
No.1 Beloguri Village

No.1 Beloguri is belongs to Karbi Anglong, district in the state of Assam.

Village   Details
Name : No.1 Beloguri
Village code : 296928
Block Name : Howraghat (0136)
Area : 23
Gram Panchayat : ()
District : Karbi Anglong
State : Assam
District Head Quarter : DIPHU
District Head Quarter distance : 80 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : Howraghat (TC)
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 20 Kms
Population : 967
Households : 157
Male : 465
Female : 502
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 782441
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

Google map of No.1 Beloguri location

Near by villages of No.1 Beloguri

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Borbori 283778 AMARAGURI 313.85 Hectares 2486
2 Losonabari 283941 JALUGUTI 231.16 Hectares 818
3 Dikhorumukh (Dekharumukh) 285235 AKASHI GANGA 81.65 Hectares 1082
4 Tapatjuri 285236 AKASHI GANGA 165.99 Hectares 2708
5 Parakhowa 285237 AKASHI GANGA 152.31 Hectares 1421
6 Urdha Gaon 285238 AKASHI GANGA 123.41 Hectares 851
7 Bheroni 285239 AKASHI GANGA 51.46 Hectares 732
8 Laram 295757 71 Hectares 209
9 Sanding Gaon 296733 40 Hectares 330
10 Parakhua 296736 60.09 Hectares 674
11 Garo Basti 296743 35 Hectares 23
12 Phuloni Terang 296746 92 Hectares 145
13 Ka-Uri Pathar 296747 20 Hectares 341
14 Ka-Uri Pathar 296749 20 Hectares 655
15 Kuli Gaon 296750 50 Hectares 415
16 Ramsa Takbi 296753 67 Hectares 283
17 Bar-Bali Gaon 296754 84 Hectares 301
18 Basa Rangphar 296755 90 Hectares 249
19 Maji Gaon 296757 35 Hectares 408
20 Cherakani 296760 80 Hectares 523
21 Dingso Gaon 296762 18 Hectares 133
22 Upper Bura Gaon 296763 80 Hectares 121
23 Bhim Engleng 296765 26 Hectares 66
24 Lakhan Terang 296766 70 Hectares 124
25 Hori Tero 296768 70 Hectares 506
26 Sildharampur 296769 30 Hectares 602
27 Teprong Rongpi 296770 94 Hectares 162
28 Rongbong Engti 296771 6 Hectares 68
29 Chiru Rongpi 296772 74 Hectares 79
30 Mahamaya Sing Teron 296775 29 Hectares 227
31 Mahamaya Bal Gaon 296776 32 Hectares 467
32 Thijiriguri Gaon 296778 40 Hectares 221
33 Narlongti Adorsha 296783 51 Hectares 303
34 Narlongati Adorsha Rongpi 296784 8 Hectares 193
35 Narlongati Adorsha Engti 296785 51 Hectares 436
36 Ganeshpur 296789 30 Hectares 265
37 Kaje Sera Mati Khula 296805 47 Hectares 461
38 Kamar Tisso 296825 55 Hectares 356
39 Rangkut No.3(4) 296833 80 Hectares 516
40 Kaibong Tisso 296862 78 Hectares 118
41 Men Taro 296877 15 Hectares 138
42 Karkok Bey Gaon 296915 6 Hectares 311
43 Raj Pur 296922 50 Hectares 448
44 Long Chap Engleng 296925 15 Hectares 333
45 Samuguri Kachamari No.2 296936 28 Hectares 421
46 Rajapathar Hati 296937 10 Hectares 897
47 Raja Pathar Tin- Ali Nepali Das 296949 70 Hectares 188
48 Engleng Gaon (Thipok Engleng) 296991 46 Hectares 436
49 Ring Gaon 296996 24.59 Hectares 605
50 Sanpura Dimasa Gaon 297008 68 Hectares 196
51 Maikramsa 297016 40 Hectares 73
52 Sunpura 297022 50 Hectares 1103
53 Sikari Bey 297024 107 Hectares 96
54 Ram Honse 297029 94 Hectares 261
55 Ajut Teron 297030 50 Hectares 190
56 Chat Teron 297031 62 Hectares 512
57 Kandironghang 297033 46 Hectares 192
58 Phulan Tokbi 297041 38 Hectares 65
59 Panjuri Chinthong Hanse 297042 140 Hectares 278
60 Partan Ronghang 297043 102 Hectares 335
61 Dikoi Teron 297044 74 Hectares 135
62 Kaibong Kro 297046 43 Hectares 195
63 Panjuri Adai Honse 297047 57 Hectares 274
64 Panjuri Kachari 297048 132 Hectares 447
65 Panjuri Langhin Kro 297049 68 Hectares 62
66 Chamung Rongpi 297050 68 Hectares 48
67 Tormon Teron 297051 68 Hectares 78
68 Rongchihen Gaon 297052 68 Hectares 103
69 Nirap Engti 297053 74 Hectares 89
70 On Bey Gaon 297054 86 Hectares 187
