
Bantow Bangali Village

Bantow Bangali is belongs to Lakhimpur, district in the state of Assam.

Village   Details
Name : Bantow Bangali
Village code : 288124
Block Name : Lakhimpur (0082)
Area : 114
Gram Panchayat : BAGALIJAN ()
District : Lakhimpur
State : Assam
District Head Quarter : NORTH LAKHIMPUR
District Head Quarter distance : 3 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : North Lakhimpur (MB)
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 3 Kms
Population : 2814
Households : 521
Male : 1394
Female : 1420
Govt Primary School : 2
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 787031
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

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Near by villages of Bantow Bangali

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Grant No.345 287758 PHULBARI 475 Hectares 1177
2 Bogibil No.1 287759 RAMPUR BOGIBIL 494.93 Hectares 1860
3 Rajgarh Rampur 287761 RAMPUR BOGIBIL 36.18 Hectares 307
4 Bilgarh Gaon 287764 DIJOO 50.71 Hectares 708
5 Bilgarh Block 287765 DIJOO 23.53 Hectares 314
6 Grant No.186/183 287767 DIJOO 182.09 Hectares 27
7 Grant No.107/110 287768 DIJOO 556.65 Hectares 3372
8 Grant No.10/13 287769 DIJOO 262.68 Hectares 679
9 Dijoo Chapari 287770 DIJOO 241.77 Hectares 1019
10 Pachnoi Ujani No.2 287771 DIJOO 173.6 Hectares 347
11 F.C. No.112 Grant 287772 DIJOO 88.18 Hectares 761
12 Dijoo Pathar 287773 DIJOO 235.49 Hectares 2525
13 Rajgarh Kachari 287776 RAMPUR BAGIBIL 143.29 Hectares 1116
14 Grant No.134/131 287780 SINGARA 79.13 Hectares 451
15 Grant No.289 287783 PHULBARI 209.47 Hectares 1086
16 Grant No.134/137 287786 SINARA 111.82 Hectares 584
17 No.2 Phulbari 287798 SINGRA 290.04 Hectares 1182
18 No.83/85 Grant 287799 SINGARA 44.58 Hectares 672
19 No.2 Dejoo Pathar 287807 DIJOO 317.09 Hectares 1449
20 No.1 Pachnoi Ujani 287810 DIJOO 214.74 Hectares 693
21 Kalabil Block 287811 DIJOO 103.61 Hectares 188
22 Ujani Khamtibali Gaon 287812 BOGOLIJAN 312.86 Hectares 504
23 Khanajan 287814 PAHUMORA 238.02 Hectares 1399
24 Ahom Gaon 287815 PAHUMORA 146.72 Hectares 403
25 Singra Gaon 287816 PAHUMORA 329.31 Hectares 1614
26 Borbam Pathar 287817 SINGARA 72.23 Hectares 925
27 Kuhiar Bari 287818 SINGARA 125.53 Hectares 681
28 Khakond Bori 287834 PAHUMORA 183.71 Hectares 568
29 Sonari 287836 PAHUMORA 13.56 Hectares 147
30 Pahumora 287837 PAHUMORA 290.68 Hectares 950
31 Barpukhuri 287838 PAHUMORA 186.78 Hectares 694
32 Dikhamukhia 287839 PAHUMORA 163.38 Hectares 899
33 Ujani Miri 287840 PAHUMORA 262.04 Hectares 457
34 Pahumora Ahom 287841 RANGANADI 178.65 Hectares 1122
35 Nabhagania 287842 RANGANADI 146.2 Hectares 75
36 Majgaon 287843 MADHYA NAOBAICHA 101.47 Hectares 713
37 Deobil Chamaguri 287846 RANGANADI 170.7 Hectares 1097
38 Konwarpur 287857 NAOBAICHA 430.12 Hectares 2858
39 Phukan Doloni 287866 PASCIM NAOBAICHA 198.12 Hectares 2389
40 Balitika 287867 PASCHIM NAOBAICHA 59.55 Hectares 2207
41 Sripur 287868 PACHIM NOWBOICHA 116.12 Hectares 1311
42 No.1 Kalakhowa 287870 NAOBAICHA 154.22 Hectares 1264
43 No.2 Kalakhowa 287871 NAOBAICHA 235.17 Hectares 1973
44 Rahali Gaon 287873 MADHYA NAOBAICHA 167.86 Hectares 393
45 Gosanibari 287874 MADHYA NAOBAICHA 100.61 Hectares 491
46 Chengeli Jan 287880 MADHYAM NAOBAICHA 75.83 Hectares 88
47 No.1 Gelahati 287881 MADHYAM NAOBAICHA 56.26 Hectares 130
48 Rowdang Barpathar 287882 MADHYA NAOBOICHA 169.85 Hectares 1690
49 No.2 Gelahati 287883 MADHYA NAOBAICHA 179.93 Hectares 58
50 No.2 Barchala 287892 BARCHALA 145.88 Hectares 3555
51 Boichagarumaria 288117 LAKHIMPUR 284.73 Hectares 1196
52 Chabukdhora Gahain 288118 LAKHIMPUR 133.89 Hectares 1204
53 Ahuchaul Konwar 288119 LAKHIMPUR 117.09 Hectares 1448
54 Bahadur Mout 288120 AZAD 124 Hectares 1490
55 Teliatinkhuria 288121 AZAD 144 Hectares 255
56 Japisajia 288122 AZAD 255 Hectares 2707
57 Debera Doloni 288123 AZAD 77 Hectares 1091
58 Rahnapur 288125 BAGALIJAN 142.18 Hectares 2456
59 Hatilung 288126 BAGALIJAN 195.42 Hectares 1015
60 Pahumora Ujani 288127 BAGALIJAN 137.71 Hectares 536
61 Kulamon Miri 288128 KAMALABARIA 128.58 Hectares 656
62 Christian 288129 KAMALABARIA 249.81 Hectares 736
63 Khutakatia 288130 KAMALABARIA 65.69 Hectares 201
64 Sunari 288131 KAMALBARIA 196.94 Hectares 1324
65 Dhakua Khania 288132 KAMALABARIA 148.48 Hectares 1579
66 Deobil 288133 KAMALABARIA 85.65 Hectares 346
67 Eleng Mora 288141 KAMALBARIA 80.01 Hectares 631
68 Hahe Khowa 288142 KAMALABARIA 168.18 Hectares 894
69 Atha Khatia 288143 AZAD 130 Hectares 324
70 Jaritup 288144 AZAD 93 Hectares 297
71 Dhenudharia Karchon 288147 AZAD 177 Hectares 900
72 Tinikuria Sonari 288148 AZAD 224 Hectares 2040
73 Padumani Lachon 288149 LAKHIMPUR 139.49 Hectares 713
74 Rongpuria Hokachapari 288211 UTTAR TELAHI 177.89 Hectares 625
75 Gohain Teleka 288212 UTTAR TELAHI 133.04 Hectares 290
76 Na-Pamua 288213 UTTAR TELAHI 131.44 Hectares 991
77 Rajkhowa 288214 UTTAR TELAHI 134.08 Hectares 575
78 Bebejiakumar Tup 288215 UTTAR TELAHI 137.05 Hectares 1013
79 Angar Khowa 288216 UTTAR TELAHI 183.54 Hectares 859
80 Bebejia Kathoni 288218 UTTAR TELAHI 130.17 Hectares 772
81 No.1 Sumdirimukh 288282 UTTAR TELAHI 232.84 Hectares 81
82 No.2 Sumdirimukh 288283 UTTAR TELAHI 196.43 Hectares 180

