
Yerrabommalu Village

Yerrabommalu is belongs to Visakhapatnam, district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Village   Details
Name : Yerrabommalu
Village code : 585281
Block Name : Chintapalle (0524)
Area : 262
Gram Panchayat : YERRABOMMALU ()
District : Visakhapatnam
State : Andhra Pradesh
District Head Quarter : VISAKHAPATNAM
District Head Quarter distance : 140 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : ANAKAPALLE
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 100 Kms
Population : 159
Households : 50
Male : 87
Female : 72
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : Available
Pincode : 531111
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities :
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Yerrabommalu location

Near by villages of Yerrabommalu

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Lammadampalle 585129 BALAPAM 65 Hectares 154
2 Egajanaba 585130 BALAPAM 10 Hectares 117
3 Digijanaba 585131 BALAPAM 37 Hectares 172
4 Cheruvuru 585132 BALAPAM 64 Hectares 209
5 Tadlapalle 585133 BALAPAM 36 Hectares 273
6 Buradamamidi 585134 BALAPAM 16 Hectares 46
7 Korukonda 585135 BALAPAM 56 Hectares 158
8 Digavalasapalle 585136 BALAPAM 7 Hectares 78
9 Turamamidi 585137 BALAPAM 65 Hectares 112
10 Burugubailu 585138 BALAPAM 119 Hectares 179
11 Veeravaram 585139 BALAPAM 67 Hectares 136
12 Egavalasapalle 585140 BALAPAM 43 Hectares 71
13 Kudumulu 585141 BALAPAM 87 Hectares 244
14 Kappagondhi 585142 BALAPAM 86 Hectares 219
15 Rallagedda Kothuru 585143 BALAPAM 64 Hectares 190
16 Rallagedda 585144 BALAPAM 97 Hectares 232
17 Kudumusari 585145 KUDUMUSARI 121 Hectares 365
18 Goddibanda 585146 KUDEMASAR - 34
19 Kotagunnalu 585147 KODUMUSARI 305 Hectares 788
20 Nimmalapadu 585148 KUDUMUSARI 117 Hectares 374
21 Itikabedda 585149 BALAPAM 22 Hectares 18
22 Velamjuvvi 585150 BALAPAM 40 Hectares 141
23 Joheru 585151 BALAPAM 166 Hectares 180
24 Balapam 585152 BALAPAM 82 Hectares 452
25 Tokapadu 585153 BALAPAM 14 Hectares 47
26 Mandipalle 585154 BALAPAM 8 Hectares 112
27 Karakapalle 585155 BONDAPURAM 5 Hectares 119
28 Goppugudiselu 585156 14 Hectares 77
29 Vandanapalle 585157 KUDUMUSARI 12 Hectares 67
30 Turubongulu 585158 KUDUMASARI 76 Hectares 202
31 Kitumula 585159 KUDUMUSARI 21 Hectares 152
32 Boddaputtu 585160 KUDUMUSARI 54 Hectares 197
33 Merakalu 585161 KUDUMUSARI 28 Hectares 168
34 Donipolalu 585162 THAMMANGULA 58 Hectares 95
35 Vanchuladurgam 585163 KUDUMUSARI 25 Hectares 38
36 Sampangiputtu 585164 KUDUMUSARI 70 Hectares 118
37 Bokkellu 585165 THAMMANGULA 14 Hectares 17
38 Bheemanupalle 585166 KUDUMUSARI 25 Hectares 103
39 Gorrelametta 585167 KUDUMUSARI 29 Hectares 42
40 Pullalamamidi 585168 THAMMANGULA 19 Hectares 43
41 Lumburu 585169 THAMMANGULA 21 Hectares 68
42 Pusalapalem 585170 TAMMONGUDA 10 Hectares 144
43 Chittamgaruvu 585171 THAMMANGULA 45 Hectares 88
44 Kilimisingi Durgam 585172 THAMMONGULA 225 Hectares 244
45 Tammingala 585173 TAMMINGALA 131 Hectares 615
46 Pedagaruvu 585175 THAMMANGULA 10 Hectares 92
