
Rosaiguda Village

Rosaiguda is belongs to Visakhapatnam, district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Village   Details
Name : Rosaiguda
Village code : 585385
Block Name : Gudem Kotha Veedhi (0525)
Area : 0
Gram Panchayat : DUPPULAWADA ()
District : Visakhapatnam
State : Andhra Pradesh
District Head Quarter : VISAKHAPATNAM
District Head Quarter distance : 190 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : ANAKAPALLE
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 150 Kms
Population : 101
Households : 23
Male : 52
Female : 49
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 531133
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

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Near by villages of Rosaiguda

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Valasagedda 585378 DUPPULAWADA 32 Hectares 412
2 Busikonda 585379 DUPPULAWADA 74 Hectares 104
3 Pilligedda 585380 DUPPULAWADA - 164
4 Katragedda 585381 PAPPULAWADA 5 Hectares 238
5 Santha Neredupalle 585382 DUPPALAWADA 18 Hectares 125
6 Jonnamamidi 585383 DUPPALAWADA 10 Hectares 75
7 Challanisilpa 585384 DUPPALAWADA 30 Hectares 139
8 Duppalawada 585386 DUPPULAWADA 87 Hectares 921
9 Neredupalle 585388 DUPPULAWADA 143 Hectares 521
10 Rallagedda 585389 DUPPULAWADA 34 Hectares 256
11 Agraharam 585390 DUPPULAWADA 64 Hectares 248
12 Petrai 585391 DARAKONDA 145 Hectares 350
13 Gollapalle 585396 A.DARAKONDA 38 Hectares 289
14 Chintalawada 585397 JERRILA 11 Hectares 280
15 Peddammagondi 585398 JERRILA - 50
16 Rallagedda 585399 JERRILA 39 Hectares 174
17 Kondrupalle 585400 JERRILA 6 Hectares 400
18 Boddalalagondi 585401 JERRILA - 55
19 Gudimamidi 585402 JERRILA - 47
20 Gilligondi 585403 JERRILA - 85
21 Masangilli 585404 JERRILA - 76
22 Gunkurolu 585405 JERRILA - 60
23 Dabbagondi 585406 JERRILA 18 Hectares 48
24 Nadimiveedhi 585407 VANCHULA 22 Hectares 147
25 Pebbampalle 585408 DARAKONDA 33 Hectares 116
26 Tadakapalle 585409 DARAKONDA 50 Hectares 158
27 Durgam 585410 DARAKONDA 6 Hectares 53
28 Godichinta 585411 RINTHALA 19 Hectares 123
29 Chamagedda 585412 VACHULA 74 Hectares 373
30 Reyyalagedda 585413 DARAKONDA 1 Hectares 21
31 Ammavaridharakonda 585414 A.DARAKONDA 10 Hectares 114
32 Chelakaveedhi 585415 A.DHARAKONDA 10 Hectares 60
33 Jajipakalu 585416 A.DARAKONDA 4 Hectares 64
34 Yenugugondi 585417 A.DARAKONDA 23 Hectares 13
35 Kakulagedda 585418 492 Hectares 16
36 Kondajartha 585438 GALIKONDA 1 Hectares 106
37 Bathunuru 585439 GALIKONDA 1 Hectares 389
38 Galikonda 585440 GALIKONDA 13 Hectares 957
39 Jampalova 585442 GALIKONDA - 60
40 S.Kothuru 585443 GALIKONDA - 136
41 Saprla 585444 GALIKONDA - 347
42 Lankapakalu 585445 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI - 294
43 Panasapalle 585446 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI - 131
44 Marripalem 585447 RINTHADA - 141
45 Munagarapalle 585448 VANCHULA 22 Hectares 321
46 Siribala 585449 VANCHULA 31 Hectares 477
47 Adagarapalle 585450 VANCHULA 13 Hectares 54
48 Jerrilakothuru 585451 JERRILA 124 Hectares 300
49 Jerrila 585452 JERRILA 168 Hectares 558
50 Gudiwada 585453 MONDIGADDA 20 Hectares 127
51 Mondigedda 585454 MONDIGEDDA 88 Hectares 495
52 Nemmathotapalem 585455 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI - 246
53 Burugupakalu 585456 MONDIGADDA 34 Hectares 175
54 Kothawada 585457 MONDIGUDDA 109 Hectares 220
55 Ginjangi 585458 MONDIGADDA 96 Hectares 854
56 Vanabalingam 585459 MONDIGADDA 26 Hectares 194
57 Gaigampalle 585460 JERRILA 37 Hectares 161
58 Kondakichangi 585461 JERRILA 15 Hectares 157
59 Lubbagunta 585462 JERRILA 32 Hectares 253
60 Panasapalle 585463 JERRILA 34 Hectares 171
61 Nittamamidi Palem 585464 JERRILA 19 Hectares 241
62 Chintalapadu 585465 JERRILA 6 Hectares 216
63 Vanthadapalle 585466 JERRILA 43 Hectares 274
64 Veeravaram 585467 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 29 Hectares 168
65 Kothapalem 585468 VANCHULA 27 Hectares 180
66 Vanchula 585469 VANCHULA 249 Hectares 1049
67 Kondawada 585470 VANCHULA 27 Hectares 51
68 Korapalle 585471 RINTHADA 28 Hectares 207
69 Panasalapadu 585472 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI - 128
