
Rabbasingi Village

Rabbasingi is belongs to Visakhapatnam, district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Village   Details
Name : Rabbasingi
Village code : 585658
Block Name : Koyyuru (0526)
Area : 119
Gram Panchayat : DOWNURU ()
District : Visakhapatnam
State : Andhra Pradesh
District Head Quarter : VISAKHAPATNAM
District Head Quarter distance : 97 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : ANAKAPALLE
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 52 Kms
Population : 160
Households : 51
Male : 77
Female : 83
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 531087
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities :
Forest Area : NA

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Near by villages of Rabbasingi

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Valugudem 585552 MATTAM .BHEEMAVARAM 38 Hectares 707
2 Mattam Bhimavaram 585553 MATTAM BHIMAVARAM 297 Hectares 464
3 Vudutha 585554 MATTAM BHEEMAVARAM 12 Hectares 64
4 Kommanuru 585555 MATTAM BHEEMAVARAM 67 Hectares 106
5 Cheedikota 585556 MATTAM BHEEMAVARAM 175 Hectares 183
6 Mandipalle 585559 MATTAM BHEEMAVARAM 2531 Hectares 172
7 Marripakalu 585561 U.CHEEDIPALEM 2688 Hectares 89
8 Pakalajeedi 585563 U.CHEEDIPALEM 2813 Hectares 868
9 Yerragonda 585564 U.CHEEDIPALEM 2829 Hectares 513
10 Ulligunta 585565 U.CHEEDIPALEM 2851 Hectares 53
11 U.Cheedipalem 585566 U.CHEEDIPALEM 547 Hectares 794
12 Pokalapalem 585567 BUDARALLA 37 Hectares 643
13 Punukuru 585568 BUDHURALLA 35 Hectares 336
14 Kannavaram 585569 KANNAVARAM 114 Hectares 199
15 Nallabilli 585570 BUDHARALLA 13 Hectares 462
16 Annavaram 585571 BUDHARALLA 47 Hectares 463
17 Garimanda 585572 BUDHARALLA 53 Hectares 268
18 Mukudupalle 585573 BUDHARALLA 14 Hectares 236
19 Kindangi 585574 BUDHARALLA 37 Hectares 164
20 Chowdipalle 585575 BUDARALLA 50 Hectares 144
21 Budaralla 585576 BUDARATLA 103 Hectares 335
22 Budaralla Kothuru 585577 BUDARALLA 48 Hectares 42
23 Gudapalle 585578 MARRIVADA 249 Hectares 196
24 Pidathamamidi 585579 MARRIWADA 156 Hectares 111
25 Jogampeta 585580 RAJENDRAPALEM 74 Hectares 51
26 Solabu 585581 RAJENDRAPALEM 281 Hectares 216
27 Marriwada 585582 MARRIWADA 293 Hectares 295
28 Balabadrapadu 585584 MARRIVADA - 33
29 Sakulapalem 585585 BUDARALLA 230 Hectares 91
30 Vanthamarri 585586 BUDARALLA 78 Hectares 221
31 Pittalapadu 585587 BUDARALLU 32 Hectares 285
32 Pidugurai 585588 BUDARALLA 47 Hectares 114
33 Balarevulu 585589 BUDARALLA 38 Hectares 734
34 Lusam 585590 MARRIVADA 106 Hectares 172
35 Gollivalasa 585591 MARRIVADA - 13
36 Thallapalem 585592 MARRIVADA 219 Hectares 123
37 Nakkalapadu 585593 RAJENDRAPALEM 67 Hectares 65
38 Doddavaram 585594 MARRIWADA 662 Hectares 408
39 Surendrapalem 585595 RAJENDRAPALEM 525 Hectares 376
40 Kinchavanipalem 585596 MOMPA 161 Hectares 206
41 Chintuvanipalem 585598 KOYYURU 105 Hectares 205
42 Dibbalapalem 585599 MANPA 149 Hectares 28
43 Gangavaram 585600 MAMPA 572 Hectares 543
44 Mampa 585601 MAMPA 1711 Hectares 1437
45 Revallu 585602 REVALLU 3232 Hectares 1393
46 Nimmalapalem 585603 REVALLU 596 Hectares 157
47 Koyyuru 585605 KOYYURU 1817 Hectares 2287
48 Sanivarappadu 585606 RAJENDRAPALEM 221 Hectares 27
49 Rajendrapalem 585607 RAJENDRAPALEM 282 Hectares 1581
50 Cheedipalem 585608 CHEEDIPALEM 549 Hectares 397
51 Singavaram 585609 CHEEDIPALEM 244 Hectares 725
52 Pothavaram 585610 CHEEDIPALEM 417 Hectares 720
53 Panasalapadu 585611 M.MAKAVARAM 580 Hectares 204
54 Nadimpalem 585612 M.MAKAVARAM 2273 Hectares 1221
55 Ginjarthi 585613 CHINTALAPUDI 1654 Hectares 545
56 Chintalapudi 585614 CHINTALAPUDI 1232 Hectares 611
57 Lubbarthi 585615 CHINTALAPUDI 876 Hectares 237
58 Nallagonda 585616 NALLAGONDA 1332 Hectares 385
59 Nimmalagondi 585617 MARRIWADA 615 Hectares 248
60 Tenkala Panukulu 585618 ONTHADA 116 Hectares 47
61 Kothapalle 585619 ANTHADA 140 Hectares 482
62 Domalagondi 585620 ANTHADA 99 Hectares 26
63 Yeddumamidi Singhadara 585621 ANTHADA 363 Hectares 386
64 Suramanda 585626 SARABHANNAPALM 17 Hectares 108
65 Tulabada 585646 DOWNURU 91 Hectares 271
66 Rellalapalem 585657 DOWNURU 101 Hectares 179
67 Dharmavaram 585659 DOWNURU 161 Hectares 188
68 Mallavaram 585660 GADABAPALEM 381 Hectares 356
69 Kothuru 585661 GADABAPALEM 106 Hectares 146
70 Gadabapalem 585662 GADABAPALEM 136 Hectares 393
71 Chittempadu 585663 CHITTAMAPADU 202 Hectares 438
72 Ramannapalem 585664 CHITTAMPADU 23 Hectares 272
73 Gopavaram 585667 CHITTAMAPADU 224 Hectares 255
74 Lingapuram 585668 CHITTEMPADU 32 Hectares 38
75 Ganugula 585669 P.MAKAVARAM 291 Hectares 145
76 Pedamakavaram 585670 P.MAKAVARAM 196 Hectares 850
77 Ramarajupalem 585671 P.MAKAVARAM 192 Hectares 434
78 Valasampeta 585672 KINAPARTHI 423 Hectares 173
79 Kinaparthi 585673 KINAPARTHI 709 Hectares 295
80 Bheemavaram 585674 KINAPARTHI 898 Hectares 309
81 Mulagalametta 585675 KINAPARTHI 677 Hectares 125
82 Rajupeta 585676 BANGARAMPETA 474 Hectares 208
83 Balusukura Pakalu 585677 BANGARAMPETA 51 Hectares 108
84 Anthada 585678 ANTHADA 1034 Hectares 516
85 Gummalapalem 585679 281 Hectares 131
86 Bangarammapeta 585680 BANGARAMPETA 1149 Hectares 412
87 Paradesipakalu 585681 BANGARAMPETA 1212 Hectares 71
88 Yerrinaidu Pakalu 585682 NALLAGONDA 1032 Hectares 608
89 Koppukonda 585683 679 Hectares 172
90 Ravimanupakalu 585684 RAVANAPALLE 71 Hectares 134
91 Ravanapalle 585685 RAVANAPALLE 1093 Hectares 1351
92 Kithalova 585686 KOMIKA 500 Hectares 139
93 Kommika 585687 16311 Hectares 2152
94 Adakula 585688 ADAKULA 4580 Hectares 3946
95 Balaram 585690 BALARAM. 1931 Hectares 1228
96 Padi 585691 929 Hectares 464
97 Ratnampeta 585692 RATNAMPETA 365 Hectares 730
98 Kondagokira 585693 KONDAGOKIRA 653 Hectares 368
99 Valasarajupadu 585694 ADAKULA 760 Hectares 170
100 Godugula Manubanda 585698 MAMPA - 51
101 Daragedda 585700 MULAPETA - 59
102 Kumbarlubanda 585702 MULAPETA - 242
103 Parlubanda 585704 MULAPETA - 35
104 Daddugula 585710 SABHANNAPALEM - 89
105 Lankaveedhi 585712 NADIMPALEM - 18

