
Kandhasargiguda Village

Kandhasargiguda is belongs to Kalahandi, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Kandhasargiguda
Village code : 423779
Block Name : Junagarh (0262)
Area : 394
Gram Panchayat : Matigaon (11)
District : Kalahandi
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Bhawanipatna
District Head Quarter distance : 34 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : JUNAGARH
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 8 Kms
Population : 1178
Households : 267
Male : 583
Female : 595
Govt Primary School : 2
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 766014
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 9.11 Hectares

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Near by villages of Kandhasargiguda

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Jharabandha 423696 Bhainriguda 226 Hectares 690
2 Panigaon 423697 Bhainriguda 199 Hectares 608
3 Sahajakana 423698 Talamala 370 Hectares 64
4 Chingedisar 423699 Bhainriguda 124 Hectares 740
5 Padiagada(Padiagarh) 423700 Bhainriguda 86 Hectares 81
6 Padiagaon 423701 Bhainriguda 195 Hectares 495
7 Puragaon 423702 Bhainriguda 127 Hectares 916
8 Murlapadar 423703 Bhainriguda 165 Hectares 945
9 Murjor(Marajore) 423704 Bhainriguda 125 Hectares 395
10 Kuruguda 423705 Bhainriguda 158 Hectares 657
11 Masigaon 423706 Talamala 303 Hectares 1140
12 Talamala 423707 Talamala 350 Hectares 2726
13 Atigaon 423708 Atigaon 158 Hectares 2215
14 Kandulguda 423709 Atigaon 379 Hectares 846
15 Kelia 423710 Kaliakundal 263 Hectares 1556
16 Michhagaon 423711 Atigaon 468 Hectares 2500
17 Bhaunriguda 423712 Bhainriguda 414 Hectares 2314
18 Baghadungri 423713 Atigaon 148 Hectares 1366
19 Bhejipadar 423714 Kaliakundal 485 Hectares 930
20 Mundiguda 423715 Kaliakundal 142 Hectares 531
21 Kaliakundal 423716 Kaliakundal 394 Hectares 2486
22 Gangapur 423717 Kaliakundal 198 Hectares 262
23 Pilikia 423718 Kaliakundal 282 Hectares 1271
24 Nuaguda 423719 Chicheiguda 349 Hectares 1186
25 Balichhada 423720 Kaliakundal 165 Hectares 848
26 Jamunabahal 423721 Chicheiguda 156 Hectares 1359
27 Chicheiguda 423725 Chicheiguda 260 Hectares 2949
28 Shantipur 423726 Chicheiguda 136 Hectares 361
29 Mahibhar 423727 Kaliakundal 434 Hectares 1290
30 Bhatraguda 423733 Matigaon 201 Hectares 842
31 Budhipadar 423734 Matigaon 347 Hectares 1711
32 Khinibahal 423735 Matigaon 112 Hectares 412
33 Dabjharan 423736 Matigaon 223 Hectares 784
34 Charbhati 423737 Charbhati 219 Hectares 891
35 Kulihari 423738 Kaleigaon 497 Hectares 2170
36 Bramhaniguda 423739 Charbhati 483 Hectares 1700
37 Kharlabeda 423740 Meria Bandhli 177 Hectares 936
38 Meriabandhali (Meriabandli) 423741 Meria Bandhli 83 Hectares 239
39 Malgund 423742 Baxitulasipalli 134 Hectares 887
40 Kaleigaon 423744 Kaleigaon 123 Hectares 749
41 Sandumerbahal 423745 Kaleigaon 191 Hectares 610
42 Dabriguda 423746 Kaleigaon 77 Hectares 177
43 Podaguda 423747 Kaleigaon 69 Hectares 43
44 Ranapur 423748 Baxitulasipalli 195 Hectares 884
45 Ekanaguda 423749 Baxitulasipalli 91 Hectares 261
46 Baxitulasipali 423750 Baxitulasipalli 140 Hectares 1278
47 Kupagaon 423751 Baxitulasipalli 187 Hectares 470
48 Krushnapur 423752 Baxitulasipalli 74 Hectares 167
49 Banamalipur 423753 Baxitulasipalli 139 Hectares 253
50 Chancharabhadi 423754 Meria Bandhli 183 Hectares 892
51 Manikapadar 423755 Meria Bandhli 167 Hectares 795
52 Dumerbahal 423756 Meria Bandhli 314 Hectares 949
53 Sureli 423766 Deydara 233 Hectares 195
54 Kusumbara 423767 Deydara 157 Hectares 72
55 Supel 423768 Deydara 245 Hectares 208
56 Banjibahal 423769 Deydara 139 Hectares 77
57 Dedar 423770 Deydara 789 Hectares 1704
58 Bandoguda 423771 Deydara 404 Hectares 483
59 Golamunda 423772 Deydara 308 Hectares 1288
60 Jamchuan 423773 Kaleigaon 70 Hectares 22
61 Sorismal 423774 Deydara 193 Hectares 712
62 Sankriguda 423775 Charbhati 130 Hectares 322
63 Pitaguda 423776 Charbhati 189 Hectares 484
64 Tentulikhunti 423777 Charbhati 601 Hectares 953
65 Kadopadar 423778 Charbhati 164 Hectares 249
66 Dudungguda 423780 Matigaon 285 Hectares 655
67 Koiligaon 423781 Matigaon 761 Hectares 2542
68 Matigaon 423782 Matigaon 313 Hectares 1559
69 Kutengan 423806 Banijara 154 Hectares 676
70 Purunasar(2) 423808 Banijara 410 Hectares 2256
71 Rajapur 423809 Rajpur 276 Hectares 1536
72 Karlakot 423811 Banijara 344 Hectares 1028
73 Banijara ( I ) 423812 Banijara 346 Hectares 1741
74 Barabesal 423813 Banijara 158 Hectares 797
75 Kodoguda 423814 Banijara 111 Hectares 82
76 Badtikraguda(2) 423815 Budhidara 723 Hectares 1166
77 Budhidara 423816 Budhidara 401 Hectares 1194
78 Tentulipada 423817 Budhidara 640 Hectares 841
79 Borguda (4) 423819 Dundelmal 700 Hectares 1510
80 Dundelmal (1) 423820 Dundelmal 332 Hectares 845
81 Kutingpadar (2) 423821 Dundelmal 472 Hectares 723
82 Makundapur (1) 423822 Dundelmal 266 Hectares 133
83 Kankerimal (3) 423823 Dundelmal 242 Hectares 259
84 Podapodi 423824 Bankapalash 79 Hectares 42
85 Santikraguda 423825 Bankapalash 68 Hectares 106
86 Jilingdara 423826 Dundelmal 176 Hectares 972
87 Sinakhunti 423827 Dundelmal 166 Hectares 97
88 Ratanpala (3) 423828 Bankapalash 476 Hectares 575
89 Bankapalas (2) 423829 Bankapalash 263 Hectares 756
90 Sankarpala (3) 423831 Budhidara 335 Hectares 806
91 Charbhati (3) 423832 Rajpur 390 Hectares 1461
92 Jharband (1) 423833 Rajpur 175 Hectares 404
93 Bhaluguda 423834 Budhidara 35 Hectares 5
94 Pipalguda 423835 Budhidara 37 Hectares 97
95 Kuhilamunda 423836 Budhidara 93 Hectares 173
96 Dahaniguda 423837 Budhidara 25 Hectares 56
97 Khutuluguda 423838 Budhidara 4 Hectares 29
98 Karli (1) 423841 Rajpur 331 Hectares 1640
99 Khaensaguda 423842 Mudraguda 212 Hectares 1312
100 Chilguda 423843 Mudraguda 209 Hectares 1635
101 Chilakpur 423844 Dasigaon 354 Hectares 1326
102 Lakhanapada 423849 Budhidara 19 Hectares 194
103 Taldhunda 423850 Dundelmal 36 Hectares 96
104 Upardhunda 423851 Dundelmal 61 Hectares 460
105 Beheraguda 423852 Budhidara 11 Hectares 128
106 Bijaradara 423853 Budhidara 47 Hectares 148
107 Sardhapur 423961 Khairpadar 199 Hectares 710

