
Nuagaon Village

Nuagaon is belongs to Puri, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Nuagaon
Village code : 410205
Block Name : Krushnaprasad (0183)
Area : 128
Gram Panchayat : Sial (03)
District : Puri
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Puri
District Head Quarter distance : 77 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : CHHATRAPUR
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 42 Kms
Population : 255
Households : 51
Male : 137
Female : 118
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 752030
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Nuagaon location

Near by villages of Nuagaon

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Samantasingharpur 408209 Ankula 309 Hectares 702
2 Karadi 408211 Kumandala patana 19 Hectares 267
3 Kaluri 408214 Ankula 45 Hectares 332
4 Harapur 408216 Ankula 219 Hectares 303
5 Champatipur 408217 Ankula 202 Hectares 422
6 Rahanabelli 408218 Ankula 45 Hectares 440
7 Durgapur 408219 Ankula 125 Hectares 341
8 Khetrapala 408220 Ankula 50 Hectares 275
9 Brahmanakusadiha 408221 Ankula 208 Hectares 870
10 Dangua 408222 Ankula 33 Hectares 165
11 Srikrushnapur 408223 Ankula 49 Hectares 248
12 Lambodarpur 408225 Singeswar 123 Hectares 570
13 Sikharapadar 408226 Singeswar 38 Hectares 339
14 Kimbhiripada 408227 Singeswar 36 Hectares 794
15 Harekrushnapur 408228 Ankula 35 Hectares 225
16 Bankiapalli 408229 Singeswar 2 Hectares 216
17 Ankula 408230 Ankula 40 Hectares 567
18 Paikakusadiha 408231 Ankula 64 Hectares 402
19 Damodarpur 408232 Ankula 89 Hectares 46
20 Purusotampur 408233 Ankula 116 Hectares 617
21 Ambapada 408234 Singeswar 49 Hectares 372
22 Gobardhanpur 408235 Singeswar 72 Hectares 1435
23 Kotari 408236 Bisnudiha 104 Hectares 895
24 Parikansari 408237 Ankula 134 Hectares 664
25 Basudeipur 408239 Bisnudiha 87 Hectares 555
26 Khanata 408240 Bisnudiha 98 Hectares 894
27 Bisundihi 408241 Bisnudiha 108 Hectares 1223
28 Tentulidihi 408242 Bisnudiha 28 Hectares 498
29 Aleidihapatana 408243 Nandapur 2 Hectares 689
30 Dolamundei 408247 Nandapur 42 Hectares 635
31 Ankula 408251 Nimikheta 45 Hectares 546
32 Kuanrpur 408252 Nandapur 14 Hectares 82
33 Manitri 408253 Nandapur 7 Hectares 235
34 Kuanrkalipatna 408254 Nandapur 2 Hectares 245
35 Saranai 408255 Nandapur 37 Hectares 580
36 Ranasinghprasad 408256 Nimikheta 46 Hectares 297
37 Nimikheta 408257 Nimikheta 34 Hectares 1058
38 Belapada 408258 Nimikheta 30 Hectares 401
39 Ranchoda 408259 Nandapur 45 Hectares 66
40 Naranadihi 408263 Nandapur 32 Hectares 319
41 Padanpur 408265 Nandapur 48 Hectares 513
42 Gopinathpur 408266 Bisnudiha 102 Hectares 1376
43 Dhuanla 408267 Singeswar 64 Hectares 952
44 Singeswar 408268 Singeswar 86 Hectares 1495
45 Jayapur 408269 Singeswar 62 Hectares 391
46 Khandualkot 408270 Singeswar 106 Hectares 108
47 Ghiakhala 408271 Singeswar 178 Hectares 709
48 Patasanipur 408272 Singeswar 402 Hectares 819
49 (Koduapur) 408273 Singeswar 64 Hectares 886
50 Raghunathpur 408274 Singeswar 166 Hectares 896
51 Bheleri 408275 Nimikheta 84 Hectares 449
52 Injanapur 408277 Nimikheta 36 Hectares 374
53 Gabapadar 408278 Nimikheta 146 Hectares 954
54 Bidharpur 408279 Nimikheta 106 Hectares 473
55 Chhedapadar 408280 Nimikheta 2 Hectares 635
56 Atharbatia 408281 Nimikheta 141 Hectares 2174
57 Aswaripatana 408282 Barkul 45 Hectares 1422
58 Barakul 408283 Barkul 237 Hectares 1448
59 Subudhipatna 408284 Barkul 2 Hectares 457
60 Ganapatipatna 408285 Barkul 1 Hectares 48
61 Totapada 408286 Barkul 72 Hectares 498
62 Khadikapalli 408287 Barkul 55 Hectares 429
63 Rautarapalli 408289 Barkul 47 Hectares 594
64 Hatibari 408291 Barkul 93 Hectares 245
65 Boriasahi 408292 Barkul 149 Hectares 384
66 Ashwari 408293 Ankula 210 Hectares 5
67 Nuagada 408294 Barkul 237 Hectares 1685
68 Pathara 408295 Barkul 86 Hectares 685
69 Kharibandha 408296 Barkul 155 Hectares 720
70 Akhupokhara 408297 Barkul 219 Hectares 264
71 Gadadwar 408298 Barkul 643 Hectares 676
72 Bighnaput 408368 Niladriprasad 126 Hectares 281
73 Barakoli 408369 Niladriprasad 326 Hectares 286
74 Bankiapali 408370 Damiabarabara 181 Hectares 493
75 Mandar 408376 Damiabarabara 23 Hectares 51
76 Baguda 408382 Damiabarabara 130 Hectares 177
77 Brahmanadeipur 408477 Ankula 70 Hectares 583
78 Manipur 408486 Bisnudiha 25 Hectares 167
79 Gourusi 410160 Badajhada 20 Hectares 142
80 Jharakata 410161 Badajhada 70 Hectares 432
81 Khirisahi 410162 Berhampur 12 Hectares 877
82 Badajhada 410164 Badajhada 125 Hectares 1000
83 Jenapur 410165 Badajhada 44 Hectares 205
84 Kurupal 410166 Badajhada 105 Hectares 512
85 Mardarajpur 410167 Badajhada 17 Hectares 233
86 Gobaradhuli 410168 Badajhada 28 Hectares 232
87 Golpur 410169 Badajhada 45 Hectares 249
88 Santarapur 410170 Gomundia 55 Hectares 358
89 Tubuka 410171 Gomundia 189 Hectares 407
90 Sipia 410172 Badajhada 210 Hectares 748
91 Chadheya 410188 Titipa 75 Hectares 303
92 Fulabari 410189 Titipa 71 Hectares 266
93 Titipa 410190 Titipa 446 Hectares 1583
94 Balijagannathpur 410191 Gomundia 51 Hectares 90
95 Gomundia 410192 Gomundia 138 Hectares 922
96 Harichandanpur 410193 Gomundia 23 Hectares 48
97 Kamalasing 410194 Gomundia 65 Hectares 355
98 Patharkata 410195 Badajhada 38 Hectares 149
99 Biripadar 410196 Gomundia 23 Hectares 533
100 Deulapada 410198 Titipa 28 Hectares 442
101 Nuagaon 410199 Titipa 363 Hectares 869
102 Jamuna 410200 Alanda 215 Hectares 620
103 Noliapatna 410201 Siandi 457 Hectares 145
104 Siandi 410202 Siandi 281 Hectares 960
105 Anua 410203 Siandi 203 Hectares 564
106 Morada 410204 Sial 181 Hectares 1184
107 Kanheipur 410206 Sial 59 Hectares 425
108 Kumpuri 410207 Sial 39 Hectares 206
109 Gilinasi 410208 Sial 131 Hectares 610
110 Siala 410209 Sial 170 Hectares 602
111 Badadanda 410210 Badaanla 112 Hectares 646
112 Kholamuhan 410211 Badaanla 220 Hectares 350
113 Patharganja 410212 Budhibar 495 Hectares 1150
114 Kholaganja 410213 Budhibar 114 Hectares 452
115 Budhibar 410214 Budhibar 812 Hectares 1846
116 Sahabajpur 410215 Budhibar 113 Hectares 364
117 Maludkhas 410216 Malud 559 Hectares 3222
118 Nalitakudi 410217 Malud 168 Hectares 320
119 Gopalpur 410218 Siandi 341 Hectares 985
120 Ora 410219 Siandi 444 Hectares 604
121 Naba 410220 Malud 577 Hectares 967
122 Adalabad 410221 Malud 26 Hectares 191
123 Fatepur 410222 Malud 310 Hectares 479
124 Udayagiri 410223 Bajrakot 608 Hectares 773
125 Bajrakote 410224 Bajrakot 658 Hectares 1836
126 Talatala 410225 Bajrakot 365 Hectares 1169
127 Rasidgaon 410226 Bajrakot 64 Hectares 347
128 Kandasar 410227 Bajrakot 130 Hectares 435
129 Patanasi 410228 Ramlenka 38 Hectares 302
130 Kuanarpur 410229 Ramlenka 22 Hectares 1318
131 Talangir 410230 Ramlenka 124 Hectares 159
132 Paikarapur 410235 Ramlenka 217 Hectares 426
133 Nandala 410236 Ramlenka 583 Hectares 713
134 Ramalenka 410237 Ramlenka 280 Hectares 874
135 Bramhanadeo 410238 Ramlenka 342 Hectares 860
136 Santarapur 410239 Ramlenka 16 Hectares 201
137 Balipatapur 410240 Ramlenka 14 Hectares 337
138 Hunjan 410241 Ramlenka 297 Hectares 274
139 Pitisal 410242 Bajrakot 225 Hectares 357

