
Gaurangtaki Village

Gaurangtaki is belongs to Kokrajhar, district in the state of Assam.

Village   Details
Name : Gaurangtaki
Village code : 280264
Block Name : Kokrajhar (0005)
Area : 139.77
Gram Panchayat : ()
District : Kokrajhar
State : Assam
District Head Quarter : KOKRAJHAR
District Head Quarter distance : 26 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : Kokrajhar (MB)
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 26 Kms
Population : 774
Households : 154
Male : 388
Female : 386
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : 1
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 783337
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : RICE
Forest Area : NA

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Near by villages of Gaurangtaki

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Borjhora Pt.-IV 280513 MANGLAJHORA 379.24 Hectares 45
2 Monglajhora 280515 MANGLJHORA 455.36 Hectares 287
3 Oxibari Pt.-I 280517 240.69 Hectares 53
4 Oxibari Pt.-II 280518 MANGLAJHORA 278.98 Hectares 173
5 Thekenjhora Pt.-I 280519 MONGLJHORA 66.58 Hectares 167
6 Daibari Pt.-III 280527 MONGALAJHORA 181.22 Hectares 224
7 Rangamatijhar Pt.-I 280529 TIPKAI 156.19 Hectares 57
8 Nepalikuti 280530 TIPKAI 101.54 Hectares 234
9 Rangamati 280532 TIPKAI 216.5 Hectares 294
10 Pastibari 280533 TIPKAI 56.59 Hectares 120
11 Tipkai Bandar 280534 TIPKAI 97.85 Hectares 1018
12 Rangamatijhar Pt.-II 280535 TIPKAI 131.01 Hectares 203
13 Chilkikhata Pt.-I 280536 TIPKAI 147.34 Hectares 238
14 Daibari Pt.-I 280537 MANGALJHORA 167.84 Hectares 74
15 Hawrijhora 280538 MANGALJHORA 158.82 Hectares 199
16 Bongshijhora Pt.-I 280539 MANGLAJHORA 266.63 Hectares 689
17 Thekenjhora Pt.-II 280540 MANGLAJHORA 185.24 Hectares 370
18 Matiadol 280541 MANGLAJHORA 434.12 Hectares 400
19 Gambhiraghat Pt.I 280542 MONGLAJHORA 178.82 Hectares 205
20 Bongshijhora Pt.-II 280543 MANGALAJHORA 188.66 Hectares 34
21 Sisti Pt.-III 280544 MANLAJHORA 47.22 Hectares 267
22 Changbandha Pt.-I 280545 TIPKAI 282.36 Hectares 160
23 Chilkikhata Pt.-II 280546 TIPKAI 322.64 Hectares 210
24 Chilkikhata Pt.-III 280547 TIPKAI 317 Hectares 382
25 Sukanjhora 280548 TIPKAI 190.96 Hectares 240
26 Dudumari Pt.-III 280549 327.6 Hectares 328
27 Misnaikutharjhar Pt.-II 280550 118.71 Hectares 33
28 Boro Belguri 280551 218.43 Hectares 139
29 Changbandha Pt.-III 280552 TIPKAI 238.13 Hectares 294
30 Changbandha Pt.-II 280553 TIPKAI 253.77 Hectares 364
31 Bostomjhora 280554 TIPKAI 68.43 Hectares 98
32 Sisti Pt.-II 280555 MANGLAJHORA 319.85 Hectares 135
33 Gambhiraghat Pt.II 280556 MANGLAJHORA 111.51 Hectares 158
34 Sisti Pt.-I 280557 MANGLAJHOR 491.64 Hectares 647
35 Bostonjhora 280558 TIPKAI 132.12 Hectares 153
36 Duligaon Pt.-I 280559 PLASHGURI 116.19 Hectares 72
37 Duligaon Pt.-II 280560 PALASHGURI 225.75 Hectares 61
38 Duligaon Pt.-III 280561 PALASHGURI 198.99 Hectares 491
39 Palashguri 280562 PALASHGURI 417.37 Hectares 1031
40 Choto Belguri 280563 123.39 Hectares 213
41 Sindhurijhora 280564 209.16 Hectares 317
42 Ubrijhora 280565 242.96 Hectares 198
43 Misnaikutharjhar Pt.-I 280566 125.4 Hectares 125
44 Garaimari Pt.-I 280567 PALASHGURI 670.29 Hectares 298
45 Garaimari Pt.-II 280568 PALASHGURI 253.6 Hectares 151
46 Naigaon 280569 PALASHGURI 247.43 Hectares 541
47 Duligaon Pt.-VI 280570 PALASHGURI 148.58 Hectares 142
48 Duligaon Pt.-V 280571 PALASHGURI 300.96 Hectares 137
49 Chilingjhorajhar Pt.-I 280573 TIPKAI 638.38 Hectares 184
50 Chilinjhora (Chilingjhorajhar) 280574 TIPKAI 102.38 Hectares 100
51 Mowrijhora Pt.-III 280575 TIPKAI 140.08 Hectares 315
52 Chilingjhorajhar Pt.-II 280579 154.61 Hectares 221
53 Alupara Pt.-III 280583 PALASHGURI 497.98 Hectares 152
54 Mowrijhora Pt.-I 280587 TIPKAI 73.76 Hectares 36
55 Ghugujhora Pt.II 280588 PALASHGURI 58.5 Hectares 359
56 Bhelakoba Pt.I 280589 143.2 Hectares 1122
57 Boraibari 280590 22.25 Hectares 320
58 Lalmati Pt.-II 280593 JALABIL 126.57 Hectares 901
59 Ghugujhora Pt.I 280594 JALABIL 32.32 Hectares 681
60 Lalmati Pt.-I 280595 JALABIL 85.91 Hectares 171
61 Borogaon 280596 JALABIL 160.95 Hectares 1722
62 Silbari 280597 JOLABIL 362.51 Hectares 2851
63 Kutkutarvita 280598 JALOBIL 111.97 Hectares 620
64 Mahamayadham 280604 MAHAMAYA 12.5 Hectares 7
65 Singimari 280607 MAHAMAYA 28.24 Hectares 174
66 Monipur Pt.-I 280612 MAHAMAYA 30.72 Hectares 1054
67 Khanabari Ariani Pt.-II 280617 MAHAMAYADHAM 40.99 Hectares 2204

