
Padmathopa Village

Padmathopa is belongs to Kalahandi, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Padmathopa
Village code : 422996
Block Name : Lanjigarh (0267)
Area : 159
Gram Panchayat : Bengaon (08)
District : Kalahandi
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Bhawanipatna
District Head Quarter distance : 67 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : BHAWANIPATNA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 67 Kms
Population : 411
Households : 96
Male : 213
Female : 198
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 766020
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 25.61 Hectares

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Near by villages of Padmathopa

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
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5 Sargiheju 422918 Champadeipur 152 Hectares 173
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7 Hariharapur 422920 Champadeipur 177 Hectares 582
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15 Kutunipadar 422930 Chhatrapur 251 Hectares 222
16 Mangalabeda 422931 Chhatrapur 361 Hectares 920
17 Bilatipadar 422932 Chhatrapur 123 Hectares 237
18 Turiguda 422933 Baterlima 155 Hectares 206
19 Niali 422934 Chhatrapur 189 Hectares 498
20 Laichhanpur 422935 Chhatrapur 70 Hectares 84
21 Boringpadar 422938 Baterlima 233 Hectares 303
22 Asurguda 422950 Bengaon 84 Hectares 153
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25 Damaghati 422953 Bengaon 117 Hectares 156
26 Podeikhunti 422954 Bengaon 68 Hectares 61
27 Dhanurabhata 422955 Bengaon 112 Hectares 76
28 Dhodel 422956 Bengaon 129 Hectares 287
29 Kokasur 422957 Bengaon 20 Hectares 63
30 Barpali 422958 Bengaon 39 Hectares 87
31 Karlijodi 422959 Bengaon 93 Hectares 182
32 Litibundel 422960 Bengaon 82 Hectares 364
33 Netrei 422990 Bengaon 153 Hectares 36
34 Kotabundel 422991 Bengaon 21 Hectares 44
35 Bandakhal 422992 Bengaon 92 Hectares 108
36 Dumenijhola-Damenjhola 422993 Bengaon 157 Hectares 178
37 Ghodapokhari 422994 Bengaon 148 Hectares 242
38 Baliguda 422995 Bengaon 97 Hectares 130
39 Khamari 422997 Bengaon 118 Hectares 227
40 Pajibahal 422998 Bengaon 268 Hectares 401
41 Bengaon 422999 Bengaon 73 Hectares 391
42 Telengsur 423000 Bengaon 91 Hectares 87
43 Kutingpadar 423001 Lakhbahali 108 Hectares 198
44 Kamalei 423002 Lakhbahali 52 Hectares 145
45 Rangiguda 423005 Lakhbahali 231 Hectares 86
46 Lermunhi 423008 Lakhbahali 182 Hectares 228
47 Talabara 423009 Lakhbahali 483 Hectares 664
48 Thuangpadar 423010 Lakhbahali 174 Hectares 449
49 Rughaguda 423011 Lakhbahali 231 Hectares 253
50 Kumbharguda 423012 Lakhbahali 36 Hectares 70
51 Kandhasarli 423013 Lakhbahali 132 Hectares 322
52 Dorasarli 423014 Lakhbahali 98 Hectares 364
53 Tarangel 423015 Bengaon 91 Hectares 74
54 Betapada 423016 Bengaon 212 Hectares 256
55 Dhaunrabhata 423017 Lanjigarh 112 Hectares 58
56 Sanakhalaguda 423031 Lanjigarh 59 Hectares 35
57 Patangapadar 423032 Lakhbahali 76 Hectares 152
58 Panasapadar 423033 Lakhbahali 72 Hectares 76
59 Sirikijhola 423034 Lakhbahali 133 Hectares 52
60 Bariguda 423035 Lakhbahali 275 Hectares 368
61 Lakhbahal 423036 Lakhbahali 180 Hectares 605
62 Bundel 423037 Bengaon 50 Hectares 52
63 Ghatikundru 423038 Lakhbahali 233 Hectares 279
64 Balisara 423048 Bengaon 72 Hectares 120
65 Soroguda 423049 Lakhbahali 83 Hectares 91
66 Lokanathapur 423128 Pokhari Bandha 96 Hectares 110
67 Kesa Padar 423129 Pokhari Bandha 32 Hectares 130
68 Bedhal Khaman 423130 Pokhari Bandha 63 Hectares 88
69 Fukar Padara 423131 Pokhari Bandha 58 Hectares 35
70 Umer 423132 Pokhari Bandha 36 Hectares 44
71 Makundpur 423133 Pokhari Bandha 57 Hectares 34
72 Jadimara 423134 Pokhari Bandha 56 Hectares 15
73 Budha Umer 423135 Pokhari Bandha 41 Hectares 129
74 Podaumer 423136 Pokhari Bandha 32 Hectares 139
75 Melghutu 423137 Pokhari Bandha 70 Hectares 273
76 Isarbaru 423138 Pokhari Bandha 38 Hectares 55
77 Binayakpur 423139 Pokhari Bandha 52 Hectares 151
78 Irkuli 423140 Pokhari Bandha 80 Hectares 136
79 Bedaghati 423141 Pokhari Bandha 65 Hectares 52
80 Karlakupa 423142 Pokhari Bandha 74 Hectares 136
81 Talipada 423143 Pokhari Bandha 106 Hectares 90
82 Jharmunda 423144 Pokhari Bandha 62 Hectares 101
83 Benipokhari 423145 Pokhari Bandha 93 Hectares 100
84 Junjer Guda 423146 Pokhari Bandha 93 Hectares 77
85 Pokhari Bandha 423147 Pokhari Bandha 261 Hectares 560
86 Dharamkhandi 423148 Bengaon 9 Hectares 12
87 Gambhariguda 423149 Bengaon 64 Hectares 9
