
Bandhakud Village

Bandhakud is belongs to Kendrapara, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Bandhakud
Village code : 396961
Block Name : Mahakalapada (0113)
Area : 172
Gram Panchayat : Khurusia (20)
District : Kendrapara
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Kendrapara
District Head Quarter distance : 35 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : PARADIP
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 16 Kms
Population : 946
Households : 244
Male : 489
Female : 457
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 754141
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : Available
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 44.99 Hectares

Google map of Bandhakud location

Near by villages of Bandhakud

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
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2 Beruhan 396942 Beruhan 285 Hectares 1637
3 Alifa 396943 Beruhan 101 Hectares 296
4 Tikhiri 396946 Tikhiri 448 Hectares 4685
5 Balisuan 396947 Tikhiri 117 Hectares 905
6 Gopalapur 396948 Tikhiri 113 Hectares 120
7 Sereinpur 396951 Ameipal 159 Hectares 487
8 Ameipal 396952 Ameipal 168 Hectares 1396
9 Madhuraganda Khamar 396953 Ameipal 194 Hectares 1086
10 Samjori 396954 Ameipal 37 Hectares 1167
11 Badaghai 396955 Ameipal 136 Hectares 742
12 NaladiaPalanda 396956 Tikhiri 157 Hectares 596
13 Mahanangala 396957 Ameipal 156 Hectares 943
14 Raipur 396958 Khurusia 94 Hectares 319
15 Khurusia 396962 Khurusia 118 Hectares 1068
16 Khurusiapat 396963 Khurusia 39 Hectares 456
17 Dekani 396964 Khurusia 74 Hectares 519
18 Koratapanga 396965 Patalipanka 251 Hectares 1076
19 Gatanai(Nuasahi) 396966 Tikarpanga 116 Hectares 1395
20 NaladiaSasan 396967 Tikarpanga 172 Hectares 648
21 Narayanpur 396968 Tikarpanga 200 Hectares 1508
22 Tekarapanga 396969 Tikarpanga 235 Hectares 736
23 Patalipanka 396970 Patalipanka 231 Hectares 3132
24 Raghunathpur 396972 Patalipanka 79 Hectares 579
25 Kodakan 396973 Patalipanka 69 Hectares 628
26 Chhanda 396976 Tikarpanga 135 Hectares 998
27 Purusottampur 396979 Tikarpanga 118 Hectares 371
28 Gararomita 396983 Tikarpanga 523 Hectares 1953
29 Baharatari 397145 Kujanga 54 Hectares 140
30 Bhutumundai 397147 Bhutamundai 158 Hectares 3933
31 Singitalia 397150 Nuagarh 38 Hectares 880
32 Pipal 397151 Bhutamundai 51 Hectares 2573
33 Chakradharpur 397152 Paradeepgarh 84 Hectares 851
34 Balidia 397153 Nuagarh 133 Hectares 1972
35 Nuagarh 397154 Nuagarh 304 Hectares 2565
36 Udayabata 397156 Nuagarh 565 Hectares 1953
37 Chunabelari 397157 Paradeepgarh 75 Hectares 1717
38 Nimidhihi 397158 Paradeepgarh 103 Hectares 1371
39 Katakulla 397159 Paradeepgarh 143 Hectares 890
40 Katha-ada 397160 Biswali 66 Hectares 417
41 Koladia 397161 Biswali 75 Hectares 430
42 Jagati 397162 Bhutamundai 20 Hectares 1232
43 Nunukua 397163 Kothi 23 Hectares 1380
44 Narendrapur 397164 Biswali 137 Hectares 1442
45 Kothi 397165 Kothi 74 Hectares 2074
46 Jhimani 397166 Bagadia 182 Hectares 2963
47 Siju 397167 Kothi 255 Hectares 1531
48 Pitambarpur 397168 Biswali 65 Hectares 680
49 Niharunikandha 397169 Paradeepgarh 41 Hectares 251
50 Niharuni 397170 Paradeepgarh 160 Hectares 314
51 Uchhabanandpur 397171 Kothi 40 Hectares 908
52 Biswali 397172 Biswali 24 Hectares 2509
53 Agapal 397191 Mallasahi 165 Hectares 1275
54 Gaurpada 397192 Mallasahi 112 Hectares 1086
55 Nekudikuda 397193 Mallasahi 15 Hectares 78
56 Taladanda 397194 Mallasahi 75 Hectares 486
57 Paramanandapur 397195 Mallasahi 79 Hectares 134
58 Madhapur 397197 Badaballikani 164 Hectares 169
59 Jayasankhapur 397200 Zilanasi 110 Hectares 1122
60 Zillanasi 397201 Zilanasi 120 Hectares 1316
61 Mallasahi 397202 Mallasahi 94 Hectares 1467
62 Charadia 397203 Bagoi 24 Hectares 567
63 Sandhapur 397204 Bagoi 158 Hectares 784
64 Tentuliakhamar 397205 Zilanasi 211 Hectares 1403
