
Miji Ingti Village

Miji Ingti is belongs to Karbi Anglong, district in the state of Assam.

Village   Details
Name : Miji Ingti
Village code : 296229
Block Name : Bokajan (0135)
Area : 27
Gram Panchayat : ()
District : Karbi Anglong
State : Assam
District Head Quarter : DIPHU
District Head Quarter distance : 66 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : Bokajan (TC)
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 8 Kms
Population : 80
Households : 14
Male : 39
Female : 41
Govt Primary School : NA
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 782480
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : NA
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Miji Ingti location

Near by villages of Miji Ingti

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Longboi Ronghang Gaon 295660 110 Hectares 554
2 Koch Gaon 296010 38 Hectares 284
3 Dilawjan Koch Gaon 296011 50 Hectares 445
4 Chandra Teron 296061 22 Hectares 118
5 Anjok Teron 296062 29.8 Hectares 113
6 Lungtuk Rongpi 296063 30 Hectares 48
7 Kai Terang 296064 28 Hectares 48
8 Betalok Bey 296067 40 Hectares 132
9 Marakar Daiguri B. 1,2,3 296068 90 Hectares 3215
10 Ganaram Killing 296069 42 Hectares 287
11 Hemari Rongpi 296070 49 Hectares 225
12 Sarlip Terang 296071 32 Hectares 164
13 Sarmungk Timung 296072 33 Hectares 168
14 Langtuk Rongpi 296073 32 Hectares 157
15 Sariahjan 296074 30 Hectares 508
16 Paisa Engti 296076 10 Hectares 372
17 Tal Balijan 1,2 296081 15 Hectares 1071
18 Kuli Gaon 296083 40 Hectares 799
19 Barman Larthe 296088 30 Hectares 225
20 Sarthe Teron 296092 15 Hectares 112
21 Sai Gaon 296094 27 Hectares 182
22 Mul Jang 296105 24 Hectares 88
23 Kania Bey 296126 30 Hectares 93
24 Lama Basti 296129 45 Hectares 1125
25 Borlengri 296130 200 Hectares 2180
26 Borlengri -II 296131 200 Hectares 1271
27 Lok Bok 296138 30 Hectares 127
28 Moiso Killing 296139 25 Hectares 415
29 Hidipi Bazar 296141 20 Hectares 354
30 Chin Thong Engti 296142 30 Hectares 178
31 Hidipi Hal Gaon 296145 10 Hectares 296
32 Hemari Teron 296147 20 Hectares 108
33 Diso Kro 296149 15 Hectares 479
34 Chala Kathar 296150 15 Hectares 222
35 Bonglong Teron 296152 60 Hectares 284
36 Hemari Bey 296154 20 Hectares 26
37 Sing Hanse 296155 18 Hectares 95
38 Moniram Tisso 296156 12 Hectares 54
39 Longki Tisso 296157 10 Hectares 184
40 Ang Jok Bey 296158 10 Hectares 78
41 Pairam Engti 296159 10 Hectares 207
42 Langtuk Kramsa 296161 66 Hectares 117
43 Barmanthi 1,2 296163 29 Hectares 1023
44 Kawaram Taro 296164 70 Hectares 755
45 Gurial Dubi 1,2,3 296166 53 Hectares 817
46 Matipul 1,2 296167 80 Hectares 1228
47 Khat Khati Pacca Field 296168 166 Hectares 1606
48 Khat Khati Tila Bosti 296169 147 Hectares 3195
49 Laharijan Bazar 1,2 296170 40 Hectares 1189
50 Laharijan Basti 296171 53 Hectares 1658
51 Nihang 296172 25 Hectares 111
52 Bandhipur 296173 27 Hectares 313
53 Kara Gaon 296175 50 Hectares 195
54 Long Kathar 296176 60 Hectares 220
55 Gautam Basti 296177 80 Hectares 1208
56 Longgari Bagan (Laharijan) 296179 40 Hectares 455
57 Mon Basti 1,2 296180 200 Hectares 891
58 Balijan No.1 296181 60 Hectares 759
59 Dhon Singleng 296182 5 Hectares 289
60 Sing Killing 296183 63 Hectares 189
61 Kido Teron 296187 20 Hectares 149
62 Neper Pati Rochi Gaon 296188 27 Hectares 202
63 Bengnabil 1,2 296189 59 Hectares 947
64 Sarthe Borrung 296204 80 Hectares 1012
65 Border Terang 296209 15 Hectares 106
66 Monsing Killing 296211 30 Hectares 166
67 Namjan 296212 30 Hectares 78
68 Khan Bosti 296219 100 Hectares 2331
69 Khor Sing Engleng 296222 15 Hectares 159
70 Sikari Lekthe (China Sing Lekthe) 296226 48 Hectares 205
71 Chengburup Timung 296227 34 Hectares 25
72 Langsangti 296228 28 Hectares 282
73 Kamalakanta Bey 296230 32 Hectares 200
74 Sam Ronghang 296231 16 Hectares 62
75 Nazareth 296238 7 Hectares 58
76 Dubajan 296258 20 Hectares 289
77 Dayal Bosti 296264 10 Hectares 534
78 Garom Pani 296272 100 Hectares 334
79 Gurung Mati 296273 50 Hectares 531
80 Beltola 296274 40 Hectares 788
81 Majgaon 296275 - 771
82 Alubari 296276 80 Hectares 647
83 Natun Nadipar 296277 25 Hectares 126
84 Nawkata Gaon 296278 30 Hectares 1038
85 Ghanshyam Gaon 296279 30 Hectares 255
86 Daporitola 296280 30 Hectares 555
87 Mon Tokbi 296281 70 Hectares 78
88 Lahorijan Nirmal Bagan 296282 80 Hectares 665
89 Nothong Bosti 296284 180 Hectares 908
90 Jor Tokbi 296285 200 Hectares 1492
91 Khotkhoti Bazar 296286 200 Hectares 2608
92 Kachari Bosti 296287 200 Hectares 1134
93 Langrijan T.E. 296288 40 Hectares 800
94 Lengri Bosti 296289 200 Hectares 971
95 Ao Sector 296290 30 Hectares 426
96 Tokbi Bosti 296291 100 Hectares 348
97 Birsing Teron 296293 100 Hectares 203
98 Rongphar Bosti 296294 150 Hectares 221
99 Lalmati 296295 70 Hectares 105
100 Langteroi 296296 70 Hectares 82
101 Langbali 296297 150 Hectares 138
102 Rengma Bosti 296298 150 Hectares 861
103 Monipuri Bosti 296299 90 Hectares 652
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105 Teke Gaon 296303 20 Hectares 89
106 Hemari Teron 296305 10 Hectares 118
107 New Assam Gaon 296306 30 Hectares 269
108 Rukasen Gaon 296307 20 Hectares 186
109 Manipuri Bosti 296308 30 Hectares 57
110 Lokhijan Gaon 296309 20 Hectares 455
111 Pahariya Bosti 296311 20 Hectares 163
112 Dimrolangso 296312 20 Hectares 157
113 Sing Teron Gaon 296313 10 Hectares 27
114 Longki Adivashi 296316 120 Hectares 668
115 Biren Teron 296317 133 Hectares 96
116 Sing Teron Gaon 296318 20 Hectares 73
117 Jen Sing Teron 296322 20 Hectares 60
118 Langtuk Tisso 296327 20 Hectares 109
119 Kangching Teron Gaon 296328 10 Hectares 107
120 Thedong Timung 296331 16 Hectares 117
121 Langbrik Rongpi 296333 45 Hectares 121
122 Hemphu Ingti Gaon 296342 10 Hectares 83
123 Babu Bey Gaon 296344 30 Hectares 79
124 Kehai Terang Gaon 296348 10 Hectares 35
125 Kangbura Rongphar 296349 10 Hectares 26
126 Langtuk Rongphar 296350 20 Hectares 75
127 Kania Tokbi Gaon 296352 30 Hectares 66
128 Chondro Rongphar Gaon 296353 25 Hectares 63
129 Mohon Rongpi Gaon 296354 30 Hectares 195
130 John Timung 296355 10 Hectares 29
131 Langtuk Ch. Kathar 296356 15 Hectares 207
132 Chiri Adong 296358 20 Hectares 155
133 Pijo Engti 296359 16 Hectares 182
134 Udeng Tisso Gaon 296360 10 Hectares 248
135 Kania Tokbi Gaon 296361 30 Hectares 43
136 Kolom Sing Timung Gaon 296362 12 Hectares 23
137 Chandra Rongpi Gaon 296363 23 Hectares 118
138 Mon Teron 296367 20 Hectares 16
139 Bhalukjan Gaon 296369 13 Hectares 120
140 Gongjang Hira Bosti 296370 20 Hectares 115
141 Jhilki Bosti 296371 21 Hectares 154
142 3 No. Kasmir Tilla 296372 7 Hectares 64
143 Khading Vill 296373 32 Hectares 88
144 Buljang Vill 296380 20 Hectares 91
145 Thongnum 296382 30 Hectares 76
146 N.C. Chetri Vill 296386 33 Hectares 61
147 Thenjol (New) 296390 11 Hectares 30
148 L. Gomhoi Vill 296393 30 Hectares 109
149 Phaibung Vill 296394 23 Hectares 48
150 Phulboram 296636 20 Hectares 217
151 Ribo Bosti 296674 45 Hectares 136
152 Barli Bosti 296675 40 Hectares 117
153 Amri Rongpi 296676 100 Hectares 138
154 Hidipi (Phangcho Gaon) 297537 60 Hectares 198

