
Amuru Village

Amuru is belongs to Visakhapatnam, district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Village   Details
Name : Amuru
Village code : 584439
Block Name : Hukumpeta (0521)
Area : 98
Gram Panchayat : TEEGALAVALASA ()
District : Visakhapatnam
State : Andhra Pradesh
District Head Quarter : VISAKHAPATNAM
District Head Quarter distance : 140 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : ANAKAPALLE
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 100 Kms
Population : 303
Households : 63
Male : 152
Female : 151
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 531077
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities :
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Amuru location

Near by villages of Amuru

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Kuthamputtu 583749 GALAGONDA 85 Hectares 156
2 Gasabu 583751 GOLAGANDA 221 Hectares 135
3 Sirasapalle 583752 GALUGONDA 277 Hectares 581
4 Malakariputtu 583831 PEDAKODAPALLE 81 Hectares 86
5 Vurada 583832 PEDIKODIPALLI 54 Hectares 153
6 Jayantikota 583833 PEDAKODAPALLI 47 Hectares 79
7 Tulabharangi 583834 PEDAKODAPALLI 72 Hectares 195
8 Poi Palle 583835 PEDAKONDAPALLE 55 Hectares 36
9 Merakachinta 583836 PEDAKONDAPALLE 80 Hectares 288
10 Vakapalle 583837 PEDAKONDAPALLE 52 Hectares 45
11 Barrangibanda 583838 PEDAKONDAPALLE 72 Hectares 97
12 Bangaruputtu 583839 PEDAKONDAPALLE 93 Hectares 183
13 Pedakondapalle 583840 PEDAKONDAPALLE 500 Hectares 850
14 Pedagondi 583841 PEDAKONDAPALLE 3 Hectares 106
15 Gorcheri 583842 PEDAKONDAPALLE 20 Hectares 76
16 Kodaputtu 583843 PEDAKONDAPALLE 154 Hectares 203
17 Andravara 583844 PEDAKONDAPALLE 94 Hectares 290
18 Valugupalle 583845 PEDA KONDAPALLE 259 Hectares 475
19 Buradamamidi 583846 PEDAKONDAPALLE 57 Hectares 111
20 Garudapalle 584419 TEEGALAVALASA 169 Hectares 447
21 Rathulaputtu 584420 TEEGALAVALASA 24 Hectares 115
22 Tokaduggam 584421 TEEGALAVALASA 42 Hectares 85
23 Duggam 584422 TEEGALAVALASA 50 Hectares 72
24 Cheediputtu 584423 THADIGIRI 38 Hectares 230
25 Pandimetta 584424 KOTNAPALLI 91 Hectares 194
26 Besaiputtu 584425 KUTNAPALLE 85 Hectares 338
27 Baluroda 584426 RANGASEELA 283 Hectares 463
28 Ontipaka 584427 RANGASEELA 184 Hectares 285
29 Rangaseela 584428 RANGASEELA 494 Hectares 950
30 Masada 584429 KOTNAPALLE 68 Hectares 505
31 Matchyapuram 584430 KUTNAPALLE 90 Hectares 159
32 Tadigiri 584431 THADIGIRI 305 Hectares 821
33 D.Chintalaveedhi 584432 HUKUMPETA 358 Hectares 1036
34 Vukkurba 584433 THADEGIRI 307 Hectares 813
35 Allangiputtu 584434 THADIGIRI 97 Hectares 325
36 Teegalavalasa 584435 TEEGALAVALASA 117 Hectares 1248
37 Bijjapalle 584436 TEEGALAVALASA 121 Hectares 146
38 Kamayyapeta 584437 TEEGALAVALASA 74 Hectares 288
39 Pamurai 584438 TEEGALAVALASA 67 Hectares 113
40 Nakkalaputtu 584440 183 Hectares 312
41 Rangapalle 584441 120 Hectares 450
42 Kunturla 584442 119 Hectares 462
43 Edulagondi 584443 SOBHAKOTA 42 Hectares 88
44 Arlada 584444 SOBHAKOTA 76 Hectares 224
45 Chilakalaputtu 584445 SOBHAKOTA 51 Hectares 198
46 Sampangiputtu 584446 SOBHAKOTA 110 Hectares 215
47 Sobakota 584447 SOBAKOTA 247 Hectares 409
48 Sundruputtu 584448 SOBAKOTA 126 Hectares 181
49 M.Kothavuru 584449 MATTAM 115 Hectares 384
50 Matham 584450 MATHAM 552 Hectares 953
51 M.Boddaputtu 584451 MATHAM 106 Hectares 156
52 Kodeli 584452 GUDA 230 Hectares 355
53 Gotchari 584453 GUDA 140 Hectares 321
54 Marriputtu 584454 GUDA 58 Hectares 130
