
Thotalagondi Village

Thotalagondi is belongs to Visakhapatnam, district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Village   Details
Name : Thotalagondi
Village code : 585001
Block Name : G.Madugula (0523)
Area : 72
Gram Panchayat : SALABHAM ()
District : Visakhapatnam
State : Andhra Pradesh
District Head Quarter : VISAKHAPATNAM
District Head Quarter distance : 186 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : ANAKAPALLE
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 130 Kms
Population : 106
Households : 30
Male : 56
Female : 50
Govt Primary School : NA
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 531029
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : TURMERIC
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Thotalagondi location

Near by villages of Thotalagondi

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Kandulagunta 583812 KUNTURLA 26 Hectares 80
2 Borramamidi 583814 KUNTHURLA 147 Hectares 226
3 Baithinilanka 583815 KUNTHURLA 53 Hectares 525
4 Chilakapanasa 584801 KILLAMKOTA 24 Hectares 199
5 Garisingi 584802 KILLAMKOTA 81 Hectares 94
6 Surtipalle 584803 KILLAMKOTA 165 Hectares 154
7 Reyyalagedda 584804 27 Hectares 76
8 Madathakonda 584805 - 108
9 Buradaveedhi 584806 BOITHELA 41 Hectares 61
10 Kappalu 584807 KILLAMKOTA 87 Hectares 92
11 Kodimamidi 584808 KILLAMKOTA 17 Hectares 52
12 Kuridilu 584809 KILLAMKOTA 25 Hectares 50
13 K.Bandaveedhi 584810 39 Hectares 205
14 Sankulamaddi 584811 PEDATUVASINGI 50 Hectares 89
15 Vanukuru 584812 BOITHILI 45 Hectares 229
16 Killamkota 584813 KILLAMKOTA 154 Hectares 428
17 Sariyapalle 584814 83 Hectares 111
18 Valasapanasa 584815 LUVVASINGI 7 Hectares 20
19 Vandrangipadu 584816 PEDA LUVVASINGI 59 Hectares 72
20 Manepalle 584817 PEDA LUVVASINGI 9 Hectares 9
21 Busipalle 584818 PEDDA LUVVASINGI 22 Hectares 79
22 Chilakalapalem 584819 PEDDA LUVVASINGI 23 Hectares 47
23 Surimetta 584820 37 Hectares 98
24 Alagam 584821 PEDA LUVVASINGI 54 Hectares 225
25 Yesthala 584822 PEDA LUVVASINGI 3 Hectares 229
26 Killupalle 584823 PEDA LUVVASINGI 40 Hectares 71
27 Tartalu 584824 PEDA LUVVASINGI 17 Hectares 92
28 Porlugunta 584825 PEDA LUVASINGI 67 Hectares 45
29 Sopalu 584826 PEDA LUVASINGI 24 Hectares 69
30 Sirasapalle 584827 BAITHILI 47 Hectares 114
31 Jamulaveedhi 584828 BOITHILI 83 Hectares 125
32 Jeelugulagoyya 584829 NIRMETTI 63 Hectares 60
33 Putikametta 584831 BOITHILI - 43
34 Rachaveedhi 584832 BOITHILI 221 Hectares 326
35 Gondipalle 584833 BOITHILI 67 Hectares 136
36 Mandibha 584834 BOITHILI 117 Hectares 377
37 Subbulu 584835 KILLAMKOTA 114 Hectares 137
38 Boithela @ Bonkatili 584836 BOITHELA 178 Hectares 510
39 Chapagedda 584837 BOITHELA 21 Hectares 25
40 Peddagaruvu 584838 BOITHELA 21 Hectares 83
41 Singam Valasa 584839 61 Hectares 162
42 Maddigaruvu 584840 BOITHELA 36 Hectares 252
43 Busulakota 584841 BOITHELE 20 Hectares 65
44 Yegarapalle 584842 BOITHILE 102 Hectares 98
45 Panasapalle 584843 NURMATTI 69 Hectares 76
46 Pulusumamidi 584844 BOITHELE 147 Hectares 242
47 Digarapalle 584845 41 Hectares 113
48 Pinajageeru 584846 NURMETTI 29 Hectares 178
49 Kumburla 584847 NURMATTI 65 Hectares 73
50 Vandrangula 584848 NURMATTI 11 Hectares 49
51 Gadigunta 584849 NURMETTA 162 Hectares 213
52 Vakapalle 584850 NURMATTI 142 Hectares 541
53 Dippalagondi 584851 NURMETTI 36 Hectares 47
54 Vantalamamidi 584852 KORAPALLI 95 Hectares 214
55 Varadamamidi 584853 KONAPALLI 32 Hectares 41
56 Yerragoppu 584854 PEDA LUVVASINGI 135 Hectares 105
57 Nugumamidi 584855 BEERAM 26 Hectares 13
