.
Village | Details | |
Name | : | Badaatala |
Village code | : | 429283 |
Block Name | : | Boipariguda (0305) |
Area | : | 113 |
Gram Panchayat | : | Doraguda (10) |
District | : | Koraput |
State | : | Odisha |
District Head Quarter | : | Koraput |
District Head Quarter distance | : | 59 Kms |
Nearest Statutory Town | : | JEYPUR |
Nearest Statutory Town Distance | : | 33 Kms |
Population | : | 100 |
Households | : | 26 |
Male | : | 48 |
Female | : | 52 |
Govt Primary School | : | NA |
Private Primary School | : | NA |
Primary Health Centre | : | NA |
Pincode | : | 764043 |
Power Supply | : | |
Post Office | : | NA |
Telephone (Landlines) | : | NA |
Mobile Phone Coverage | : | |
Public Bus Service | : | NA |
Railway Station | : | NA |
Sea/River/Ferry service | : | NA |
National Highway | : | NA |
ATM | : | NA |
Commercial Bank | : | NA |
Asha | : | Available |
Agricultural Commodities | : | PADDY |
Forest Area | : | 73.92 Hectares |
# | Village | Code | Panchayat Name | Area | Population |
1 | Kaliajholi | 429164 | Asana | 323 Hectares | 177 |
2 | Gundala | 429167 | Lima | 2003 Hectares | 3211 |
3 | Talur | 429175 | Gupteswar | 2925 Hectares | 1272 |
4 | Ghadaghat | 429177 | Gupteswar | 135 Hectares | 230 |
5 | Gayalakunda | 429178 | Gupteswar | 457 Hectares | 515 |
6 | Gajalpadar | 429179 | Gupteswar | 258 Hectares | 39 |
7 | Katnikund | 429180 | Gupteswar | 174 Hectares | 352 |
8 | Atalguda | 429181 | Baligam | 207 Hectares | 243 |
9 | Hatikhal | 429182 | Gupteswar | 71 Hectares | 84 |
10 | Bhalujhola | 429183 | Gupteswar | 129 Hectares | 164 |
11 | Darnijodi | 429184 | Gupteswar | 26 Hectares | 48 |
12 | Parabadi | 429185 | Gupteswar | 207 Hectares | 114 |
13 | Siribeda | 429186 | Gupteswar | 1110 Hectares | 829 |
14 | Giuriaguda | 429187 | Gupteswar | 86 Hectares | 68 |
15 | Haladikund | 429188 | Gupteswar | 336 Hectares | 812 |
16 | Badalibeda | 429189 | Gupteswar | 339 Hectares | 227 |
17 | Badaatal | 429190 | Baligam | 541 Hectares | 333 |
18 | Sindhigam | 429191 | Baligam | 404 Hectares | 1208 |
19 | Baligan | 429192 | Baligam | 3285 Hectares | 6467 |
20 | Cherka | 429193 | Baligam | 1354 Hectares | 2007 |
21 | Andori | 429194 | Kenduguda | 224 Hectares | 341 |
22 | Kandulguda | 429195 | Kenduguda | 276 Hectares | 303 |
23 | Kenduguda | 429196 | Kenduguda | 240 Hectares | 802 |
24 | Disariguda | 429197 | Kenduguda | 149 Hectares | 413 |
25 | Kothiaguda | 429200 | Kenduguda | 36 Hectares | 3 |
26 | Murja | 429201 | Kenduguda | 329 Hectares | 301 |
27 | Kaudiaguda | 429202 | Kenduguda | 41 Hectares | 153 |
28 | Majhiguda | 429203 | Kenduguda | 124 Hectares | 414 |
29 | Harinaikguda | 429204 | Kenduguda | 91 Hectares | 35 |
30 | Cherkiaguda | 429205 | Kenduguda | 86 Hectares | 241 |
31 | Kumarguda | 429206 | Kenduguda | 265 Hectares | 260 |
32 | Mossigam | 429208 | Mosigam | 1415 Hectares | 2377 |
33 | Pujariput | 429209 | Mosigam | 37 Hectares | 193 |
34 | Koliariput | 429210 | Mosigam | 162 Hectares | 199 |
35 | Jontaput | 429211 | Mosigam | 160 Hectares | 342 |
36 | Gullariguda | 429212 | Mosigam | 178 Hectares | 408 |
37 | Jhodenga | 429213 | Mosigam | 357 Hectares | 702 |
