
Sarbaput Village

Sarbaput is belongs to Koraput, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Sarbaput
Village code : 429883
Block Name : Nandapur (0307)
Area : 111
Gram Panchayat : Hikimput (04)
District : Koraput
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Koraput
District Head Quarter distance : 51 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : KORAPUT
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 62 Kms
Population : 204
Households : 56
Male : 103
Female : 101
Govt Primary School : NA
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 764037
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 14.95 Hectares

Google map of Sarbaput location

Near by villages of Sarbaput

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 P.Khilaput 429624 Bheja 139 Hectares 92
2 Taraliput 429625 Bheja 94 Hectares 103
3 Tudukuthuba 429626 Thuba 260 Hectares 702
4 Hanjarpentha 429628 Bheja 163 Hectares 376
5 H. Khilaput 429632 Bheja 59 Hectares 141
6 Bheja 429633 Bheja 216 Hectares 401
7 Sukuriput 429637 Bheja 71 Hectares 135
8 Taintar 429653 Bheja 196 Hectares 715
9 Gayalput 429654 Bheja 45 Hectares 70
10 Baraba 429655 Bheja 335 Hectares 500
11 Lenjisuku 429755 Kumarogandhana 359 Hectares 376
12 Hatasuku 429756 Kumarogandhana 758 Hectares 657
13 Hariamunda 429757 Kumarogandhana 79 Hectares 285
14 Hingeiput 429758 Kumarogandhana 203 Hectares 205
15 Balia 429759 Kumarogandhana 372 Hectares 191
16 Paliba 429760 Kumarogandhana 783 Hectares 677
17 Kumargandhana 429763 Kumarogandhana 450 Hectares 427
18 Malakhurubi 429764 Kumarogandhana 281 Hectares 181
19 Parajakhudubi 429765 Kumarogandhana 341 Hectares 737
20 Dasaput 429771 Kumarogandhana 312 Hectares 181
21 Kenduput 429772 Tikarpada 149 Hectares 2
22 Kadamagura 429773 Kumarogandhana 108 Hectares 319
23 Kanta 429774 Banamaliput 297 Hectares 182
24 Mediput 429775 Umbel 410 Hectares 1018
25 Umbel 429777 Umbel 734 Hectares 1251
26 Dumuriput 429778 Umbel 253 Hectares 251
27 Tentulipara 429779 Umbel 407 Hectares 507
28 Bankaiput 429780 Umbel 724 Hectares 348
29 Kulab 429782 Subai 1255 Hectares 1114
30 Gullel 429783 Subai 139 Hectares 277
31 Pitaguda 429784 Pitaguda 272.57 Hectares 473
32 Dusara 429785 Subai 280 Hectares 401
33 Machhaput 429786 Subai 85 Hectares 183
34 Haridaput 429787 Gunthaput 135 Hectares 109
35 Gutaput 429788 Gunthaput 480 Hectares 1123
36 Swain 429790 Subai 617 Hectares 1810
37 Bijapur 429791 Khurji 817 Hectares 1123
38 Burudiput 429792 Khurji 133 Hectares 258
39 Semala 429793 Khurji 466 Hectares 364
40 Jogiput 429794 Khurji 299 Hectares 352
41 Hingeiput 429795 Umbel 436 Hectares 284
42 Maliput 429796 Banamaliput 182 Hectares 335
43 Katakar 429797 Banamaliput 179 Hectares 87
44 Deogondhana 429798 Banamaliput 221 Hectares 962
45 Bhimariput 429799 Banamaliput 250 Hectares 234
46 Banamaliput 429801 Banamaliput 58 Hectares 527
47 Chheliamunda 429810 Malibelagam 691 Hectares 600
48 Jaraput 429812 Banamaliput 397 Hectares 430
49 Lamanda 429814 Banamaliput 319 Hectares 446
50 Kadamgura 429815 Malibelagam 107 Hectares 138
51 Talageruput 429816 Malibelagam 257 Hectares 195
52 Pujhariput 429817 Banamaliput 187 Hectares 217
53 Gadiajholla 429819 Banamaliput 35 Hectares 205
54 Buchhaput 429820 Khurji 169 Hectares 87
55 Uparageruput 429821 Nandapur 184 Hectares 234
56 Doraput 429822 Nandapur 80 Hectares 59
57 Durukaput 429823 Nandapur 67 Hectares 72
58 Analaghat 429824 Khurji 152 Hectares 178
59 Baraput 429825 Khurji 55 Hectares 138
60 Nalachua 429826 Nandapur 125 Hectares 97
61 Majhiput 429827 Khurji 157 Hectares 141
62 Kharagapur 429829 Nandapur 220 Hectares 470
63 Galaput 429830 Khurji 34 Hectares 79
64 Chingurichua 429831 Nandapur 46 Hectares 86
65 Kamaragura 429832 Khurji 32 Hectares 67
66 Chhaparamba 429833 Khurji 145 Hectares 185
67 Dokriput 429834 Khurji 55 Hectares 109
68 Muliaput 429835 Khurji 84 Hectares 76
69 Maliput 429836 Khudi 258 Hectares 308
70 Luhaba 429837 Subai 166 Hectares 470
71 Sisaput 429838 Subai 119 Hectares 274
72 Porapadar 429839 Gunthaput 47 Hectares 115
73 Majhiput 429840 Gunthaput 180 Hectares 285
74 Litiput 429841 Gunthaput 45 Hectares 147
75 Chhataput 429842 Gunthaput 111 Hectares 189
76 Bilaput 429843 Gunthaput 321 Hectares 136
77 Handapur 429844 Gunthaput 234 Hectares 374
78 Hadiguda 429845 Gunthaput 406 Hectares 511
79 Majhiput 429846 Gunthaput 37 Hectares 71
80 Karari 429851 Gunthaput 163 Hectares 432
81 Nandigan 429852 Khurji 211 Hectares 295
82 Gutalguda 429853 Gunthaput 42 Hectares 116
83 Charampi 429854 Khurji 25 Hectares 51
84 Khotalput 429855 Khurji 50 Hectares 143
85 Joriput 429856 Khurji 119 Hectares 306
86 Kirajholla 429857 Khurji 106 Hectares 112
87 Khurji 429858 Khurji 74 Hectares 251
88 Nandapur 429859 Nandapur 670 Hectares 4027
89 Bahiripara 429860 Nandapur 192 Hectares 612
90 Araput 429861 Nandapur 196 Hectares 183
91 Paralput 429862 Nandapur 129 Hectares 161
92 Lunjingi 429863 Hikimput 154 Hectares 199
93 Muduliput 429864 Nandapur 87 Hectares 149
94 Malibelagan 429865 Malibelagam 189 Hectares 277
95 Kamarabelgan 429867 Malibelagam 107 Hectares 401
96 Saunipujariput 429868 Malibelagam 189 Hectares 335
97 Kujel 429869 Malibelagam 208 Hectares 554
98 Sidaput 429870 Malibelagam 118 Hectares 196
99 Baratankua 429871 Malibelagam 650 Hectares 488
100 Badalipandi 429872 Malibelagam 161 Hectares 282
101 Ghagadapandi 429873 Thuba 427 Hectares 413
102 Parata 429874 Thuba 196 Hectares 531
103 Kukudaput 429875 Thuba 157 Hectares 201
104 Gulpandi 429876 Malibelagam 278 Hectares 565
105 Khatagauraput 429877 Malibelagam 125 Hectares 311
106 Gobindapur 429878 Hikimput 80 Hectares 149
107 Niladoraput 429879 Hikimput 237 Hectares 599
108 Marara 429880 Hikimput 51 Hectares 110
109 Lenjiput 429881 Hikimput 34 Hectares 34
110 Hikimput 429882 Hikimput 163 Hectares 637
111 Badaligura 429884 Hikimput 108 Hectares 132
112 Khilua 429886 Hikimput 188 Hectares 656
113 Chitalput 429887 Nandapur 139 Hectares 138
114 Kaurikhar 429888 Nandapur 8 Hectares 26
115 Sarbati 429889 Nandapur 125 Hectares 334
116 Barapadar 429890 Khurji 121 Hectares 489
117 Darangaba 429909 Kasandi 71 Hectares 360
118 Reraput 429910 Kasandi 75 Hectares 183
119 Nuaput 429911 Kasandi 85 Hectares 300
120 Bhalugura 429913 Kasandi 150 Hectares 41
121 Bandakaput 429914 Kasandi 228 Hectares 248
122 Maliput 429916 Hikimput 185 Hectares 386
123 Bisipur 429917 Hikimput 170 Hectares 307
124 Bijagura 429918 Hikimput 122 Hectares 58
125 Billaput 429919 Hikimput 132 Hectares 359
126 Satasemili 429920 Thuba 91 Hectares 446
127 Patrapandi 429921 Thuba 427 Hectares 809
128 Paikathoba 429922 Thuba 151 Hectares 339
129 Sankiri 429923 Hikimput 76 Hectares 151
130 Bodaligura 429925 Bheja 108 Hectares 152
131 Mangrel 429927 Raising 264 Hectares 363
132 Kasandi 429929 Kasandi 259 Hectares 545
133 Rurichuan 429930 Kasandi 152 Hectares 298
134 Similiput 429931 Kasandi 117 Hectares 121
135 Bilaput 429932 Kasandi 194 Hectares 218
136 Kalari 429933 Kasandi 266 Hectares 608
137 Adra 429943 Kasandi 161 Hectares 242
138 Baghragura 429944 Kasandi 68 Hectares 66
139 Dabba 429945 Kasandi 274 Hectares 348
140 Charagaon 429955 Pitaguda 691.96 Hectares 1264
141 Boriguda(Bariguda) 430014 Gunthaput 173 Hectares 114

