
Katrimajhiguda Village

Katrimajhiguda is belongs to Malkangiri, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Katrimajhiguda
Village code : 430450
Block Name : Mathili (0308)
Area : 311
Gram Panchayat : Chaulamandi (15)
District : Malkangiri
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Malkangiri
District Head Quarter distance : 42 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : MALKANGIRI
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 42 Kms
Population : 533
Households : 125
Male : 260
Female : 273
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 764044
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 151.42 Hectares

Google map of Katrimajhiguda location

Near by villages of Katrimajhiguda

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Rukuniatal 429457 Kolar - 80
2 Pitatango 430140 Katapali 696 Hectares 990
3 Golitangiri 430141 Katapali 1063 Hectares 232
4 Baghajhola 430144 Padmagiri 270 Hectares 189
5 Markapali 430145 Bhandaripangam 504 Hectares 719
6 Bhandaripangam 430146 Bhandaripangam 728 Hectares 1250
7 Durumguda 430147 Bhandaripangam 329 Hectares 572
8 Saragiguda 430148 Bhejaguda 303 Hectares 398
9 Pullapali 430149 Bhejaguda 886 Hectares 1198
10 Koiliguda 430150 Bhejaguda 217 Hectares 177
11 Sandhimunda 430151 Bhejaguda 128 Hectares 39
12 Sargiguda 430152 Bhejaguda 122 Hectares 137
13 Muduliguda 430153 Bhejaguda 215 Hectares 276
14 Jamuguda 430154 Bhandaripangam 330 Hectares 162
15 Tanginitanga 430155 Serapali 507 Hectares 400
16 Nuaguda 430174 Serapali 264 Hectares 100
17 Padarapali 430175 Serapali 435 Hectares 709
18 Rangamatiguda 430176 Serapali 539 Hectares 150
19 Kusumabahal 430177 Serapali 495 Hectares 429
20 Gudunadu 430178 Serapali 298 Hectares 514
21 Michubariguda 430179 Serapali 386 Hectares 764
22 Serapali 430180 Serapali 825 Hectares 1745
23 Pandiripani 430181 Pandripani 136 Hectares 850
24 Katameta 430183 Bhejaguda 1467 Hectares 2658
25 Mukaguda 430184 Naikguda 182 Hectares 395
26 Nayakguda 430185 Naikguda 330 Hectares 1025
27 Kuasiguda 430186 Naikguda 94 Hectares 188
28 Chalanaguda 430187 Naikguda 391 Hectares 654
29 Maliguda 430188 Naikguda 304 Hectares 157
30 Mutebeda 430189 Naikguda 230 Hectares 321
31 Tangaguda 430190 Naikguda 324 Hectares 730
32 Khairapali 430191 Naikguda 1268 Hectares 1834
33 Baraja 430192 Pedawada 620 Hectares 1052
34 Pedawada 430193 Pedawada 874 Hectares 1410
35 Adomunda 430194 Gangola 744 Hectares 1202
36 Tapaguda 430195 Marakapali 1634 Hectares 2985
37 Gongola 430196 Gangola 674 Hectares 1558
38 Bayanaikguda 430197 Gangola 349 Hectares 700
39 Dengaguda 430198 Gangola 383 Hectares 911
40 Pokhanamunda 430199 Bhejaguda 617 Hectares 1178
41 Marakapali 430201 Marakapali 310 Hectares 738
42 Sargiguda 430202 Pandripani 303 Hectares 276
43 Pujarimunda 430203 Pandripani 145 Hectares 249
44 Kenduguda 430205 Birlaxmanpur 1055 Hectares 480
45 Ganjaibahal 430206 Birlaxmanpur 604 Hectares 857
46 Biralakhanpur 430207 Birlaxmanpur 595 Hectares 830
47 Gudumupadar 430208 Birlaxmanpur 310 Hectares 395
48 Khadikajodi 430209 Birlaxmanpur 231 Hectares 157
49 Erakusumi 430210 Sindirimala 191 Hectares 192
50 Ranginiguda 430213 Birlaxmanpur 828 Hectares 365
51 Dangarguda 430307 Pandripani - 197
52 Kupuliguda 430308 Mariwada - 93
53 Kurumpaliguda 430313 Tumusapalli - 118
54 Narasingpur 430314 Tumusapalli - 50
55 Bhaliaguda 430315 Tumusapalli - 173
56 Gotiguda 430317 Jhorapalli - 16
57 Jhatiguda 430318 Sikhpalli - 87
58 Ranginiguda 430319 Sikhpalli - 37
59 Sindhrimal 430337 Udupa - 49
60 Luler 430338 Kartanpali 456 Hectares 691
61 Durkaguda 430339 Kartanpali 180 Hectares 195
62 Sanoguma 430340 Kartanpali 263 Hectares 330
