
Laidap Disa Gaon Village

Laidap Disa Gaon is belongs to Karbi Anglong, district in the state of Assam.

Village   Details
Name : Laidap Disa Gaon
Village code : 295994
Block Name : Lumbajong (0134)
Area : 28
Gram Panchayat : ()
District : Karbi Anglong
State : Assam
District Head Quarter : DIPHU
District Head Quarter distance : 26 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : DIPHU (TC)
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 26 Kms
Population : 55
Households : 12
Male : 31
Female : 24
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 782460
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : NA
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 4 Hectares

Google map of Laidap Disa Gaon location

Near by villages of Laidap Disa Gaon

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Langli Timung 295860 93 Hectares 130
2 Het Tisso 295861 93 Hectares 185
3 Sarlong Englang 295862 25 Hectares 41
4 Sarthe Engti 295863 15 Hectares 43
5 Samsing Teron 295864 112 Hectares 105
6 Man Tisso Bey 295865 40 Hectares 86
7 Kachari Engleng 295866 200 Hectares 72
8 Hemari Tisso 295867 50 Hectares 166
9 Hemari Yerong 295868 22 Hectares 139
10 Waldali Rly Station 295870 26 Hectares 95
11 Rongmirdon-I 295871 5 Hectares 315
12 Rongmirdon-II 295872 3 Hectares 299
13 Rongmirdon-III 295873 2 Hectares 252
14 Rongmirdon-IV 295874 3 Hectares 243
15 Teri Engleng 295875 25 Hectares 365
16 Waling Disa 295876 8 Hectares 78
17 Wesai Rongpi 295877 93 Hectares 273
18 Kush Pathar 295884 9 Hectares 166
19 Neli Bari Nepali Basti 295885 15 Hectares 209
20 Nagaon Basti 295898 27.03 Hectares 1126
21 Dhanbar Thapa 295916 40 Hectares 109
22 Kharsing Terong 295917 55 Hectares 29
23 Rongbang Timung 295918 60 Hectares 1452
24 Kehai Timung Gaon 295920 133 Hectares 192
25 Hidi Sajir Rangpi Gaon 295921 53 Hectares 352
26 Manipur Nepali Basti 295923 3 Hectares 502
27 Hmar Gaon 295925 30 Hectares 84
28 Kakati Ranghang Gaon 295926 40 Hectares 153
29 Hemari Kransa 295927 20 Hectares 155
30 Langkai Kro Gaon 295928 35 Hectares 75
31 Sarkear Bey 295929 20 Hectares 184
32 Gular Basti 295930 42 Hectares 232
33 Pepe Basti 295931 10 Hectares 423
34 Barlangfer Rly.Station 295933 37 Hectares 316
35 Jangphong Langso 295934 31 Hectares 103
36 Sarmen Phangcho 295935 38 Hectares 75
37 Kash Karli Gaon 295936 45 Hectares 143
38 Tipura Basti 295937 60 Hectares 244
39 Polich Basti 295938 35 Hectares 189
40 Sankar Basti 295939 20 Hectares 285
41 Deiju Pathar 295941 15 Hectares 98
42 Amri Hanse Basti(Hemari) 295942 41 Hectares 292
43 Signal Basti 295945 32 Hectares 111
44 Keralasing Basti 295946 100 Hectares 136
45 Tetri Nalla(Chomung Teron) 295947 48 Hectares 29
46 Karli Nalla 295948 40 Hectares 87
47 Mongaldhar Chakma 295952 30 Hectares 71
48 Sarthe Engleng 295953 30 Hectares 113
49 Sarthe Bey 295954 12 Hectares 104
50 Sipahi Basti 295956 7 Hectares 170
51 Kakau Basti 295958 6 Hectares 46
52 Hujaipur (Tila Basti) 295959 20 Hectares 30
53 Hojaipur 295960 20 Hectares 310
54 Nillapur 295961 5 Hectares 291
55 Sutalangber 295962 200 Hectares 207
56 Uttar Hojaipur 295963 18 Hectares 89
57 Bura Yerang Gaon 295969 20 Hectares 93
58 Kangther Kramsa 295972 30 Hectares 42
59 Nilaluny 295973 20 Hectares 141
60 Tamul Bari 295974 10 Hectares 132
61 Khejur Bagan 295975 30 Hectares 46
62 Misibailam 295978 30 Hectares 511
63 Damalo-1 295979 55 Hectares 205
64 Sarthe Terang 295988 5 Hectares 33
65 Longkam Bey (Rongmarjong) 295991 5 Hectares 247
66 On Bey (Sardisa ) 295996 21 Hectares 202
67 Sarpo Terang 295998 19 Hectares 210
68 Dhonsing Terang (Langmili ) 295999 35 Hectares 281
69 Phongalong (Terong Langmili) 296002 16 Hectares 174
70 Milik Teron (Langmili) 296003 66 Hectares 73
71 Hemari Bey (Langmili) 296004 20 Hectares 149
72 Sarthe Rongpi (Langmili) 296005 16 Hectares 87
73 Bara Engti (Langmili) 296006 5 Hectares 139
74 Himari Kro (Langmili) 296007 55 Hectares 173
75 Kathal Guri 296077 30 Hectares 790
76 Men Sing Engti 296100 25 Hectares 111
77 Mon Sing Teron 296125 5 Hectares 314
78 Chota Lengri 296185 43 Hectares 909
79 Rong Bong Pathar 296196 45 Hectares 309
80 Boro Basti (Garo ) 296207 15 Hectares 127
81 Baish Mile 296218 38 Hectares 88
82 Longki Engleng 296445 50 Hectares 278
83 Chingthong Tokbi 296509 22 Hectares 24
84 Sikari Tisso 296510 11 Hectares 98
85 Khoya Sing Teron 296511 3 Hectares 78
86 Sing Teron Gaon 296512 15 Hectares 161
87 Chephong Barim 296513 19 Hectares 263
88 Hemari Tisso 296515 4 Hectares 113
89 Welson Bongrung 296516 5 Hectares 123
90 Rongtheso 296518 7 Hectares 223
91 Baliram Terang 296520 10 Hectares 115
92 Plimplamlangso 296523 5 Hectares 380
93 Rameswar Enghi 296524 3 Hectares 256
94 Gita Ashram 296526 4 Hectares 176
