
Bankholi Village

Bankholi is belongs to Angul, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Bankholi
Village code : 403620
Block Name : Palalahada (0154)
Area : 135
Gram Panchayat : Rohila (21)
District : Angul
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Anugul
District Head Quarter distance : 97 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : PALALAHADA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 41 Kms
Population : 286
Households : 69
Male : 146
Female : 140
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 759118
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 57.77 Hectares

Google map of Bankholi location

Near by villages of Bankholi

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Balipasi 403542 Khemula 294 Hectares 321
2 Phuljhari 403543 Khemula 148 Hectares 371
3 Sukadevpur 403544 Khemula 53 Hectares 228
4 Rohira 403545 Khemula 889 Hectares 519
5 Balbhadrapur 403546 Khemula 57 Hectares 50
6 Khanatapasi 403547 Badasada 214 Hectares 529
7 Kurumula 403549 Badasada 496 Hectares 898
8 Boitasarei 403550 Jharabeda 104 Hectares 336
9 Jambua 403551 Jharabeda 351 Hectares 466
10 Biranamunda 403552 Allori 126 Hectares 345
11 Sapajhara 403553 Allori 123 Hectares 241
12 Madhupur 403555 Allori 37 Hectares 34
13 Burubura 403556 Allori 266 Hectares 610
14 Paramanandapur 403558 Allori 160 Hectares 170
15 Alori 403559 Allori 407 Hectares 885
16 Bhetia 403560 Allori 176 Hectares 791
17 Nuagan 403561 Allori 477 Hectares 839
18 Basudebapur 403562 Khamara 119 Hectares 253
19 Telar 403563 Khamara 105 Hectares 38
20 Chingudimunda 403564 Khamara 138 Hectares 179
21 Gunhapal 403565 Khamara 120 Hectares 179
22 Padapasi 403567 Badasada 177 Hectares 925
23 Talbahali 403568 Badasada 87 Hectares 58
24 Bahadakani 403569 Badasada 84 Hectares 224
25 Tambur 403570 Badasada 514 Hectares 886
26 Khanatapasi Colony 403571 Badasada 192 Hectares 239
27 Chakradharpur 403573 Badasada 118 Hectares 64
28 Badasada 403574 Badasada 1193 Hectares 2114
29 Barkotia 403575 Khemula 743 Hectares 1524
30 Gopinathpur 403576 Badasada 206 Hectares 380
31 Rengalmunda 403578 Khemula 337 Hectares 501
32 Bandhakani 403581 Karadapal 357 Hectares 781
33 Jayamal 403582 Karadapal 348 Hectares 957
34 Satyagan 403583 Sankhamur 33 Hectares 169
35 Dwitikrishnapur 403584 Badasada 123 Hectares 273
36 Bhadramunda 403585 Sankhamur 88 Hectares 171
37 Ranja 403586 Sankhamur 396 Hectares 972
38 Khandabeda 403588 Sankhamur 119 Hectares 278
39 Pita 403589 Sankhamur 410 Hectares 440
40 Jharkilinda 403590 Sankhamur 157 Hectares 412
41 Sankhamur 403591 Sankhamur 826 Hectares 1992
42 Patabeda 403592 Sankhamur 174 Hectares 193
43 Garadmunda 403593 Sankhamur 152 Hectares 713
44 Sanasada 403594 Badasada 290 Hectares 728
45 Jitadimiria 403595 Khamara 79 Hectares 152
46 Nuapada 403596 Khamara 71 Hectares 313
47 Patumura 403597 Sankhamur 21 Hectares 68
48 Baidyanathapur 403598 Sankhamur 54 Hectares 55
49 Sahupada 403599 Khamara 113 Hectares 378
50 Bindapur 403600 Khamara 38 Hectares 11
51 Jenapada 403601 Khamara 142 Hectares 841
52 Nuthuripasi 403603 Khamara 143 Hectares 305
53 Kumbhargadi 403604 Khamara 19 Hectares 40
54 Sulia 403606 Khamara 34 Hectares 420
55 Pathuri 403607 Khamara 13 Hectares 91
56 Khamar 403608 Khamara 128 Hectares 1456
57 Nimiribeda 403610 Badasada 111 Hectares 429
58 Odasha 403611 Khamara 420 Hectares 2354
59 Kutarimunda 403612 Khamara 193 Hectares 288
60 Kochiabeda 403613 Khamara 326 Hectares 846
61 Munduribeda (Mundribeda-II) 403614 Munduribeda 913 Hectares 2005
62 Raghunathpur 403616 Injidi 481 Hectares 305
63 Malarbeda 403618 Injidi 162 Hectares 241
64 Hansala 403619 Rohila 402 Hectares 692
65 Magarmuhan 403621 Rohila 327 Hectares 775
66 Sendhamunda 403622 Rohila 162 Hectares 103
67 Rengalmunda 403623 Injidi 335 Hectares 562
68 Mandhata 403624 Injidi 234 Hectares 342
69 Padhanipal 403625 Injidi 57 Hectares 14
70 Jaganathapur 403626 Injidi 75 Hectares 181
71 Sanda 403627 Injidi 318 Hectares 693
72 Priyambadapur 403628 Kunjam 193 Hectares 404
73 Padang 403629 Kunjam 96 Hectares 129
74 Kunjam 403630 Kunjam 590 Hectares 1258
75 Chhanchunia 403631 Kunjam 381 Hectares 577
76 Siarimalia 403632 Munduribeda 496 Hectares 1323
77 Narayanchandrapur 403633 Munduribeda 112 Hectares 188
78 Satyabanda 403634 Khamara 180 Hectares 404
79 Baidehipur 403639 Sankhamur 320 Hectares 506
80 Nitiam 403641 Sankhamur 27 Hectares 24
81 Panihara 403642 Sankhamur 300 Hectares 488
82 Rajamunda 403643 Sankhamur 86 Hectares 156
83 Nabamunda 403644 Sankhamur 57 Hectares 36
84 Besalia 403646 Sankhamur 212 Hectares 580
85 Ganeshganja 403647 Sankhamur 79 Hectares 68
86 Jambua 403649 Sankhamur 227 Hectares 458
87 Dangapal 403660 Kunjam 205 Hectares 495
88 Dwitikrishnapur 403661 Rajdanga 158 Hectares 289
89 Paunsia 403662 Rajdanga 366 Hectares 364
90 Ganjeimuni 403663 Rajdanga 150 Hectares 130
91 Kholamunda 403664 Kunjam 265 Hectares 177
92 Rajadanga 403665 Rajdanga 748 Hectares 1735
93 Tolakapatia 403666 Rajdanga 97 Hectares 23
94 Bakata 403667 Rajdanga 80 Hectares 18
95 Badabalipasi 403668 Rajdanga 244 Hectares 405
96 Badagunda 403669 Rajdanga 493 Hectares 331
97 Tileipasi 403671 Injidi 1023 Hectares 1077
98 Injidi 403672 Injidi 165 Hectares 690
99 Kukuria 403673 Injidi 136 Hectares 268
100 Debahali 403674 Injidi 553 Hectares 543
101 Jaunlibandha 403675 Rohila 188 Hectares 223
102 Bijagotha 403676 Rohila 298 Hectares 273
103 Benipathar 403677 Rohila 325 Hectares 345
104 Rohila 403678 Rohila 384 Hectares 1637
105 Kansar 403679 Rohila 244 Hectares 530
106 Tandibereni 403680 Rohila 229 Hectares 332
107 Rangiapal 403681 Rohila 437 Hectares 801
108 Bhojapur 403682 Rohila 384 Hectares 239
109 Sandhauragotha 403683 Kunjam 412 Hectares 356