38 | Baragam | 429214 | Mosigam | 168 Hectares | 301 |
39 | Barangpali | 429224 | Boipariguda | 118 Hectares | 183 |
40 | Malatiguda | 429226 | Kenduguda | 111 Hectares | 91 |
41 | Bodaguda | 429227 | Kenduguda | 233 Hectares | 294 |
42 | Bodhaguda | 429228 | Doraguda | 22 Hectares | 3 |
43 | Brahmanguda | 429229 | Kenduguda | 124 Hectares | 229 |
44 | Jantaguda | 429230 | Kenduguda | 88 Hectares | 265 |
45 | Patraput | 429231 | Kenduguda | 180 Hectares | 232 |
46 | Dombnaikguda | 429232 | Kenduguda | 146 Hectares | 259 |
47 | Pialkani | 429233 | Kenduguda | 125 Hectares | 157 |
48 | Tentuliguda | 429234 | Kenduguda | 117 Hectares | 88 |
49 | Pendapoda | 429235 | Ramagiri | 698 Hectares | 2984 |
50 | Piladuar | 429236 | Gupteswar | 426 Hectares | 270 |
51 | Rupabeda | 429237 | Gupteswar | 301 Hectares | 227 |
52 | Simliatal | 429238 | Gupteswar | 423 Hectares | 466 |
53 | Nuagam | 429239 | Gupteswar | 654 Hectares | 988 |
54 | Pujariput | 429240 | Ramagiri | 274 Hectares | 325 |
55 | Mandiajharan | 429241 | Ramagiri | 269 Hectares | 322 |
56 | Jamelguda | 429242 | Ramagiri | 154 Hectares | 110 |
57 | Bodapada | 429243 | Ramagiri | 233 Hectares | 597 |
58 | Katriguda | 429244 | Kenduguda | - | 141 |
59 | Majhiguda | 429245 | Ramagiri | 402 Hectares | 1047 |
60 | Mathpada | 429246 | Doraguda | 1621 Hectares | 3432 |
61 | Gadaguda | 429247 | Doraguda | 58 Hectares | 148 |
62 | Doraguda | 429248 | Doraguda | 324 Hectares | 838 |
63 | Bergan | 429249 | Doraguda | 846 Hectares | 1102 |
64 | Bhaluguda | 429250 | Kenduguda | 249 Hectares | 753 |
65 | Kadambguda | 429251 | Kenduguda | 332 Hectares | 413 |
66 | Khoraguda | 429252 | Kenduguda | 156 Hectares | 364 |
67 | Nandanmal | 429253 | Kenduguda | 209 Hectares | 367 |
68 | Limbaguda | 429254 | Boipariguda | 270 Hectares | 412 |
69 | Guma | 429255 | Boipariguda | 421 Hectares | 647 |
70 | Pujariguda | 429256 | Boipariguda | 58 Hectares | 115 |
71 | Khandikiguda | 429257 | Boipariguda | 43 Hectares | 135 |
72 | Pabiliguda | 429258 | Boipariguda | 28 Hectares | 146 |
73 | Bagraguda | 429259 | Boipariguda | 49 Hectares | 87 |
74 | Bhejapabli | 429260 | Boipariguda | 159 Hectares | 266 |
75 | Khadupadar | 429261 | Boipariguda | 144 Hectares | 149 |
76 | Neelaguda | 429262 | Boipariguda | 129 Hectares | 141 |
77 | Bhejaguda | 429264 | Chandrapada | 719 Hectares | 1564 |
78 | Mahuli | 429265 | Mahuli | 454 Hectares | 824 |
79 | Bichalkota | 429266 | Mahuli | 509 Hectares | 789 |
80 | Gunji | 429267 | Mahuli | 437 Hectares | 518 |
81 | Umuriaguda | 429268 | Mahuli | 254 Hectares | 288 |
82 | Tolla | 429269 | Mahuli | 638 Hectares | 724 |
83 | Baliguda | 429270 | Chandrapada | 164 Hectares | 362 |
84 | Chandrapada | 429271 | Chandrapada | 718 Hectares | 1589 |
85 | Paliguda | 429272 | Chandrapada | 364 Hectares | 664 |
86 | Boipariguda | 429273 | Boipariguda | 109 Hectares | 3398 |
87 | Gunthaguda | 429274 | Boipariguda | 195 Hectares | 1430 |
88 | Goudaguda | 429275 | Boipariguda | 257 Hectares | 450 |
89 | Basiniguda | 429277 | Boipariguda | 317 Hectares | 429 |
90 | Bhaluguda | 429278 | Boipariguda | 249 Hectares | 145 |
91 | Ratakhandiguda | 429279 | Boipariguda | 31 Hectares | 45 |