95 Sonsing Timung 296527 22 Hectares 167
96 Rongturbong 296528 8 Hectares 203
97 Rongmindar 296529 5 Hectares 86
98 Rongchesong 296530 4 Hectares 118
99 Ser Malong 296531 3 Hectares 121
100 Mensing Kramsa 296532 4 Hectares 118
101 Pensing Teron 296533 3 Hectares 33
102 Thengkur Tisso 296534 4 Hectares 97
103 Borsing Hanse 296535 114 Hectares 98
104 Bormon Killing 296536 30 Hectares 17
105 Kania Terang 296537 40 Hectares 119
106 Kathe Bajong 296538 28 Hectares 167
107 Longki Teron 296539 40 Hectares 188
108 Thong Teron 296540 25 Hectares 49
109 Kathar Ingti 296541 - 83
110 Ram Bd. Tamang 296542 13 Hectares 79
111 Monsing Inghi Gaon 296544 25 Hectares 59
112 Jeng Bey 296545 40 Hectares 219
113 Sarmen Terang 296548 54 Hectares 32
114 Rajesh Teron 296552 150 Hectares 142
115 Plimplamlangso 296553 47 Hectares 87
116 Pator Gaon 296554 50 Hectares 90
117 Bangmodisa 296555 50 Hectares 55
118 Raijaudisa 296556 27 Hectares 112
119 Hojai Bosti 296558 10 Hectares 233
120 Model Vill 296565 61 Hectares 306
121 Rejang Bosti 296566 32 Hectares 81
122 Garo Bosti 296567 10.5 Hectares 85
123 Lobongfa Nala 296568 110 Hectares 383
124 Tokbi (Langtuk Bosti) 296569 20 Hectares 216
125 Borlangphar Tinali 296571 20 Hectares 118
126 Hanse Nala 296572 50 Hectares 47
127 Kothal Bagan 296573 30 Hectares 158
128 Bura Phangcho Gaon 296575 30 Hectares 328
129 Hardwar Bosti 296576 10 Hectares 144
130 Baro Ghar Bosti 296577 15 Hectares 77
131 Pan Bagan 296578 10 Hectares 21
132 Nepali Bosti 296579 8 Hectares 86
133 Khuti Colony 296580 20 Hectares 158
134 Hemari Terang 296581 60 Hectares 744
135 Theso Ajur Sonasing Terang 296582 27 Hectares 259
136 Jensing Tisso 296583 32 Hectares 77
137 Borsing Tokbi 296584 31 Hectares 74
138 Bor Timung 296586 26 Hectares 83
139 Longki Ingti 296587 18 Hectares 65
140 Men Inghi 296589 16 Hectares 15
141 Ramsing Enghi 296590 34 Hectares 106
142 Dorson Tisso 296591 38 Hectares 60
143 Santimai Chakma 296592 105 Hectares 239
144 Khorsing Enghee 296594 20 Hectares 24
145 Jari Engti 296595 40 Hectares 29
146 Sarthe Enghee 296596 61 Hectares 54
147 Purno Bd. Sharma 296599 10 Hectares 124
148 Dolasing Ingti 296602 50 Hectares 129
149 Longki Milik 296603 2 Hectares 63
150 Andra Terang 296604 26 Hectares 126
151 Dhonsing Teron 296605 15 Hectares 161
152 Indra Bd. Thapa 296606 10 Hectares 58
153 Longki Engleng 296607 50 Hectares 34
154 Baburam Rongphar 296610 7 Hectares 126
155 Lowrance Rongpi 296611 71 Hectares 92
156 Dhorom Ronghang 296614 5 Hectares 118
157 Khorsing Kro 296615 5 Hectares 219
158 Rongmili 296617 38 Hectares 139
159 Jidungpur Area (Hapjan) 296618 6 Hectares 279
160 Hatifaudha (Hati Camp) 296622 12 Hectares 189
161 Loring Longso 296628 3 Hectares 12
162 Sombhudon 296637 10 Hectares 202
163 Tularam 296638 50 Hectares 79
164 Rongchedon 296645 15 Hectares 193
165 Longsing Hanse 296646 5 Hectares 72
166 Moniram Hanse (Bonket Hanse) 296647 8 Hectares 34
167 Gobin Mosahary 296648 3 Hectares 53
168 Longki Terang 296649 6 Hectares 92
169 Rongmando 296650 4 Hectares 53
170 Garo Basti 296651 2 Hectares 146
171 Ram Teron 296652 5 Hectares 213
172 Kolom Sing Teron 296653 12 Hectares 104
173 Bor Sing Timung 296654 7 Hectares 207
174 Sarthe Teron 296655 5 Hectares 144
175 Mensing Ronghang 296656 16 Hectares 450
176 Jensing Ronghang 296657 6 Hectares 201
177 Hemari Ronghang 296658 8 Hectares 104
178 Hemari Bey 296661 50 Hectares 194
179 There Timung 296662 8 Hectares 61
180 Upper Dillaji (Teron Gaon) 296663 7 Hectares 1315
181 Thong Timung 296664 27 Hectares 329
182 Harison Tisso 296665 25 Hectares 123
183 Longki Tisso (Toka Tisso) 296666 20 Hectares 208
184 Wophaong Hanse 296667 6 Hectares 98
185 Shanti Bosti 296668 75 Hectares 290
186 Mojari Timung 296669 31 Hectares 171
187 Upper Dillaji Adivashi Gaon 296670 29 Hectares 257
188 Rana Bosti 296673 40 Hectares 240
189 Sarthe Kramsa (Bonglong Kramsa) 296681 170 Hectares 187
190 Garo Bosti 296682 39 Hectares 84
191 Bethani Nepali Bosti 296687 11 Hectares 61
192 Wah Tisso 296689 38 Hectares 97
193 Men Tisso Part 296692 4 Hectares 28
194 Ronghache 296693 45 Hectares 128
195 Rongbangbong 296694 14 Hectares 173
196 Rongchave 296695 15 Hectares 77
197 Hemari Kro 296696 1 Hectares 17
198 Longki Hanse 296697 14 Hectares 145
199 Lunse Kro 296698 3 Hectares 45
200 Sing Tisso 296701 54 Hectares 161
201 Mohon Lekthe 296702 110 Hectares 106
202 Sing Terang 296708 80 Hectares 85
203 Birla Gate Swaraswati Mondir 296709 3 Hectares 210
204 Parol Tala Gaon 296710 20 Hectares 178
205 Monsing Teron 296711 5 Hectares 101
206 Matipung R.F. 296720 509 Hectares 2294
207 Lahorijan Beat Eastern Range (Rongapahar) 296726 53 Hectares 1685
208 Dillangi Reserve Forest 296731 80 Hectares 689

