
Hukumpeta Village

Hukumpeta is belongs to Srikakulam, district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Village   Details
Name : Hukumpeta
Village code : 580635
Block Name : Nandigam (0457)
Area : 54
Gram Panchayat : NOWGAM ()
District : Srikakulam
State : Andhra Pradesh
District Head Quarter : SRIKAKULAM
District Head Quarter distance : 68 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : PALASA KASIBUGGA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 28 Kms
Population : 267
Households : 78
Male : 128
Female : 139
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 532201
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : NA
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Hukumpeta location

Near by villages of Hukumpeta

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Konangi 580173 BADDUMARRI 99 Hectares 247
2 Haridwaram 580174 BADDUMARRI 220 Hectares 1524
3 Themburu 580175 THEMBURU 742 Hectares 3299
4 Gittangi 580176 BADDUMARRI 73 Hectares 198
5 Gangarajapuram 580179 GANGARAJAPURAM 380 Hectares 2379
6 Gottipalle 580236 KERASINGI 130 Hectares 189
7 Peddakedari 580237 VENKATAPURAM 3565 Hectares 238
8 Haddivada 580239 VENKATAPURAM 5 Hectares 109
9 Tamalapuram 580581 DEENABANDHUPURAM 85 Hectares 394
10 Deenabandupuram 580582 DEENABANDUPURAM 80 Hectares 850
11 Savarakothuru 580583 ANNAPURAM 159 Hectares 172
12 Beniavooru 580584 DIMMIDIJOLA 125 Hectares 52
13 Savararampuram 580585 DIMMIDIJOLA 181 Hectares 171
14 Peddaguruvooru 580586 HARSHABADA 181 Hectares 270
15 Chinnaguruvuru 580587 HARSHABADA 63 Hectares 89
16 Majjigopalapuram 580604 BEJJIPALLE 153 Hectares 208
17 Savaralingupuram 580606 HARSHABADA 123 Hectares 611
18 Venkatapuram 580607 HARSHABADA 25 Hectares 70
19 Savararama Krishnapuram 580608 HARSHABADA 386 Hectares 311
20 Dimmidijola 580609 DIMMIDIJOLA 248 Hectares 1710
21 Karajada 580610 ANNAPURAM 174 Hectares 119
22 Annapuram 580611 ANNAPURAM 59 Hectares 625
23 Khallada 580612 KHALLADA 293 Hectares 543
24 Malliveedu 580614 KHALLADA 48 Hectares 35
25 Kaijola 580615 KHALLADA 243 Hectares 537
26 Sagarampeta 580616 HARSHABADA 53 Hectares 23
27 Harshabada 580617 HARSHABADA 55 Hectares 673
28 Mukundapuram 580618 HARSHABADA 35 Hectares 155
29 Temburu 580620 TEMBURU 412 Hectares 1882
30 Chinnalavunipalle 580621 PEDDALAVUNIPALLE 97 Hectares 407
31 Lattigam 580622 KAPUTEMBURU 95 Hectares 188
32 Borubhadra 580630 BORUBHADRA 165 Hectares 764
33 Kanchivooru 580632 BORUBHADRA 34 Hectares 102
34 Peddalavunipalle 580633 PEDDALAVUNIPALLE 198 Hectares 679
35 Singupuram 580634 BEJJIPALLE 74 Hectares 365
36 Madanapuram 580636 KHALLADA 149 Hectares 568
37 Jammipeta 580637 KHALLADA 27 Hectares 87
38 Bharthupuram 580639 KHALLADA 101 Hectares 213
39 Kandulagudem 580640 KHALLADA 96 Hectares 47
40 Radhajanabodda Padu 580641 RADHAJANABODDA PADU 136 Hectares 836
41 Mamidipalle 580642 KHALLADA 27 Hectares 31
42 Nowgam 580643 NOWGAM 326 Hectares 1363
43 Polavaram 580645 BAJJIPALLE 113 Hectares 159
44 Subhadrapuram 580646 SUBHADRAPURAM 130 Hectares 997
45 Palavalasa 580647 NARENDHRAPURAM 192 Hectares 400
46 Manigam 580655 VALLABHADRAIPADU 244 Hectares 490
47 Narendrapuram 580657 NARENDRAPURAM 320 Hectares 649
48 Nandigam 580658 NANDIGAM 595 Hectares 4180
49 Bejjipalle 580659 BEJJIPALLE 157 Hectares 350
50 Pothuluru 580660 KARLAPUDI 69 Hectares 344
51 Karlapudi 580661 KARLAPUDI 119 Hectares 408
52 Padmapuram 580662 RADHAJANABODDA PADU 70 Hectares 62
53 Bhiriboddapadu 580663 RADHAJANABODDA PADU 81 Hectares 143
54 Bellukola 580664 RADHAJANABODDA PADU 97 Hectares 252