92 | Jugalpadar | 429280 | Kenduguda | 49 Hectares | 61 |
93 | Miliguda | 429281 | Doraguda | 289 Hectares | 134 |
94 | Goipadar | 429282 | Doraguda | 189 Hectares | 202 |
95 | Dengpakhna | 429284 | Doraguda | 62 Hectares | 155 |
96 | Jhilimiliguda | 429285 | Doraguda | 187 Hectares | 139 |
97 | Chadeipani | 429286 | Chipakur | 58 Hectares | 41 |
98 | Arapoi | 429287 | Doraguda | 58 Hectares | 101 |
99 | Nisinapakhna | 429288 | Doraguda | 318 Hectares | 384 |
100 | Musapadar | 429289 | Doraguda | 185 Hectares | 146 |
101 | Rupaguda | 429290 | Doraguda | 80 Hectares | 205 |
102 | Baringpodar | 429291 | Doraguda | 157 Hectares | 224 |
103 | Goilkunda | 429292 | Ramagiri | 176 Hectares | 227 |
104 | Matikhalguda | 429293 | Ramagiri | 52 Hectares | 62 |
105 | Ramgiri | 429294 | Ramagiri | 698 Hectares | 2881 |
106 | Keraatal | 429295 | Ramagiri | 191 Hectares | 293 |
107 | Pandripani | 429296 | Dandabali | 375 Hectares | 326 |
108 | Purudabeda | 429297 | Dandabali | 235 Hectares | 410 |
109 | Nuaguda | 429298 | Ramagiri | 140 Hectares | 177 |
110 | Damanjodi | 429299 | Dandabali | 151 Hectares | 165 |
111 | Ratakhandi | 429300 | Dandabali | 205 Hectares | 589 |
112 | Chilpajodi | 429301 | Dandabali | 219 Hectares | 249 |
113 | Bakulijodi | 429302 | Dandabali | 150 Hectares | 148 |
114 | Dandakhal | 429303 | Ramagiri | 177 Hectares | 140 |
115 | Khairpadar | 429304 | Ramagiri | 119 Hectares | 287 |
116 | Katrakund | 429305 | Ramagiri | 320 Hectares | 443 |
117 | Sundarjodi | 429306 | Chipakur | 127 Hectares | 268 |
118 | Debatadongar | 429307 | Chipakur | 93 Hectares | 164 |
119 | Dudujodi | 429308 | Chipakur | 62 Hectares | 32 |
120 | Banaguda | 429309 | Doraguda | 307 Hectares | 584 |
121 | Minarbali | 429310 | Doraguda | 810 Hectares | 1691 |
122 | Santeiput | 429311 | Boipariguda | 252 Hectares | 1285 |
123 | Batriput | 429312 | Boipariguda | 136 Hectares | 280 |
124 | Lachmipur | 429314 | Boipariguda | 255 Hectares | 722 |
125 | Kendupada | 429315 | Boipariguda | 942 Hectares | 1660 |
126 | Ranginiguda | 429316 | Boipariguda | 39 Hectares | 91 |
127 | Atalguda | 429317 | Chandrapada | 186 Hectares | 352 |
128 | Chikima | 429318 | Bodaput | 317 Hectares | 528 |
129 | Kurukuti | 429319 | Bodaput | 856 Hectares | 1201 |
130 | Poral | 429320 | Mahuli | 684 Hectares | 220 |
131 | Bapaniguda | 429321 | Mahuli | 52 Hectares | 334 |
132 | Lenja | 429322 | Mahuli | 633 Hectares | 508 |
133 | Madi | 429323 | Bodaput | 990 Hectares | 505 |
134 | Kuspar | 429324 | Bodaput | 537 Hectares | 734 |
135 | Bodaput | 429325 | Bodaput | 359 Hectares | 384 |
136 | Sugapadar | 429326 | Dasamantpur | 122 Hectares | 149 |
137 | Doraput | 429327 | Dasamantpur | 688 Hectares | 1011 |
138 | Pangiput | 429328 | Dasamantpur | 126 Hectares | 74 |
139 | Limbaput | 429329 | Dasamantpur | 36 Hectares | 77 |
140 | Mohantput | 429330 | Dasamantpur | 363 Hectares | 344 |
141 | Keraput | 429331 | Kolar | 152 Hectares | 545 |
142 | Kollar | 429332 | Kolar | 511 Hectares | 2320 |
143 | Goniput | 429333 | Kolar | 1284 Hectares | 864 |
144 | Rampur | 429334 | Kolar | 708 Hectares | 1442 |
145 | Barati | 429335 | Chipakur | 101 Hectares | 154 |