47 Lakshmipuram 585176 THAMMANGULA 72 Hectares 165
48 Pedagondhi 585177 THAMMANGULA 47 Hectares 43
49 Gosaigondhi 585178 THAMMANGULA 45 Hectares 128
50 Jaduguru 585179 THAMMANGULA 36 Hectares 108
51 Varathanapalle 585180 THAMMANAGALI 202 Hectares 516
52 Somavaram 585181 ANNAVARAM 257 Hectares 592
53 Suddagaruvu 585182 THAMMANGULA 33 Hectares 268
54 Dongalega 585183 THAMMANGULA 6 Hectares 31
55 Boddajuvvi 585184 KUDUMUSARI 48 Hectares 106
56 Vedurupalle 585185 ANNAVARAM 60 Hectares 119
57 Joharu 585186 ANNAVARAM 199 Hectares 307
58 Kattubanda 585187 ANNAVARAM 13 Hectares 89
59 Vanthalapadu 585188 ANNAVARAM 96 Hectares 176
60 Panasalapadu 585189 ANNAVARAM 215 Hectares 285
61 Kuramanapakalu 585190 ANNAVARAM 2 Hectares 354
62 Gochapalle 585191 BENNAVARAM 99 Hectares 365
63 Votti Busulu 585192 BENNAVARAM 59 Hectares 170
64 Godugulametta 585193 LOTHUGEDDA 66 Hectares 116
65 Jangampakalu 585194 LOLGUGEDDA 22 Hectares 59
66 Domalagondhi 585195 LOTHUGEDDA 74 Hectares 178
67 Kolanubanda 585196 LOTHUGEDDA 16 Hectares 67
68 Annavaram 585197 ANNAVARAM 264 Hectares 1200
69 Kummarivanchala 585198 THAMMANGULA 145 Hectares 313
70 Lothugedda 585199 LOTHUGEDDA 79 Hectares 1052
71 Meduru 585200 LOTHUGADDA 349 Hectares 1184
72 Cherukumpakalu 585201 LOTHUGADDA 327 Hectares 633
73 Lingalagudi 585202 LOTHUGEDDA 101 Hectares 152
74 Bandabayalu 585203 LOTHUGADDA 122 Hectares 570
75 Kothavuru 585204 BENNAVARAM 127 Hectares 279
76 Junnulu 585205 KOTHAPALEM 34 Hectares 277
77 Pinapadu 585206 BENNAVARAM 120 Hectares 151
78 Pothurajugummalu 585207 GONDIPAKALU 258 Hectares 448
79 Bennavaram 585208 BENNAVARAM 112 Hectares 694
80 Regallu 585209 BENNAVARAM 276 Hectares 306
81 Pinapadu 585210 KOTHAPALEM 66 Hectares 180
82 Jeelugumetta 585211 BENNAVARAM 167 Hectares 241
83 Pedakonda 585212 BENNAVARAM 59 Hectares 69
84 Kadasilpa 585213 KOTHAPALEM 149 Hectares 420
85 Teegalametta 585214 KOTHAPALEM 177 Hectares 568
86 Godugumamidi 585215 BALAPAM 104 Hectares 34
87 Kothapalem 585216 KOTHAPALEM 256 Hectares 577
88 Degalapalem 585217 KOTHAPALLE 82 Hectares 96
89 Godugumamidi 585218 TAJANGI 24 Hectares 221
90 Kappalu 585219 KOTHAPALEM 280 Hectares 303
91 Bennavaram 585220 296 Hectares 324
92 Karakapalle 585221 TAJANGI 41 Hectares 66
93 Umrasigondi 585222 TAJANGI 94 Hectares 220
94 Bheemasingi 585223 KOTHAPALEM 126 Hectares 288
95 Pedapakalu 585224 KOTHAPALEM 188 Hectares 414
96 Mamidipalle 585225 KOTHAPALEM 226 Hectares 516
97 Debbagaruvu 585226 KOTHAPADU - 108
98 Kinnerla 585227 KOTHAPALEM 235 Hectares 621
99 Vangasari 585228 PEDA BARADA 92 Hectares 1309
100 Vurisingi 585229 KOMMANGI 68 Hectares 431
101 Kolapari 585230 KOMMANGI 84 Hectares 636
102 Chinna Gedda 585231 CHINTAPALLE 100 Hectares 584
103 Kandulagodi 585232 CHINTAPALLE 36 Hectares 507
104 Mallavaram 585233 CHINTAPALLE 24 Hectares 379
105 Gadapari 585234 CHINTAPALLE - 447
106 Gerrilagadda 585235 CHOUDUPALLE - 211
107 Chavatapadu 585236 CHOUDUPALLE - 353
108 Vamigedda Kothuru 585237 CHOWDUPALLE 104 Hectares 340
109 Pina Kothuru 585238 CHOWDUPALLE 93 Hectares 282
