
No.1 Chasra Village

No.1 Chasra is belongs to Barpeta, district in the state of Assam.

Village   Details
Name : No.1 Chasra
Village code : 282836
Block Name : Mandia (0031)
Area : 205.22
Gram Panchayat : CHASRA ()
District : Barpeta
State : Assam
District Head Quarter : BARPETA
District Head Quarter distance : 16 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : Barpeta (MB)
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 16 Kms
Population : 2277
Households : 463
Male : 1160
Female : 1117
Govt Primary School : 3
Private Primary School : 1
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 781308
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

Google map of No.1 Chasra location

Near by villages of No.1 Chasra

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Agmandia 282793 MANDIA JADAP PUR 244.92 Hectares 3459
2 Bhairarpam 282794 MANDIA JADAVPUR 325.36 Hectares 3745
3 Gopalpur 282795 AG MANDIA JADOMPUR 223.07 Hectares 1598
4 Salimpur 282796 AG MANDIA JADAVPUR 202.09 Hectares 2226
5 Jadabpur 282797 AG MANDIA JADAVPUR 308.09 Hectares 2204
6 Mandia Gaon 282798 MANDIA 161.51 Hectares 3231
7 Mandia Pathar 282799 MANDIA 206.02 Hectares 2737
8 Mouri Pam 282800 MANDIA 284.79 Hectares 2647
9 Mouri Gaon 282801 MANDIA 263 Hectares 3340
10 Mandia Bardalani N.C. 282802 MANDIA 719.8 Hectares 8607
11 Bamun Dongra 282813 BAMUN DONGRA 265.3 Hectares 2898
12 Paharpur Katuli 282814 BAMUN DONGA 339.74 Hectares 4573
13 Baksha Badha 282815 BAMUN DONGRA 181.08 Hectares 35
14 Ali Gaon 282817 MANIKPUR 196.61 Hectares 495
15 Ali Gaon Pam 282818 MANIKPUR 171.25 Hectares 517
16 Ali Gaon Pathar 282819 MANIKPUR 249.66 Hectares 365
17 Char Gaon 282820 MANIKPUR 347.34 Hectares 911
18 Char Gaon Pam N.C. 282821 MANIK PUR 178.68 Hectares 142
19 Ali Gaon N.C. 282822 MANIKPUR 327.75 Hectares 706
20 Digir par 282823 DIGIR PAM 272.12 Hectares 102
21 Lahara Para 282825 DIGIR PARA 253.17 Hectares 66
22 Kharki 282826 DIGIRPAM 201.61 Hectares 65
23 Barali 282829 MANIKPUR 80.95 Hectares 13
24 Sutirpar 282831 MANIKPUR 145.65 Hectares 8
25 Satra Kanara N.C. 282833 SATRA KANARA 2124.76 Hectares 30994
26 Kanara 282834 SATRA KANARA 203.15 Hectares 1281
27 Chasra Gaon 282835 SATRA KANAER 132.27 Hectares 1471
28 Ramapara Gaon 282838 RAMAPARA 170.96 Hectares 191
29 Ramapara Pathar 282839 RAMAPARA 300.22 Hectares 1011
30 Dalarpam 282840 RAMAPARA 86.26 Hectares 17
31 Dola Gaon 282841 RAMAPARA 233.87 Hectares 62
32 Dola Pathar 282845 RAMAPARA 209.57 Hectares 21
33 Baghbar Pathar 282846 BAGHBAR 253.98 Hectares 441
34 No.2 Baghmara N.C. 282848 BAGHMARA 327.49 Hectares 2783
35 Mowamari 282851 RAMAPARA 317.04 Hectares 16
36 Chapari Gaon 282852 RAMAPARA 223.65 Hectares 70
37 Chapari Pathar 282853 RAMAPARA 281.47 Hectares 206
38 Kapah Toli 282854 KADAMTALA 331.49 Hectares 130
39 Kalpani N.C. 282855 KADAMTALA 138.82 Hectares 204
40 Kalgachi 282856 KADAMATALA 140.35 Hectares 162
41 Ujirar Char 282857 UZIRAR CHAR 2014.57 Hectares 7185
42 Mowkhowa Char N.C. 282858 UJIRAR CHAR 1771.73 Hectares 3396
43 Balikuri Pam (Barikuri Pam) 282862 RAMAPARA 111.47 Hectares 1606
44 Jahanar Gaon 282863 BAGHBAR 286.07 Hectares 481
45 Jahanar Pathar 282864 RAMAPARA 349.17 Hectares 664
46 Jahanar Ghola 282865 BAGHBAR 239.63 Hectares 395
47 Jahanar Par 282866 RAMAPARA 175.47 Hectares 207
48 Saora Pathar 282868 BAGHBAR 200.86 Hectares 807
49 Sat Mukhi 282869 BAGHBOR 199.08 Hectares 30
50 Siknir Par 282870 BAGHBOR 86.59 Hectares 345
51 Balajan 282871 BAGHBOR 232.06 Hectares 944
52 Morabhaj 282872 BAGHBAR 176.14 Hectares 723
53 Silashi Pathar 282873 BAGHBAR 138.1 Hectares 1503
54 Saorar Bhitha 282874 BAGHBAR 243.69 Hectares 1246
55 Kadam Tola 282878 KADOMTALA 1275.44 Hectares 3565
56 Kalardia N.C. 282880 ALOPATI MAZARCHAR 262.8 Hectares 2338
57 Momin Pur 282883 DHARMAPUR BHATNAPAITY 140.21 Hectares 82
58 Syed Pur 282884 DHARMAPUR BHATNAPATY 271.62 Hectares 174
59 Dharma Pur 282885 DHARMAPUR BHATNAPAITY 73.26 Hectares 252
60 Ramapara Pam 282886 RAMAPARA 286.23 Hectares 2189
61 Islam Pur 282887 DHARMAP M BHATNAPATY 208.223 Hectares 615
62 Chakhowajar 282889 DHARMAPUR BHATNAPUR 174.52 Hectares 278
63 Lurfuria 282891 SITALI G.P 232.98 Hectares 1902
64 Sidhani 282892 SITALI G.P 332.97 Hectares 2034
65 Balikuri N.C. 282895 JANATA PANCHAYAT 1570.69 Hectares 13487
66 Rubhi 282896 SONAPUR RUNI 274.43 Hectares 2267
67 Balikuri 282897 SONAPUR RMI 89.5 Hectares 1526
68 Gurala 282915 GOBINDAPUR 187.92 Hectares 2071
69 No.4 Bhera 282916 GOBINDA PUR 232.21 Hectares 686
70 Dakhin Sitali 282921 SITULI 159.08 Hectares 1515
71 Bhatkuchi 282923 BHATKUCHI 553.19 Hectares 6205
72 Kopoha 282924 BHATKUCHI 204.16 Hectares 2827
73 Pathlikuchi Pathar 282926 BHATKUCHI 161.28 Hectares 1070
74 Medhirtari 282929 GAJIA MEDHIRTARY 220.55 Hectares 2399
75 Gajia 282930 GAJIA MEDHIR PARA 194.24 Hectares 839
76 Barpalli 282933 BHATKUCHI 152.5 Hectares 1428
77 Nirala N.C. 282965 34 NO KHOLABANDHA 2060.94 Hectares 2925
78 Laharapara N.C. 282966 GUMA 602.41 Hectares 233
79 Lehi 282967 30 NO GUMA 233.73 Hectares 246
80 Salmara Pathar 282968 30 NO GUMA 166.75 Hectares 146