88 Bhejipadar 423150 Bengaon 160 Hectares 92
89 Sargilefa 423152 Bandhapari 13 Hectares 48
90 Deheda 423154 Bandhapari 69 Hectares 175
91 Danikapel 423157 Bandhapari 85 Hectares 37
92 Kandhasulim 423158 Bandhapari 19 Hectares 11
93 Dudhelbhata 423159 Bandhapari 15 Hectares 32
94 Domsulim 423160 Biswanathpur 95 Hectares 159
95 Kumbharbaru 423161 Pokhari Bandha 23 Hectares 83
96 Raelaguda 423162 Biswanathpur 6 Hectares 11
97 Khasiguda 423163 Lanjee 15 Hectares 35
98 Kaner 423164 Pokhari Bandha 32 Hectares 44
99 Bakatpur 423165 Pokhari Bandha 226 Hectares 324
100 Dumermunda 423166 Biswanathpur 98 Hectares 814
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102 Tamkurunja 423168 Bandhapari 66 Hectares 78
103 Bedagaon 423169 Bandhapari 51 Hectares 270
104 Sukapadar 423170 Bandhapari 29 Hectares 100
105 Khilapadar 423171 Bandhapari 28 Hectares 26
106 Maisipita 423172 Bandhapari 24 Hectares 81
107 Sindhibahala 423173 Bandhapari 100 Hectares 238
108 Matakera 423175 Kankutru 199 Hectares 429
109 Muskuti 423176 Kankutru 136 Hectares 78
110 Puniguda 423177 Kankutru 117 Hectares 212
111 Dhanarabhata 423178 Bandhapari 32 Hectares 126
112 Pajikhaman 423179 Kankutru 67 Hectares 12
113 Kumkhal 423180 Bandhapari 186 Hectares 502
114 Khajuriguda 423182 Bandhapari 68 Hectares 290
115 Hatisal 423183 Bandhapari 98 Hectares 132
116 Pidelbaju 423184 Bandhapari 25 Hectares 63
117 Kutingapadar 423185 Bandhapari 15 Hectares 13
118 Kandhtopi 423186 Biswanathpur 57 Hectares 108
119 Kiajharan 423187 Biswanathpur 58 Hectares 28
120 Bishwanathapur 423188 Biswanathpur 485 Hectares 2647
121 Dhaurabhata 423189 Biswanathpur 112 Hectares 529
122 Sitapur 423190 Biswanathpur 255 Hectares 660
123 Merengpadar 423191 Bandhapari 36 Hectares 75
124 Timanbhadi 423192 Bandhapari 138 Hectares 255
125 Mandiarucha 423193 Bandhapari 64 Hectares 49
126 Dangari 423195 Bandhapari 130 Hectares 422
127 Luma 423196 Bandhapari 114 Hectares 364
128 Tankalasur 423197 Bandhapari 70 Hectares 78
129 Kumbharpada 423198 Kankutru 68 Hectares 144
130 Bachaka 423199 Kankutru 108 Hectares 141
131 Leramba 423200 Lanjee 25 Hectares 70
132 Talkalsur 423201 Kankutru 251 Hectares 342
133 Suruguda 423202 Lanjee 22 Hectares 31
134 Janbali 423203 Lanjee 135 Hectares 208
135 Kandama 423204 Lanjee 102 Hectares 282
136 Bundel 423205 Lanjee 85 Hectares 73
137 Mushanal 423206 Lanjee 150 Hectares 599
138 Balisara 423207 Bandhapari 76 Hectares 214
139 Kenduguda 423208 Lanjee 200 Hectares 306
140 Kuburi 423209 Bandhapari 98 Hectares 373
141 Gurang 423210 Bandhapari 41 Hectares 113
142 Dangajor 423211 Bandhapari 153 Hectares 257
143 Bandhapari 423212 Bandhapari 186 Hectares 959
144 Kukelkubori 423213 Bandhapari 69 Hectares 170
145 Kutruguda 423215 Bandhapari 80 Hectares 222
146 Rajendrapur 423217 Bandhapari 88 Hectares 321
147 Thuaguda 423218 Bandhapari 75 Hectares 166
148 Pratibeda 423219 Bandhapari 61 Hectares 158
149 Kutrubandha 423220 Bandhapari 89 Hectares 47
150 Badabanigaon 423221 Bandhapari 168 Hectares 161
151 Panchkudi 423222 Bandhapari 168 Hectares 150
152 Tentulipanga 423223 Lanjee 103 Hectares 105
153 Mathaguda 423224 Lanjee 100 Hectares 82
154 Goipita 423225 Lanjee 68 Hectares 106
155 Lanji 423226 Lanjee 66 Hectares 104
156 Dandiguda 423227 Lanjee 135 Hectares 306
157 Railguda 423228 Lanjee 110 Hectares 139
158 Kumudapadar 423229 Lanjee 72 Hectares 151
159 Sindhipadar 423230 Lanjee 234 Hectares 486
160 Saragoda 423231 Lanjee 80 Hectares 117
161 Dukriguda 423232 Lanjee 255 Hectares 175
162 Babupadar 423233 Lanjee 25 Hectares 109
163 Jangerguda 423234 Lanjee 99 Hectares 145
164 Kulanar 423235 Lanjee 423 Hectares 178
165 Goicharcha 423236 Lanjee 88 Hectares 105
166 Ladang 423237 Lanjee 22 Hectares 84
167 Umej 423238 Lanjee 69 Hectares 105
168 Karkamaska 423239 Bandhapari 141 Hectares 203
169 Katulbai 423240 Bandhapari 55 Hectares 130
170 Dolama 423242 Lanjee 18 Hectares 67
171 Gares 423243 Bandhapari 309 Hectares 196
172 Dialbahali 423244 Bandhapari 71 Hectares 184
173 Kankutru 423245 Kankutru 185 Hectares 391
174 Paikbori 423246 Kankutru 43 Hectares 377
175 Kandha Bori 423248 Kankutru 228 Hectares 205
176 Gambhari Guda 423249 Lanjee 42 Hectares 10
177 Ranarana 423250 Kankutru 162 Hectares 49
178 Kaksi 423251 Jugsaipatna 203 Hectares 228
179 Jamchuan 423252 Jugsaipatna 143 Hectares 335
180 Machul 423253 Lanjee 61 Hectares 23
181 Jabagaon 423254 Lanjee 626 Hectares 184
182 Kachanar 423255 Lanjee 492 Hectares 154
183 Turka 423257 Lanjee 454 Hectares 52
184 Salpanga 423459 Kankutru 386 Hectares 182