55 Jogulaputtu 584455 MULIAPUTTU 79 Hectares 106
56 Kangaruputtu 584456 MULIAPUT 77 Hectares 75
57 Patimamidi 584457 MULIAPUT 81 Hectares 90
58 Burmanguda 584458 MULIAPUT 99 Hectares 190
59 Kulapadu 584459 MULIAPUT 146 Hectares 185
60 Vallangiputtu 584460 GUDA 18 Hectares 60
61 Lakeyaputtu 584461 GUDA 45 Hectares 278
62 Malaguda 584462 GUDA 102 Hectares 590
63 Beeram 584463 MULIAPUTTU 39 Hectares 323
64 Muliaputtu 584464 MULIAPUTTU 63 Hectares 310
65 Konthili 584465 KONTHILI 330 Hectares 754
66 Hukumpeta 584466 HUKKUMPETA 138 Hectares 2408
67 Chatraiputtu 584467 SUKURU 82 Hectares 352
68 Gadugupalle 584468 THADIPUTTU 291 Hectares 603
69 Urrada 584469 THADIPUTTU 54 Hectares 154
70 Kontapalle 584470 KONTAPALLE 370 Hectares 718
71 Pedagaruvu 584471 KUTNAPALLE 27 Hectares 759
72 Marela 584472 KOTHAPALLE 131 Hectares 251
73 Patrimetta 584473 SANTHERI 30 Hectares 127
74 Marripalem 584474 PATHAKOTA 120 Hectares 180
75 Chintalaveedhi 584475 PATHAKOTA 99 Hectares 339
76 Rudi @ Degarudi 584476 PATHAKOTA 102 Hectares 287
77 Pathakota 584477 PATHAKOTA 362 Hectares 831
78 Boddaputtu 584478 PATHAKOTA 83 Hectares 239
79 Mangalamamidi 584479 PATHAKOTA 66 Hectares 114
80 Kokkisa 584480 SANTHARI 135 Hectares 273
81 Liviti 584481 RAPA 161 Hectares 259
82 Irukurai 584482 RAPA 118 Hectares 65
83 Sariyapolam 584483 RAPA 72 Hectares 30
84 Dalamputtu 584484 GATHEM 80 Hectares 55
85 Nimmalapadu 584506 OLDA 92 Hectares 212
86 Bairodivalasa @ Uppa 584507 MATCHYAPURAM 297 Hectares 1106
87 Pedirai 584508 OLDA 90 Hectares 88
88 Totakurapadu 584509 DURGAM 60 Hectares 94
89 Nittaputtu 584511 OLDA 99 Hectares 194
90 Jakaramputtu 584512 OLDA 103 Hectares 238
91 Kanguputtu 584513 RAPA 129 Hectares 324
92 Pusalagaruvu 584514 OLDA 85 Hectares 174
93 Peddapadu 584515 OLDA 59 Hectares 86
94 Turakalametta 584516 MATYAPURAM 25 Hectares 159
95 Dalemputtu 584517 RAPA 80 Hectares 79
96 Rapa 584518 RAPA 215 Hectares 397
97 Reedabanda 584519 RAPA 53 Hectares 55
98 Gondirapa 584520 RAPA 22 Hectares 179
99 Gondipeta 584521 SANTHARI 136 Hectares 150
100 Santhari 584522 SANTHARI 191 Hectares 358
101 Chinaburuguputtu 584523 SANTHARI 140 Hectares 356
102 Bilaiputtu 584524 SANTHARI 31 Hectares 74
103 Nimmalapadu 584525 THADIPUTTU 48 Hectares 130
104 Boddaputtu 584526 THADIPUTTU 50 Hectares 251
105 Tiyyaniputtu 584527 SUKURU 22 Hectares 41
106 Birisingi 584528 SUKURU 31 Hectares 175
107 Sukuru 584529 SUKURU 362 Hectares 997
108 Barapalle 584530 BARAMARI 211 Hectares 529
109 Gadikinchumanda 584531 GADIKINCHUMANDA 229 Hectares 808
110 Sanyasammapalem 584532 ADDUMANDA 157 Hectares 392
111 Addumanda 584533 ADDUMANDA 232 Hectares 616
112 Neelamputtu 584534 BARAMERI 80 Hectares 278
113 Dalemputtu 584535 SUKURU 39 Hectares 113
114 Marrivalasa 584536 SUKURU 8 Hectares 31
115 Mulusobha 584537 SUKURU 57 Hectares 358
116 Ramachandrapuram 584538 BHEEMAVARAM 56 Hectares 122
117 Gummadiganduva 584539 BHEEMAVARAM 121 Hectares 219
118 Gangarajuputtu 584540 BHEEMAVARAM 153 Hectares 332
119 Locheliputtu 584541 SANTHARI 366 Hectares 615
120 Kutangi Tadiputtu 584542 RAPA 259 Hectares 282
121 Kuthangi 584543 SANTHARI 178 Hectares 208
122 Buradagummi 584544 RAPA 60 Hectares 84
123 Vakapalle 584545 DURGAM 31 Hectares 92
124 Veerendla 584546 OLDA 57 Hectares 54
125 Sembi 584547 MATYAPURAM 67 Hectares 414
126 Sarasapadu 584548 DURGAM 106 Hectares 399
127 Allamputtu 584549 DURGAM 104 Hectares 294