71 Hoja Gaon 297056 82 Hectares 230
72 Den Gaon Christiant 297063 60 Hectares 425
73 Kangnek Tokbi 297068 20 Hectares 392
74 Kuluti Ronghang 297070 67 Hectares 229
75 Pandit Teron 297077 42 Hectares 205
76 Khaya Sing Teron 297079 42 Hectares 148
77 Merok Kro 297080 25 Hectares 138
78 Dorsing Tokbi 297081 12 Hectares 238
79 Kania Teron 297083 33 Hectares 62
80 Pahar Pur 297084 42 Hectares 111
81 Chiri Longso 297086 16 Hectares 151
82 Chiri Longso Kouch Gaon 297087 18 Hectares 48
83 Kangting Rongpi 297088 20 Hectares 138
84 Chereng Engti Gaon 297089 23 Hectares 229
85 Hemari Timo 297092 26 Hectares 158
86 Nakul Basumatary 297093 40 Hectares 176
87 Pam Gaon Block 1,2 297098 80 Hectares 1034
88 Hor Kathi Gaon 297099 80 Hectares 663
89 New Bali Gaon 297100 60 Hectares 205
90 Shilpukhuri Gaon 297102 40 Hectares 180
91 Phuloni Block 1,2 297103 70 Hectares 956
92 Shilpukhuri Gaon 297105 66 Hectares 276
93 Kuruna Bey Gaon 297106 61 Hectares 845
94 Kethe Rongpi 297107 45 Hectares 923
95 Jing Ronghang 297108 68 Hectares 152
96 Sarthe Ronhang 297147 PHULONI 40 Hectares 46
97 Kania Timung 297149 45 Hectares 215
98 Birupara 297157 40 Hectares 190
99 Jasiguri No.2 297160 117 Hectares 432
100 Kawaibil Gaon 297161 28 Hectares 94
101 Matilal Gaon 297163 20 Hectares 78
102 Maiso Engti 297164 40 Hectares 297
103 Jaypur No.3 297170 20 Hectares 72
104 Majari Tisso 297175 22 Hectares 264
105 Rongjang Phong 297180 22 Hectares 264
106 Pradip Killing 297181 40 Hectares 235
107 Dongkarmuk Gaon 297187 - 789
108 Bagsamari 297192 40 Hectares 358
109 Santipur 297193 80 Hectares 249
110 Manikpur 297194 177 Hectares 407
111 Cheke Rongpi 297197 25 Hectares 196
112 Mansing Kramsa 297198 40 Hectares 23
113 Langtuk Engti 297200 20 Hectares 171
114 Kamar Rongpi 297202 40 Hectares 101
115 Biwe Rongphar 297203 50 Hectares 45
116 Binu Hanse 297205 27 Hectares 289
117 Hanthar Teron 297207 133 Hectares 107
118 Etpo Taro 297209 42 Hectares 483
119 Dan Pahar Urang Bosti 297210 25 Hectares 184
120 Deka Sang Gour Basti 297211 48 Hectares 461
121 Mairam Rongpi 297212 35 Hectares 219
122 Lunse Timung 297213 20 Hectares 305
123 Rong Eta Rongpi 297215 28 Hectares 183
124 Kam Tokbi 297216 40 Hectares 132
125 Kiching Rongpi 297217 70 Hectares 170
126 Mungseng Hanse 297227 25 Hectares 86
127 Tingkreng Hori Engleng 297228 44 Hectares 293
128 Ningkhreng Tisso 297229 86 Hectares 308
129 Borkat Teron 297237 107 Hectares 263
130 Miji Gaon 297241 17 Hectares 217
131 Bhet Killing Gaon 297248 146 Hectares 465
132 Sai Engti 297249 90 Hectares 258
133 Mon Terang 297251 73 Hectares 517
134 Bongaiuso Gaon 297253 74 Hectares 82
135 Tubong Engti 297257 95 Hectares 65
136 Dosi Teron 297258 100 Hectares 215
137 Mizo Teron 297260 6 Hectares 282
138 Sarthe Teron 297261 12 Hectares 210
139 Ram Sing Tisso 297262 15 Hectares 406
140 Hembonglong 297265 180 Hectares 198
141 Rensing Rongpi 297268 80 Hectares 656
142 Kania Tisso 297270 40 Hectares 73
143 Langbung Dingpi 297273 20 Hectares 392
144 Langbung Dingpi-1 297275 40 Hectares 249
145 Langbung Dingpi-2 297276 108 Hectares 318
146 Englong Hanso 297307 41 Hectares 66
147 Langtuk Engti 297314 20 Hectares 131
148 Lunse Timung 297315 17 Hectares 302
149 Sakai Langso 297316 14 Hectares 438
150 Longki Teron 297346 74 Hectares 62
151 Amguri Gaon 297356 20 Hectares 211
152 Ganesh Pathar 297371 81 Hectares 367
153 Ganeshpur 297381 30 Hectares 121
154 Langhin Bazar Bl.-1 297395 50 Hectares 947
155 Kur Kut Bosti 297396 39 Hectares 356
156 No.1 Dighali Maji Gaon 297397 30 Hectares 624
157 No.2 Dighali Maji Gaon 297398 25 Hectares 203
158 Ita Para 297400 66 Hectares 432
159 Salpara 297402 10 Hectares 121
160 X-Service 297414 9 Hectares 72