58 Nurmathi 584856 NURMATHI 360 Hectares 961
59 Mosaidipanuku Kothuru 584857 NURMATHI 59 Hectares 133
60 Maddiveedhi 584858 NURMETHI 43 Hectares 114
61 Boddagondi 584859 KORAPALLI 21 Hectares 118
62 Thiyyagundam 584860 PEDALUVVASINGI 62 Hectares 147
63 Vayyampalle 584861 KORAPALLI 109 Hectares 91
64 Pinaluvvasingi 584862 PEDDA LUVVASINGI 34 Hectares 73
65 Sanguloya 584863 PEDA LUVVASINGI 277 Hectares 249
66 Aragadapalle 584864 145 Hectares 187
67 Peda Luvvasingi 584865 PEDA LUVVASINGI 59 Hectares 218
68 Tarabusingi 584866 PEDA LUVVASINGI 51 Hectares 87
69 Kandulagade 584867 PEDA LUVVASINGI 79 Hectares 97
70 A.Bandaveedhi 584868 102 Hectares 285
71 Palamamidi 584869 PALAMAMIDI 178 Hectares 381
72 Karakapalle 584872 G.MADUGULA 118 Hectares 169
73 Bondapalle 584873 PEDA LUVVASINGI 104 Hectares 131
74 Boddaputtu 584874 LUVVASINGI 16 Hectares 31
75 Mulagaruvu 584875 G.MADUGULA 30 Hectares 81
76 Chittamputtu 584876 PEDA LUVVASINGI 106 Hectares 88
77 Regadi 584877 KORAPALLI 42 Hectares 42
78 Chittugummi 584878 PEDA LUVVASINGI 69 Hectares 77
79 Valasamamidi 584879 PEDA LUVVASINGI 118 Hectares 168
80 Surtipalle 584880 KORAPALLI 96 Hectares 52
81 Thaggimetta 584882 101 Hectares 151
82 Mandivanam 584883 BHEERAM.. 42 Hectares 40
83 Beeram 584884 BEERAM 130 Hectares 314
84 Salimerangi 584885 BEERAM - 106
85 Thadiveedhi 584886 BEERAM 109 Hectares 304
86 Anarbha 584887 BEERAM 182 Hectares 369
87 Pedajageeru 584888 PEDAJAGEERU 160 Hectares 144
88 Kitumulu 584889 KITUMULU 62 Hectares 219
89 Korapalle 584890 KORAPALLI 206 Hectares 431
90 Rudibayalu 584891 KORAPALLI - 109
91 Baram 584892 SINGARBHA 20 Hectares 130
92 Sadeku 584893 G.MADUGULA 341 Hectares 506
93 Rolangiputtu 584894 SINGARBHA 95 Hectares 107
94 M.Nittaputtu 584895 SINGARBHA 132 Hectares 288
95 Palakonda 584896 KORAPALLI 78 Hectares 140
96 Pulagondi 584897 SINGARBHA - 73
97 Pedakonda 584898 KORAPALLI - 14
98 Gannelba 584899 164 Hectares 381
99 Vannelabha 584900 BEERAM 56 Hectares 219
100 Agampadu 584901 BEERAM 83 Hectares 157
101 Vemarajukodapalle 584902 BEERAM 257 Hectares 415
102 Ubalagaruvu 584903 SINGARBHA 126 Hectares 181
103 Thummedala Neredu 584904 BEERAM 54 Hectares 62
104 Jannera 584905 K.KODAPALLI 147 Hectares 257
105 Vennela 584906 KUMBIDISINGI 148 Hectares 241
106 Buruguveedhi 584907 SINGARBHA 103 Hectares 168
107 Chepalle 584908 SINGARBHA 57 Hectares 210
108 G.Nittaputtu 584909 SINGARBHA 222 Hectares 433
109 Karnikalanka 584910 SINGARBHA 142 Hectares 355
110 Singarbha 584911 SINGARBHA 82 Hectares 190
111 Rachapalle 584912 SINGARBHA 34 Hectares 184
112 Yegaratchapalle 584913 SOLABHAM 102 Hectares 147
113 Reemali 584914 SOLABHAM 68 Hectares 109
114 Madhuramamidi 584915 SOLABHAM 61 Hectares 132
115 Vallangula 584916 PALAMAMIDI 37 Hectares 44
116 Lakkulu 584917 PALAMAMIDI 224 Hectares 146
117 Kokkirapalle 584918 PALAMAMIDI 173 Hectares 514
118 Cheekumbanda 584919 PALAMAMIDI 195 Hectares 227
119 Vanabhampadu 584920 PALLAMAMIDI 94 Hectares 245
120 Vennelakota 584921 VANJARI 110 Hectares 215
121 Devarapalle 584922 VANJARI 170 Hectares 359
122 Yeduchavallu 584923 PALAMAMIDI 51 Hectares 229
123 Marripalem 584924 VANJARI 95 Hectares 169
124 Thoka Rai 584925 GEMMELI 44 Hectares 317
125 Padmapuram 584926 VANJARI 94 Hectares 490
126 Sariya 584927 VANJARI 111 Hectares 131
127 Borramamidi 584928 GEMMELI 62 Hectares 222
128 Busipalle 584929 VANJARI 54 Hectares 267
129 Goyyigunta 584930 VANJARI 32 Hectares 186
130 Balijipeta 584931 VANJARI 139 Hectares 360
131 Gedalabanda 584932 VANJARI 32 Hectares 88
