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# | Village | Code | Area | Population | Panchayat | Block | District | State |
1 | Padiputlabayalu | 596188 | 467 | 3065 | PADIPUTLABAYALU & PERASANIPALLE | Pakala | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
2 | Thotathimmaiah Palle | 596189 | 215 | 745 | THOTATHIMMAIAH PALLE | Pakala | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
3 | Vallivedu | 596190 | 1030 | 3113 | VALLIVEDU & RAMANAIAHGARIPALLE & INAMPALAGUTTAPALLE(KUMMARAPALLE) | Pakala | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
4 | Mogarala | 596191 | 1194 | 3606 | MOGARALA | Pakala | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
5 | Damalcheruvu | 596196 | 1896 | 10344 | DAMALCHERUVU | Pakala | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
Pincode 517152 covers various villages and localities in the [Chittoor] of [Andhra Pradesh], India. It includes regions known for their agriculture, culture and local businesses.
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