161 Kania Teron 297420 20 Hectares 138
162 Garaiguri Village 297432 20 Hectares 114
163 Thokwam Rongpi 297438 52 Hectares 255
164 Sunarijan 297448 7 Hectares 509
165 Dhupguri 297449 300 Hectares 159
166 Dhupguri No.2 297450 200 Hectares 170
167 Jar Kuk 297451 200 Hectares 253
168 Basu Gaon Bl.1 297452 69 Hectares 586
169 Tila Para No.1 297453 140 Hectares 131
170 Tila Para No.2 297454 30 Hectares 376
171 Pani Gaon 297460 29 Hectares 307
172 Rong Teron 297466 40 Hectares 138
173 Bisha Nath Pathar 297467 20 Hectares 81
174 Bey Longbong 297470 40 Hectares 176
175 Ramsing Tisso 297472 15 Hectares 408
176 Sarso Bey Gaon 297474 20 Hectares 303
177 Samelangso Terang (Bazar Area) 297475 30 Hectares 344
178 Samelangso Terang 297476 19 Hectares 207
179 Bhar Rongpi 297478 84 Hectares 160
180 Kat Tisso 297482 18 Hectares 270
181 Horchat Teron 297483 30 Hectares 238
182 Poisa Engti 297485 29 Hectares 326
183 Sarthe Tisso (Chingkang Tisso) 297491 20 Hectares 270
184 Dawbor Teron Gaon 297564 30 Hectares 107
185 Jar Teron 297565 30 Hectares 117
186 Rong Teron (Borsing Teron) 297566 40 Hectares 69
187 Jaising Engti 297568 41 Hectares 111
188 Dok Ronghang 297577 6 Hectares 256
189 Sarthe Engti 297583 33 Hectares 87
190 Kaja Kramsa 297591 70 Hectares 431
191 Phuloni Bazar 297614 - 373
192 Jeng Ronghang (Doloi gaon) 297640 25 Hectares 60
193 Bey Kula 297642 50 Hectares 98
194 Basu Bey Gaon 297656 343 Hectares 213
195 Rongtara Hanse 297657 252 Hectares 26
196 Bam gaon 297658 305 Hectares 309
197 Rong Chingrum 297661 182 Hectares 167
198 Kandura Bosti 297673 30 Hectares 58
199 Rongtara 297675 292 Hectares 27
200 Haberam Rongphar 297694 30 Hectares 64
201 Men bey 297700 10 Hectares 229
202 Maya Tokbi 297725 238 Hectares 105
203 Sarthe Tokbi 297727 232 Hectares 155
204 Parakhuwa Mechpara 297729 308 Hectares 321
205 Daising Engti 297730 172 Hectares 47
206 Long Terang 297733 90 Hectares 251
207 Kongbura Timung 297734 322 Hectares 104
208 Prilu Lalung 297735 234 Hectares 140
209 Angjok Rongphar 297736 210 Hectares 302
210 Singthu Langso 297737 186 Hectares 266
211 Bohang Terang 297738 204 Hectares 110
212 Totlung Rongphar 297739 12 Hectares 219
213 Ritlo Phangcho 297740 176 Hectares 99
214 Tomai Terang 297742 236 Hectares 72
215 Longbutang Nepali Bosti 297743 192 Hectares 49
216 Engchin Langso 297744 254 Hectares 106
217 Plong Kro 297755 44 Hectares 365
218 Chingthong Rongphar 297766 48 Hectares 94
219 Chapang Pahar 297768 126 Hectares 208
220 Mon Bahadur Limbu 297771 305 Hectares 42
221 May Rongpi 297772 61 Hectares 112
222 Angjok Tokbi 297773 345 Hectares 116
223 Bura Phangcho 297774 48 Hectares 43
224 Ahrok Taro 297776 284 Hectares 571
225 Joy Baman Nepali 297777 122 Hectares 195
226 Jangme Bey 297781 200 Hectares 84
227 Sar Ke-er Engti 297782 302 Hectares 176
228 Jang Phangcho 297783 144 Hectares 111
229 Sing Rongpi 297784 265 Hectares 17
230 Singnot Kro 297785 265 Hectares 136
231 Katiram Basumatari 297786 340 Hectares 74
232 Sermi Ronghang (Engleng) 297787 166 Hectares 84
233 Den Terang Gaon 297788 92 Hectares 221
234 Langkeding Phangcho 297789 44 Hectares 115
235 Baputi Teron 297790 192 Hectares 77
236 Sarik Teron 297791 350 Hectares 87
237 Sarthe Timung 297792 300 Hectares 160
238 Langhin Kramsa 297793 135 Hectares 78
239 Kania Terang 297795 90 Hectares 133
240 Kathar Engti F.V 297796 90 Hectares 204
241 Parak Bey F.V 297797 78 Hectares 214
242 Hariso Tokbi Gaon F.V 297798 78 Hectares 45
243 Longthu Rongphar F.V 297799 90 Hectares 289
244 Bajong Bey F.V. 297804 78 Hectares 72
245 Pin Khat Rongpi F.V. 297805 78 Hectares 115
246 Pangji Hanse F.V. 297806 70 Hectares 157
247 Singnor F.V. 297807 68 Hectares 89