110 Cherapalle 585239 LOTHUGADDA 230 Hectares 511
111 Genjigedda 585240 CHOWDUPALLE - 264
112 Bayalukinchangi 585241 CHOWDUPALLE 424 Hectares 856
113 Vamigedda 585242 CHOWDUPALLE 127 Hectares 352
114 Pandlimamidi 585243 CHOWDUPALLE - 131
115 Chadalapadu 585244 CHOWDUPALLE - 186
116 Bourthy 585245 CHOWDUPALLE - 378
117 Sathyavaram 585246 CHOWDUPALLE - 257
118 Goyyalametta 585247 CHOUDUPALLE - 42
119 Pasuvulabanda 585248 CHOWDUPALLE 282 Hectares 363
120 Chowdupalle 585249 CHOWDUPALLE 167 Hectares 1264
121 Chadipeta 585250 CHINTAPALLE 4 Hectares 220
122 Antharla 585251 CHINTAPALLE 268 Hectares 1181
123 Balajipeta 585252 CHINTAPALLE 17 Hectares 30
124 Chilakalamamidi 585253 CHINTAPALLE - 246
125 Ganugulapadu 585254 YERRABOMMALU 24 Hectares 159
126 Sallai 585255 KOMMANGI 62 Hectares 287
127 Genjigedda 585256 KOMMANGI - 184
128 Sadika 585257 YERRABOMMALU 106 Hectares 289
129 Routhupayalu 585258 YERRABOMMALU 50 Hectares 131
130 Chinthaluru 585259 PEDABARADA 198 Hectares 1442
131 Burisingi 585260 KOTHAPALEM 164 Hectares 328
132 Regubailu 585261 THAJANGI 74 Hectares 233
133 Budidapadu 585262 TAJANGI 33 Hectares 79
134 Korukonda 585263 TAJANGI 200 Hectares 370
135 Vanajajulu 585264 THAJANGI 110 Hectares 98
136 Bayapadu 585265 THAJANGI 61 Hectares 189
137 Basangi Kothuru 585266 TAJANGI 228 Hectares 390
138 Lambadampalle 585267 TAJANGI 33 Hectares 80
139 Vanthamamidi 585268 TAJANGI 109 Hectares 234
140 Rajubanda 585269 LAMMASING 69 Hectares 138
141 Marrichettu Pakalu 585270 LAMMASINGI 28 Hectares 159
142 Bangarugummi 585271 LAMMASINGI 13 Hectares 26
143 Chinna Rajupakalu 585272 LAMMASINGI 109 Hectares 58
144 Thallakota 585273 TAJANGI 153 Hectares 187
145 Labbangikothaveedhi 585274 LAMMASINGI 20 Hectares 211
146 Labbangi 585275 LAMMASINGI 159 Hectares 256
147 Jangampakalu 585276 LOTHUGEDDA 44 Hectares 40
148 Barikadorapakalu @ Rajupakalu 585277 PEDABADADA 138 Hectares 276
149 Madigunta 585278 PEDA BARADA 168 Hectares 291
150 Krishnapuram 585279 PEDA BARADA 134 Hectares 342
151 Terapalle 585280 PEDA BARADA 92 Hectares 520
152 Nagulagondi 585282 KOMMANGI - 98
153 Lubbagunta 585283 KOMMANGI - 71
154 Kikkisalabanda 585284 KOMMANGI 1 Hectares 144
155 Kudupusingi 585285 KOMMANGI 145 Hectares 298
156 Kommangi 585286 KOMMANGI 339 Hectares 768
157 Pamulachintabanda 585287 YERRA BOMMALU 17 Hectares 16
158 Parikalu 585288 YERRABOMMALU 68 Hectares 155
159 Jangambanda 585289 SANIVARAM - 108
160 Relangi 585290 YERRABOMMALU 47 Hectares 118
161 Polugonta 585291 GONDIPAKALU - 91
162 Korrabanda 585292 GONDIPAKALU - 99
163 Yerravaram 585293 GONDIPAKALU 174 Hectares 71
164 Samagiri 585294 GODIPAKALU 112 Hectares 413
165 Dasuduveedhi 585297 YERRABOMMALU - 23
166 Godugumamidi 585298 BALAPAM - 143
167 Rolugunta 585299 GONDIPAKALU - 189
168 Thatibanda 585300 GONDIPAKALU - 94
169 Rachapanasa 585301 GONDIPAKALU - 158
170 Vanthamamidi 585302 GONDIPAKALU - 63
171 Borramamidi 585303 GONDIPAKALU - 112
172 Kagulabanda 585304 GONDIPAKALU - 51
173 Pothurajugunnalu 585305 BENNAVARAM - 20
174 Totamamidi 585306 GONDIPAKALU - 284
