
Badhabhuin Village

Badhabhuin is belongs to Sundargarh, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Badhabhuin
Village code : 384951
Block Name : Lahunipara (0045)
Area : 708
Gram Panchayat : Talbahali (17)
District : Sundargarh
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Sundargarh
District Head Quarter distance : 185 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : RAURKELA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 95 Kms
Population : 1071
Households : 175
Male : 563
Female : 508
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 770044
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 67.89 Hectares

Google map of Badhabhuin location

Near by villages of Badhabhuin

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Nischintipur 384896 Kurda 341 Hectares 1001
2 Tankajoda 384897 Kurda 419 Hectares 796
3 Kododihi 384898 Kurda 110 Hectares 216
4 Khendraposh 384899 Kurda 68 Hectares 258
5 Ramaruda 384900 Kurda 113 Hectares 376
6 Hatibahal 384901 Kurda 193 Hectares 312
7 Sanhatibahal 384902 Kurda 94 Hectares 80
8 Jaldihi 384903 Kurda 122 Hectares 292
9 Baldihi 384904 Kurda 96 Hectares 356
10 Bhaliadihi 384905 Kurda 291 Hectares 292
11 Kurda 384906 Kurda 422 Hectares 931
12 Madhupur 384907 Kurda 104 Hectares 223
13 Lalei 384908 Kurda 77 Hectares 416
14 Brahmangaon 384909 Kurda 113 Hectares 463
15 Amatpali 384910 Kurda 120 Hectares 363
16 Belkudar 384911 Kurda 163 Hectares 285
17 Singardei 384912 Kurda 1111 Hectares 5
18 Khadiakudar 384913 Kurda 78 Hectares 44
19 Raikelaposh 384914 Kuliposh 300 Hectares 660
20 Bhuguda 384915 Kuliposh 213 Hectares 640
21 Sanbhaliadihi 384916 Kurda 21 Hectares 32
22 Fuljhar 384917 Kurda 189 Hectares 314
23 Gundichanali 384918 Kurda 127 Hectares 134
24 Talakudar 384919 Kurda 207 Hectares 119
25 Khatiabhangoni 384920 Talbahali 225 Hectares 225
26 Landamunda 384921 Talbahali 175 Hectares 223
27 Rangamatia 384922 Talbahali 406 Hectares 441
28 Babehudi 384923 Talbahali 150 Hectares 241
29 Mahulata 384924 Talbahali 144 Hectares 240
30 Gardruan 384925 Kuliposh 381 Hectares 657
31 Bandhberna 384926 Khutagaon 215 Hectares 572
32 Poigoan 384927 Khutagaon 193 Hectares 560
33 Suarpali 384928 Khutagaon 151 Hectares 479
34 Bichhanapati 384929 Khutagaon 222 Hectares 277
35 Khuantgaon 384930 Khutagaon 499 Hectares 1488
36 Jodibahal 384931 Khutagaon 330 Hectares 534
37 Kuliposh 384932 Kuliposh 706 Hectares 2027
38 Barghat 384933 Talbahali 140 Hectares 334
39 Kardakudar 384934 Talbahali 334 Hectares 639
40 San-nuagaon 384935 Talbahali 1005 Hectares 640
41 Badnuagaon 384946 Talbahali 584 Hectares 590
42 Kilinda 384947 Talbahali 173 Hectares 188
43 Tantabahal 384948 Talbahali 150 Hectares 184
44 Talbahali 384949 Talbahali 419 Hectares 372
45 Deogharia 384950 Talbahali 103 Hectares 97
46 Ladapani 384952 Talbahali 346 Hectares 220
47 Dhudi 385176 Khutagaon 190 Hectares 699
48 Arjunjhari 385177 Talbahali 219 Hectares 199
49 Mukulapani 385178 Haladikudar 47 Hectares 107
50 Baraguda 385179 Haladikudar 287 Hectares 514
51 Haldikudar 385180 Haladikudar 111 Hectares 163
52 Gadapali 385181 Khutagaon 82 Hectares 240
53 Kudhei Nuadihi 385182 Khutagaon 116 Hectares 627
54 Kantakudar 385183 Khutagaon 170 Hectares 106
55 Khajurinali 385184 Haladikudar 89 Hectares 199
56 Dhanijam 385185 Haladikudar 143 Hectares 108
57 Barghat 385186 Haladikudar 56 Hectares 87
58 Sadhubahal 385187 Khutagaon 511 Hectares 879
59 Syamsundarpur 385188 Ruguda 197 Hectares 31
60 Ruguda 385189 Ruguda 675 Hectares 1331
61 Jangla 385190 Ruguda 426 Hectares 1279
62 Brahmanidarh 385202 Ruguda 304 Hectares 347
63 Purunapani 385203 Ruguda 85 Hectares 77
64 Sabra 385206 Ruguda 339 Hectares 302
65 Machurinali 385207 Ruguda 206 Hectares 291
66 Sialikudar 385208 Ruguda 186 Hectares 336
67 Mahuldiha 385210 Ruguda 723 Hectares 1244
68 Sulavdiha 385211 Haladikudar 183 Hectares 320
69 Ranja 385212 Haladikudar 528 Hectares 270
70 Sanjala 385213 Haladikudar 1582 Hectares 1014
71 Badjala 385214 Fuljhar 919 Hectares 699
72 Fuljhar 385215 Fuljhar 1714 Hectares 2052
73 Uskuda 385216 Fuljhar 1980 Hectares 649
74 Sasa 385217 Fuljhar 1479 Hectares 616
75 Patamunda 385218 Fuljhar 893 Hectares 358
76 Jodibahal 385219 Fuljhar 77 Hectares 72
77 Senabasa 385220 Fuljhar 79 Hectares 100
78 Nagaria 385221 Fuljhar 617 Hectares 423
79 Uparginia 385222 Fuljhar 687 Hectares 697
80 Talaginia 385223 Fuljhar 856 Hectares 610
81 Angul 385224 Haladikudar 232 Hectares 425
82 Sihidiha 385225 Ruguda 620 Hectares 1495
83 Daleisara 385226 Daleisara 477 Hectares 1121
84 Dhokamunda 385227 Daleisara 865 Hectares 915
85 Budhakhaman 385228 Daleisara 156 Hectares 326
86 Derula 385229 Mahulpada 630 Hectares 836
87 Hatisoul 385230 Fuljhar 463 Hectares 82
88 Trijanga 385231 Mahulpada 381 Hectares 7
89 Kiri 385232 Mahulpada 387 Hectares 86
90 Keta 385233 Mahulpada 365 Hectares 67
91 Kundula 385234 Mahulpada 264 Hectares 67
92 Kunu 385235 Mahulpada 1296 Hectares 85
93 Jagati 385236 Mahulpada 394 Hectares 358
94 Mahulapada 385237 Mahulpada 384 Hectares 469
95 Badachuan 385238 Daleisara 505 Hectares 519
96 Lunga 385239 Daleisara 425 Hectares 542
97 Banki 385240 Daleisara 300 Hectares 456
98 Jinakela 385241 Daleisara 252 Hectares 384
99 Rengali 385242 Daleisara 439 Hectares 656
100 Kumudi 385243 Mahulpada 951 Hectares 908
101 Tasada 385244 Mahulpada 917 Hectares 263