128 Sampangiputtu 584550 DURGAM 63 Hectares 210
129 Durgam 584551 DURGAM 204 Hectares 88
130 Bangarugaruvu 584552 DURGAM 131 Hectares 207
131 Ranamkota 584553 DURGAM 87 Hectares 178
132 Daragedda 584554 DURGAM 111 Hectares 286
133 Kethampalem 584555 OLDA 29 Hectares 34
134 Nurupanuku 584556 OLDA 116 Hectares 67
135 Mulakayiputtu 584557 BODDAPUTTU 66 Hectares 168
136 Dabbagaruvu 584558 BODDAPUTTI 207 Hectares 555
137 Boddaputtu 584559 BODDAPUTU 43 Hectares 116
138 Mebha 584560 SUKURU 51 Hectares 241
139 Kotagummam 584561 BAKURU 60 Hectares 99
140 Bakuru 584562 BAKURU 631 Hectares 1156
141 Chittampadu 584563 BHEEMAVARAM 82 Hectares 113
142 Bheemavaram 584564 BHEEMAVARAM 75 Hectares 150
143 Maddiputtu 584565 BHEEMAVARAM 139 Hectares 228
144 Andiba 584566 ANDIBA 338 Hectares 716
145 Gangudi 584567 GANNERUPUTTU 112 Hectares 173
146 Gummadigunta 584568 CHEEKUMADDULA 67 Hectares 104
147 Donkinavalasa 584569 GANNERUPUTTU 128 Hectares 377
148 Gillibaddu 584570 CHEEKUMMADULA 83 Hectares 155
149 Cheekumaddula 584571 CHEEKUMADDULA 154 Hectares 559
150 Goppulapalem 584572 BAKURU 90 Hectares 261
151 Merakachinta 584573 MERAKACHINTHA 124 Hectares 284
152 Gasarapalle 584574 225 Hectares 818
153 Palamamidi 584575 DURGAM 81 Hectares 160
154 Patiguruvu 584576 DURGAM 64 Hectares 374
155 Gedelapadu 584577 JARRAKONDA 93 Hectares 327
156 Sesaipanuku 584578 JARRAKONDA 36 Hectares 190
157 Peesumamidi 584579 JARRAKONDA 15 Hectares 35
158 Jarrakonda 584580 JARRAKONDA 102 Hectares 97
159 Peda Nandiputtu 584581 CHOOKU NADDULA 153 Hectares 549
160 Bangarubuddi 584582 JARRAKONDA 21 Hectares 66
161 Dirrapalle 584583 JARRAKONDA 20 Hectares 36
162 Ganika 584584 JARRAKONDA 27 Hectares 83
163 Kothavuru 584585 JARRAKONDA 4 Hectares 30
164 Cheedigaruvu 584586 JARRAKONDA 10 Hectares 7
165 Vurugonda 584587 KINCHURU 56 Hectares 294
166 Bantrothuputtu 584588 KINCHERU 112 Hectares 126
167 Barluputtu 584589 KINCHURU 65 Hectares 83
168 Donela 584590 KINCHURU 27 Hectares 69
169 Boddaputtu 584591 GONDELI 87 Hectares 204
170 Baridiputtu 584592 GONDELI 45 Hectares 66
171 Bonjangi 584593 KINCHURU 127 Hectares 143
172 Kinchuru 584594 KINCHURU 137 Hectares 225
173 Ontiveedhulu 584595 KINCHUU 54 Hectares 88
174 Goddalipadu 584596 KINCHURU 32 Hectares 68
175 Thotalagondi 584597 KINCHURU 121 Hectares 372
176 Cheedimetta 584598 GONDELI 133 Hectares 166
177 Lampeli 584599 GONDELI 155 Hectares 208
178 Gondeli 584600 GONDELI 314 Hectares 565
179 Vanchadagondi 584601 GONDELI 181 Hectares 242
180 Pilliputtu 584602 GONDELI 45 Hectares 99
181 Vallapuram 584603 DOKULURU 44 Hectares 117
182 Nereduvalasa 584604 MUNCHINGIPUTTU 38 Hectares 91
183 Jallipalle 584605 MUNCHINGIPUTTU 134 Hectares 164
184 Munchingi Puttu 584606 MUNCHINGIPUTTU 120 Hectares 232
185 Kothapalle 584607 MUNCHINGIPUTTU 244 Hectares 339
186 Vanthalagummi 584608 GUTTULAPUTTU 82 Hectares 289
187 Dabbaputtu 584609 GUTTULAPUTTU 100 Hectares 236
188 Kavirai 584610 MUNCHINGIPUTTU 39 Hectares 98
189 Dummaputtu 584611 DOKULURU 34 Hectares 206
190 Chintagondi 584612 IRADAPALLI 153 Hectares 204
191 Raigedda 584613 IRALAPALLI 74 Hectares 529
192 Sakiputtu 584614 BADIMELA 58 Hectares 197
193 Kollambo 584615 BADIMELA 102 Hectares 140
194 Lingaputtu 584616 GONDELI 186 Hectares 539
195 Vallai 584617 BONDIMELA 18 Hectares 75
196 Badimela 584618 GONDELI 214 Hectares 575
197 Isakagaruvu 584619 BADIMELA 55 Hectares 133
198 Santhaganduva 584620 IRADAPALLI 53 Hectares 97