175 Porlubanda 585307 GONDIPAKALU - 90
176 Thatipalem 585308 GONDIPAKALU - 93
177 Tappulamamidi 585309 YERRABOMMALU - 118
178 Boyalagudem 585310 YERRABOMMALU - 168
179 Seetharamapuram 585311 YERRABOMMALU - 103
180 Yerrabanda 585312 YERRABOMMALU 51 Hectares 311
181 Jerrigedda 585313 YERRABOMMALU - 57
182 Yerranabilli 585314 YERRABOMMALU - 108
183 Kondavanchula 585315 YERRA BOMMALU 296 Hectares 324
184 Chinnabarada 585316 PEDABARADA 142 Hectares 354
185 Pedabarada 585317 PEDABARADA 205 Hectares 954
186 Siripuram 585318 PEDABARADA 152 Hectares 361
187 Diguvapakalu 585319 GONDIPAKALU 79 Hectares 106
188 Gondipakalu 585320 GONDIPAKALU 427 Hectares 591
189 Rowrimthada 585321 KOMMANGI 183 Hectares 707
190 Baddimetta 585322 GONDIPAKALU 92 Hectares 443
191 Chitrallagoppu 585323 LAMMASINGI 38 Hectares 111
192 Lammasingi 585324 LAMMASINGI 392 Hectares 1943
193 Nuthibanda 585325 LAMMASINGI - 235
194 Ona Chakarayabanda 585326 LAMMASINGI - 87
195 Ravimanupakalu 585327 LAMSINGI - 231
196 Bheemanapalle 585328 LAMMASINGI 37 Hectares 156
197 Asirada 585329 LAMASINGI 44 Hectares 73
198 Gattumpakalu 585330 TAJANGI 49 Hectares 190
199 Tajangi 585331 TAJANGI 438 Hectares 2126
200 Rachapanukulu 585332 KITUMULA 99 Hectares 98
201 Palada 585333 KITUMULA 111 Hectares 218
202 Bowda 585334 KITUMULA 208 Hectares 413
203 Kitumula 585335 KITUMULA 204 Hectares 264
204 Rakota 585336 KITUMULA 55 Hectares 113
205 Balabadram 585338 TAJANGI 126 Hectares 143
206 Pakabu 585339 KITUMULA 174 Hectares 515
207 Pathapadu 585340 KITUMULA 6 Hectares 33
208 Kurusingi 585341 SANIVARAM 13 Hectares 134
209 Turebongalu 585342 SANIVARAM 76 Hectares 44
210 Gummidipalem 585343 SANIVARAM 8 Hectares 12
211 Ubalagaruvu 585344 SANIVARAM - 131
212 Vookabanda 585345 SANIVARAM - 111
213 Busulakota 585346 SANIVARAM 160 Hectares 326
214 Sanivaram 585347 SANIVARAM 298 Hectares 389
215 Chinnayyapalem 585348 SANIVARAM 143 Hectares 166
216 Tamarapalle 585349 SANIVARAM 66 Hectares 369
217 Singavaram 585350 SANIVARAM 63 Hectares 95
218 Singavaram Kothuru 585351 SANIVARAM 14 Hectares 159
219 Anjalam 585352 SANIVARAM 32 Hectares 206
220 Usuruputtu 585353 SANIVARAM - 100
221 Nimmalapalem 585354 KITUMULA - 44
222 Gaddibanda 585355 KITUMULA - 62
223 Mulusubanda 585356 KITUMULA - 172
224 Sheekayabanda 585357 KITUMULA - 256
225 Busibanda 585358 KITUMULA - 94
226 Puligondhi 585359 KITUMULA - 92
227 Polamabanda 585360 KITUMULA - 191
228 Cheemalabayalu 585361 JAJANGI - 81
229 Vandlamamidi 585362 SANIVARAM - 263
230 Jangambuddi 585363 YERRABOMMALU - 187
231 Munthamamidi 585364 SANIVARAM - 39
232 Nagraharam 585365 KITUMULA - 48
233 Bemudichatru 585366 KITUMULA - 173
234 Lakkavaram 585367 KITUMULA - 103
235 Matchalamamidi 585368 SANIVARAM - 19
236 Gunnamamidi 585369 SANIVARAM - 77
237 Madimabanda 585370 SANIVARAM - 371
238 Rayipalem 585371 SANIVARAM - 48
239 Thatibanda 585372 SANIVARAM - 37
240 Nadimipalem 585373 KITUMULA - 37
241 Kapasupadu 585374 KITUMULA - 51
242 Dovarapalle 585375 KITUMULA - 42
243 Palamamidi 585376 SANIVARAM - 126

