
Bajinia Village

Bajinia is belongs to Sundargarh, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Bajinia
Village code : 384712
Block Name : Koida (0046)
Area : 554
Gram Panchayat : K.Balang (02)
District : Sundargarh
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Sundargarh
District Head Quarter distance : 172 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : RAURKELA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 72 Kms
Population : 466
Households : 101
Male : 237
Female : 229
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 770040
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 97.92 Hectares

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Near by villages of Bajinia

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Gahami 384683 Darjing 190 Hectares 73
2 Koilijhar 384684 Darjing 168 Hectares 312
3 Angarapada 384685 Darjing 69 Hectares 156
4 Dhenkiam 384686 Darjing 160 Hectares 179
5 Ludhuni 384687 Darjing 299 Hectares 445
6 Birtola 384688 Darjing 328 Hectares 511
7 Sanbirtola 384689 Darjing 677 Hectares 110
8 Banko 384693 Soyamba 739 Hectares 914
9 Silikuta 384694 Soyamba 779 Hectares 735
10 Badbalijore 384695 Soyamba 921 Hectares 1065
11 Topadihi 384696 Soyamba 584 Hectares 836
12 Renjeda 384697 Soyamba 349 Hectares 559
13 Soyamba 384698 Soyamba 791 Hectares 1270
14 Badraksi 384699 Jamdihi 357 Hectares 566
15 Ruguda 384700 K.Balang 941 Hectares 592
16 Badgaon 384701 K.Balang 398 Hectares 491
17 Khariabahal 384702 K.Balang 1098 Hectares 1237
18 Sianbahal 384703 K.Balang 294 Hectares 259
19 Bakhartola 384704 K.Balang 1118 Hectares 1287
20 Sanraksi 384705 Jamdihi 303 Hectares 2412
21 Purunapani 384706 Jamdihi 468 Hectares 660
22 Mutuhanuman 384707 Soyamba 302 Hectares 854
23 Jamudihi 384708 Jamdihi 788 Hectares 1330
24 Karuadarha 384709 Jamdihi 232 Hectares 227
25 K.Balang 384710 K.Balang 371 Hectares 1292
26 Badrama 384711 K.Balang 420 Hectares 554
27 Chhidakudar 384713 Gopna 426 Hectares 728
28 Thelakudar 384714 Bimalagarh 304 Hectares 292
29 Santhelakudar 384715 Gopna 130 Hectares 22
30 Kamarposh 384716 Bimalagarh 463 Hectares 1152
31 Gouduniposh 384717 K.Balang 269 Hectares 387
32 Dalimdihi 384718 K.Balang 770 Hectares 552
33 Manchabeda 384719 Jamdihi 1602 Hectares 2025
34 Kudamusa 384720 Jamdihi 293 Hectares 506
35 Kunduruburu 384721 Jamdihi 217 Hectares 364
36 Kunchpani 384722 Jamdihi 267 Hectares 541
37 Bimlagarh 384723 Bimalagarh 291 Hectares 419
38 Sanfakirmunda 384724 Bimalagarh 175 Hectares 680
39 Fakirmunda 384725 Bimalagarh 758 Hectares 1702
40 Bandupada 384726 Gopna 340 Hectares 846
41 Sanpurunapani 384727 Gopna 315 Hectares 478
42 Sarasposh 384728 Gopna 328 Hectares 293
43 Sankareichuan 384729 Gopna 46 Hectares 94
44 kareichuan 384730 Gopna 495 Hectares 232
45 Mahisichhapal 384731 Darjing 317 Hectares 474
46 Kariadihi 384732 Darjing 334 Hectares 720
47 Balisuda 384733 Darjing 140 Hectares 358
48 Kudapada 384734 Darjing 69 Hectares 223
49 Ulkundei 384735 Gopna 148 Hectares 416
50 Lamsi 384736 Sankhaposh 103 Hectares 584
51 Nandapada 384737 Sankhaposh 144 Hectares 479
52 Hatikucha 384738 Gopna 315 Hectares 856
53 Gopna 384739 Gopna 415 Hectares 1868
54 Ambarudi 384740 Sankhaposh 453 Hectares 955
55 Paramdihi 384741 Chordhara 863 Hectares 683
56 Gaganaposh 384742 Chordhara 463 Hectares 527
57 Choredhara 384743 Chordhara 1763 Hectares 2176
58 Nuatantra 384744 Chordhara 417 Hectares 547
59 Bendrilada 384745 Chordhara 235 Hectares 439
60 Taldihi 384746 Chordhara 728 Hectares 847
61 Darging 384804 Darjing 343 Hectares 720
62 Saleipali 384805 Darjing 215 Hectares 737
63 Gaudiniposh 384806 Darjing 274 Hectares 834
64 Thiaberna 384807 Darjing 407 Hectares 670
65 Goutamdihi 384808 Lahunipara 77 Hectares 352
66 Kachhupada 384809 Lahunipara 64 Hectares 229
67 Sagadiaposh 384810 Sankhaposh 304 Hectares 769
68 Kisan-Tangarpali 384811 Sankhaposh 156 Hectares 356