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Kandhasargiguda.

Q2: What is the village code for Kandhasargiguda?

A2: The village code for Kandhasargiguda is 423779.

Q3: In which block is Kandhasargiguda located?

A3: Kandhasargiguda is located in the Junagarh block.

Q4: What is the total area of Kandhasargiguda?

A4: The total area of Kandhasargiguda is 394 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Kandhasargiguda belong to?

A5: Kandhasargiguda belongs to the Matigaon Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Kandhasargiguda located?

A6: Kandhasargiguda is located in the Kalahandi district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Kandhasargiguda from the district headquarter?

A7: Kandhasargiguda is 34 kilometers away from the Bhawanipatna district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Kandhasargiguda?

A8: The nearest statutory town is JUNAGARH which is 8 kilometers away from Kandhasargiguda.

Q9: What is the population of Kandhasargiguda?

A9: The population of Kandhasargiguda is 1178 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Kandhasargiguda?

A10: There are 193 households in Kandhasargiguda.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Kandhasargiguda?

A11: There are 583 males and 595 females in Kandhasargiguda.

Q12: Are there any schools in Kandhasargiguda?

A12: Yes, there is 2 government primary school in Kandhasargiguda. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Kandhasargiguda?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Kandhasargiguda.

Q14: What is the pin code of Kandhasargiguda?

A14: The pin code of Kandhasargiguda is 766014.

Q15: Does Kandhasargiguda have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Kandhasargiguda.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Kandhasargiguda?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Kandhasargiguda.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Kandhasargiguda?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Kandhasargiguda.

Q18: Is Kandhasargiguda connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Kandhasargiguda.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Kandhasargiguda?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Kandhasargiguda.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Kandhasargiguda?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Kandhasargiguda.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Kandhasargiguda?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Kandhasargiguda is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Kandhasargiguda?

A22: There are 9.11 Hectares of forest area in Kandhasargiguda.

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