199 Kothuru 584621 DEVAPURAM 106 Hectares 184
200 Solamulu 584622 IRADAPALLI 832 Hectares 434
201 Sindugula 584623 IRADAPALLI 38 Hectares 72
202 Chakirevu 584624 PEDALACHALI 98 Hectares 212
203 Sariapalle 584625 INADAPALLE 42 Hectares 241
204 Doddipalle 584626 VANJANGI 124 Hectares 221
205 Ladaputtu 584627 IRADAPALLI 33 Hectares 79
206 Boddimamidi 584628 D.GONDUDRU - 114
207 Bokkellu 584629 IRADAPALLI 40 Hectares 166
208 Iradapalle 584630 IRADAPALLI 235 Hectares 420
209 Dokuluru 584631 DOKULURU 282 Hectares 640
210 Mandiputtu 584632 DOKULURU 143 Hectares 167
211 Degalaveedhi 584633 DOKULURU 154 Hectares 201
212 Gadivalasa 584634 BARISINGI 253 Hectares 539
213 Ampuru 584635 GUTTULAPUTTU 62 Hectares 44
214 Pamurelli 584636 GUTTULAPUTTU 52 Hectares 71
215 Guttulaputtu 584637 GUTTULAPUTTU 231 Hectares 1141
216 Cheedimetta 584638 GUTTULAPUTTU 61 Hectares 183
217 Gabbangi 584639 GABBANGI 73 Hectares 136
218 Dalimputtu 584640 GABBANGI 42 Hectares 108
219 Panasapalle 584641 GABBANGI 95 Hectares 236
220 Nereduvalasa 584642 GABBANGI 13 Hectares 53
221 Devarapalle 584643 GABBANGI 93 Hectares 144
222 Kothabu 584644 GABBANGI 65 Hectares 135
223 Barisingi 584645 BARISINGI 153 Hectares 179
224 Gurrampanuku 584646 D.GONDURU 33 Hectares 52
225 Palamanichilaka 584647 D.GONDURU 10 Hectares 54
226 Pothurajumetta 584648 VANJANGI 7 Hectares 98
227 Kallalabayalu 584649 VANJANGI - 31
228 Boddaputtu 584650 IRADAPALLI 535 Hectares 267
229 Digasampalu 584651 D.GONDURU 29 Hectares 211
230 Vanjangi 584652 VANJANGI 65 Hectares 652
231 Gonduru 584653 D.GONDURU 141 Hectares 378
232 Sukuruputtu 584654 D.GONDURU 61 Hectares 141
233 Pathapaderu 584655 PADERU 268 Hectares 3687
234 Talarisingi 584656 CHINTHALA VEEDHI 76 Hectares 2858
235 Chintala Veedhi 584657 CHINTHALA VEEDHI 244 Hectares 1317
236 Ubbediputtu 584658 CHINTALAVEEDHI 37 Hectares 215
237 Kummariputtu 584659 CHINTALAVEDHI 94 Hectares 492
238 Sundruputtu 584660 PADERU 82 Hectares 1849
239 Kindangi 584661 KINDANGI 55 Hectares 895
240 Varthanapalle 584662 KADELI 103 Hectares 345
241 Kadeli 584663 KADELI 88 Hectares 322
242 Lagisapalle 584664 LAGISAPALLE 259 Hectares 920
243 Gurupalle 584665 KADELI 102 Hectares 514
244 Karakaputtu 584666 D.GONDURU 139 Hectares 240
245 Thotagunnalu 584667 KADELI - 60
246 Kothavalasa 584668 VANJANGI 56 Hectares 181
247 Eegasampalu 584669 VANJANGI 45 Hectares 160
248 Karakaputtu 584670 VANUSUPALLE 64 Hectares 94
249 Jeedipagada 584671 VANAGAPALLE 170 Hectares 335
250 Bangarumetta 584672 VANUGUPALLE 149 Hectares 363
251 Cheedikudda 584673 VANGUPALLE 72 Hectares 171
252 Vanugupalle 584674 VANUGUPALLE 86 Hectares 296
253 Kondamamidi 584675 VANUGUPALLE 73 Hectares 817
254 Minumuluru 584676 MINUMULURU 210 Hectares 1026
255 Seribayalu 584677 KINDANGI 149 Hectares 491
256 Thumpada 584678 THUMPEDA 261 Hectares 1014
257 Kujjali 584679 KUJJALI 228 Hectares 713
258 Iskali 584680 KUJJALI 53 Hectares 185
259 Digumodaputtu 584681 KUJJALI 94 Hectares 720
260 Yegumodaputtu 584682 KUJJALI 90 Hectares 231
261 Kandrangipadu 584683 KUJJALI - 129
262 Vanthadapalle 584684 VANTHADAPALLE 109 Hectares 497
263 Allivara 584685 VANTHADAPALLI 39 Hectares 201
264 Sangodi 584686 MINUMULURU 114 Hectares 296
265 Tamarapalle 584687 VANUGUPALLE 121 Hectares 327
266 Bandapolam 584688 VANUGUPALLE 34 Hectares 114
267 Galipadu 584689 35 Hectares 119
268 Karibanda 584690 MADEPALLE - 36
269 Uppavaram 586377 UPPAVARAM 422 Hectares 1926