69 Sanbabehudi 384812 Sankhaposh 78 Hectares 48
70 Babehudi 384813 Sankhaposh 150 Hectares 263
71 Mahantatangarpali 384814 Sankhaposh 112 Hectares 326
72 Sankhaposh 384815 Sankhaposh 217 Hectares 666
73 Tetengagilla 384816 Sankhaposh 137 Hectares 444
74 Ghusuriposh 384817 Sankhaposh 287 Hectares 469
75 Lauposh 384818 Sankhaposh 178 Hectares 325
76 Bhaliadihi 384819 Sankhaposh 291 Hectares 416
77 San-bhaliadihi 384820 Sankhaposh 177 Hectares 93
78 Pratappur 384821 Sankhaposh 227 Hectares 74
79 Arjunchuan 384822 Sankhaposh 485 Hectares 554
80 San-rengalbeda 384823 Sankhaposh 404 Hectares 46
81 Dhamanadarha 384824 Kaleiposh 157 Hectares 557
82 Rangalbeda 384826 Sankhaposh 206 Hectares 463
83 Kardahudi 384827 Sankhaposh 115 Hectares 112
84 Kendudihi 384828 Kaleiposh 440 Hectares 1570
85 Takra 384829 Lahunipara 526 Hectares 1956
86 Sukhabanda 384830 Lahunipara 39 Hectares 112
87 Saleidihi 384831 Lahunipara 194 Hectares 667
88 Saleidihi 384832 Lahunipara 165 Hectares 687
89 Sansahajbahal 384833 Darjing 62 Hectares 289
90 Badsahajbahal 384834 Darjing 134 Hectares 435
91 Juniani 384835 Bad Purunapani 200 Hectares 859
92 Ateikucha 384836 Bad Purunapani 85 Hectares 119
93 Tikayatpali 384837 Bad Purunapani 275 Hectares 271
94 Fatajharan 384839 Bad Purunapani 86 Hectares 149
95 Sialikudar 384840 Bad Purunapani 155 Hectares 406
96 Jibikaposh 384843 Bad Purunapani 219 Hectares 289
97 Budhikutuni 384844 Bad Purunapani 298 Hectares 587
98 Badapurunapani 384845 Bad Purunapani 365 Hectares 815
99 Talbahali 384846 Bad Purunapani 324 Hectares 719
100 Samardari 384847 Bad Purunapani 79 Hectares 426
101 Tibupada 384848 Lahunipara 193 Hectares 74
102 Lahunipada 384849 Lahunipara 77 Hectares 1697
103 Gombadihi 384850 Lahunipara 48 Hectares 1238
104 Gudhiali 384851 Rajamunda 139 Hectares 1016
105 Mishrapali 384852 Rajamunda 87 Hectares 272
106 Saleibahal 384853 Rajamunda 46 Hectares 151
107 Surupatla 384854 Rajamunda 106 Hectares 124
108 Bandhananali 384855 Rajamunda 83 Hectares 171
109 Baldihi 384856 Rajamunda 113 Hectares 232
110 Gadapali 384857 Rajamunda 62 Hectares 103
111 Luthurba 384858 Rajamunda 109 Hectares 236
112 Urumkela 384859 Rajamunda 74 Hectares 394
113 Gamlei 384860 Rajamunda 174 Hectares 747
114 Bad-tumkela 384861 Rajamunda 183 Hectares 651
115 Deoposh 384863 Rajamunda 101 Hectares 661
116 San-tumkela 384864 Rajamunda 38 Hectares 14
117 Gargadia 384865 Rajamunda 64 Hectares 150
118 Saradhapur 384867 Rajamunda 72 Hectares 523
119 Rajamunda 384868 Rajamunda 140 Hectares 687
120 Lateimundi 384869 Lahunipara 77 Hectares 976
121 Sukhpali 384870 Lahunipara 69 Hectares 573
122 Thenteiposh 384871 Kaleiposh 59 Hectares 311
123 Kenapali 384872 Kaleiposh 395 Hectares 1215
124 Katupada 384873 Kaleiposh 124 Hectares 193
125 Paragposh 384874 Kaleiposh 160 Hectares 483
126 Solberana 384875 Kaleiposh 65 Hectares 121
127 Kaleiposh 384876 Kaleiposh 218 Hectares 575
128 Nuapada 384877 Kaleiposh 188 Hectares 488
129 Kumbhardihi 384878 Kaleiposh 85 Hectares 230
130 Thakurpali 384879 Kaleiposh 111 Hectares 360
131 Ulsurei 384880 Kudheikala 187 Hectares 847
132 Jogibandh 384881 Kaleiposh 110 Hectares 164
133 Basubahal 384882 KudheiKala 275 Hectares 515
134 Sankhajurinali 384883 Kaleiposh 31 Hectares 116
135 Sanbasubahal 384884 Kudheikala 370 Hectares 106
136 Deodebapur 384886 Kudheikala 178 Hectares 115
137 Ganighasa 384888 Kudheikala 455 Hectares 559
138 Dalamkucha 384889 Kudheikala 300 Hectares 398
139 Ghatital 384890 Kudheikala 98 Hectares 125
140 Guhaldihi 384891 KudheiKala 138 Hectares 191
141 Bileipada 384892 KudheiKala 79 Hectares 168
142 Kudeikela 384893 Kudheikala 235 Hectares 547
143 Haldikunchi 384894 Kudheikala 281 Hectares 169
144 Sankundeikela 384895 Kudheikela 175 Hectares 2
145 Phatatangar 384938 Chordhara 804 Hectares 765
146 Anteitola 384939 Chordhara 197 Hectares 202
147 Arkeikela 385110 Rajamunda 164 Hectares 357

