
Malisira Village

Malisira is belongs to Balangir, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Malisira
Village code : 421495
Block Name : Muribahal (0248)
Area : 605
Gram Panchayat : Malisira (14)
District : Balangir
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Balangir
District Head Quarter distance : 85 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : TITLAGARH
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 12 Kms
Population : 1638
Households : 423
Male : 820
Female : 818
Govt Primary School : 2
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 767037
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : Available
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 349.1 Hectares

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Near by villages of Malisira

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Jharkhamar 421024 Ichhapada 116 Hectares 241
2 Katarlaga 421025 Ichhapada 305 Hectares 523
3 Baghuabahal 421026 Ichhapada 122 Hectares 433
4 Saibandha 421027 Ichhapada 188 Hectares 110
5 Bahyaudar 421028 Ichhapada 429 Hectares 416
6 Sargul 421029 Ichhapada 576 Hectares 785
7 Bhandarbanji 421030 Ichhapada 121 Hectares 514
8 Rengali 421031 Ichhapada 187 Hectares 515
9 Kharjuri 421032 Badasaimara 230 Hectares 382
10 Tengara 421033 Badasaimara 301 Hectares 755
11 Dhumamal 421034 Badasaimara 81 Hectares 341
12 Andaldarah 421035 Badasaimara 342 Hectares 861
13 Jharbahali 421036 Badasaimara 510 Hectares 562
14 Amjharan 421037 Badasaimara 118 Hectares 181
15 Chanutmal 421038 Badasaimara 387 Hectares 515
16 Badsaimara 421039 Badasaimara 359 Hectares 684
17 Khaliapali 421040 Badasaimara 311 Hectares 290
18 Sargipali 421041 Ichhapada 33 Hectares 213
19 Ichhapara 421042 Ichhapada 446 Hectares 907
20 Sandhibahal 421043 Chalki 217 Hectares 606
21 Antarla 421044 Ichhapada 333 Hectares 581
22 Jampadar 421045 Chalki 98 Hectares 361
23 Jaintara 421093 Chalki 446 Hectares 1025
24 Chalki 421094 Chalki 909 Hectares 1745
25 Bandupala 421095 Chalki 501 Hectares 1060
26 Kachharbhadi 421096 Chalki 68 Hectares 243
27 Satighat 421097 Badasaimara 187 Hectares 413
28 Jamunabahal 421098 Badasaimara 338 Hectares 655
29 Godighat 421099 Gudighat 420 Hectares 1472
30 Patrapali 421100 Badasaimara 195 Hectares 450
31 Pudapali 421101 Chanabahal 205 Hectares 431
32 Dhatukjuri 421102 Badasaimara 352 Hectares 817
33 Chanabahal 421103 Chanabahal 300 Hectares 966
34 Kumbhari 421107 Chanabahal 662 Hectares 788
35 Salepara 421108 Chanabahal 352 Hectares 555
36 Ghusuramunda 421109 Gudighat 727 Hectares 1365
37 Barbandh 421110 Gudighat 356 Hectares 881
38 Babejuri 421111 Gudighat 300 Hectares 524
39 Balikhamar 421112 Gudighat 206 Hectares 331
40 Bijamal 421113 Gudighat 169 Hectares 328
41 Nuamunda 421114 Chalki 229 Hectares 251
42 Govindpur 421115 Chalki 86 Hectares 72
43 Jamilisar 421116 Chalki 114 Hectares 195
44 Karla 421117 Chalki 333 Hectares 792
45 Bankel 421118 Chalki 302 Hectares 254
46 Bahaduki 421238 Dangarapada 123 Hectares 325
47 Brahmani 421239 Lakhana 493 Hectares 1121
48 Barajura 421240 Muribahal 289 Hectares 403
49 Salepara 421241 Muribahal 233 Hectares 539
50 Gambharikhol 421242 Muribahal 181 Hectares 662
51 Muribahal 421243 Muribahal 400 Hectares 2801
52 Ghantabahali 421244 Muribahal 266 Hectares 918
53 Dumerpara 421245 Muribahal 272 Hectares 592
54 Siletpara 421246 Lakhana 66 Hectares 413
55 Sindhpali 421247 Lakhana 126 Hectares 395
56 Tentulikhunti 421248 Lakhana 87 Hectares 338
57 Lakhana 421249 Lakhana 271 Hectares 918
58 Hadahada 421250 Lakhana 109 Hectares 299
59 Gargarbhal 421251 Lakhana 360 Hectares 1405
60 Dangarapada 421255 Dangarapada 360 Hectares 1134
61 Janipara 421256 Dangarapada 104 Hectares 192
62 Bijghat 421257 Lakhana 155 Hectares 372
63 Makhapali 421258 Patrapali 113 Hectares 501
64 Sahajapani 421259 Dangarapada 386 Hectares 971
65 Malibahal 421260 Dangarapada 124 Hectares 494
66 Saraspara 421279 Dangarapada 233 Hectares 793
67 Limpara 421280 Patrapali 138 Hectares 779
68 Kandenjhula 421281 Lakhana 99 Hectares 295
69 Phundelpadar 421282 Lakhana 165 Hectares 167
70 Debang 421283 Patrapali 265 Hectares 1048
71 Patrapali 421284 Patrapali 240 Hectares 1378
72 Ailabhata 421285 Patrapali 226 Hectares 285
73 Jamut 421286 Patrapali 527 Hectares 1093
74 Laripara 421287 Patrapali 76 Hectares 222
75 Kandakhal 421310 Ganrei 132 Hectares 565
76 Dumermunda` 421311 Ganrei 74 Hectares 64
77 Katadungri 421312 Ganrei 153 Hectares 645
78 Malpara 421313 Ganrei 430 Hectares 1456
79 Dhudukapara 421314 Ganrei 166 Hectares 450
80 Asurmunda 421315 Ganrei 184 Hectares 686
81 Ganrai 421316 Ganrei 324 Hectares 1667
82 Phatamunda 421317 Ganrei 126 Hectares 942
83 Siletpara 421318 Ganrei 142 Hectares 463
84 Jamkani 421377 Tupaudar 348 Hectares 1046
85 Limpara 421378 Tupaudar 169 Hectares 552
86 Salepara 421379 Tupaudar 146 Hectares 372
87 Banbahal 421451 Haldi 261 Hectares 589
88 Dangarpara 421453 Haldi 282 Hectares 677
89 Jubamal 421454 Haldi 40 Hectares 94
90 Jamuan 421455 Haldi 272 Hectares 457
91 Chilphaphada 421456 Haldi 64 Hectares 230
92 Pudisada 421457 Haldi 296 Hectares 419
93 Patamara 421458 Haldi 131 Hectares 779
94 Khaliakani 421459 Haldi 125 Hectares 197
95 Jugirata 421460 Haldi 268 Hectares 730
96 Haldi 421461 Haldi 681 Hectares 2746
97 Tentelkhunti 421463 Haldi 628 Hectares 964
98 Karlapita 421464 Haldi 158 Hectares 535
99 Dangabanji 421465 Malisira 89 Hectares 367
100 Desil 421466 Malisira 346 Hectares 1084
101 Rengali 421467 Malisira 104 Hectares 308
102 Ghantbahali 421468 Malisira 314 Hectares 834
103 Patrapali 421469 Haldi 240 Hectares 1483
104 Kherat 421470 Bankel 131 Hectares 299
105 Bankel 421471 Bankel 662 Hectares 2317
106 Balpadar 421472 Belpadar 93 Hectares 332
107 Putuli 421474 Bankel 215 Hectares 578
108 Podhmunda 421475 Bankel 83 Hectares 244
109 Belpadar 421481 Bankel 236 Hectares 1140
110 Gunchitara 421486 Tentelkhunti 472 Hectares 2240
111 Tikarapara 421487 Tentelkhunti 376 Hectares 1670
112 Khairmal 421489 Malisira 105 Hectares 575
113 Pitapara 421490 Malisira 63 Hectares 381
114 Bileikani 421491 Malisira 76 Hectares 155
115 Kandakhal 421492 Malisira 193 Hectares 573
116 Bitabandh 421493 Malisira 147 Hectares 1026
117 Rahenbhata 421494 Belpadar 18 Hectares 701
118 Tentulikhunti 421496 Tentelkhunti 628 Hectares 1579
119 Dengapadar 421497 Malisira 194 Hectares 590
120 Bhutisada 421498 Malisira 105 Hectares 346
121 Kharali 421499 Malisira 105 Hectares 687
122 Chiknibahali 421500 Malisira 274 Hectares 639

