
Pandairipi Village

Pandairipi is belongs to Kandhamal, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Pandairipi
Village code : 417227
Block Name : Kotagarh (0225)
Area : 179
Gram Panchayat : Durgapanga (07)
District : Kandhamal
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Phulbani
District Head Quarter distance : 250 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : RAYAGADA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 95 Kms
Population : 226
Households : 54
Male : 125
Female : 101
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 762105
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 97.13 Hectares

Google map of Pandairipi location

Near by villages of Pandairipi

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Budaguda 416969 Madaguda 293 Hectares 300
2 Madaguda 416971 Madaguda 292 Hectares 486
3 Pajimaska 416972 Sirla 53 Hectares 55
4 Sakada 416977 Madaguda 35 Hectares 30
5 Pabangan 416978 Madaguda 150 Hectares 67
6 Badagan 416979 Madaguda 94 Hectares 247
7 Nadibetipadar 416980 Madaguda 258 Hectares 329
8 Jharighati 416981 Madaguda 167 Hectares 264
9 Sutaghati 416982 Madaguda 85 Hectares 70
10 Haripur 416983 Kotagarh 141 Hectares 978
11 Khandiaguda 416984 Madaguda 121 Hectares 413
12 Padelipadar 416985 Madaguda 203 Hectares 217
13 Kilang 416986 Madaguda 73 Hectares 76
14 Dudimila 417140 Madaguda 155 Hectares 373
15 Rada 417146 Subarnagiri 474 Hectares 831
16 Dedrakaju 417147 Subarnagiri 74 Hectares 115
17 Usurumaha 417148 Madaguda 244 Hectares 414
18 Sartulu 417149 Madaguda 266 Hectares 340
19 Adipadar 417150 Madaguda 210 Hectares 272
20 Kotagada 417151 Kotagarh 885 Hectares 4448
21 Madangi 417152 Kotagarh 368 Hectares 555
22 Kesariguda 417153 Kotagarh 176 Hectares 593
23 Supamaha 417154 Madaguda 129 Hectares 112
24 Uparmadhuguda 417155 Madaguda 191 Hectares 465
25 Gajinaju 417156 Subarnagiri 596 Hectares 480
26 Mucheriguda 417157 Subarnagiri 31 Hectares 80
27 Srambu 417158 Subarnagiri 198 Hectares 378
28 Buriguda 417159 Subarnagiri 40 Hectares 45
29 Bandaguda 417160 Subarnagiri 230 Hectares 577
30 Subarnagiri 417161 Subarnagiri 788 Hectares 1367
31 Reminiguda 417162 Subarnagiri 368 Hectares 277
32 Jakesi 417163 Subarnagiri 260 Hectares 534
33 Makadala 417164 Marlanga 151 Hectares 241
34 Patapanga 417166 Marlanga 161 Hectares 97
35 Tukubadi 417167 Marlanga 110 Hectares 454
36 Buduki 417168 Marlanga 72 Hectares 92
37 Malaguda 417169 Gugurumaha 84 Hectares 13
38 Durikupuda 417170 Marlanga 326 Hectares 306
39 Sitaguda 417171 Marlanga 466 Hectares 1013
40 Gudri 417172 Marlanga 680 Hectares 958
41 Sangadmaha 417173 Marlanga 396 Hectares 479
42 Marlanga 417174 Marlanga 638 Hectares 830
43 Pangama 417175 Marlanga 83 Hectares 101
44 Kupudama 417176 Ora 262 Hectares 499
45 Ora 417177 Ora 176 Hectares 891
46 Dadumaha 417178 Ora 75 Hectares 169
47 Sindhiguda 417179 Ora 211 Hectares 304
48 Pajigiri 417180 Subarnagiri 81 Hectares 441
49 Kutiguda 417181 Subarnagiri 114 Hectares 495
50 Kamaguda jangal 417182 Subarnagiri 75 Hectares 190
51 Kamaguda 417183 Subarnagiri 86 Hectares 34
52 During 417185 Kotagarh 14 Hectares 67
53 Dengaguda 417187 Kotagarh 212 Hectares 300
54 Nuapadar 417188 Kotagarh 271 Hectares 86
55 Jamajora 417189 Judabali 160 Hectares 263
56 Bandaka 417190 Kotagarh 103 Hectares 108
57 Sakirijodi 417191 Durgapanga 69 Hectares 74
58 Badipanga 417192 Durgapanga 220 Hectares 122
59 Dimili 417193 Durgapanga 215 Hectares 140
60 Nuagan 417194 Judabali 391 Hectares 663
61 Radiguma 417195 Judabali 429 Hectares 348
62 Sinaguda 417196 Judabali 376 Hectares 135
63 Adangamal 417197 Judabali 253 Hectares 166
64 Gumapadara 417198 Judabali 351 Hectares 226
65 Siranga 417199 Kotagarh 98 Hectares 173
66 Maliguda 417200 Gugurumaha 116 Hectares 414
67 Meheraguda 417201 Gugurumaha 179 Hectares 199
68 Pileri 417202 Gugurumaha 136 Hectares 304
69 Duabada 417203 Ora 353 Hectares 262
70 Duriguda 417204 Ora 49 Hectares 52
71 Tiama (Tiamaha) 417205 Gugurumaha 143 Hectares 551
72 Suruguda 417206 Ora 420 Hectares 733
73 Budhaberama 417207 Ora 201 Hectares 153
74 Patama 417208 Ora 145 Hectares 83
75 Berama 417209 Ora 151 Hectares 323
76 Srambi 417210 Subarnagiri 125 Hectares 334
77 Srirampur 417211 Srirampur 369 Hectares 1358
78 Kandaguda 417212 Subarnagiri 204 Hectares 52
79 Jubaguda 417213 Srirampur 522 Hectares 1431
80 Kuchimila 417214 Srirampur 332 Hectares 347
81 Bhuteliguda 417215 Gugurumaha 41 Hectares 145
82 Nilimajhiguda 417216 Gugurumaha 251 Hectares 242
83 Gugurumaha 417217 Gugurumaha 522 Hectares 1175
84 Tuaguda 417218 Gugurumaha 97 Hectares 204
85 Ladimaha 417219 Gugurumaha 152 Hectares 171
86 Banduru 417220 Judabali 389 Hectares 213
87 Sraliguda 417221 Judabali 364 Hectares 316
88 Madagudi 417222 Judabali 74 Hectares 63
89 Laseri 417223 Durgapanga 368 Hectares 255
90 Judabali 417224 Judabali 714 Hectares 598
91 Getabali 417225 Durgapanga 194 Hectares 204
92 Retabali 417226 Durgapanga 87 Hectares 121
93 Bandapipili 417228 Durgapanga 311 Hectares 687
94 Balingi 417229 Durgapanga 79 Hectares 31
95 Durgapanga 417230 Durgapanga 427 Hectares 710
96 Irpiguda 417231 Durgapanga 123 Hectares 170
97 Pairimal 417232 Durgapanga 263 Hectares 207
98 Niliguda 417233 Durgapanga 303 Hectares 334
99 Majurukupa 417234 Durgapanga 411 Hectares 344
100 Rindabali 417235 Judabali 70 Hectares 102
101 Maskapanga 417236 Judabali 292 Hectares 197
102 Kalisiguda 417238 Durgapanga 205 Hectares 202
103 Kutiguda 417239 Durgapanga 649 Hectares 352
104 Nuasajeli 417240 Durgapanga 191 Hectares 2
105 Sajeli 417241 Durgapanga 175 Hectares 248
106 Dharakota 417242 Judabali 839 Hectares 1085
107 Mlauguda 417243 Marlanga 91 Hectares 55
108 Garadamaha 417244 Gugurumaha 95 Hectares 201
109 Patangaguda 417245 Gugurumaha 15 Hectares 29
110 Bhutadi 417246 Gugurumaha 171 Hectares 291
111 Pandamaha 417247 Gugurumaha 33 Hectares 129
112 Jenjakapata 417248 Srirampur 140 Hectares 54
113 Matikada 417249 Srirampur 392 Hectares 465
114 Bangada 417250 Srirampur 180 Hectares 113
115 Tikarigam 417251 Srirampur 290 Hectares 379
116 Majhiguda 417252 Srirampur 35 Hectares 39
117 Badajal 417253 Srirampur 136 Hectares 123
118 Sandhimaha 417254 Srirampur 123 Hectares 277
119 Gourigan 417255 Srirampur 273 Hectares 172
120 Paduguda 417256 Srirampur 154 Hectares 246
121 Basurigan 417257 Srirampur 102 Hectares 312

