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# | Village | Code | Area | Population | Panchayat | Block | District | State |
1 | Udayamanikyam | 595708 | 1915 | 2345 | UDAYAMANIKYAM | Yerravaripalem | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
2 | Udayamanikyam Agraharam | 595709 | 48 | 17 | UDAYAMANIKYAM | Yerravaripalem | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
3 | Yerravaripalem | 595710 | 1953 | 4295 | YERRAVARIPALEM & CHERUKUVARIPALLE | Yerravaripalem | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
4 | Kamalayyavaripalle | 595711 | 1192 | 1780 | KAMALAYYAVARIPALLE | Yerravaripalem | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
5 | Diguvuru | 596043 | 582 | 1369 | DIGUVURU | Chinnagottigallu | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
6 | Chittecherla | 596045 | 3824 | 4282 | CHITTECHERLA & DEENDARLAPALLE | Chinnagottigallu | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
7 | Devarakonda | 596046 | 755 | 1117 | DEVARAKONDA | Chinnagottigallu | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
8 | Bhakarapet | 596047 | 720 | 3773 | BHAKARAPET | Chinnagottigallu | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
9 | Yeguvuru | 596048 | 786 | 710 | YEGUVURU | Chinnagottigallu | Chittoor | Andhra Pradesh |
Pincode 517194 covers various villages and localities in the [Chittoor] of [Andhra Pradesh], India. It includes regions known for their agriculture, culture and local businesses.
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