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Yerrabommalu.

Q2: What is the village code for Yerrabommalu?

A2: The village code for Yerrabommalu is 585281.

Q3: In which block is Yerrabommalu located?

A3: Yerrabommalu is located in the Chintapalle block.

Q4: What is the total area of Yerrabommalu?

A4: The total area of Yerrabommalu is 262 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Yerrabommalu belong to?

A5: Yerrabommalu belongs to the YERRABOMMALU Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Yerrabommalu located?

A6: Yerrabommalu is located in the Visakhapatnam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Q7: How far is Yerrabommalu from the district headquarter?

A7: Yerrabommalu is 140 kilometers away from the VISAKHAPATNAM district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Yerrabommalu?

A8: The nearest statutory town is ANAKAPALLE which is 100 kilometers away from Yerrabommalu.

Q9: What is the population of Yerrabommalu?

A9: The population of Yerrabommalu is 159 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Yerrabommalu?

A10: There are 193 households in Yerrabommalu.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Yerrabommalu?

A11: There are 87 males and 72 females in Yerrabommalu.

Q12: Are there any schools in Yerrabommalu?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Yerrabommalu. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Yerrabommalu?

A13: Available, there is Available primary health centre in Yerrabommalu.

Q14: What is the pin code of Yerrabommalu?

A14: The pin code of Yerrabommalu is 531111.

Q15: Does Yerrabommalu have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Yerrabommalu.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Yerrabommalu?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Yerrabommalu.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Yerrabommalu?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Yerrabommalu.

Q18: Is Yerrabommalu connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Yerrabommalu.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Yerrabommalu?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Yerrabommalu.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Yerrabommalu?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Yerrabommalu.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Yerrabommalu?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Yerrabommalu is .

Q22: How much forest area is there in Yerrabommalu?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Yerrabommalu.

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