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Bajinia.

Q2: What is the village code for Bajinia?

A2: The village code for Bajinia is 384712.

Q3: In which block is Bajinia located?

A3: Bajinia is located in the Koida block.

Q4: What is the total area of Bajinia?

A4: The total area of Bajinia is 554 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Bajinia belong to?

A5: Bajinia belongs to the K.Balang Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Bajinia located?

A6: Bajinia is located in the Sundargarh district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Bajinia from the district headquarter?

A7: Bajinia is 172 kilometers away from the Sundargarh district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Bajinia?

A8: The nearest statutory town is RAURKELA which is 72 kilometers away from Bajinia.

Q9: What is the population of Bajinia?

A9: The population of Bajinia is 466 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Bajinia?

A10: There are 193 households in Bajinia.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Bajinia?

A11: There are 237 males and 229 females in Bajinia.

Q12: Are there any schools in Bajinia?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Bajinia. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Bajinia?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Bajinia.

Q14: What is the pin code of Bajinia?

A14: The pin code of Bajinia is 770040.

Q15: Does Bajinia have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Bajinia.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Bajinia?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Bajinia.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Bajinia?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Bajinia.

Q18: Is Bajinia connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Bajinia.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Bajinia?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Bajinia.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Bajinia?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Bajinia.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Bajinia?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Bajinia is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Bajinia?

A22: There are 97.92 Hectares of forest area in Bajinia.

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