
Chattiguda Village

Chattiguda is belongs to Nabarangpur, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Chattiguda
Village code : 427585
Block Name : Jharigan (0287)
Area : 603
Gram Panchayat : Chatiguda (15)
District : Nabarangpur
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Nabarangapur
District Head Quarter distance : 50 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : UMARKOTE
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 15 Kms
Population : 2172
Households : 485
Male : 1089
Female : 1083
Govt Primary School : 3
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 764072
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : Available
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 27.09 Hectares

Google map of Chattiguda location

Near by villages of Chattiguda

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Bhandariguda 427394 Bhandariguda 406 Hectares 1082
2 Majhia 427411 Bakadabeda 705 Hectares 1565
3 Bakadabeda 427412 Bakadabeda 411 Hectares 1399
4 Tentuligan 427414 Dhadra 425 Hectares 920
5 Purla 427415 Kanakote 1176 Hectares 3020
6 Kanakote 427416 Kanakote 522 Hectares 2246
7 Nirundi 427417 Kanakote 287 Hectares 1054
8 Kenduguda 427418 Kanakote 280 Hectares 1635
9 Dubia 427419 Dangariguda 169 Hectares 781
10 Sindikaguda 427569 Medena 163 Hectares 367
11 Rajpur 427570 Rajpur 813 Hectares 1604
12 Bamodeibhatta 427571 Bhandariguda 705 Hectares 1438
13 Pujariguda 427572 Bhandariguda 418 Hectares 390
14 Baunsobeda 427573 Bhandariguda 336 Hectares 254
15 Chhotaguda 427574 Bhandariguda 195 Hectares 307
16 Karlikhamar 427575 Bhandariguda 216 Hectares 583
17 Gotiguda 427576 Bhandariguda 277 Hectares 1019
18 Dumorada 427577 Karagam 423 Hectares 990
19 Jiraguda 427578 Karagam 393 Hectares 1389
20 Karagam 427579 Karagam 1019 Hectares 3880
21 Turunji 427580 Bakadabeda 408 Hectares 1153
22 Malikguda 427581 Karagam 212 Hectares 449
23 Mandiaguda 427582 Bakadabeda 167 Hectares 601
24 Poria 427583 Chatiguda 298 Hectares 733
25 Kapurguda 427584 Chatiguda 134 Hectares 94
26 Dongriguda 427586 Dangariguda 891 Hectares 2871
27 Koigam 427587 Dangariguda 346 Hectares 913
28 Pakhanaguda 427588 Dangariguda 252 Hectares 833
29 Holadiguda 427589 Dangariguda 413 Hectares 1224
30 Arachitguda 427590 Dhamanaguda 331 Hectares 640
31 Ekamba 427591 Dhamanaguda 519 Hectares 1440
32 Medana 427592 Medena 645 Hectares 1938
33 Chattiguda 427593 Medena 138 Hectares 1158
34 Anchala 427594 Medena 490 Hectares 1040
35 Bodoliguda 427595 Medena 238 Hectares 766
36 Chichubai 427596 Medena 252 Hectares 804
37 Cheptiamba 427600 Badtemera 612 Hectares 880
38 Maniaguda 427601 Chacharaguda 228 Hectares 473
39 Chacharaguda 427602 Chacharaguda 308 Hectares 913
40 Pakhanaguda 427603 Chacharaguda 429 Hectares 885
41 Banuaguda 427604 Chacharaguda 44 Hectares 370
42 Bhandimal 427605 Medena 259 Hectares 553
43 Kokodaguda 427606 Medena 100 Hectares 711
44 Haladi 427607 Chacharaguda 486 Hectares 979
45 Maliguda 427608 Medena 251 Hectares 669
46 Chalanguda 427609 Medena 187 Hectares 620
47 Butiaguda 427610 Medena 138 Hectares 439
48 Tipaguda 427611 Dhamanaguda 145 Hectares 528
49 Siunaguda 427612 Dhamanaguda 327 Hectares 1364
50 Chargam 427613 Dhamanaguda 286 Hectares 930
51 Dhamanaguda 427614 Dhamanaguda 355 Hectares 1431
52 Nagajodi 427615 Dhamanaguda 439 Hectares 648
53 Tutiguda 427616 Dhamanaguda 624 Hectares 1189
54 Bijapur 427617 Chatiguda 902 Hectares 1729
55 Jambaguda 427618 Chatiguda 340 Hectares 1168
56 Nandapura 427619 Ghodakhunta 854 Hectares 2095
57 Mundiguda 427620 Karagam 167 Hectares 2058
58 Pukaguda 427621 Karagam 95 Hectares 714
59 Karlabeda 427622 Rajpur 231 Hectares 1975
60 Siuni 427623 Rajpur 586 Hectares 751
61 Sindhigam 427624 Rajpur 697 Hectares 993
62 Jholla 427625 Rajpur 522 Hectares 543
63 Singisari 427626 Singisari 463 Hectares 1989
64 Jhotiarpara 427627 Singisari 544 Hectares 1393
65 Ulandaguda 427628 Karagam 107 Hectares 392
66 Menjar 427629 Ghodakhunta 235 Hectares 1227
67 Parsabeda 427630 Borigam 300 Hectares 867
68 Mendra 427632 Borigam 151 Hectares 1334
69 Mangrachachara 427633 Dhamanaguda 160 Hectares 786
70 Saraguda 427634 Junapani 335 Hectares 1193
71 Khutubai 427635 Dhamanaguda 284 Hectares 653
72 Pujariguda 427636 Medena 561 Hectares 831
73 Chikili 427637 Dabugan 460 Hectares 1668
74 Baigam 427638 Chacharaguda 634 Hectares 2199
75 Kusumabandha 427639 Chacharaguda 250 Hectares 934
76 Kelia 427640 Chacharaguda 278 Hectares 516
77 Patia 427641 Chacharaguda 322 Hectares 940
78 Kontamal 427642 Kontamal 893 Hectares 1819
79 Musapalla 427643 Manigam 269 Hectares 403
80 Ghusarabeda 427644 Manigam 257 Hectares 1150
81 Duminiguda 427645 Dabugan 541 Hectares 1105
82 Jhaliaguda 427646 Junapani 404 Hectares 684
83 Kamata 427647 Junapani 392 Hectares 1105
84 Koilari 427648 Junapani 497 Hectares 2129
85 Rabanaguda 427649 Junapani 580 Hectares 1787
86 Ambaguda 427650 Borigam 172 Hectares 369
87 Khuntaguda 427651 Borigam 240 Hectares 727
88 Mendriguda 427653 Borigam 248 Hectares 783
89 Gadamaguda 427654 Borigam 235 Hectares 511
90 Dongara 427655 Ghodakhunta 442 Hectares 779
91 Ghodakhunta 427656 Ghodakhunta 828 Hectares 1986
92 Malbeda 427657 Singisari 669 Hectares 1535
93 Tentiliguda 427658 Singisari 425 Hectares 302
94 Dondibeda 427659 Singisari 145 Hectares 410
95 Torenga 427660 Singisari 919 Hectares 2224
96 Jhaliaguda 427661 Singisari 404 Hectares 666
97 Koniki 427662 Singisari 165 Hectares 749
98 Ponar 427663 Singisari 1019 Hectares 1923
99 Kuhukaguda 427664 Ghodakhunta 816 Hectares 1316
100 Majhiguda 427665 Ghodakhunta 106 Hectares 473
101 Kurupa 427666 Ghodakhunta 534 Hectares 959
102 Mundibeda 427667 Ghodakhunta 167 Hectares 831
103 Borigam 427668 Borigam 290 Hectares 1373
104 Dongiriguda 427669 Borigam 605 Hectares 739
105 Chelibeda 427670 Borigam 241 Hectares 513
106 Dhansaraguda 427671 Junapani 155 Hectares 621
107 Motigam 427672 Junapani 305 Hectares 624
108 Junapani 427674 Junapani 154 Hectares 519
109 Girla 427675 Junapani 153 Hectares 794
110 Majhiguda 427676 Junapani 106 Hectares 748
111 Dongriguda 427677 Dabugan 172 Hectares 4490
112 Dabugan 427678 Dabugan 209 Hectares 3322
113 Umarahandi 427679 Dabugan 307 Hectares 1218
114 Manigam 427680 Manigam 573 Hectares 1678
115 Dayaguda 427681 Manigam 70 Hectares 258
116 Mahendri 427687 Manigam 1531 Hectares 3921
117 Hatibeda 427688 Hatibeda 1323 Hectares 6109
118 Borikiguda 427689 Bodoolma 140 Hectares 312
119 Doragula 427690 Jobaguda 221 Hectares 646
120 Talbeda 427691 Jobaguda 148 Hectares 663
121 Sondhi Dongriguda 427692 Jobaguda 64 Hectares 90
122 Siraguda 427693 Borigam 108 Hectares 68
123 Pariabeda 427694 Borigam 614 Hectares 1276
124 Jobaguda 427696 Jobaguda 325 Hectares 1043
125 Godegam 427697 Bodoolma 285 Hectares 807
126 Kamarahandi 427711 Kontamal 491 Hectares 752