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is No.1 Chasra.

Q2: What is the village code for No.1 Chasra?

A2: The village code for No.1 Chasra is 282836.

Q3: In which block is No.1 Chasra located?

A3: No.1 Chasra is located in the Mandia block.

Q4: What is the total area of No.1 Chasra?

A4: The total area of No.1 Chasra is 205.22 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does No.1 Chasra belong to?

A5: No.1 Chasra belongs to the CHASRA Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is No.1 Chasra located?

A6: No.1 Chasra is located in the Barpeta district in the state of Assam.

Q7: How far is No.1 Chasra from the district headquarter?

A7: No.1 Chasra is 16 kilometers away from the BARPETA district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to No.1 Chasra?

A8: The nearest statutory town is Barpeta (MB) which is 16 kilometers away from No.1 Chasra.

Q9: What is the population of No.1 Chasra?

A9: The population of No.1 Chasra is 2277 people.

Q10: How many households are there in No.1 Chasra?

A10: There are 193 households in No.1 Chasra.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in No.1 Chasra?

A11: There are 1160 males and 1117 females in No.1 Chasra.

Q12: Are there any schools in No.1 Chasra?

A12: Yes, there is 3 government primary school in No.1 Chasra. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in No.1 Chasra?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in No.1 Chasra.

Q14: What is the pin code of No.1 Chasra?

A14: The pin code of No.1 Chasra is 781308.

Q15: Does No.1 Chasra have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in No.1 Chasra.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in No.1 Chasra?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in No.1 Chasra.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in No.1 Chasra?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in No.1 Chasra.

Q18: Is No.1 Chasra connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to No.1 Chasra.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in No.1 Chasra?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in No.1 Chasra.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in No.1 Chasra?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in No.1 Chasra.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in No.1 Chasra?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in No.1 Chasra is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in No.1 Chasra?

A22: There are NA of forest area in No.1 Chasra.

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