
534112 Cities/Village/Locality

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# Village Code Area Population Panchayat Block District State
1 Nallajerla 588247 3964 13457 NALLAJERLA, ACHENNAPALEM, JAGANNADHAPURAM & PULLALAPADU Nallajerla West Siang Andhra Pradesh
2 Dubacherla 588248 4839 13101 DUBACHERLA, GHANTAVARIGUDEM & AYYAVARAM Nallajerla West Siang Andhra Pradesh
3 Marellamudi 588249 926 1480 MARELLAMUDI Nallajerla West Siang Andhra Pradesh
4 Avapadu 588250 2808 6016 AVAPADU & SINGARAJUPALEM Nallajerla West Siang Andhra Pradesh
5 Prakasaraopalem 588251 1129 4721 PRAKASARAOPALEM Nallajerla West Siang Andhra Pradesh

About Pincode 534112

Pincode 534112 covers various villages and localities in the [West Siang] of [Andhra Pradesh], India. It includes regions known for their agriculture, culture and local businesses.