146 | Chikatjodi | 429336 | Kathapada | 410 Hectares | 315 |
147 | Badabeta | 429337 | Kathapada | 379 Hectares | 271 |
148 | Kadaljodi | 429338 | Chipakur | 187 Hectares | 179 |
149 | Dudhbeda | 429339 | Chipakur | 163 Hectares | 174 |
150 | Chilikund | 429340 | Chipakur | 71 Hectares | 81 |
151 | Jodiguda | 429341 | Chipakur | 173 Hectares | 255 |
152 | Badnipabli | 429342 | Chipakur | 86 Hectares | 96 |
153 | Anlajodi(2) | 429343 | Chipakur | 241 Hectares | 205 |
154 | Kadalipadar | 429344 | Dandabali | 370 Hectares | 367 |
155 | Bhringraj jodi | 429345 | Dandabali | 109 Hectares | 191 |
156 | Phatkamunda | 429346 | Dandabali | 310 Hectares | 106 |
157 | Dandabadi | 429347 | Dandabali | 1231 Hectares | 3143 |
158 | Tentuliguma | 429348 | Tentuliguma | 2808 Hectares | 1385 |
159 | Kaliaatal | 429349 | Dandabali | 176 Hectares | 211 |
160 | Marichatal | 429350 | Dandabali | 166 Hectares | 82 |
161 | Kadamba | 429351 | Chipakur | 211 Hectares | 369 |
162 | Kolathjodi | 429352 | Chipakur | 297 Hectares | 456 |
163 | Jodaamba | 429353 | Chipakur | 263 Hectares | 268 |
164 | Talapadar | 429354 | Kathapada | 421 Hectares | 412 |
165 | Jhulani | 429355 | Chipakur | 72 Hectares | 110 |
166 | Jodidar | 429356 | Chipakur | 137 Hectares | 141 |
167 | Kesariguda | 429357 | Chipakur | 55 Hectares | 89 |
168 | Patiapadar | 429358 | Kathapada | 210 Hectares | 213 |
169 | Silimal | 429359 | Kolar | 244 Hectares | 270 |
170 | Kenduput | 429360 | Kathapada | 289 Hectares | 730 |
171 | Kathpada | 429361 | Kathapada | 626 Hectares | 644 |
172 | Hatipakhna | 429362 | Kolar | 309 Hectares | 830 |
173 | Musapadar | 429363 | Kathapada | 169 Hectares | 256 |
174 | Muduliguda | 429364 | Kolar | 469 Hectares | 631 |
175 | Palkabasa | 429365 | Kolar | 101 Hectares | 85 |
176 | Purnapani | 429366 | Kolar | 120 Hectares | 103 |
177 | Kandhpodapadar | 429367 | Kolar | 221 Hectares | 188 |
178 | PodapadarColony | 429368 | Dasamantpur | 131 Hectares | 306 |
179 | Dasamantpur | 429369 | Dasamantpur | 117 Hectares | 824 |
180 | Pandipoda | 429370 | Dasamantpur | 171 Hectares | 377 |
181 | Pabliguda | 429371 | Dasamantpur | 362 Hectares | 553 |
182 | Pokalpada | 429372 | Dasamantpur | 559 Hectares | 1030 |
183 | Betabhata | 429373 | Bodaput | 959 Hectares | 365 |
184 | Tentulipada | 429374 | Bodaput | 234 Hectares | 119 |
185 | Pami | 429375 | Bodaput | 908 Hectares | 321 |
186 | Thokal | 429376 | Bodaput | 350 Hectares | 209 |
187 | Kattopoda | 429377 | Bodaput | 825 Hectares | 177 |
188 | Dokripada | 429378 | Bodaput | 229 Hectares | 110 |
189 | Mahulput | 429379 | Majhiguda | 297 Hectares | 485 |
190 | Gadput | 429380 | Dasamantpur | 643 Hectares | 694 |
191 | Kakalpoda | 429381 | Dasamantpur | 1148 Hectares | 1264 |
192 | Khemabeda | 429382 | Majhiguda | 2418 Hectares | 1639 |
193 | Railiguda | 429383 | Dasamantpur | 190 Hectares | 138 |
194 | Sarandajodi | 429384 | Kolar | 57 Hectares | 51 |
195 | Andriguda | 429385 | Majhiguda | 96 Hectares | 58 |
196 | Sukriguda | 429386 | Kolar | 102 Hectares | 80 |
197 | Mantriamba | 429387 | Kathapada | 60 Hectares | 232 |
198 | Chilimal | 429388 | Kolar | 216 Hectares | 130 |
199 | Dhanibalsa | 429389 | Kolar | 211 Hectares | 175 |
