
Sihiria Village

Sihiria is belongs to Sambalpur, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Sihiria
Village code : 381600
Block Name : Jamankira (0020)
Area : 197
Gram Panchayat : Bhojpur (05)
District : Sambalpur
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Sambalpur
District Head Quarter distance : 73 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : KOCHINDA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 18 Kms
Population : 222
Households : 52
Male : 116
Female : 106
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 768107
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 14.33 Hectares

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Near by villages of Sihiria

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
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2 Katarkela 381542 Gunduruchuan 533 Hectares 1410
3 Bandhapali 381543 Gunduruchuan 317 Hectares 485
4 Gunduruchuan 381554 Gunduruchuan 447 Hectares 1201
5 Gandajamumal 381555 Gunduruchuan 143 Hectares 156
6 Mahijuria 381556 Gunduruchuan 111 Hectares 32
7 Bad Balimal 381557 Gunduruchuan 403 Hectares 467
8 Babejori 381592 Dimirimunda 406 Hectares 359
9 Thakurpali 381593 Dimirimunda 105 Hectares 209
10 Balichakara 381595 Dimirimunda 69 Hectares 60
11 Thakurjharmunda 381599 Dimirimunda 323 Hectares 455
12 Gambhiramunda 381601 Bhojpur 132 Hectares 159
13 Matamahul 381602 Bhojpur 121 Hectares 447
14 Bhojpur 381603 Bhojpur 341 Hectares 1742
15 Dimirimunda 381604 Dimirimunda 73 Hectares 195
16 Belabuda 381605 Dimirimunda 36 Hectares 135
17 Balibuda 381606 Dimirimunda 77 Hectares 166
18 Kenduberni 381607 Dimirimunda 17 Hectares 69
19 Kadogarh 381608 Dimirimunda 49 Hectares 209
20 Pathuria 381609 Dimirimunda 10 Hectares 47
21 Khendibandh 381610 Dimirimunda 19 Hectares 220
22 Bhatpura 381611 Dimirimunda 7 Hectares 144
23 Talbeda 381613 Dimirimunda 71 Hectares 262
24 Khuntlabahal 381614 Bhojpur 187 Hectares 541
25 Shantimal 381615 Bhojpur 251 Hectares 389
26 Badhunichuan 381617 Sirid 85 Hectares 75
27 Kuilarijore 381618 Sirid 324 Hectares 422
28 Godrapada 381619 Bhojpur 340 Hectares 1085
29 Chheprabeda 381620 Dimirimunda 10 Hectares 51
30 Bhainabeda 381621 Dimirimunda 43 Hectares 163
31 Godbhanga 381622 Dimirimunda 23 Hectares 7
32 Lepeikani 381623 Dimirimunda 268 Hectares 410
33 Bamandagarh 381624 Dimirimunda 246 Hectares 542
34 Karangamal 381626 Sirid 478 Hectares 663
35 Suipadar 381627 Dimirimunda 206 Hectares 166
36 Gadadharpur 381628 Sirid 216 Hectares 268
37 Sirid 381629 Sirid 606 Hectares 872
38 Bijadihi (A) 381630 Bhojpur 70 Hectares 123
39 Thianal 381631 Sirid 63 Hectares 124
40 Jharpur 381632 Sirid 211 Hectares 267
41 Dhudikhol 381633 Sirid 101 Hectares 218
42 Gopalpali 381634 Bhojpur 103 Hectares 89
43 Bijadihi (B) 381639 Sirid 120 Hectares 50
44 Badkudar 381640 Dimirimunda 225 Hectares 62
45 Kankadakhol 381641 Bhojpur 44 Hectares 109
46 Kutarimal 381862 Chakuliabahal 337 Hectares 484
47 Mendhabahal 381863 Chakuliabahal 476 Hectares 1013
48 Hatibandhana 381864 Chakuliabahal 325 Hectares 201
49 Karlaghati 381865 Chakuliabahal 70 Hectares 38
50 Taranda 381866 Chakuliabahal 237 Hectares 182
51 Kankadakhol 381867 Fasimal 119 Hectares 92
52 Fasimal 381868 Fasimal 292 Hectares 858
53 Tileimal 381869 Fasimal 95 Hectares 287
54 Dehurunimal 381870 Fasimal 138 Hectares 297
55 Gariabahal 381871 Fasimal 264 Hectares 815
56 Guljipali 381872 Fasimal 612 Hectares 1144
57 Sialdarha 381873 Katangapani 107 Hectares 116
58 Dhaurakhaman 381874 Katangapani 33 Hectares 78
59 Jatiakholdihi 381875 Katangapani 199 Hectares 302
60 Jamumal 381876 Badamala 229 Hectares 314
61 Kolhapal 381877 Badamala 78 Hectares 197
62 Sudbalanda 381878 Badamala 389 Hectares 571
63 Sinkalmunda 381879 Badamala 57 Hectares 36
64 Tulsidihi 381880 Bhojpur 146 Hectares 111
65 Nuadihi 381881 Badamala 208 Hectares 333
66 Ganghosa 381882 Badamala 226 Hectares 343
67 Badmal 381883 Badamala 687 Hectares 725
68 Tangrani 381884 Badamala 294 Hectares 503
69 Chandiposh 381885 Badamala 102 Hectares 117
70 Baghiachuan 381887 Tikilipada 83 Hectares 80
71 Bhaluchuan(BAD) 381888 Tikilipada 268 Hectares 520
72 Junadihi 381889 Tikilipada 288 Hectares 121
73 Junani 381890 Tikilipada 119 Hectares 118
74 Kalapat 381891 Katangapani 109 Hectares 142
75 Katangpani 381892 Katangapani 817 Hectares 1166