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Malisira.

Q2: What is the village code for Malisira?

A2: The village code for Malisira is 421495.

Q3: In which block is Malisira located?

A3: Malisira is located in the Muribahal block.

Q4: What is the total area of Malisira?

A4: The total area of Malisira is 605 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Malisira belong to?

A5: Malisira belongs to the Malisira Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Malisira located?

A6: Malisira is located in the Balangir district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Malisira from the district headquarter?

A7: Malisira is 85 kilometers away from the Balangir district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Malisira?

A8: The nearest statutory town is TITLAGARH which is 12 kilometers away from Malisira.

Q9: What is the population of Malisira?

A9: The population of Malisira is 1638 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Malisira?

A10: There are 193 households in Malisira.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Malisira?

A11: There are 820 males and 818 females in Malisira.

Q12: Are there any schools in Malisira?

A12: Yes, there is 2 government primary school in Malisira. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Malisira?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Malisira.

Q14: What is the pin code of Malisira?

A14: The pin code of Malisira is 767037.

Q15: Does Malisira have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Malisira.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Malisira?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Malisira.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Malisira?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Malisira.

Q18: Is Malisira connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Malisira.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Malisira?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Malisira.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Malisira?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Malisira.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Malisira?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Malisira is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Malisira?

A22: There are 349.1 Hectares of forest area in Malisira.

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