200 | Pandiguda | 429390 | Kathapada | 237 Hectares | 90 |
201 | Goilijodi | 429391 | Kathapada | 270 Hectares | 224 |
202 | Phatagadi | 429392 | Kathapada | 91 Hectares | 109 |
203 | Sangamguda | 429393 | Chipakur | 64 Hectares | 49 |
204 | Siraghat | 429394 | Chipakur | 57 Hectares | 77 |
205 | Kendukund | 429395 | Chipakur | 75 Hectares | 65 |
206 | Chipakur | 429396 | Chipakur | 490 Hectares | 664 |
207 | Matiguda | 429397 | Tentuliguma | 333 Hectares | 599 |
208 | Gandhigan | 429398 | Dandabali | 92 Hectares | 34 |
209 | Kulabeda | 429399 | Dandabali | 359 Hectares | 172 |
210 | Batiguda | 429400 | Chipakur | 91 Hectares | 104 |
211 | Purunapani | 429401 | Chipakur | 97 Hectares | 80 |
212 | Lalari | 429402 | Chipakur | 52 Hectares | 67 |
213 | Kaukund | 429403 | Chipakur | 170 Hectares | 130 |
214 | Dongadhar | 429404 | Chipakur | 222 Hectares | 151 |
215 | Bagkadara | 429405 | Kathapada | 214 Hectares | 319 |
216 | Jodiguda | 429406 | Chipakur | 280 Hectares | 186 |
217 | Jaba | 429407 | Chipakur | 345 Hectares | 238 |
218 | Golariguda | 429408 | Chipakur | 150 Hectares | 134 |
219 | Podeikadara | 429409 | Chipakur | 240 Hectares | 167 |
220 | Badiniput | 429411 | Dandabali | 159 Hectares | 169 |
221 | Bakuli | 429412 | Majhiguda | 294 Hectares | 285 |
222 | Laxmanpur | 429413 | Majhiguda | 81 Hectares | 53 |
223 | San-bakuli | 429414 | Majhiguda | 68 Hectares | 34 |
224 | Limajodi | 429415 | Majhiguda | 83 Hectares | 53 |
225 | Balibhata | 429416 | Majhiguda | 114 Hectares | 37 |
226 | Panditbeda | 429417 | Majhiguda | 128 Hectares | 92 |
227 | Gadabeda | 429418 | Majhiguda | 195 Hectares | 91 |
228 | Kharibhata | 429419 | Majhiguda | 197 Hectares | 52 |
229 | Tikarpada | 429420 | Majhiguda | 660 Hectares | 278 |
230 | Bhatipara | 429421 | Majhiguda | 365 Hectares | 336 |
231 | Majhiguda | 429422 | Majhiguda | 172 Hectares | 449 |
232 | Totapara | 429423 | Majhiguda | 1552 Hectares | 473 |
233 | Bomel | 429424 | Majhiguda | 251 Hectares | 468 |
234 | Mankidi | 429425 | Majhiguda | 325 Hectares | 375 |
235 | Gurumurtyguda | 429426 | Chipakur | - | 18 |
236 | Panganpani | 429427 | Chipakur | - | 73 |
237 | Phatakumi | 429429 | Kolar | - | 119 |
238 | Bagbeda | 429430 | Dandabali | - | 176 |
239 | Totapani | 429431 | Chipakur | - | 44 |
240 | Gadabaguda | 429432 | Chipakur | - | 111 |
241 | Kankadapani | 429434 | Chipakur | - | 88 |
242 | Kaliajhali | 429435 | Chipakur | - | 105 |
243 | Gudumpari | 429436 | Chipakur | - | 68 |
244 | Ambagandili | 429437 | Chipakur | - | 99 |
245 | Bagjhola | 429438 | Chipakur | - | 62 |
246 | Bodaguda | 429439 | Kolar | - | 23 |
247 | Maliguda | 429440 | Kolar | - | 146 |
248 | Chamelikund | 429443 | Kolar | - | 217 |
249 | Andari | 429444 | Kolar | - | 160 |
250 | Haldikunda | 429447 | Kolar | - | 38 |
251 | Kadllijoba | 429448 | Kolar | - | 72 |
252 | Ladibandha | 429449 | Kolar | - | 16 |
253 | Mankadadangara | 429451 | Kolar | - | 111 |
254 | Dhobaatal | 429452 | Kolar | - | 152 |
255 | Sorgiguda | 429460 | Kolar | - | 94 |
256 | Basiniguda | 429461 | Kolar | - | 50 |
257 | Bhalubeda | 429463 | Kolar | - | 160 |
258 | Chadheipani | 429464 | Kolar | - | 114 |