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Miji Ingti.

Q2: What is the village code for Miji Ingti?

A2: The village code for Miji Ingti is 296229.

Q3: In which block is Miji Ingti located?

A3: Miji Ingti is located in the Bokajan block.

Q4: What is the total area of Miji Ingti?

A4: The total area of Miji Ingti is 27 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Miji Ingti belong to?

A5: Miji Ingti belongs to the Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Miji Ingti located?

A6: Miji Ingti is located in the Karbi Anglong district in the state of Assam.

Q7: How far is Miji Ingti from the district headquarter?

A7: Miji Ingti is 66 kilometers away from the DIPHU district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Miji Ingti?

A8: The nearest statutory town is Bokajan (TC) which is 8 kilometers away from Miji Ingti.

Q9: What is the population of Miji Ingti?

A9: The population of Miji Ingti is 80 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Miji Ingti?

A10: There are 193 households in Miji Ingti.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Miji Ingti?

A11: There are 39 males and 41 females in Miji Ingti.

Q12: Are there any schools in Miji Ingti?

A12: Yes, there is NA government primary school in Miji Ingti. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Miji Ingti?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Miji Ingti.

Q14: What is the pin code of Miji Ingti?

A14: The pin code of Miji Ingti is 782480.

Q15: Does Miji Ingti have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Miji Ingti.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Miji Ingti?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Miji Ingti.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Miji Ingti?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Miji Ingti.

Q18: Is Miji Ingti connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Miji Ingti.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Miji Ingti?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Miji Ingti.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Miji Ingti?

A20: NA, an ASHA worker is available in Miji Ingti.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Miji Ingti?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Miji Ingti is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Miji Ingti?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Miji Ingti.

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