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Amuru.

Q2: What is the village code for Amuru?

A2: The village code for Amuru is 584439.

Q3: In which block is Amuru located?

A3: Amuru is located in the Hukumpeta block.

Q4: What is the total area of Amuru?

A4: The total area of Amuru is 98 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Amuru belong to?

A5: Amuru belongs to the TEEGALAVALASA Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Amuru located?

A6: Amuru is located in the Visakhapatnam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Q7: How far is Amuru from the district headquarter?

A7: Amuru is 140 kilometers away from the VISAKHAPATNAM district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Amuru?

A8: The nearest statutory town is ANAKAPALLE which is 100 kilometers away from Amuru.

Q9: What is the population of Amuru?

A9: The population of Amuru is 303 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Amuru?

A10: There are 193 households in Amuru.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Amuru?

A11: There are 152 males and 151 females in Amuru.

Q12: Are there any schools in Amuru?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Amuru. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Amuru?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Amuru.

Q14: What is the pin code of Amuru?

A14: The pin code of Amuru is 531077.

Q15: Does Amuru have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Amuru.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Amuru?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Amuru.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Amuru?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Amuru.

Q18: Is Amuru connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Amuru.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Amuru?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Amuru.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Amuru?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Amuru.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Amuru?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Amuru is .

Q22: How much forest area is there in Amuru?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Amuru.

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