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is No.1 Beloguri.

Q2: What is the village code for No.1 Beloguri?

A2: The village code for No.1 Beloguri is 296928.

Q3: In which block is No.1 Beloguri located?

A3: No.1 Beloguri is located in the Howraghat block.

Q4: What is the total area of No.1 Beloguri?

A4: The total area of No.1 Beloguri is 23 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does No.1 Beloguri belong to?

A5: No.1 Beloguri belongs to the Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is No.1 Beloguri located?

A6: No.1 Beloguri is located in the Karbi Anglong district in the state of Assam.

Q7: How far is No.1 Beloguri from the district headquarter?

A7: No.1 Beloguri is 80 kilometers away from the DIPHU district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to No.1 Beloguri?

A8: The nearest statutory town is Howraghat (TC) which is 20 kilometers away from No.1 Beloguri.

Q9: What is the population of No.1 Beloguri?

A9: The population of No.1 Beloguri is 967 people.

Q10: How many households are there in No.1 Beloguri?

A10: There are 193 households in No.1 Beloguri.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in No.1 Beloguri?

A11: There are 465 males and 502 females in No.1 Beloguri.

Q12: Are there any schools in No.1 Beloguri?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in No.1 Beloguri. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in No.1 Beloguri?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in No.1 Beloguri.

Q14: What is the pin code of No.1 Beloguri?

A14: The pin code of No.1 Beloguri is 782441.

Q15: Does No.1 Beloguri have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in No.1 Beloguri.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in No.1 Beloguri?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in No.1 Beloguri.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in No.1 Beloguri?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in No.1 Beloguri.

Q18: Is No.1 Beloguri connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to No.1 Beloguri.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in No.1 Beloguri?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in No.1 Beloguri.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in No.1 Beloguri?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in No.1 Beloguri.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in No.1 Beloguri?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in No.1 Beloguri is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in No.1 Beloguri?

A22: There are NA of forest area in No.1 Beloguri.

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