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Bantow Bangali.

Q2: What is the village code for Bantow Bangali?

A2: The village code for Bantow Bangali is 288124.

Q3: In which block is Bantow Bangali located?

A3: Bantow Bangali is located in the Lakhimpur block.

Q4: What is the total area of Bantow Bangali?

A4: The total area of Bantow Bangali is 114 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Bantow Bangali belong to?

A5: Bantow Bangali belongs to the BAGALIJAN Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Bantow Bangali located?

A6: Bantow Bangali is located in the Lakhimpur district in the state of Assam.

Q7: How far is Bantow Bangali from the district headquarter?

A7: Bantow Bangali is 3 kilometers away from the NORTH LAKHIMPUR district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Bantow Bangali?

A8: The nearest statutory town is North Lakhimpur (MB) which is 3 kilometers away from Bantow Bangali.

Q9: What is the population of Bantow Bangali?

A9: The population of Bantow Bangali is 2814 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Bantow Bangali?

A10: There are 193 households in Bantow Bangali.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Bantow Bangali?

A11: There are 1394 males and 1420 females in Bantow Bangali.

Q12: Are there any schools in Bantow Bangali?

A12: Yes, there is 2 government primary school in Bantow Bangali. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Bantow Bangali?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Bantow Bangali.

Q14: What is the pin code of Bantow Bangali?

A14: The pin code of Bantow Bangali is 787031.

Q15: Does Bantow Bangali have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Bantow Bangali.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Bantow Bangali?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Bantow Bangali.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Bantow Bangali?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Bantow Bangali.

Q18: Is Bantow Bangali connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Bantow Bangali.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Bantow Bangali?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Bantow Bangali.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Bantow Bangali?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Bantow Bangali.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Bantow Bangali?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Bantow Bangali is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Bantow Bangali?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Bantow Bangali.

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