63 Bara 430341 Kartanpali 599 Hectares 627
64 Kartanpali 430342 Kartanpali 527 Hectares 892
65 Kantabaunsaguda 430343 Kutunipali 39 Hectares 35
66 Kulabeda 430344 Kutunipali - 368
67 Netalgandhi 430345 Kutunipali 432 Hectares 617
68 Dalapatiguda 430346 Kutunipali 268 Hectares 936
69 Kutunipali 430347 Kutunipali 789 Hectares 989
70 Sarangapali 430348 Kianga 841 Hectares 961
71 Udegiri 430349 Kartanpali 726 Hectares 1008
72 Kopara 430350 Kartanpali 704 Hectares 601
73 Dangaras 430351 Kianga 260 Hectares 135
74 Kerangajaba 430352 Kartanpali 307 Hectares 92
75 Kosalamundaguda 430353 Salimi 281 Hectares 80
76 Katapadar 430354 Kartanpali 138 Hectares 334
77 Tulasi 430355 Temurupalli 1376 Hectares 733
78 Dandipadar 430356 Mahupadar 116 Hectares 339
79 Kukurkund 430357 Temurupalli 438 Hectares 390
80 Temurupali 430358 Temurupalli 1081 Hectares 1693
81 Chamandaras 430359 Salimi 595 Hectares 678
82 Dhakadarasi 430360 Salimi 400 Hectares 367
83 Barubeda 430361 Salimi 581 Hectares 578
84 Kangarabeda 430362 Salimi 209 Hectares 213
85 Biranpali 430363 Kianga 392 Hectares 658
86 Jigidipali 430364 Kianga 125 Hectares 218
87 Badserpali 430365 Kianga 374 Hectares 651
88 Kianga 430366 Kianga 658 Hectares 1580
89 Sindhiguda 430367 Kianga 325 Hectares 382
90 Timasput 430368 Kutunipali 812 Hectares 1356
91 Kadapadar 430369 Kutunipali 700 Hectares 1377
92 Durukajodi 430370 Dhungiaput 429 Hectares 668
93 Bimanpali 430371 Dhungiaput 508 Hectares 621
94 Patraput 430372 Dhungiaput 553 Hectares 1154
95 Dhungiaput 430373 Dhungiaput 890 Hectares 1554
96 Govindapali 430374 Gobindapalli 743 Hectares 3659
97 Dokarijodi 430376 Gobindapalli - 51
98 Baliamba 430377 Gobindapalli - 62
99 Samakunda-1 430378 Gobindapalli - 65
100 Sorgiguda 430379 Gobindapalli - 107
101 Baghaangar 430381 Gobindapalli - 79
102 Kadhuapada 430382 Gobindapalli - 53
103 Tangirigadon 430383 Gobindapalli - 135
104 Disariguda 430384 Gobindapalli - 105
105 Rukniatal 430385 Gobindapalli - 123
106 Debhaguda 430386 Gobindapalli - 205
107 Dombabeda 430387 Gobindapalli - 65
108 Bengapani 430388 Gobindapalli - 40
109 Adarladi 430389 Gobindapalli - 90
110 Koprakut 430390 Gobindapalli - 81
111 Andhari 430391 Gobindapalli - 60
112 Badaghat 430392 Gobindapalli - 46
113 Samakunda-II 430393 Gobindapalli - 51
114 Nuaguda-II 430394 Gobindapalli - 45
115 Chalanguda 430395 Udulibeda 297 Hectares 551
116 Udulibeda 430396 Udulibeda 166 Hectares 888
117 Godiali 430397 Udulibeda 285 Hectares 602
118 Bachalmeta 430398 Udulibeda 189 Hectares 106
119 Patraguda 430399 Dhungiaput 340 Hectares 208
120 Mendukuli 430400 Dalapatiguda 564 Hectares 1295
121 Kenduguda 430401 Dalapatiguda 286 Hectares 399
122 Duraguda 430402 Dalapatiguda 532 Hectares 771
123 Karapali 430403 Chedanga 514 Hectares 882
124 Saradhaput 430404 Chedanga 517 Hectares 790
125 Telekabecha 430405 Kianga 347 Hectares 121
126 Raniguda 430406 Mecca 53 Hectares 59
127 Bhainsaghat 430407 Kianga 337 Hectares 401
128 Talapadar 430408 Salimi 340 Hectares 515
129 Nuaguda 430409 Salimi 259 Hectares 450
130 Padiarasi 430410 Salimi 243 Hectares 195
131 Brahmanguda 430411 Salimi 74 Hectares 47
132 Salimi 430412 Salimi 1159 Hectares 1541
133 Kansariput 430413 Temurupalli 594 Hectares 1138
134 Saragiguda 430414 Temurupalli 617 Hectares 504
135 Katepali 430415 Temurupalli 518 Hectares 143
136 Dangariguda 430416 Mahupadar 117 Hectares 164
137 Pedaguda 430417 Temurupalli 219 Hectares 317
138 Kamarpali 430418 Kamarpali 778 Hectares 1130
139 Kurumpali 430419 Kamarpali 762 Hectares 1302
140 Mahupadar 430420 Mahupadar 148 Hectares 3089
141 Bedurpali 430421 Katapali 843 Hectares 578
142 Katapali 430422 Katapali 490 Hectares 514
143 Galiaguda 430423 Mahupadar 604 Hectares 498