65 Saharadia 397206 Zilanasi 288 Hectares 1447
66 Bhandua 397208 Kujanga 62 Hectares 551
67 Kothiasahi 397209 Bagoi 101 Hectares 1620
68 Kujanga 397210 Kujanga 154 Hectares 3686
69 Balarampur 397211 Kujanga 243 Hectares 5464
70 Badanga 397212 Balia 114 Hectares 1095
71 Samagol 397213 Gopiakuda 132 Hectares 2021
72 Baidigadi 397214 Gopiakuda 75 Hectares 227
73 Krushnachandrapur 397216 Mangarajpur 62 Hectares 162
74 Santara 397217 Mangarajpur 105 Hectares 1683
75 Talapada 397218 Mangarajpur 11 Hectares 342
76 Mangarajpur 397219 Mangarajpur 83 Hectares 3314
77 Hasina 397220 Mangarajpur 102 Hectares 2252
78 Duadia 397221 Gopiakuda 206 Hectares 2282
79 Pangara 397222 Gandakipur 18 Hectares 478
80 Gandakipur 397223 Gandakipur 277 Hectares 5925
81 Fatepur 397224 Fatepur 288 Hectares 2840
82 Pratappur 397225 Fatepur 330 Hectares 945
83 Kharigotha 397227 Fatepur 114 Hectares 1057
84 Barunakandha 397228 Gopiakuda 212 Hectares 190
85 Gopiakuda 397229 Gopiakuda 155 Hectares 4293
86 Ghodamara 397230 Gopiakuda 101 Hectares 593
87 Panpalli 397231 Balia 190 Hectares 1591
88 Mallipura 397232 Balia 138 Hectares 686
89 Baulanga 397235 Patapur 189 Hectares 1429
90 Badabandha 397236 Balia 137 Hectares 889
91 Sahada 397237 Patapur 30 Hectares 577
92 Patapur 397238 Patapur 74 Hectares 752
93 Balia 397239 Balia 211 Hectares 1681
94 Parianga 397240 Balia 62 Hectares 625
95 Bagoi 397241 Bagoi 308 Hectares 1970
96 Arakhia 397242 Mallasahi 129 Hectares 1473
97 Bilapokhariapada 397253 Baleipur 160 Hectares 166
98 Nalakani 397254 Baleipur 173 Hectares 898
99 Banipata 397255 Baleipur 110 Hectares 545
100 Baleipur 397256 Baleipur 71 Hectares 680
101 Guruguria 397257 Baleipur 87 Hectares 279
102 Nachhipura 397258 Chatua 160 Hectares 718
103 janardanpur 397259 Chatua 84 Hectares 500
104 Narendrapur 397260 Chatua 9 Hectares 224
105 Arjunkula 397261 Chatua 6 Hectares 28
106 Balipari 397262 Patapur 103 Hectares 721
107 Chatua 397263 Chatua 157 Hectares 1577
108 Pokhariapada 397264 Chatua 155 Hectares 426
109 Jaganathapur 397265 Chatua 93 Hectares 120
110 Chakulia 397266 Baleipur 183 Hectares 474
111 Alligarh 397267 Balitutha 156 Hectares 506
112 Sanagabapur 397268 Balitutha 74 Hectares 434
113 Badagabapur 397269 Balitutha 163 Hectares 1193
114 Manapur 397270 Chatua 40 Hectares 1166
115 Parapada 397271 Chatua 54 Hectares 360
116 Mulakani 397272 Balitutha 62 Hectares 238
117 Bamadeipur 397273 Bamadeipur 245 Hectares 3161
118 Chhatarakandha 397274 Bamadeipur 61 Hectares 524
119 Jalapadakandha 397275 Bamadeipur 72 Hectares 11
120 Kuatarakandha 397276 Bamadeipur 68 Hectares 65
121 Banapatakandha 397277 Balitutha 201 Hectares 631
122 Kokakhandha 397278 Balitutha 38 Hectares 129
123 Balitutha 397279 Balitutha 88 Hectares 1231
124 Badabuda 397280 Balitutha 119 Hectares 688
125 Bhitarasrichandanpur 397281 Balitutha 202 Hectares 295
126 Barabelari 397282 Bhitarandhari 44 Hectares 133
127 Kankardia 397286 Bamadeipur 212 Hectares 2086
128 Sunadiakandha 397287 Bamadeipur 55 Hectares 342
129 Rangiagarh 397290 Paradeepgarh 202 Hectares 2068
130 Bagadia 397292 Bagadia 275 Hectares 2736
131 Chauliapalanda 397295 Bagadia 120 Hectares 30
132 Garhkujang 397297 Gadakujanga 446 Hectares 2082
133 Bhunyapal 397299 Gadakujanga 397 Hectares 389
134 Noliasahi 397303 Gadakujanga 30 Hectares 780
135 Polanga 397304 Gadakujanga 310 Hectares 396
136 Bayanalkandha 397305 Gadakujanga 130 Hectares 186
137 Nuagan 397306 Nuagaon 782 Hectares 5185
138 Panigadiakandha 397307 Dhinkia 149 Hectares 12
139 Gobindapur 397308 Dhinkia 525 Hectares 2743
140 Dhinkia 397309 Dhinkia 854 Hectares 4141
141 Trilochanpur 397310 Dhinkia 126 Hectares 2803
142 Abhayachandapur 397312 Dhinkia 566 Hectares 28
143 Kansaripatia 397313 Dhinkia 195 Hectares 9
144 Barabatia 397321 Baleipur 129 Hectares 1188
145 Kanjiakana 397422 Sompur 114 Hectares 752