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Sarbaput.

Q2: What is the village code for Sarbaput?

A2: The village code for Sarbaput is 429883.

Q3: In which block is Sarbaput located?

A3: Sarbaput is located in the Nandapur block.

Q4: What is the total area of Sarbaput?

A4: The total area of Sarbaput is 111 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Sarbaput belong to?

A5: Sarbaput belongs to the Hikimput Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Sarbaput located?

A6: Sarbaput is located in the Koraput district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Sarbaput from the district headquarter?

A7: Sarbaput is 51 kilometers away from the Koraput district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Sarbaput?

A8: The nearest statutory town is KORAPUT which is 62 kilometers away from Sarbaput.

Q9: What is the population of Sarbaput?

A9: The population of Sarbaput is 204 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Sarbaput?

A10: There are 193 households in Sarbaput.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Sarbaput?

A11: There are 103 males and 101 females in Sarbaput.

Q12: Are there any schools in Sarbaput?

A12: Yes, there is NA government primary school in Sarbaput. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Sarbaput?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Sarbaput.

Q14: What is the pin code of Sarbaput?

A14: The pin code of Sarbaput is 764037.

Q15: Does Sarbaput have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Sarbaput.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Sarbaput?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Sarbaput.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Sarbaput?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Sarbaput.

Q18: Is Sarbaput connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Sarbaput.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Sarbaput?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Sarbaput.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Sarbaput?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Sarbaput.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Sarbaput?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Sarbaput is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Sarbaput?

A22: There are 14.95 Hectares of forest area in Sarbaput.

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