
Malaspadar Village

Malaspadar is belongs to Gajapati, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Malaspadar
Village code : 413710
Block Name : Mohana (0213)
Area : 327
Gram Panchayat : Malaspadar (04)
District : Gajapati
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Paralakhemundi
District Head Quarter distance : 140 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : DIGAPAHANDI
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 60 Kms
Population : 627
Households : 151
Male : 322
Female : 305
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 761015
Power Supply :
Post Office : Available
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 44.47 Hectares

Google map of Malaspadar location

Near by villages of Malaspadar

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Dimiripanka 413696 Malaspadar 210 Hectares 211
2 Jamuling 413697 Malaspadar 556 Hectares 293
3 Jhatikasahi 413698 Malaspadar 35 Hectares 77
4 Chhanabania 413699 Malaspadar 148 Hectares 222
5 Chanchadaguda 413700 Malaspadar 188 Hectares 87
6 Mahulapada 413701 Malaspadar 296 Hectares 157
7 Keranjali 413702 Malaspadar 392 Hectares 75
8 Gambhariganda 413703 Malaspadar 190 Hectares 141
9 Agilipadar 413704 Malaspadar 473 Hectares 208
10 Kuturakhala 413705 Govindapur 356 Hectares 106
11 Juba 413706 Govindapur 104 Hectares 393
12 Jholasahi 413707 Govindapur 379 Hectares 236
13 Jarrow 413708 Govindapur 302 Hectares 721
14 Rujangi 413709 Malaspadar 808 Hectares 155
15 Baunsapoi 413711 Malaspadar 167 Hectares 170
16 Rachaguda 413712 Malaspadar 280 Hectares 297
17 Padmapur 413713 Malaspadar 224 Hectares 213
18 Huruguda 413714 Malaspadar 749 Hectares 246
19 Pakelguda 413715 Malaspadar 549 Hectares 17
20 Keheliguda 413716 Malaspadar 801 Hectares 219
21 Palada 413717 Govindapur 753 Hectares 326
22 Tangilipadar 413718 Govindapur 579 Hectares 245
23 Ujuguji 413719 Govindapur 590 Hectares 291
24 Bhaliaguda 413720 Malaspadar 343 Hectares 68
25 Gunjima 413721 Malaspadar 182 Hectares 107
26 Halapanka 413722 Birikote 75 Hectares 282
27 Badamali 413723 Govindapur 83 Hectares 157
28 Belapada 413724 Govindapur 45 Hectares 496
29 Kumangapadar 413725 Govindapur 1208 Hectares 145
30 Chanchadaguda 413726 Govindapur 562 Hectares 54
31 Gotama 413727 Govindapur 103 Hectares 45
32 Betingi 413728 Govindapur 32 Hectares 14
33 Mahaganda 413729 Govindapur 68 Hectares 118
34 Denginipadar 413730 Luhagudi 122 Hectares 264
35 Gutuma 413731 Luhagudi 34 Hectares 100
36 Gochhaguda 413732 Merapalli 275 Hectares 518
37 Hichagandi 413733 Govindapur 185 Hectares 219
38 Patilipanka 413734 Govindapur 119 Hectares 233
39 Govindapur 413735 Govindapur 205 Hectares 909
40 Srirampur 413736 Govindapur 31 Hectares 14
41 Kerakhala 413737 Govindapur 357 Hectares 312
42 Chadiapada 413738 Govindapur 48 Hectares 93
43 Kesara 413739 Govindapur 293 Hectares 484
44 Kiramba 413740 Govindapur 16 Hectares 67
45 Buludapanka 413741 Mohana 111 Hectares 88
46 Badakhani 413742 Mohana 536 Hectares 691
47 Deulakhani 413743 Mohana 77 Hectares 251
48 karanjakua 413744 Mohana 70 Hectares 132
49 Lubru 413745 Mohana 209 Hectares 84
50 Malipadar 413746 Mohana 133 Hectares 113
51 Kanteikoli 413763 Mohana 177 Hectares 354
52 Rekamera 413764 Mohana 443 Hectares 46
53 Betarsingi 413765 Mohana 108 Hectares 376
54 Anlaguda 413766 Mohana 185 Hectares 196
55 Sanakhani 413767 Mohana 383 Hectares 572
56 Bandhaguda 413768 Merapalli 443 Hectares 285
57 Bandhapada 413769 Merapalli 80 Hectares 192
58 Benipadar 413770 Merapalli 271 Hectares 138
59 Bhaliasahi 413771 Merapalli 205 Hectares 152
60 Merama 413772 Merapalli 217 Hectares 180
61 Kunkuni 413773 Merapalli 174 Hectares 294
