
Dhusubali Village

Dhusubali is belongs to Rayagada, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Dhusubali
Village code : 424595
Block Name : Muniguda (0273)
Area : 80
Gram Panchayat : Raghubari (01)
District : Rayagada
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Rayagada
District Head Quarter distance : 100 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : BHAWANIPATNA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 55 Kms
Population : 1
Households : 1
Male : 1
Female : 0
Govt Primary School : NA
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 765021
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : NA
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 47.09 Hectares

Google map of Dhusubali location

Near by villages of Dhusubali

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Jambapadoro 424526 Raghubari 55 Hectares 37
2 Bilangadani 424527 Raghubari 57 Hectares 15
3 Pirelapadar 424528 Raghubari 138 Hectares 47
4 Kingiloha 424529 Dimiriguda 42 Hectares 62
5 Kumutikupa 424530 Dimiriguda 102 Hectares 22
6 Badasiribaru 424531 Dimiriguda 123 Hectares 55
7 Sanaserubaru 424532 Dimiriguda 41 Hectares 31
8 Naniuti 424533 Dimiriguda 91 Hectares 111
9 Tikarpada 424534 Dimiriguda 353 Hectares 424
10 Dumuriguda 424535 Dimiriguda 286 Hectares 742
11 Sirijhola 424536 Dimiriguda 33 Hectares 104
12 Khaliaguda 424537 Raghubari 442 Hectares 638
13 Adagalu 424538 Raghubari 89 Hectares 52
14 Allibhotta 424541 Raghubari 87 Hectares 82
15 Suterpadar 424542 Raghubari 94 Hectares 59
16 Barataran 424543 Saradhapur 55 Hectares 1
17 Badingipadar 424544 Raghubari 55 Hectares 98
18 Umberu 424545 Raghubari 91 Hectares 57
19 Kadanibaru 424546 Raghubari 72 Hectares 57
20 Kataminang 424548 Raghubari 102 Hectares 50
21 Gunjakhal 424549 Raghubari 35 Hectares 41
22 Dedingisoru 424551 Dimiriguda 149 Hectares 22
23 Gadikhal 424553 Ichapur 47 Hectares 77
24 Bamandeo 424554 Ichapur 96 Hectares 34
25 Matambaru 424557 Raghubari 33 Hectares 39
26 Karubaru 424558 Raghubari 80 Hectares 97
27 Gondubaru 424559 Raghubari 42 Hectares 28
28 Silkodi 424560 Raghubari 79 Hectares 127
29 Bhulugan 424561 Raghubari 104 Hectares 64
30 Uchukapadu 424562 Dimiriguda 106 Hectares 55
31 Kesuru 424563 Dimiriguda 93 Hectares 34
32 Suterpadar 424564 Raghubari 59 Hectares 119
33 Gunusuru 424565 Raghubari 76 Hectares 19
34 Madagalu 424566 Raghubari 46 Hectares 38
35 Gochapada 424567 Dimiriguda 114 Hectares 348
36 Kapakupa 424568 Dimiriguda 50 Hectares 27
37 Demupadar 424569 Dimiriguda 156 Hectares 92
38 Bamaseni 424570 Dimiriguda 35 Hectares 25
39 Palakapada 424572 Dimiriguda 81 Hectares 57
40 Doragan 424573 Dimiriguda 231 Hectares 463
41 Uchumuchi 424574 Dimiriguda 64 Hectares 47
42 Guchukapanga 424575 Dimiriguda 31 Hectares 96
43 Bhatangpadar 424576 Dimiriguda 115 Hectares 76
44 Kodimaraka 424578 Dimiriguda 80 Hectares 18
45 Sorubaru 424580 Dimiriguda 45 Hectares 38
46 Jarapa 424582 Dimiriguda 111 Hectares 51
47 Sindhigiri 424583 Dimiriguda 218 Hectares 69
48 Mandura 424585 Dimiriguda 603 Hectares 96
49 Udelmaska 424586 Dimiriguda 90 Hectares 103
50 Matralaku 424587 Dimiriguda 106 Hectares 11
51 Khombari 424589 Dimiriguda 59 Hectares 54
52 Kamakucha 424590 Raghubari 135 Hectares 47
53 Semagali 424591 Dimiriguda 77 Hectares 33
54 Koraciapada 424592 Raghubari 98 Hectares 13
55 Boragam 424593 Raghubari 73 Hectares 52
56 Nundrubadi 424594 Raghubari 77 Hectares 28
57 Bedapadar 424596 Raghubari 38 Hectares 32
58 Durupanga 424597 Dimiriguda 48 Hectares 13
59 Jharanigan 424598 Raghubari 193 Hectares 269
60 Raghubari 424599 Raghubari 130 Hectares 658
61 Sudepadar 424600 Raghubari 62 Hectares 89
62 Haripur 424601 Raghubari 70 Hectares 95
63 Jorigam 424602 Raghubari 147 Hectares 81
64 Raikota 424603 Raghubari 64 Hectares 34
65 Patana 424604 Raghubari 107 Hectares 17
66 Sapagaru 424605 Ichapur 106 Hectares 3