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Chattiguda.

Q2: What is the village code for Chattiguda?

A2: The village code for Chattiguda is 427585.

Q3: In which block is Chattiguda located?

A3: Chattiguda is located in the Jharigan block.

Q4: What is the total area of Chattiguda?

A4: The total area of Chattiguda is 603 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Chattiguda belong to?

A5: Chattiguda belongs to the Chatiguda Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Chattiguda located?

A6: Chattiguda is located in the Nabarangpur district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Chattiguda from the district headquarter?

A7: Chattiguda is 50 kilometers away from the Nabarangapur district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Chattiguda?

A8: The nearest statutory town is UMARKOTE which is 15 kilometers away from Chattiguda.

Q9: What is the population of Chattiguda?

A9: The population of Chattiguda is 2172 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Chattiguda?

A10: There are 193 households in Chattiguda.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Chattiguda?

A11: There are 1089 males and 1083 females in Chattiguda.

Q12: Are there any schools in Chattiguda?

A12: Yes, there is 3 government primary school in Chattiguda. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Chattiguda?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Chattiguda.

Q14: What is the pin code of Chattiguda?

A14: The pin code of Chattiguda is 764072.

Q15: Does Chattiguda have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Chattiguda.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Chattiguda?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Chattiguda.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Chattiguda?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Chattiguda.

Q18: Is Chattiguda connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Chattiguda.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Chattiguda?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Chattiguda.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Chattiguda?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Chattiguda.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Chattiguda?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Chattiguda is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Chattiguda?

A22: There are 27.09 Hectares of forest area in Chattiguda.

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