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# | Village | Code | Area | Population | Panchayat | Block | District | State |
1 | Harinagar Pt II | 300733 | 89 | 826 | HARI NAGAR | Ramkrishna Nagar | Karimganj | Assam |
2 | Shivbari Krishnanagar | 300752 | 79 | 427 | BARUASALA | Dullavcherra | Karimganj | Assam |
3 | Beratuk | 300771 | 52 | 933 | ANIPUR | Dullavcherra | Karimganj | Assam |
4 | Hulashnagar Pt II | 300782 | 95 | 1546 | Dullavcherra | Karimganj | Assam | |
5 | Panchdali Pt I | 300783 | 46 | 382 | PATIYALA | Dullavcherra | Karimganj | Assam |
6 | Amarkhal | 300784 | 68 | 1089 | ANIPUR | Dullavcherra | Karimganj | Assam |
7 | Harinagar Pt I | 300785 | 68 | 512 | BARUALA | Ramkrishna Nagar | Karimganj | Assam |
Pincode 788734 covers various villages and localities in the [Karimganj] of [Assam], India. It includes regions known for their agriculture, culture and local businesses.
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