55 Jayapuram 580666 RAMPURAM 44 Hectares 380
56 Rampuram 580667 RAMPURAM 42 Hectares 534
57 Chinnalaxmipuram 580668 RAMPURAM 24 Hectares 147
58 Sontinooru 580669 GOLLAVURU 768 Hectares 246
59 Chinnarigokarla Palle 580670 GOLLAVURU 38 Hectares 178
60 Peddatamarapalle 580671 PEDDATAMARAPALLE 422 Hectares 2335
61 Chinnatamarapalle 580672 KARLAPUDI 67 Hectares 288
62 Akularaghunadha Puram 580673 MANTRAYAVALASA 112 Hectares 661
63 Pentavooru 580674 NANDIGAM 195 Hectares 1457
64 Venugopalapuram 580675 NANDIGAM 233 Hectares 719
65 Mojjuvada 580676 SIVARAMPURAM 78 Hectares 207
66 Bharanigam 580678 SIVARAMPURAM 96 Hectares 167
67 Devada 580680 SAILADA 119 Hectares 537
68 Kotipalle 580681 SIVARAMPURAM 149 Hectares 555
69 Badabanda 580682 SIVARAMPURAM 138 Hectares 291
70 Komatooru 580684 NARSIPURAM 112 Hectares 176
71 Narsipuram 580685 NARSIPURAM 198 Hectares 904
72 Devalabhadra 580686 DEVALABHADRA 320 Hectares 1516
73 Banjeerupeta 580692 SAILADA 47 Hectares 292
74 Kommusariapalle 580925 KOMMUSARIAPALLE 131 Hectares 401
75 Marripadu 580926 KURMANADHAPURAM 379 Hectares 501
76 Kurmanadhapuram 580927 KURMANADHAPURAM 188 Hectares 488
77 Charanadasupuram 580928 RAMAKRISHNAPURAM 133 Hectares 328
78 Ramakrishnapuram 580929 RAMAKRISHNAPURAM 23 Hectares 569
79 Vandra 580930 VANDRA 534 Hectares 1413
80 Bejji 580931 VANDRA 148 Hectares 874
81 Jarali 580956 KIDIMI 841 Hectares 2114
82 Bheempuram 580957 MEGHAVARAM 183 Hectares 700
83 Addukonda 580958 MEGHAVARAM 923 Hectares 113
84 Lingalavalasa 580961 LINGALAVALASA 1173 Hectares 3014
85 Rangapuram 580962 LINGALAVALASA 83 Hectares 399
86 Polavaram 580963 POLAVARAM 529 Hectares 2313
87 Peddasana 580964 PEDDASANA 894 Hectares 1656
88 Parasarampuram 580965 PARASURAMPURAM 251 Hectares 664
89 Konusulakotturu 580966 KONUSULAKOTTURU 200 Hectares 1180
90 Chakipalle 580967 CHAKIPALLE 449 Hectares 1457
91 Boppaipuram 580968 BOPPAIPURAM 64 Hectares 421
92 Vikrampuram 580969 BOPPAIPURAM 146 Hectares 545
93 Veera Raghunadha Puram 580970 TEKKALI 53 Hectares 471
94 Meghavaram 580971 MEGHAVARAM 97 Hectares 1252
95 Veeraramakrishnapuram 580972 THIRLANGI 235 Hectares 252
96 Thirlangi 580973 THIRLANGI 503 Hectares 2923
97 Shyamasundarapuram 580974 AKKAVARAM 103 Hectares 571
98 Akkavaram 580975 AKKAVARAM 121 Hectares 1276
99 Tolusurupalle 580979 TOLUSURUPALLE 104 Hectares 1499
100 Chintamani @ Nuvvuguddi 580980 MEGHAVARAM 254 Hectares 96
101 Gudem 580981 GUDEM 634 Hectares 1130
102 Damara 580982 MOKHALINGAPURAM 50 Hectares 151
103 Mokhalingapuram 580983 MOKHALINGAPURAM 511 Hectares 438
104 Chirutanapalle 580984 MOKHALINGAPURAM 48 Hectares 80
105 Narasingaspalle 580985 NARASINGAPALLE 448 Hectares 2252
106 Palasingi 580986 MOKHALINGAPURAM 86 Hectares 141
107 Pittalasaria 580987 GUDEM 110 Hectares 694
108 Kondabheempuram 580988 SASANAM 95 Hectares 602
109 Sasanam 580989 SASANAM 100 Hectares 670
110 Kantragada 580990 AYODHYAPURAM 323 Hectares 330
111 Makavaram 580991 SASANAM 49 Hectares 121
112 Somayyavalasa 580992 AYODHYAPURAM 18 Hectares 176
113 Ayodhyapuram 580993 AYODHYAPURAM 74 Hectares 587
114 Moduguvalasa 581001 BONNUVADA 129 Hectares 594
115 Bonnuvada 581002 BONNUVADA 155 Hectares 851
116 Sampathiraoramakrishnapuram 581003 AYODHYAPURAM 58 Hectares 75
117 Pedatungam 581012 PEDATUNGAM 201 Hectares 652
118 Sariapalle 581051 SARIAPALLE 213 Hectares 965
119 Kothapalle 581052 KOTHAPALLE 520 Hectares 3005
120 Gudivada 581053 CHINASANA 96 Hectares 264
121 Chinasana 581054 CHINASANA 342 Hectares 1172
122 Jiyyannapeta 581055 JIYYANNAPETA 225 Hectares 911