259 | Dangajodi | 429465 | Kolar | - | 142 |
260 | Gelaguda | 429467 | Kolar | - | 98 |
261 | Jamuguda | 429469 | Kolar | - | 144 |
262 | Nalachuan | 429471 | Kolar | - | 28 |
263 | Phuki | 429473 | Kolar | - | 82 |
264 | Phulakamal | 429474 | Kolar | - | 52 |
265 | Kebedaatal | 429475 | Kolar | - | 102 |
266 | Damanijhola | 429476 | Kolar | - | 94 |
267 | Langalapakana | 429477 | Kolar | - | 20 |
268 | Dumuriguda | 429478 | Kolar | - | 64 |
269 | Mundiguda | 429479 | Kolar | - | 35 |
270 | Purunapani | 429480 | Majhiguda | - | 30 |
271 | Beniaguda | 429481 | Majhiguda | - | 18 |
272 | Baghadola | 429482 | Majhiguda | - | 104 |
273 | Dumuripadar | 429484 | Majhiguda | - | 225 |
274 | Latibari | 429485 | Majhiguda | - | 63 |
275 | Sapagada | 429486 | Majhiguda | - | 49 |
276 | Kumbikhari | 429487 | Majhiguda | - | 41 |
277 | Kadikipani | 429489 | Majhiguda | - | 94 |
278 | Chhodaamba | 429490 | Majhiguda | - | 94 |
279 | Sadakput | 429491 | Majhiguda | - | 35 |
280 | Limbapadara | 429492 | Majhiguda | - | 144 |
281 | Kuagandli | 429493 | Majhiguda | - | 25 |
282 | Badalipahar | 429494 | Majhiguda | - | 33 |
283 | Hatipakna | 429495 | Majhiguda | - | 101 |
284 | Khodakund | 429496 | Majhiguda | - | 125 |
285 | Ataloguda | 429497 | Majhiguda | - | 109 |
286 | Petal | 429656 | Raising | 345 Hectares | 377 |
287 | Dasagaudput | 429776 | Banamaliput | 90 Hectares | 211 |
288 | Khataput | 429866 | Malibelagam | 166 Hectares | 291 |
289 | Dabuguda | 430492 | Madakapadar | 404 Hectares | 93 |
290 | Dhemasapadar | 430507 | Kadamguda | 229 Hectares | 87 |
291 | Chapalapada | 430508 | Kadamguda | 594 Hectares | 182 |
292 | Goiguda | 430509 | Andrahal | 740 Hectares | 187 |
293 | Tulaguram | 430510 | Mudulipada | 719 Hectares | 158 |
294 | Kadamaguda | 430520 | Kadamguda | 190 Hectares | 933 |
295 | Aunliput | 430521 | Kadamguda | 152 Hectares | 333 |
296 | Rauliguda (Kadamguda) | 430522 | Kadamguda | 3882 Hectares | 410 |
297 | Lacher | 430523 | Kadamguda | 520 Hectares | 663 |
298 | Kandhaguda | 430526 | Khairaput | 124 Hectares | 258 |
299 | Kadaguda | 430527 | Khairaput | 113 Hectares | 245 |
300 | Lamataput | 430528 | Khairaput | 315 Hectares | 442 |
301 | Pandraguda | 430529 | Kadamguda | 248 Hectares | 445 |
302 | Kuriguda | 430530 | Kadamguda | 162 Hectares | 493 |
303 | Jhariaguda | 430536 | Khairaput | 119 Hectares | 84 |
304 | Kenduguda | 430537 | Khairaput | 27 Hectares | 149 |
305 | Majhiguda | 430538 | Khairaput | 330 Hectares | 376 |
306 | Uparaput | 430539 | Khairaput | 102 Hectares | 239 |
307 | Kumbharput | 430540 | Khairaput | 244 Hectares | 1515 |
308 | Karadabadi | 430541 | Khairaput | 27 Hectares | 105 |
309 | Khairaput | 430542 | Khairaput | 291 Hectares | 1216 |
310 | Kandhatalguda | 430543 | Khairaput | 241 Hectares | 401 |
311 | Bayaguda | 430544 | Khairaput | 114 Hectares | 162 |
312 | Tankamunda | 430545 | Khairaput | 319 Hectares | 503 |
313 | Amalabhata | 430546 | Podaghat | 195 Hectares | 250 |
314 | Podaghat | 430547 | Podaghat | 1237 Hectares | 1552 |
315 | Mundiguda | 430548 | Rahasbeda | 317 Hectares | 939 |
316 | Raulguda | 430549 | Mudulipada | 57 Hectares | 106 |