67 Karakamaraka 424606 Ichapur 82 Hectares 100
68 Uchimuchi 424608 Ichapur 71 Hectares 32
69 Udimaska 424609 Ichapur 51 Hectares 97
70 Belamara 424610 Ichapur 110 Hectares 9
71 Sanagangara 424612 Ichapur 73 Hectares 95
72 Dengini 424613 Ichapur 71 Hectares 96
73 Kodaghati 424614 Ichapur 209 Hectares 278
74 Nuapada 424615 Ichapur 80 Hectares 31
75 Ranasapadar 424616 Ichapur 55 Hectares 119
76 Boraguda 424617 Ichapur 136 Hectares 286
77 Kaseri 424618 Ichapur 128 Hectares 180
78 Kanchanbhata 424619 Ichapur 76 Hectares 169
79 Dhangadapadar 424620 Ichapur 51 Hectares 34
80 Peramera 424621 Ichapur 110 Hectares 156
81 Deraguma 424622 Ichapur 117 Hectares 162
82 Bhanpur 424623 Ichapur 141 Hectares 161
83 Terimeri 424624 Ichapur 178 Hectares 103
84 Odijambo 424625 Ichapur 86 Hectares 56
85 Sanonagjhori 424627 Ichapur 72 Hectares 71
86 Bodonajhori 424628 Ichapur 125 Hectares 184
87 Paikokotingpadar 424629 Ichapur 69 Hectares 134
88 Dambokotingpadar 424630 Ichapur 5 Hectares 255
89 Kondhakotingpadar 424631 Ichapur 72 Hectares 25
90 Loharapadar 424634 Ichapur 93 Hectares 159
91 Bodakudelpadar 424637 Ichapur 58 Hectares 51
92 Giriliguda 424638 Ichapur 136 Hectares 189
93 Purunapani 424639 Ichapur 347 Hectares 252
94 Maligam 424640 Ambadola 145 Hectares 167
95 Bujbanga 424641 Ambadola 388 Hectares 54
96 Denganaka 424642 Raghubari 280 Hectares 39
97 Palamondra 424643 Raghubari 101 Hectares 14
98 Koliaripeta 424649 Ambadola 127 Hectares 265
99 Sankulipadar 424650 Ambadola 96 Hectares 56
100 Sukulabhata 424651 Ambadola 111 Hectares 146
101 Kadamaguda 424652 Ambadola 69 Hectares 267
102 Ladakachanchada 424653 Ambadola 64 Hectares 180
103 Dangubadi 424654 Ichapur 127 Hectares 539
104 Dakabhata 424655 Ambadola 38 Hectares 166
105 Gurugam 424656 Ambadola 43 Hectares 134
106 Sangabalasa 424657 Ichapur 172 Hectares 258
107 Ichapur 424658 Ichapur 175 Hectares 514
108 Gadiajhola 424659 Ichapur 155 Hectares 278
109 Domanpadi 424660 Ichapur 136 Hectares 151
110 Kendumara 424661 Ichapur 79 Hectares 129
111 Pakhirigam 424662 Ichapur 117 Hectares 144
112 Dumeniheju 424663 Ichapur 148 Hectares 258
113 Bijepur 424664 Ichapur 147 Hectares 331
114 Kakadamba 424665 Ichapur 86 Hectares 477
115 Baghadangari 424666 Paikaranipinda 189 Hectares 866
116 Chatambo 424667 Amalabhata 32 Hectares 1335
117 Kumudabali 424668 Amalabhata 173 Hectares 1763
118 Amalabhata 424669 Amalabhata 93 Hectares 3373
119 Bandhamunda 424670 Ambadola 102 Hectares 150
120 Matedi 424671 Ambadola 85 Hectares 73
121 Urulang 424672 Ambadola 53 Hectares 141
122 Rukunibori 424673 Ambadola 74 Hectares 65
123 Lakarakhola 424674 Ambadola 93 Hectares 53
124 Malimunda 424680 Saradhapur 75 Hectares 36
125 Dangarabori 424702 Ambadola 85 Hectares 105
126 Khaliapali 424703 Ambadola 34 Hectares 14
127 Ambadala 424704 Ambadola 900 Hectares 3360
128 Goudabalijodi 424705 Paikaranipinda 55 Hectares 384
129 Kandhabalijodi 424706 Paikaranipinda 245 Hectares 229
130 Kuturupali 424707 Paikaranipinda 310 Hectares 375
131 Jhigidi 424708 Paikaranipinda 115 Hectares 520
132 Bamanjholi 424709 Ichapur 17 Hectares 39
133 Paikaranipinda 424711 Paikaranipinda 103 Hectares 314
134 Kondharanipinda 424712 Paikaranipinda 132 Hectares 124
135 Anajodi 424713 Ambadola 132 Hectares 141
136 Biripuda 424716 Ambadola 110 Hectares 205
137 Tolajamojodi 424717 Ambadola 66 Hectares 73
138 Kanibori 424719 Ambadola 139 Hectares 66
139 Jiringili 424720 Ambadola 149 Hectares 194
140 Gamtaguda 424721 Ambadola 217 Hectares 552
141 Rotodo 424761 Ambadola 156 Hectares 288
142 Kutubade 424762 Ambadola 156 Hectares 78
143 Paduruguda 424763 Ambadola 172 Hectares 49
144 Pediguda 424765 Paikaranipinda 91 Hectares 307
145 Kunti 424766 Amalabhata 57 Hectares 105
146 Sunakhunti 424767 Paikaraniguda 123 Hectares 59
147 Tikarapada 426141 Hadiguda 273 Hectares 893
148 Tikarpada 426351 Kailashpur 56 Hectares 30