144 Badarengabeda 430424 Katapali 502 Hectares 511
145 Sunapadar 430425 Temurupalli 187 Hectares 337
146 Sarangapali 430426 Katapali 522 Hectares 476
147 Bijapadar 430427 Mecca 950 Hectares 1722
148 Matiguda 430428 Mecca 65 Hectares 47
149 Jamuguda 430429 Chedanga 154 Hectares 86
150 Chedenga 430430 Chedanga 1116 Hectares 1475
151 Sindhabeda 430431 Chedanga 1122 Hectares 1711
152 Ramaguda 430432 Dalapatiguda 266 Hectares 299
153 Dalapatiputa 430433 Dalapatiguda 271 Hectares 675
154 Daiguda 430434 Dalapatiguda 443 Hectares 505
155 Mathili 430436 Mathili 681 Hectares 4697
156 Sana Jhulanibahal 430438 Mathili 64 Hectares 66
157 Baliguda 430439 Udulibeda 317 Hectares 299
158 Dhaudaguda 430440 Mathili 306 Hectares 911
159 Bariabahal 430441 Ambaguda 450 Hectares 969
160 Ambaguda 430442 Ambaguda 158 Hectares 391
161 Madkamiguda 430443 Ambaguda 245 Hectares 492
162 Mundaguda 430444 Mathili 291 Hectares 1425
163 Burudiguda 430446 Ambaguda 185 Hectares 259
164 Anlajodi 430447 Chaulamandi 108 Hectares 55
165 Singalbecha 430449 Ambaguda 105 Hectares 291
166 Salapapadar 430451 Pangam 464 Hectares 242
167 Purunaguda 430452 Pangam 427 Hectares 784
168 Dumaliguda 430453 Pangam 90 Hectares 165
169 Katiguda 430454 Pangam 351 Hectares 440
170 Damapada 430455 Mecca 571 Hectares 1333
171 Muchukiras 430456 Katapali 410 Hectares 247
172 Dusanadu 430457 Katapali 456 Hectares 495
173 Meka 430458 Mecca 1615 Hectares 2331
174 Sananayakguda 430459 Pangam 150 Hectares 292
175 Daniguda 430460 Pangam 202 Hectares 199
176 Pakhanaguda 430461 Naikguda 276 Hectares 517
177 Samarathaguda 430462 Naikguda 311 Hectares 503
178 Patraguda 430463 Pangam 341 Hectares 302
179 Kaliapujariguda 430464 Pangam 58 Hectares 234
180 Gundenguda 430465 Pangam 100 Hectares 122
181 Dangarkhali 430466 Pangam 263 Hectares 381
182 Kadamguda 430467 Pangam 198 Hectares 584
183 Siriguda 430468 Pangam 247 Hectares 430
184 Badaguda 430469 Chaulamandi 508 Hectares 706
185 Pangam 430470 Pangam 296 Hectares 1576
186 Podaguda 430471 Pangam 219 Hectares 377
187 Bandamajhiguda 430472 Chaulamandi 153 Hectares 277
188 Khadimati 430473 Ambaguda 281 Hectares 548
189 Chaulmendi 430474 Chaulamandi 121 Hectares 12
190 Chaulmendi 430475 Chaulamandi 1346 Hectares 3093
191 Gaudaguda 430476 Chaulamandi 27 Hectares 52
192 Gojiagoda 430477 Gobindapalli 321 Hectares 316
193 Kamalapadar 430478 Gobindapalli 233 Hectares 293
194 Kaudiguda 430479 Chedanga 279 Hectares 408
195 Jhulanibahal 430480 Mathili 74 Hectares 2
196 Kutilaguda 430481 Kutunipali 124 Hectares 287
197 Champajharan 430482 Udulibeda 430 Hectares 765
198 Mainsikhal 430483 Gobindapalli 605 Hectares 18
199 Chimatapali 430484 Gobindapalli 119 Hectares 31
200 Kusumaput 430485 Gobindapalli 944 Hectares 347
201 Paruguda 430486 Madakapadar 499 Hectares 231
202 Kasalakondaguma 430488 Madakapadar 611 Hectares 300
203 Lunakhari 430489 Madakapadar 636 Hectares 375
204 Sukriput 430490 Madakapadar 577 Hectares 380
205 Gumajharan 430491 Madakapadar 302 Hectares 222
206 Pakhanaguda 430512 Kadamguda 202 Hectares 122
207 Dabuguda (B) 430513 Kadamguda 405 Hectares 84
208 Khemaguru 430515 Gobindapalli 413 Hectares 956
209 Pujhariguda (B) 430516 Udulibeda 313 Hectares 568
210 Pedaguda 430517 Udulibeda 327 Hectares 336
211 Badaliguda 430518 Udulibeda 130 Hectares 134
212 Gaudaput 430519 Gobindapalli 315 Hectares 258
213 Gangarajguma 430524 Mathili 485 Hectares 342
214 Ambapada 430525 Mathili 169 Hectares 158
215 Pusuruguda 430531 Kadamguda 99 Hectares 225
216 Semiliguda 430532 Kadamguda 283 Hectares 250
217 Limaguda 430870 Pedawada 805 Hectares 1367
218 Degra 430871 Pedawada 202 Hectares 207
219 Degra R.F. 430872 Tarlakota - 51