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Bankholi.

Q2: What is the village code for Bankholi?

A2: The village code for Bankholi is 403620.

Q3: In which block is Bankholi located?

A3: Bankholi is located in the Palalahada block.

Q4: What is the total area of Bankholi?

A4: The total area of Bankholi is 135 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Bankholi belong to?

A5: Bankholi belongs to the Rohila Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Bankholi located?

A6: Bankholi is located in the Angul district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Bankholi from the district headquarter?

A7: Bankholi is 97 kilometers away from the Anugul district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Bankholi?

A8: The nearest statutory town is PALALAHADA which is 41 kilometers away from Bankholi.

Q9: What is the population of Bankholi?

A9: The population of Bankholi is 286 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Bankholi?

A10: There are 193 households in Bankholi.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Bankholi?

A11: There are 146 males and 140 females in Bankholi.

Q12: Are there any schools in Bankholi?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Bankholi. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Bankholi?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Bankholi.

Q14: What is the pin code of Bankholi?

A14: The pin code of Bankholi is 759118.

Q15: Does Bankholi have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Bankholi.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Bankholi?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Bankholi.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Bankholi?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Bankholi.

Q18: Is Bankholi connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Bankholi.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Bankholi?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Bankholi.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Bankholi?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Bankholi.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Bankholi?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Bankholi is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Bankholi?

A22: There are 57.77 Hectares of forest area in Bankholi.

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