
785619 Cities/Village/Locality

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# Village Code Area Population Panchayat Block District State
1 Dhansiri Temera 294251 558.94 1681 DICHOI Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
2 Riri Gaon 294252 637.95 1100 DICHOI Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
3 Mazdalapa 294253 1150.08 1377 DICHOI NO.14 Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
4 Bonqual 294258 613.61 2758 UTTAR MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
5 Borpak 294260 425.38 776 MADHYA MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
6 Budhbari 294261 321.58 1365 MADHYA MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
7 Parghat 294268 266.56 1603 MADHYA MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
8 Karaniholla 294269 54.97 534 MADHYA MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
9 Bordihingia 294271 230.26 2049 MADHYA MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
10 Hahchara 294272 293.38 565 MADHYA MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
11 Bortika 294273 360.88 1430 UTTAR MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
12 Affala Gaon 294274 264.77 1523 UTTAR MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
13 Garaimari 294275 287.12 2005 UTTAR MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
14 Bilatia 294276 320.69 1424 PUB MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
15 Dihingia 294277 343.14 983 MADHYA MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
16 Goria Gaon 294278 786.22 4307 MAHURA MUKH Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
17 Rongagora 294279 257.55 2754 PUB MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
18 Rongagora Grant 294280 527.08 2471 PUB MOHURA Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
19 Kamar Gaon 294317 162.21 781 KACHUPATHAR Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
20 Helochi Gaon 294325 65.56 180 KACHUPATHAR Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
21 Khumtai Grant No.49 294328 953.43 3478 HAUTOLI Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
22 Khumtai Gaon 294334 423.56 1613 KHUMTAI Golaghat West Golaghat Assam
23 Hautoley Grant (Abhoijan T.E.) 294345 272 946 HAWTOLI Golaghat West Golaghat Assam

About Pincode 785619

Pincode 785619 covers various villages and localities in the [Golaghat] of [Assam], India. It includes regions known for their agriculture, culture and local businesses.