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Hukumpeta.

Q2: What is the village code for Hukumpeta?

A2: The village code for Hukumpeta is 580635.

Q3: In which block is Hukumpeta located?

A3: Hukumpeta is located in the Nandigam block.

Q4: What is the total area of Hukumpeta?

A4: The total area of Hukumpeta is 54 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Hukumpeta belong to?

A5: Hukumpeta belongs to the NOWGAM Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Hukumpeta located?

A6: Hukumpeta is located in the Srikakulam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Q7: How far is Hukumpeta from the district headquarter?

A7: Hukumpeta is 68 kilometers away from the SRIKAKULAM district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Hukumpeta?

A8: The nearest statutory town is PALASA KASIBUGGA which is 28 kilometers away from Hukumpeta.

Q9: What is the population of Hukumpeta?

A9: The population of Hukumpeta is 267 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Hukumpeta?

A10: There are 193 households in Hukumpeta.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Hukumpeta?

A11: There are 128 males and 139 females in Hukumpeta.

Q12: Are there any schools in Hukumpeta?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Hukumpeta. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Hukumpeta?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Hukumpeta.

Q14: What is the pin code of Hukumpeta?

A14: The pin code of Hukumpeta is 532201.

Q15: Does Hukumpeta have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Hukumpeta.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Hukumpeta?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Hukumpeta.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Hukumpeta?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Hukumpeta.

Q18: Is Hukumpeta connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Hukumpeta.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Hukumpeta?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Hukumpeta.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Hukumpeta?

A20: NA, an ASHA worker is available in Hukumpeta.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Hukumpeta?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Hukumpeta is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Hukumpeta?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Hukumpeta.

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