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# | Village | Code | Area | Population | Panchayat | Block | District | State |
1 | Mella Cheruvu | 577591 | 5797 | 18550 | MELLA CHERUVU | Mella Cheruvu | Nalgonda | Andhra Pradesh |
2 | Revuru | 577593 | 5222 | 11719 | REVURU | Mella Cheruvu | Nalgonda | Andhra Pradesh |
3 | Donda Padu | 577594 | 2864 | 9093 | DONDA PADU | Mella Cheruvu | Nalgonda | Andhra Pradesh |
4 | Chinthalapalem | 577595 | 2941 | 6597 | CHINTHALAPALEM | Mella Cheruvu | Nalgonda | Andhra Pradesh |
5 | Vajinepalle | 577596 | 809 | 1621 | VAJINEPALLE | Mella Cheruvu | Nalgonda | Andhra Pradesh |
6 | Gudimalkapuram | 577597 | 302 | 2598 | GUDIMALKAPURAM | Mella Cheruvu | Nalgonda | Andhra Pradesh |
7 | Yepalamadharam | 577598 | 2131 | 2646 | YEPALAMADHARAM | Mella Cheruvu | Nalgonda | Andhra Pradesh |
8 | Thammaram | 577599 | 2241 | 3497 | THAMMARAM | Mella Cheruvu | Nalgonda | Andhra Pradesh |
9 | Chintriyala | 577600 | 2003 | 5676 | CHINTRIYALA | Mella Cheruvu | Nalgonda | Andhra Pradesh |
10 | Reballe | 577601 | 639 | 880 | REBALLE | Mella Cheruvu | Nalgonda | Andhra Pradesh |
11 | Adlur | 577602 | 1028 | 2530 | ADLUR | Mella Cheruvu | Nalgonda | Andhra Pradesh |
12 | Vellatur | 577603 | 2786 | 2574 | VELLATUR | Mella Cheruvu | Nalgonda | Andhra Pradesh |
13 | Nemalipuri | 577604 | 1377 | 1476 | NEMALIPURI | Mella Cheruvu | Nalgonda | Andhra Pradesh |
Pincode 508246 covers various villages and localities in the [Nalgonda] of [Andhra Pradesh], India. It includes regions known for their agriculture, culture and local businesses.
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