76 Jalikhol 381893 Katangapani 103 Hectares 372
77 Gailmundi 381894 Katangapani 96 Hectares 70
78 Bhaluchuan(SAN) 381895 Katangapani 213 Hectares 342
79 Sareipali 381896 Katangapani 213 Hectares 330
80 Mayur-Nachen 381897 Katangapani 53 Hectares 139
81 Badkachhar 381898 Katangapani 108 Hectares 159
82 Kumbhiachuan 381899 Katangapani 142 Hectares 77
83 Bandhabahal 381900 Fasimal 775 Hectares 107
84 Kasada 381901 Kasada 464 Hectares 554
85 Mahalingkudar 381902 Kasada 180 Hectares 290
86 Kirmaloi 381903 Tikiba 78 Hectares 190
87 Khairdihi 381905 Tikiba 280 Hectares 250
88 Pukuda 381906 Fasimal 307 Hectares 444
89 Gailmundi 381908 Fasimal 398 Hectares 356
90 Bainjaribahal 381909 Fasimal 83 Hectares 100
91 Chakuliabahal 381910 Chakuliabahal 262 Hectares 319
92 Balichuan 381911 Chakuliabahal 90 Hectares 91
93 Kulunda 381912 Chakuliabahal 242 Hectares 230
94 Falsabahal 381918 Chakuliabahal 159 Hectares 217
95 Titobahal 381919 Chakuliabahal 164 Hectares 132
96 Odsingh 381920 Badarama 384 Hectares 586
97 Pandibahal 381921 Chakuliabahal 232 Hectares 375
98 Kurlukhaman 381922 Chakuliabahal 32 Hectares 159
99 Gaibata 381923 Tikiba 80 Hectares 70
100 Badibahal(BAD) 381924 Tikiba 109 Hectares 144
101 Rankibahal 381925 Tikiba 211 Hectares 154
102 Tikiba 381926 Tikiba 475 Hectares 628
103 Kendeikhol 381927 Tikiba 81 Hectares 118
104 Kendeimal 381928 Kasada 71 Hectares 64
105 Langabahal(BAD) 381929 Kasada 276 Hectares 247
106 Mukteswar 381930 Kasada 184 Hectares 174
107 Kuagola 381931 Kasada 577 Hectares 1035
108 Jamankira 381932 Jamankira 897 Hectares 4266
109 Karlibahal 381933 Katangapani 26 Hectares 13
110 Tulub 381934 Jamankira 374 Hectares 745
111 Langabahal(SAN) 381935 Jamankira 218 Hectares 407
112 Chhatabar 381936 Tikilipada 206 Hectares 190
113 Rengalbeda 381937 Tikilipada 284 Hectares 424
114 Ghosaraguda 381938 Tikilipada 521 Hectares 569
115 Dhaleni 381939 Tikilipada 125 Hectares 113
116 Barhamundi 381940 Tikilipada 300 Hectares 570
117 Jemamal 381941 Tikilipada 476 Hectares 464
118 Badibahal(M) 381945 Tikilipada 277 Hectares 557
119 Tiklipada 381946 Tikilipada 577 Hectares 1818
120 Salebhadi (Saledungri) 381947 Tikilipada 77 Hectares 200
121 Arjunpali 381948 Jamankira 317 Hectares 492
122 Patabandha 381949 Jamankira 97 Hectares 200
123 Khairdihi 381950 Jamankira 281 Hectares 478
124 Chinimahul 381951 Badarama 755 Hectares 1636
125 Brahmanipali 381952 Tikiba 129 Hectares 100
126 Ardapal 381953 Tikiba 165 Hectares 172
127 Badkhalia 381954 Tikiba 172 Hectares 167
128 Ledimahul 381955 Fasimal 228 Hectares 297
129 Tileimal 381956 Badarama 162 Hectares 55
130 Laijhar 381957 Badarama 92 Hectares 126
131 Kharmunda 381965 Badarama 239 Hectares 591
132 Amblang 381966 Badarama 269 Hectares 182
133 Bandhabhuin 381967 Badarama 126 Hectares 350
134 Chhemunda 381968 Jamankira 293 Hectares 530
135 Tileimal 381969 Sarada 184 Hectares 173
136 Sarda 381970 Sarada 230 Hectares 518
137 Pudadihi 381971 Sarada 109 Hectares 200
138 Pathuria 381972 Sarada 169 Hectares 265
139 Tansara 381973 Badarama 175 Hectares 298
140 Chirgunikhol 381974 Badarama 151 Hectares 190
141 Dimbirimunda(Dumbermunda) 381975 Badarama 159 Hectares 101
142 Chepatamba 381976 Badarama 221 Hectares 171
143 Gantab 381977 Badarama 323 Hectares 196
144 Badrama 381978 Badarama 278 Hectares 549
145 Biswalpali 381979 Badarama 270 Hectares 391
146 Rengumunda 382005 Badarama 120 Hectares 142
147 Badibahal (SAN) 382006 Badarama 128 Hectares 117
148 Kutab 382007 Badarama 249 Hectares 316
149 Salohi 382014 Jamankira 64 Hectares 87
150 Durgadihi 382015 Jamankira 124 Hectares 208
151 SahajBahal 382597 Dimirikuda 274 Hectares 377
152 Budhikutuni 382598 Dimirikuda 126 Hectares 110
153 Puhulamara 382599 Dimirikuda 138 Hectares 237
154 Dimirikuda 382601 Dimirikuda 442 Hectares 656
155 Dudhaposi 382602 Dimirikuda 233 Hectares 261
156 Ludhar 382603 Dimirikuda 424 Hectares 639
157 Chheliamendhia 382604 Dimirikuda 194 Hectares 217
158 Depani 382605 Dimirikuda 205 Hectares 226
159 Desinkuli 382619 Jharagogua 178 Hectares 168
160 Telikusum 382620 Dimirikuda 481 Hectares 787
161 Gandam 382621 Dimirikuda 494 Hectares 896
162 Gangajala 382622 Dimirikuda 147 Hectares 136
163 Jogibenuan 382623 Dimirikuda 96 Hectares 74
164 Ranigola 382624 Dimirikuda 214 Hectares 204
165 Bhaluchuan 382625 Dimirikuda 95 Hectares 120
166 Kholdihi 382626 Dimirikuda 289 Hectares 195