132 Ullivarapadu 584933 VANJARI 31 Hectares 63
133 Pina Kiltharu 584934 VANJARI 70 Hectares 133
134 Suvvapadu 584935 VANJARI - 82
135 Krishnapuram 584936 VANJARI 391 Hectares 435
136 Sangambanda 584937 GEMMELI 34 Hectares 93
137 Kinagari 584938 VANJARI 64 Hectares 132
138 Kuntalam 584939 PALAMAMIDI 47 Hectares 218
139 Galipadu 584940 VANJARI - 238
140 Korrapadu 584941 VAJARI - 114
141 Pedda Kiltaru 584942 VANJARI 30 Hectares 62
142 Vanjari 584943 VANJARI 142 Hectares 299
143 Porlubanda 584944 SOLABHAM - 18
144 Mittalapadu 584945 VANTHALA 65 Hectares 92
145 Thatipalem 584946 VANJARI 71 Hectares 171
146 Luvvapalle 584947 GENNELI 65 Hectares 98
147 Cheemakurapalem 584948 GEMMELI 16 Hectares 75
148 Kimudupalle 584949 VANJARI 164 Hectares 320
149 Terlamamidi 584950 GEMMELI 17 Hectares 79
150 Kulupadu 584951 GEMMELI 290 Hectares 807
151 Maddulabanda 584952 GEMMELI 166 Hectares 208
152 Chinnaurumu 584953 G.MADUGULA 37 Hectares 80
153 Pedalanka 584954 G.MADUGULA 10 Hectares 75
154 Pedaurumu 584955 G.MADUGULA 82 Hectares 234
155 Darlamgondi 584956 G.MADUGULA - 44
156 Goddubusulu 584957 SINGARBHA 108 Hectares 188
157 P.G.Madugula 584958 G.MADUGULA 185 Hectares 538
158 Rolangiputtu 584959 G.MADUGULA - 53
159 Matchyapuram 584960 K.KODAPALLI 56 Hectares 274
160 Sangam 584961 K.KODAPALLI 43 Hectares 79
161 Bandaveedhi 584962 311 Hectares 1227
162 K.Kodapalle 584963 K.KODAPALLI 202 Hectares 748
163 Ganneruputtu 584964 K.KODAPALLI 80 Hectares 140
164 Chintalagondi 584965 KAMIDISINGI 58 Hectares 179
165 Gadderai 584966 84 Hectares 307
166 Urlumetta 584967 KUMBIDISINGI 61 Hectares 143
167 Andangisingi 584968 KUMBIDISINGI 147 Hectares 218
168 G.M.Kothuru 584969 G.MADUGULA 129 Hectares 2356
169 K.G.Madugula 584970 G.MADUGULA 196 Hectares 1991
170 Jogulaputtu 584971 G.MADUGULA 100 Hectares 115
171 Busipalle 584972 G.MADUGULA 77 Hectares 118
172 Balamanusanka 584973 GEMMELI 120 Hectares 147
173 Varigelapalem 584974 GEMMALI 224 Hectares 313
174 Kothurupadu 584975 VANJARA 41 Hectares 353
175 Pedapadu 584976 PALAMAMIDI 36 Hectares 116
176 Udapalam 584977 GEMMALI 79 Hectares 168
177 Mulakaiputtu 584978 VANJALI - 175
178 Andanapalle 584979 GEMMALI - 131
179 Ullikallalabanda 584980 SAABHAM - 41
180 Gondimelaka 584981 VANJAIR 273 Hectares 535
181 Mulagaruvu 584982 PEDDALOCHALI - 13
182 Gemmeli 584984 GEMMILI 38 Hectares 785
183 Chinnakothuru 584985 GEMMELI 15 Hectares 63
184 Boddagondi 584986 POLAMAMIDI 40 Hectares 153
185 Chittampadu 584987 PALAMAMIDI 13 Hectares 39
186 G.Kothuru 584988 GEMMULI 152 Hectares 189
187 Varlamamidi 584989 VANJARI 56 Hectares 140
188 Ramachandrapalem 584990 GEMMELI 33 Hectares 88
189 Kolambora 584991 GEMMELI 112 Hectares 117
190 Sampangi Puttu 584993 GEMMELI 42 Hectares 170
191 Bobbampadu 584994 GADUTHURU - 218
192 Kuneti 584995 GEMMELI 181 Hectares 396
193 Vattivagisa 584996 SOLABHAM 83 Hectares 227
194 Golagonda 584997 SOLABHAM 74 Hectares 197
195 Yenugugondi 584998 SOLABHAM 46 Hectares 106
196 Singarajupeta 584999 SOLABHAM - 43
197 Degalarai 585000 SOLABHAM 24 Hectares 182
198 China Kantavaram 585002 SOLABHAM - 220
199 Gondipadu 585003 SOLABHAM 26 Hectares 110
200 Vanjangipadu 585004 SOLABHAM 20 Hectares 131
201 Gonduru@ Y.B.Gonduru 585005 G.MADUGULA 57 Hectares 163
202 Gurrayi 585006 KUNDISINGI 79 Hectares 184
203 Kumbidisingi 585007 KUMBIDISINGI 257 Hectares 393
204 Chinnalochali 585008 PEDALOCHALI 172 Hectares 295
205 Mandigaruvu 585009 VANTHALI 142 Hectares 166
206 Pedakantavaram 585010 SOLABHAM 40 Hectares 113