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Dhusubali.

Q2: What is the village code for Dhusubali?

A2: The village code for Dhusubali is 424595.

Q3: In which block is Dhusubali located?

A3: Dhusubali is located in the Muniguda block.

Q4: What is the total area of Dhusubali?

A4: The total area of Dhusubali is 80 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Dhusubali belong to?

A5: Dhusubali belongs to the Raghubari Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Dhusubali located?

A6: Dhusubali is located in the Rayagada district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Dhusubali from the district headquarter?

A7: Dhusubali is 100 kilometers away from the Rayagada district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Dhusubali?

A8: The nearest statutory town is BHAWANIPATNA which is 55 kilometers away from Dhusubali.

Q9: What is the population of Dhusubali?

A9: The population of Dhusubali is 1 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Dhusubali?

A10: There are 193 households in Dhusubali.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Dhusubali?

A11: There are 1 males and 0 females in Dhusubali.

Q12: Are there any schools in Dhusubali?

A12: Yes, there is NA government primary school in Dhusubali. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Dhusubali?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Dhusubali.

Q14: What is the pin code of Dhusubali?

A14: The pin code of Dhusubali is 765021.

Q15: Does Dhusubali have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Dhusubali.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Dhusubali?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Dhusubali.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Dhusubali?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Dhusubali.

Q18: Is Dhusubali connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Dhusubali.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Dhusubali?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Dhusubali.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Dhusubali?

A20: NA, an ASHA worker is available in Dhusubali.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Dhusubali?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Dhusubali is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Dhusubali?

A22: There are 47.09 Hectares of forest area in Dhusubali.

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