62 Tuaguda 413774 Merapalli 223 Hectares 145
63 Luhagudi 413775 Luhagudi 362 Hectares 926
64 kamalapur 413776 Luhagudi 293 Hectares 343
65 kandhagani 413777 Luhagudi 388 Hectares 263
66 Tiama 413778 Luhagudi 19 Hectares 72
67 Shyamsundarpur 413779 Luhagudi 94 Hectares 81
68 Kechapanka 413780 Luhagudi 84 Hectares 238
69 Ramachandrapur 413781 Luhagudi 224 Hectares 288
70 Sirisapada 413782 Luhagudi 32 Hectares 112
71 Podasankha 413783 Luhagudi 46 Hectares 98
72 Kapakhala 413784 Luhagudi 68 Hectares 149
73 Pendrakhala 413785 Luhagudi 110 Hectares 97
74 Bhaliagani 413786 Khariguda 473 Hectares 138
75 Ramapadar 413787 Sikulipadar 142 Hectares 69
76 Handima 413788 Sikulipadar 430 Hectares 290
77 kalameri 413789 Sikulipadar 315 Hectares 610
78 Madhuramba 413790 Luhagudi 63 Hectares 161
79 Kandhakalameri 413791 Merapalli 261 Hectares 196
80 Ludru 413792 Merapalli 310 Hectares 461
81 Merapali 413793 Merapalli 184 Hectares 400
82 Kaithapada 413794 Sikulipadar 51 Hectares 64
83 Kesipura 413795 Sikulipadar 51 Hectares 59
84 Padmapur 413796 Sikulipadar 97 Hectares 133
85 Mudumudia 413797 Sikulipadar 370 Hectares 407
86 Lundruguda 413798 Pindiki 154 Hectares 199
87 Andrima 413799 Pindiki 66 Hectares 191
88 Kirema 413800 Pindiki 43 Hectares 102
89 Dhablapada 413801 Pindiki 37 Hectares 46
90 Kamiliguda 413802 Pindiki 243 Hectares 112
91 Marchima 413803 Pindiki 101 Hectares 155
92 Dhepapadar 413804 Pindiki 29 Hectares 172
93 Gundriguda 413805 Dhepaguda 295 Hectares 96
94 Dhanupanka 413806 Mohana 152 Hectares 121
95 Bhaliapada 413807 Mohana 45 Hectares 95
96 Kharikua 413808 Mohana 97 Hectares 101
97 Gandapadar 413809 Mohana 143 Hectares 75
98 Huiri 413810 Mohana 812 Hectares 94
99 Kirtingi 413820 Pindiki 189 Hectares 484
100 Tainda 413821 Mohana 153 Hectares 49
101 Geregidi 413822 Mohana 102 Hectares 129
102 Badipanka 413823 Mohana 157 Hectares 277
103 Lekapadar 413824 Mohana 152 Hectares 448
104 Badheipur 413826 Mohana 85 Hectares 67
105 Liliguda 413827 Pindiki 185 Hectares 569
106 Karapada 413828 Pindiki 195 Hectares 87
107 Titimeri 413829 Pindiki 37 Hectares 86
108 Kuihuru 413830 Pindiki 57 Hectares 77
109 Ekirikumpa 413831 Pindiki 171 Hectares 229
110 Badapur 413832 Sikulipadar 48 Hectares 476
111 Asoka 413833 Sikulipadar 79 Hectares 50
112 kampaguda 413834 Sikulipadar 419 Hectares 544
113 Ramachandrapur 413835 Sikulipadar 42 Hectares 44
114 Talasingi 413836 Sikulipadar 190 Hectares 470
115 Kaloni 413837 Sikulipadar 73 Hectares 157
116 Dengama 413838 Sikulipadar 162 Hectares 261
117 Kaitima 413839 Sikulipadar 261 Hectares 95
118 Patapadar 413840 Sikulipadar 157 Hectares 265
119 Poipada 413841 Sikulipadar 10 Hectares 220
120 Padasahi 413842 Sikulipadar 84 Hectares 96
121 Sinkulipadar 413843 Sikulipadar 318 Hectares 688
122 Olanda 413844 Sikulipadar 70 Hectares 155
123 Pathargada 413845 Sikulipadar 206 Hectares 357
124 Dhanupata 413846 Sikulipadar 98 Hectares 258
125 Mahakupa 413847 Sikulipadar 251 Hectares 170
126 Jhatikasahi 413848 Pindiki 101 Hectares 84
127 Kutunikua 413849 Pindiki 86 Hectares 50
128 Dengama 413851 Antarba 86 Hectares 102
129 Naringi 413852 Pindiki 113 Hectares 312
130 Chikisimera 413853 Pindiki 273 Hectares 88
131 Kumbhimera 413854 Pindiki 288 Hectares 137
132 Pindiki 413855 Pindiki 557 Hectares 687
133 Daliamba 413856 Pindiki 65 Hectares 72
134 Buripadar 413857 Pindiki 64 Hectares 37
135 Bhimapur 413858 Pindiki 64 Hectares 36
136 Nuasahi 413859 Chandiput 176 Hectares 37
137 Pratappur 413860 Pindiki 265 Hectares 379
138 Podamba 413895 Pindiki 195 Hectares 170
139 Nijuma 413896 Pindiki 148 Hectares 121
140 Hundipadar 413898 Pindiki 84 Hectares 63
141 Kradikumpa 413899 Pindiki 109 Hectares 55