207 Solabham 585011 SOLABHAM 288 Hectares 617
208 Bheemaloya 585012 SOLABHAM - 58
209 Godugumamidi 585013 PEDALOCHALI 96 Hectares 163
210 S.Kothuru 585014 64 Hectares 251
211 Rallaputtu 585015 112 Hectares 305
212 Kondabheemapalem 585016 GADUTHURU - 107
213 Barsingimetta 585017 GADUTHURU 33 Hectares 153
214 Gompam 585018 GADUTHURU 89 Hectares 174
215 Gadrayi 585019 GEMMELI 9 Hectares 26
216 Chinaporlu 585020 GADUTHURA - 27
217 Mangathapalem 585021 GADUTHURU 104 Hectares 435
218 Gaduthuru 585022 GADUTHURU 254 Hectares 417
219 Pachinapalle 585023 GADUTHURU 76 Hectares 191
220 Godda 585024 GADUTHURU 202 Hectares 237
221 Peddalochale 585026 PEDALOCHALI 325 Hectares 704
222 Rachapanuku 585027 RACHAPANUKU 4 Hectares 37
223 Vanthala 585028 VANTHALA 249 Hectares 853
224 Tiyyamamidi 585029 VANTHALA 68 Hectares 126
225 Jarrai 585030 PEDALOCHALI 85 Hectares 255
226 Kuddangi 585031 SOLABHAM 45 Hectares 139
227 Chinna Pinapalem 585032 GADUTHURU 134 Hectares 120
228 Gangadevigudi 585033 GADUTHURU 20 Hectares 96
229 Vedurupalle 585034 GADUTHURU - 131
230 Kangulabanda 585036 SOLABHAM - 46
231 Barisingi 585037 GADUTHURU 26 Hectares 61
232 Goddukuralabanda 585039 PEDALOCHALE - 20
233 Vantalamamidi 585040 KORAPALLI - 192
234 Kothagaruvu 585041 SOLABHAM - 95
235 Addulu 585042 - 32
236 Pisumamidi 585044 VANTHALA - 2
237 Kajjapalle 585045 VANTHALI 86 Hectares 213
238 Pacheli 585046 VANTHALI 10 Hectares 29
239 Dabbagaruvu 585047 SOLABHA - 143
240 Vanabharangipadu 585049 SOLABHAM - 226
241 Ganjigedda 585050 GADUTHURU 31 Hectares 122
242 Peddapinapalem 585051 GADUTHURU 69 Hectares 26
243 Ganugurolu 585052 GADUTHURU - 121
244 Vasamamidi 585053 GADUTHURU - 220
245 Bondulapanuku 585054 GADUTHURU - 19
246 Seetabanda 585055 GADUTHURU - 86
247 Goddalikarra 585056 KILLAMKOTA - 69
248 Gurralagummi 585057 GADUTHURU - 111
249 Peddabayalu 585058 SALAGRAM - 455
250 Jolamputtu 585059 PEDALOCHALI 68 Hectares 63
251 Mondikota 585060 SOLABHAM - 19
252 Valasapadu 585061 VANTHALA - 72
253 Porlu 585062 VANTHALA 37 Hectares 56
254 Indugula 585063 VANTHALA - 21
255 Kummaragunta 585064 VANTHALA 85 Hectares 129
256 Chuttukota 585065 PEDDALOCHALI - 32
257 Kothakundalu 585066 SOLABHAM - 48
258 Gorrilaputtu 585068 VANTHALA - 32
259 Lakkapadu 585069 VANTHALA 52 Hectares 187
260 Pedaporlu 585070 SOLABHAM - 151
261 Ambalamamidi 585071 SOLABHAM - 97
262 Gemmelibaru 585072 SOLAHAM - 96
263 Boddapadu 585073 PEDALOCHALI - 105
264 Akuthota 585074 GADUTHURU - 37
265 Jerrai 585075 SOLABHAM - 189
266 Sadangi 585077 SOLABHAM - 17
267 Labbarla 585078 PEDALOTHALE - 33
268 Pittagullu @ Pittagudlu 585079 GADUTHURU - 9
269 Nittamamidi 585080 GADUTHURU - 146
270 Chintaluru 585081 VANTHALA - 73
271 Neyyalabanda 585082 GADUTHURU - 100
272 Pedagedda 585083 GADUTHURU - 10
273 Boddumamidi 585085 GADUTHURU - 105
274 Thallimamidi 585086 PEDALOCHALE - 9
275 Chilakala Mamidi 585088 SOLABHAM - 167
276 Roppulu 585089 SOLABHAM - 16
277 Guntapalle 585091 VANTHALI 120 Hectares 154
278 Bagarugudi 585092 SOLABHAM - 64
279 Mallipadu 585093 SOLABHAM 48 Hectares 103
280 Thoka Chilaka 585097 VANJARI - 46
281 Karebanda 585098 VANJARI - 40
282 Gummadigondi 585099 VANJARI - 43
283 Peda Bayalu 585107 GEMMELI - 112
284 Totamamidi 585108 VANTHALA - 14
285 Talabarsingi 585109 VANTHALA - 12
286 Pedavalasa 585112 VANTHALA - 104
287 Kuntupalle 585116 SOLABHAM - 21
288 Buttakota 585118 SOLABHAM - 16
289 Kotha Kondalu 585119 SOLABHAM - 50
290 Peddapolam 585121 SOLABHAM - 57
291 Yedulagaravu 585127 VANTHALA - 101
292 Rachakanuku 585128 VANTHALA - 15