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Pandairipi.

Q2: What is the village code for Pandairipi?

A2: The village code for Pandairipi is 417227.

Q3: In which block is Pandairipi located?

A3: Pandairipi is located in the Kotagarh block.

Q4: What is the total area of Pandairipi?

A4: The total area of Pandairipi is 179 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Pandairipi belong to?

A5: Pandairipi belongs to the Durgapanga Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Pandairipi located?

A6: Pandairipi is located in the Kandhamal district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Pandairipi from the district headquarter?

A7: Pandairipi is 250 kilometers away from the Phulbani district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Pandairipi?

A8: The nearest statutory town is RAYAGADA which is 95 kilometers away from Pandairipi.

Q9: What is the population of Pandairipi?

A9: The population of Pandairipi is 226 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Pandairipi?

A10: There are 193 households in Pandairipi.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Pandairipi?

A11: There are 125 males and 101 females in Pandairipi.

Q12: Are there any schools in Pandairipi?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Pandairipi. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Pandairipi?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Pandairipi.

Q14: What is the pin code of Pandairipi?

A14: The pin code of Pandairipi is 762105.

Q15: Does Pandairipi have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Pandairipi.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Pandairipi?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Pandairipi.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Pandairipi?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Pandairipi.

Q18: Is Pandairipi connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Pandairipi.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Pandairipi?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Pandairipi.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Pandairipi?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Pandairipi.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Pandairipi?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Pandairipi is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Pandairipi?

A22: There are 97.13 Hectares of forest area in Pandairipi.

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