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Gaurangtaki.

Q2: What is the village code for Gaurangtaki?

A2: The village code for Gaurangtaki is 280264.

Q3: In which block is Gaurangtaki located?

A3: Gaurangtaki is located in the Kokrajhar block.

Q4: What is the total area of Gaurangtaki?

A4: The total area of Gaurangtaki is 139.77 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Gaurangtaki belong to?

A5: Gaurangtaki belongs to the Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Gaurangtaki located?

A6: Gaurangtaki is located in the Kokrajhar district in the state of Assam.

Q7: How far is Gaurangtaki from the district headquarter?

A7: Gaurangtaki is 26 kilometers away from the KOKRAJHAR district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Gaurangtaki?

A8: The nearest statutory town is Kokrajhar (MB) which is 26 kilometers away from Gaurangtaki.

Q9: What is the population of Gaurangtaki?

A9: The population of Gaurangtaki is 774 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Gaurangtaki?

A10: There are 193 households in Gaurangtaki.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Gaurangtaki?

A11: There are 388 males and 386 females in Gaurangtaki.

Q12: Are there any schools in Gaurangtaki?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Gaurangtaki. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Gaurangtaki?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Gaurangtaki.

Q14: What is the pin code of Gaurangtaki?

A14: The pin code of Gaurangtaki is 783337.

Q15: Does Gaurangtaki have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Gaurangtaki.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Gaurangtaki?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Gaurangtaki.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Gaurangtaki?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Gaurangtaki.

Q18: Is Gaurangtaki connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Gaurangtaki.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Gaurangtaki?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Gaurangtaki.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Gaurangtaki?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Gaurangtaki.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Gaurangtaki?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Gaurangtaki is RICE.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Gaurangtaki?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Gaurangtaki.

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