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Bandhakud.

Q2: What is the village code for Bandhakud?

A2: The village code for Bandhakud is 396961.

Q3: In which block is Bandhakud located?

A3: Bandhakud is located in the Mahakalapada block.

Q4: What is the total area of Bandhakud?

A4: The total area of Bandhakud is 172 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Bandhakud belong to?

A5: Bandhakud belongs to the Khurusia Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Bandhakud located?

A6: Bandhakud is located in the Kendrapara district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Bandhakud from the district headquarter?

A7: Bandhakud is 35 kilometers away from the Kendrapara district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Bandhakud?

A8: The nearest statutory town is PARADIP which is 16 kilometers away from Bandhakud.

Q9: What is the population of Bandhakud?

A9: The population of Bandhakud is 946 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Bandhakud?

A10: There are 193 households in Bandhakud.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Bandhakud?

A11: There are 489 males and 457 females in Bandhakud.

Q12: Are there any schools in Bandhakud?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Bandhakud. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Bandhakud?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Bandhakud.

Q14: What is the pin code of Bandhakud?

A14: The pin code of Bandhakud is 754141.

Q15: Does Bandhakud have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Bandhakud.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Bandhakud?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Bandhakud.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Bandhakud?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Bandhakud.

Q18: Is Bandhakud connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Bandhakud.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Bandhakud?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Bandhakud.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Bandhakud?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Bandhakud.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Bandhakud?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Bandhakud is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Bandhakud?

A22: There are 44.99 Hectares of forest area in Bandhakud.

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