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Sihiria.

Q2: What is the village code for Sihiria?

A2: The village code for Sihiria is 381600.

Q3: In which block is Sihiria located?

A3: Sihiria is located in the Jamankira block.

Q4: What is the total area of Sihiria?

A4: The total area of Sihiria is 197 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Sihiria belong to?

A5: Sihiria belongs to the Bhojpur Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Sihiria located?

A6: Sihiria is located in the Sambalpur district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Sihiria from the district headquarter?

A7: Sihiria is 73 kilometers away from the Sambalpur district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Sihiria?

A8: The nearest statutory town is KOCHINDA which is 18 kilometers away from Sihiria.

Q9: What is the population of Sihiria?

A9: The population of Sihiria is 222 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Sihiria?

A10: There are 193 households in Sihiria.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Sihiria?

A11: There are 116 males and 106 females in Sihiria.

Q12: Are there any schools in Sihiria?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Sihiria. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Sihiria?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Sihiria.

Q14: What is the pin code of Sihiria?

A14: The pin code of Sihiria is 768107.

Q15: Does Sihiria have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Sihiria.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Sihiria?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Sihiria.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Sihiria?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Sihiria.

Q18: Is Sihiria connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Sihiria.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Sihiria?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Sihiria.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Sihiria?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Sihiria.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Sihiria?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Sihiria is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Sihiria?

A22: There are 14.33 Hectares of forest area in Sihiria.

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