317 | Baunsapada | 430550 | Mudulipada | 799 Hectares | 108 |
318 | Badapada | 430551 | Mudulipada | 747 Hectares | 383 |
319 | Dumuripada | 430552 | Andrahal | 643 Hectares | 589 |
320 | Hatamaguda | 430553 | Andrahal | 192 Hectares | 59 |
321 | Bhaliapadar | 430559 | Andrahal | 464 Hectares | 26 |
322 | Sindhiguda | 430560 | Andrahal | 234 Hectares | 318 |
323 | Khilaguda | 430561 | Andrahal | 286 Hectares | 254 |
324 | Patraput | 430562 | Andrahal | 105 Hectares | 267 |
325 | Tusaipada | 430563 | Mudulipada | 1649 Hectares | 105 |
326 | Bondapada | 430564 | Mudulipada | 842 Hectares | 224 |
327 | Andrahal | 430566 | Andrahal | 575 Hectares | 891 |
328 | Badabel | 430567 | Andrahal | 645 Hectares | 483 |
329 | Dantipada | 430568 | Mudulipada | 116 Hectares | 562 |
330 | Mudulipada | 430569 | Mudulipada | 55 Hectares | 821 |
331 | Bandhaguda | 430570 | Mudulipada | 205 Hectares | 239 |
332 | Bandiguda | 430571 | Mudulipada | 36 Hectares | 206 |
333 | Chalanpada | 430572 | Mudulipada | 64 Hectares | 77 |
334 | Gokharipada | 430573 | Mudulipada | 72 Hectares | 141 |
335 | Krisanipada | 430574 | Mudulipada | 83 Hectares | 388 |
336 | Silaiguda | 430575 | Mudulipada | 115 Hectares | 121 |
337 | Pindajangar | 430576 | Mudulipada | 483 Hectares | 119 |
338 | Baraguda | 430577 | Mudulipada | 90 Hectares | 77 |
339 | Kichapada | 430578 | Mudulipada | 2321 Hectares | 432 |
340 | Anguraguda | 430579 | Mudulipada | 16 Hectares | 81 |
341 | Mukudupali | 430797 | Panasput | 173 Hectares | 336 |
342 | Pushpali | 430846 | Podaghat | 1150 Hectares | 2094 |
343 | Chitapari | 430847 | Kudumuluguma | 324 Hectares | 362 |
344 | Gotiguda | 430848 | Kudumuluguma | 721 Hectares | 535 |
345 | Sikhapali | 430849 | Podaghat | 928 Hectares | 1292 |
346 | Kalapali | 430850 | Podaghat | 559 Hectares | 745 |
347 | Butiguda | 430851 | Rahasbeda | 539 Hectares | 908 |
348 | Naliguda | 430852 | Kudumuluguma | 261 Hectares | 661 |
349 | Rahasbeda | 430853 | Rahasbeda | 987 Hectares | 1205 |
350 | Gadiput | 430854 | Rahasbeda | 454 Hectares | 754 |
351 | Palakaguda | 430855 | Rahasbeda | 151 Hectares | 114 |
352 | Tagabeda | 430858 | Rahasbeda | 357 Hectares | 113 |
353 | Muduliguda | 430861 | Rahasbeda | 913 Hectares | 1809 |
354 | Pujariguda | 430862 | Kudumuluguma | 126 Hectares | 368 |
355 | Nuaguda | 430863 | Kudumuluguma | 158 Hectares | 297 |
356 | Laktiguda | 430864 | Kudumuluguma | 488 Hectares | 360 |
357 | Padiapali | 430865 | Kudumuluguma | 306 Hectares | 363 |
358 | Gundriguda | 430866 | Kudumuluguma | 258 Hectares | 600 |
359 | Manikapur | 430867 | Kudumuluguma | 115 Hectares | 44 |
360 | Sindhiguda | 430868 | Parkanmala | 504 Hectares | 773 |
361 | Siripeta | 430869 | Parkanmala | 548 Hectares | 774 |
362 | Dhaudaguda | 430874 | Somanathpur | 380 Hectares | 231 |
363 | Dangakunda | 430875 | Parkanmala | - | 509 |
364 | Ranginiguda | 430876 | Parkanmala | 827 Hectares | 186 |
365 | Parkanmala | 430877 | Parkanmala | 1044 Hectares | 2122 |
366 | Tekaguda | 430878 | Parkanmala | 449 Hectares | 651 |
367 | Baliguda | 430879 | Kudumuluguma | 104 Hectares | 134 |
368 | Doraguda | 430880 | Kudumuluguma | 435 Hectares | 350 |