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Rabbasingi.

Q2: What is the village code for Rabbasingi?

A2: The village code for Rabbasingi is 585658.

Q3: In which block is Rabbasingi located?

A3: Rabbasingi is located in the Koyyuru block.

Q4: What is the total area of Rabbasingi?

A4: The total area of Rabbasingi is 119 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Rabbasingi belong to?

A5: Rabbasingi belongs to the DOWNURU Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Rabbasingi located?

A6: Rabbasingi is located in the Visakhapatnam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Q7: How far is Rabbasingi from the district headquarter?

A7: Rabbasingi is 97 kilometers away from the VISAKHAPATNAM district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Rabbasingi?

A8: The nearest statutory town is ANAKAPALLE which is 52 kilometers away from Rabbasingi.

Q9: What is the population of Rabbasingi?

A9: The population of Rabbasingi is 160 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Rabbasingi?

A10: There are 193 households in Rabbasingi.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Rabbasingi?

A11: There are 77 males and 83 females in Rabbasingi.

Q12: Are there any schools in Rabbasingi?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Rabbasingi. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Rabbasingi?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Rabbasingi.

Q14: What is the pin code of Rabbasingi?

A14: The pin code of Rabbasingi is 531087.

Q15: Does Rabbasingi have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Rabbasingi.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Rabbasingi?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Rabbasingi.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Rabbasingi?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Rabbasingi.

Q18: Is Rabbasingi connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Rabbasingi.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Rabbasingi?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Rabbasingi.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Rabbasingi?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Rabbasingi.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Rabbasingi?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Rabbasingi is .

Q22: How much forest area is there in Rabbasingi?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Rabbasingi.

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