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Laidap Disa Gaon.

Q2: What is the village code for Laidap Disa Gaon?

A2: The village code for Laidap Disa Gaon is 295994.

Q3: In which block is Laidap Disa Gaon located?

A3: Laidap Disa Gaon is located in the Lumbajong block.

Q4: What is the total area of Laidap Disa Gaon?

A4: The total area of Laidap Disa Gaon is 28 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Laidap Disa Gaon belong to?

A5: Laidap Disa Gaon belongs to the Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Laidap Disa Gaon located?

A6: Laidap Disa Gaon is located in the Karbi Anglong district in the state of Assam.

Q7: How far is Laidap Disa Gaon from the district headquarter?

A7: Laidap Disa Gaon is 26 kilometers away from the DIPHU district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Laidap Disa Gaon?

A8: The nearest statutory town is DIPHU (TC) which is 26 kilometers away from Laidap Disa Gaon.

Q9: What is the population of Laidap Disa Gaon?

A9: The population of Laidap Disa Gaon is 55 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Laidap Disa Gaon?

A10: There are 193 households in Laidap Disa Gaon.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Laidap Disa Gaon?

A11: There are 31 males and 24 females in Laidap Disa Gaon.

Q12: Are there any schools in Laidap Disa Gaon?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Laidap Disa Gaon. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Laidap Disa Gaon?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Laidap Disa Gaon.

Q14: What is the pin code of Laidap Disa Gaon?

A14: The pin code of Laidap Disa Gaon is 782460.

Q15: Does Laidap Disa Gaon have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Laidap Disa Gaon.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Laidap Disa Gaon?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Laidap Disa Gaon.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Laidap Disa Gaon?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Laidap Disa Gaon.

Q18: Is Laidap Disa Gaon connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Laidap Disa Gaon.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Laidap Disa Gaon?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Laidap Disa Gaon.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Laidap Disa Gaon?

A20: NA, an ASHA worker is available in Laidap Disa Gaon.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Laidap Disa Gaon?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Laidap Disa Gaon is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Laidap Disa Gaon?

A22: There are 4 Hectares of forest area in Laidap Disa Gaon.

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