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Padmathopa.

Q2: What is the village code for Padmathopa?

A2: The village code for Padmathopa is 422996.

Q3: In which block is Padmathopa located?

A3: Padmathopa is located in the Lanjigarh block.

Q4: What is the total area of Padmathopa?

A4: The total area of Padmathopa is 159 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Padmathopa belong to?

A5: Padmathopa belongs to the Bengaon Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Padmathopa located?

A6: Padmathopa is located in the Kalahandi district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Padmathopa from the district headquarter?

A7: Padmathopa is 67 kilometers away from the Bhawanipatna district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Padmathopa?

A8: The nearest statutory town is BHAWANIPATNA which is 67 kilometers away from Padmathopa.

Q9: What is the population of Padmathopa?

A9: The population of Padmathopa is 411 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Padmathopa?

A10: There are 193 households in Padmathopa.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Padmathopa?

A11: There are 213 males and 198 females in Padmathopa.

Q12: Are there any schools in Padmathopa?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Padmathopa. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Padmathopa?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Padmathopa.

Q14: What is the pin code of Padmathopa?

A14: The pin code of Padmathopa is 766020.

Q15: Does Padmathopa have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Padmathopa.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Padmathopa?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Padmathopa.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Padmathopa?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Padmathopa.

Q18: Is Padmathopa connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Padmathopa.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Padmathopa?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Padmathopa.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Padmathopa?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Padmathopa.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Padmathopa?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Padmathopa is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Padmathopa?

A22: There are 25.61 Hectares of forest area in Padmathopa.

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