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Katrimajhiguda.

Q2: What is the village code for Katrimajhiguda?

A2: The village code for Katrimajhiguda is 430450.

Q3: In which block is Katrimajhiguda located?

A3: Katrimajhiguda is located in the Mathili block.

Q4: What is the total area of Katrimajhiguda?

A4: The total area of Katrimajhiguda is 311 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Katrimajhiguda belong to?

A5: Katrimajhiguda belongs to the Chaulamandi Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Katrimajhiguda located?

A6: Katrimajhiguda is located in the Malkangiri district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Katrimajhiguda from the district headquarter?

A7: Katrimajhiguda is 42 kilometers away from the Malkangiri district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Katrimajhiguda?

A8: The nearest statutory town is MALKANGIRI which is 42 kilometers away from Katrimajhiguda.

Q9: What is the population of Katrimajhiguda?

A9: The population of Katrimajhiguda is 533 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Katrimajhiguda?

A10: There are 193 households in Katrimajhiguda.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Katrimajhiguda?

A11: There are 260 males and 273 females in Katrimajhiguda.

Q12: Are there any schools in Katrimajhiguda?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Katrimajhiguda. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Katrimajhiguda?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Katrimajhiguda.

Q14: What is the pin code of Katrimajhiguda?

A14: The pin code of Katrimajhiguda is 764044.

Q15: Does Katrimajhiguda have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Katrimajhiguda.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Katrimajhiguda?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Katrimajhiguda.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Katrimajhiguda?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Katrimajhiguda.

Q18: Is Katrimajhiguda connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Katrimajhiguda.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Katrimajhiguda?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Katrimajhiguda.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Katrimajhiguda?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Katrimajhiguda.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Katrimajhiguda?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Katrimajhiguda is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Katrimajhiguda?

A22: There are 151.42 Hectares of forest area in Katrimajhiguda.

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