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Malaspadar.

Q2: What is the village code for Malaspadar?

A2: The village code for Malaspadar is 413710.

Q3: In which block is Malaspadar located?

A3: Malaspadar is located in the Mohana block.

Q4: What is the total area of Malaspadar?

A4: The total area of Malaspadar is 327 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Malaspadar belong to?

A5: Malaspadar belongs to the Malaspadar Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Malaspadar located?

A6: Malaspadar is located in the Gajapati district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Malaspadar from the district headquarter?

A7: Malaspadar is 140 kilometers away from the Paralakhemundi district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Malaspadar?

A8: The nearest statutory town is DIGAPAHANDI which is 60 kilometers away from Malaspadar.

Q9: What is the population of Malaspadar?

A9: The population of Malaspadar is 627 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Malaspadar?

A10: There are 193 households in Malaspadar.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Malaspadar?

A11: There are 322 males and 305 females in Malaspadar.

Q12: Are there any schools in Malaspadar?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Malaspadar. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Malaspadar?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Malaspadar.

Q14: What is the pin code of Malaspadar?

A14: The pin code of Malaspadar is 761015.

Q15: Does Malaspadar have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Malaspadar.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Malaspadar?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Malaspadar.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Malaspadar?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Malaspadar.

Q18: Is Malaspadar connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Malaspadar.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Malaspadar?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Malaspadar.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Malaspadar?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Malaspadar.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Malaspadar?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Malaspadar is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Malaspadar?

A22: There are 44.47 Hectares of forest area in Malaspadar.

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