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# | Village | Code | Area | Population | Panchayat | Block | District | State |
1 | Konwar | 292502 | 188.61 | 1061 | SUKAN PUKHURI | Demow | Sivasagar | Assam |
2 | No.2 Konwar | 292558 | 366 | 506 | BAKHARBANGENA | Sibsagar | Sivasagar | Assam |
3 | No.1 Konwar | 292576 | 271 | 661 | NEMUGURI | Sibsagar | Sivasagar | Assam |
4 | Changmai Konwar | 292780 | 233.45 | 880 | Gourisagar | Sivasagar | Assam | |
5 | 1 No. Konwar Gaon | 292961 | 218.61 | 967 | SILAKUTI | Sibsagar | Sivasagar | Assam |
6 | Dihingia Konwar | 292970 | 880 | 1870 | LAKWA | Sibsagar | Sivasagar | Assam |
7 | No.2 Konwar | 292985 | 340 | 1619 | DHARAIDEO G.P | Lakwa | Sivasagar | Assam |
Pincode 785667 covers various villages and localities in the [Sivasagar] of [Assam], India. It includes regions known for their agriculture, culture and local businesses.
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