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Badhabhuin.

Q2: What is the village code for Badhabhuin?

A2: The village code for Badhabhuin is 384951.

Q3: In which block is Badhabhuin located?

A3: Badhabhuin is located in the Lahunipara block.

Q4: What is the total area of Badhabhuin?

A4: The total area of Badhabhuin is 708 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Badhabhuin belong to?

A5: Badhabhuin belongs to the Talbahali Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Badhabhuin located?

A6: Badhabhuin is located in the Sundargarh district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Badhabhuin from the district headquarter?

A7: Badhabhuin is 185 kilometers away from the Sundargarh district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Badhabhuin?

A8: The nearest statutory town is RAURKELA which is 95 kilometers away from Badhabhuin.

Q9: What is the population of Badhabhuin?

A9: The population of Badhabhuin is 1071 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Badhabhuin?

A10: There are 193 households in Badhabhuin.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Badhabhuin?

A11: There are 563 males and 508 females in Badhabhuin.

Q12: Are there any schools in Badhabhuin?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Badhabhuin. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Badhabhuin?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Badhabhuin.

Q14: What is the pin code of Badhabhuin?

A14: The pin code of Badhabhuin is 770044.

Q15: Does Badhabhuin have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Badhabhuin.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Badhabhuin?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Badhabhuin.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Badhabhuin?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Badhabhuin.

Q18: Is Badhabhuin connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Badhabhuin.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Badhabhuin?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Badhabhuin.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Badhabhuin?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Badhabhuin.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Badhabhuin?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Badhabhuin is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Badhabhuin?

A22: There are 67.89 Hectares of forest area in Badhabhuin.

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