369 | Pakhanaguda | 430881 | Kudumuluguma | 330 Hectares | 361 |
370 | Kudumuluguma | 430882 | Kudumuluguma | 312 Hectares | 2641 |
371 | Dandasenaguda | 430883 | Kudumuluguma | 63 Hectares | 52 |
372 | Purunaguma | 430884 | Kudumuluguma | 370 Hectares | 626 |
373 | Oringi | 430885 | Rahasbeda | 384 Hectares | 732 |
374 | Tikarapada | 430887 | Kudumuluguma | 121 Hectares | 188 |
375 | Chilipodar | 430890 | Kudumuluguma | 367 Hectares | 190 |
376 | Kantasaru | 430891 | Kudumuluguma | 133 Hectares | 212 |
377 | Parajapadar | 430892 | Kudumuluguma | 155 Hectares | 67 |
378 | Majurlendi | 430893 | Kudumuluguma | 179 Hectares | 147 |
379 | Ramapur | 430894 | Parkanmala | 240 Hectares | 89 |
380 | Hatiamba | 430895 | Somanathpur | 280 Hectares | 404 |
381 | Mangarajodi | 430896 | Parkanmala | 165 Hectares | 70 |
382 | Totaguda | 430897 | Somanathpur | 120 Hectares | 123 |
383 | Pilakusumi | 430898 | Somanathpur | 165 Hectares | 390 |
384 | Somnathpur | 430899 | Somanathpur | 259 Hectares | 886 |
385 | Rangamguda | 430900 | Somanathpur | 191 Hectares | 433 |
386 | Apanamala | 430901 | Somanathpur | 310 Hectares | 252 |
387 | Maheswarpur | 430902 | Somanathpur | 161 Hectares | 330 |
388 | Saradaguda | 430903 | Somanathpur | - | 183 |
389 | Kandelaguda | 430904 | Somanathpur | 228 Hectares | 339 |
390 | Dudumaguda | 430905 | Somanathpur | 165 Hectares | 111 |
391 | Kadamguda | 430906 | Somanathpur | 21 Hectares | 81 |
392 | Podakhal | 430907 | Somanathpur | 539 Hectares | 209 |
393 | Simagandhi | 430908 | Somanathpur | 148 Hectares | 89 |
394 | Banasulbhata | 430909 | Somanathpur | 161 Hectares | 40 |
395 | Maliguda | 430910 | Somanathpur | 302 Hectares | 133 |
396 | Kondelbandha | 430911 | Somanathpur | 59 Hectares | 71 |
397 | M.V.36 | 430925 | Somanathpur | - | 1162 |
A1: The name of the village is Badaatala.
A2: The village code for Badaatala is 429283.
A3: Badaatala is located in the Boipariguda block.
A4: The total area of Badaatala is 113 hectares.
A5: Badaatala belongs to the Doraguda Gram Panchayat.
A6: Badaatala is located in the Koraput district in the state of Odisha.
A7: Badaatala is 59 kilometers away from the Koraput district headquarter.
A8: The nearest statutory town is JEYPUR which is 33 kilometers away from Badaatala.
A9: The population of Badaatala is 100 people.
A10: There are 193 households in Badaatala.
A11: There are 48 males and 52 females in Badaatala.
A12: Yes, there is NA government primary school in Badaatala. There are no private primary schools.
A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Badaatala.
A14: The pin code of Badaatala is 764043.
A15: , power supply is available in Badaatala.
A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Badaatala.
A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Badaatala.
A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Badaatala.
A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Badaatala.
A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Badaatala.
A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Badaatala is PADDY.
A22: There are 73.92 Hectares of forest area in Badaatala.
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