70 Cherapalle 585473 VANCHULA 195 Hectares 126
71 Gondipalle 585474 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 27 Hectares 374
72 Kothapalle 585475 80 Hectares 417
73 Boddamanupakalu 585477 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 6 Hectares 775
74 Gudem Patha Veedhi 585478 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 31 Hectares 247
75 Agraharam 585479 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 12 Hectares 534
76 Vadamamidi 585480 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 2 Hectares 105
77 Kunkkumpudi 585482 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI - 166
78 Gummalagondi 585483 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 56 Hectares 217
79 Teemulabanda 585484 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI - 216
80 Pujaripakalu 585485 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 120 Hectares 798
81 Gudem Kotha Veedhi 585486 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 287 Hectares 1845
82 Kampamanupakalu 585487 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 9 Hectares 360
83 Etarobbulu 585488 DEVARAPALLI 42 Hectares 424
84 Busulu 585489 DEVARAPALLE 33 Hectares 97
85 Pedapadu 585490 DEVARAPALLE - 122
86 Sagulu 585491 DEVARAPALLE 48 Hectares 155
87 Lakkavaram 585492 DEVARAPALLE 27 Hectares 314
88 Patha Yerragedda 585493 DEVARAPALLE - 214
89 Yerracheruvulu 585494 LAKKAVARAPUPETA 302 Hectares 449
90 Badasallu 585495 PEDAVALASA 1 Hectares 134
91 Dokuluru 585496 PEDA VALASA 142 Hectares 196
92 Kokkitapadu 585497 PEDAVALASA 115 Hectares 123
93 Rampulu 585498 PEDAVALASA 265 Hectares 1020
94 Chaparathipalem 585499 PEDAVALASA 371 Hectares 761
95 Thurumamidi 585500 LAKKAVARAPUPETA 289 Hectares 260
96 Nerudubanda 585501 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI - 229
97 Lakkavarapupeta 585502 LAKKAVARAPUPETA 381 Hectares 1141
98 Boyalapalem 585503 - 122
99 Garikibanda 585504 - 164
100 Peddavalasa 585505 PEDDAVALASA 878 Hectares 1411
101 Jadumuru 585506 SONKADA 185 Hectares 494
102 Vasuwada 585508 SOMKADA 65 Hectares 266
103 Sankadakothuru 585513 SANKADA 142 Hectares 383
104 Nimmalapalem 585514 SAMKADA 278 Hectares 280
105 Suravaram 585515 LAKKAVARAPUPETA 177 Hectares 402
106 Kodisingi 585516 VANCHULA 96 Hectares 354
107 Mangalapalem 585517 DEVARAPALLE 172 Hectares 538
108 Devarapalle 585518 DARREPALLE 464 Hectares 895
109 Jangampadu 585519 - 66
110 Gunalanka 585520 DEVARAPALLE - 75
111 Vusurugudem 585521 SANKADA 76 Hectares 93
112 Yernabilli 585522 SANKADA 104 Hectares 154
113 Kotnabilli 585523 DEVARAPALLE 178 Hectares 214
114 Sankada 585524 SANKADA 116 Hectares 414
115 Asurodda 585525 RINTADA 272 Hectares 621
116 Rinthada 585526 RINTHADA 336 Hectares 2452
117 Ducharapalem 585527 RINTADA 96 Hectares 543
118 Yebulu 585528 RINTADA 207 Hectares 1030
119 Ramagedda 585529 DEVARAPALLE - 239
120 Neelavaram 585530 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 26 Hectares 131
121 Bonampalle 585531 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 16 Hectares 215
122 Gudem Colony 585532 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 112 Hectares 611
123 Kothagudem 585533 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 26 Hectares 102
124 R.V.Nagar 585534 - 863
125 Yerravaram 585535 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 81 Hectares 811
126 Chapagedda 585536 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI - 94
127 Kadugulu 585537 RINTADA - 672
128 Parikala 585538 RINTADA - 385
129 Rajumanupakalu 585539 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI - 78
130 Kimulabanda 585540 - 144
131 Pedakothuru 585541 RINTADA - 237
132 Kodisingi 585542 LAKKAVARAPUKOTA 183 Hectares 667
133 Doddikonda 585543 DOMMANAPALLI - 541
134 Kattupalle 585544 DAMMANAPALLI 138 Hectares 385
135 Lingavaram 585545 DAMMANAPALLE 223 Hectares 471
136 Madem 585546 DAMMANAPALLE 1 Hectares 633
137 Damanapalle 585547 DAMANAPALLE 297 Hectares 688
138 Pippaladoddi 585548 DAMMANAPALLE 171 Hectares 838
139 Signapalle 585549 DAMANAPALLE 174 Hectares 673
140 Annavaram 585550 GUDEM KOTHA VEEDHI 30 Hectares 99