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Thotalagondi.

Q2: What is the village code for Thotalagondi?

A2: The village code for Thotalagondi is 585001.

Q3: In which block is Thotalagondi located?

A3: Thotalagondi is located in the G.Madugula block.

Q4: What is the total area of Thotalagondi?

A4: The total area of Thotalagondi is 72 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Thotalagondi belong to?

A5: Thotalagondi belongs to the SALABHAM Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Thotalagondi located?

A6: Thotalagondi is located in the Visakhapatnam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Q7: How far is Thotalagondi from the district headquarter?

A7: Thotalagondi is 186 kilometers away from the VISAKHAPATNAM district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Thotalagondi?

A8: The nearest statutory town is ANAKAPALLE which is 130 kilometers away from Thotalagondi.

Q9: What is the population of Thotalagondi?

A9: The population of Thotalagondi is 106 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Thotalagondi?

A10: There are 193 households in Thotalagondi.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Thotalagondi?

A11: There are 56 males and 50 females in Thotalagondi.

Q12: Are there any schools in Thotalagondi?

A12: Yes, there is NA government primary school in Thotalagondi. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Thotalagondi?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Thotalagondi.

Q14: What is the pin code of Thotalagondi?

A14: The pin code of Thotalagondi is 531029.

Q15: Does Thotalagondi have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Thotalagondi.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Thotalagondi?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Thotalagondi.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Thotalagondi?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Thotalagondi.

Q18: Is Thotalagondi connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Thotalagondi.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Thotalagondi?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Thotalagondi.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Thotalagondi?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Thotalagondi.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Thotalagondi?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Thotalagondi is TURMERIC.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Thotalagondi?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Thotalagondi.

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