
517125 Cities/Village/Locality

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# Village Code Area Population Panchayat Block District State
1 Kondepalle 596660 414 1363 KONDEPALLE Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
2 Vinjam 596661 1633 7620 VINJAM & BALAGANGANAPALLE Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
3 Veerakanellore 596662 846 1493 VEERAKANELLORE Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
4 Kotagaram 596663 626 2108 KOTAGARAM Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
5 Nandanoor 596664 1301 2961 NANDANOOR & PAPIREDDYPALLE Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
6 Kotrakona 596665 963 2281 KOTRAKONA Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
7 Peddakalva 596666 490 2673 PEDDAKALVA Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
8 Kalijavedu 596667 605 1834 KALIJAVEDU Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
9 Gangadharanellore 596668 1122 4444 GANGADHARANELLORE Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
10 Gollapalle 596669 269 439 GANGADHARANELLORE Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
11 Agaramangalam 596670 333 1772 AGARAMANGALAM Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
12 Vepanjeri 596671 855 2710 VEPANJERI Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
13 Nallarallapalle 596676 59 64 GANGADHARA NELLORE Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
14 Velkur 596677 434 3169 VELKUR Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
15 Mukkelathuru 596678 668 2352 MUKKELATHURU Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
16 Mahadevamangalam 596679 476 1816 MAHADEVAMANGALAM, CHINNAVEPANJERI & THIRUVEEDHIKUPPAM Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
17 Atmakur 596682 129 567 ATMAKUR Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
18 Errabodireddipalle 596683 89 284 THIRUVEEDHIKUPPAM Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh
19 Murthinayanipalle 596684 184 1215 ATMAKUR Gangadhara Nellore Chittoor Andhra Pradesh

About Pincode 517125

Pincode 517125 covers various villages and localities in the [Chittoor] of [Andhra Pradesh], India. It includes regions known for their agriculture, culture and local businesses.