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Rosaiguda.

Q2: What is the village code for Rosaiguda?

A2: The village code for Rosaiguda is 585385.

Q3: In which block is Rosaiguda located?

A3: Rosaiguda is located in the Gudem Kotha Veedhi block.

Q4: What is the total area of Rosaiguda?

A4: The total area of Rosaiguda is 0 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Rosaiguda belong to?

A5: Rosaiguda belongs to the DUPPULAWADA Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Rosaiguda located?

A6: Rosaiguda is located in the Visakhapatnam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Q7: How far is Rosaiguda from the district headquarter?

A7: Rosaiguda is 190 kilometers away from the VISAKHAPATNAM district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Rosaiguda?

A8: The nearest statutory town is ANAKAPALLE which is 150 kilometers away from Rosaiguda.

Q9: What is the population of Rosaiguda?

A9: The population of Rosaiguda is 101 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Rosaiguda?

A10: There are 193 households in Rosaiguda.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Rosaiguda?

A11: There are 52 males and 49 females in Rosaiguda.

Q12: Are there any schools in Rosaiguda?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Rosaiguda. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Rosaiguda?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Rosaiguda.

Q14: What is the pin code of Rosaiguda?

A14: The pin code of Rosaiguda is 531133.

Q15: Does Rosaiguda have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Rosaiguda.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Rosaiguda?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Rosaiguda.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Rosaiguda?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Rosaiguda.

Q18: Is Rosaiguda connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Rosaiguda.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Rosaiguda?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Rosaiguda.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Rosaiguda?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Rosaiguda.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Rosaiguda?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Rosaiguda is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Rosaiguda?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Rosaiguda.

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