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Nuagaon.

Q2: What is the village code for Nuagaon?

A2: The village code for Nuagaon is 410205.

Q3: In which block is Nuagaon located?

A3: Nuagaon is located in the Krushnaprasad block.

Q4: What is the total area of Nuagaon?

A4: The total area of Nuagaon is 128 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Nuagaon belong to?

A5: Nuagaon belongs to the Sial Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Nuagaon located?

A6: Nuagaon is located in the Puri district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Nuagaon from the district headquarter?

A7: Nuagaon is 77 kilometers away from the Puri district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Nuagaon?

A8: The nearest statutory town is CHHATRAPUR which is 42 kilometers away from Nuagaon.

Q9: What is the population of Nuagaon?

A9: The population of Nuagaon is 255 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Nuagaon?

A10: There are 193 households in Nuagaon.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Nuagaon?

A11: There are 137 males and 118 females in Nuagaon.

Q12: Are there any schools in Nuagaon?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Nuagaon. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Nuagaon?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Nuagaon.

Q14: What is the pin code of Nuagaon?

A14: The pin code of Nuagaon is 752030.

Q15: Does Nuagaon have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Nuagaon.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Nuagaon?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Nuagaon.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Nuagaon?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Nuagaon.

Q18: Is Nuagaon connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Nuagaon.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Nuagaon?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Nuagaon.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Nuagaon?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Nuagaon.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Nuagaon?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Nuagaon is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Nuagaon?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Nuagaon.

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