
Jogimunda Village

Jogimunda is belongs to Angul, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Jogimunda
Village code : 403452
Block Name : Palalahada (0154)
Area : 125
Gram Panchayat : Balipasi (05)
District : Angul
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Anugul
District Head Quarter distance : 105 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : PALALAHADA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 5 Kms
Population : 200
Households : 38
Male : 90
Female : 110
Govt Primary School : NA
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 759119
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 32.13 Hectares

Google map of Jogimunda location

Near by villages of Jogimunda

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
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2 Tanugola 403394 Nagira 829 Hectares 419
3 Kaira 403395 Nagira 224 Hectares 173
4 Rada 403396 Nagira 352 Hectares 310
5 Baradiha 403397 Nagira 28 Hectares 321
6 Barundiha 403398 Nagira 28 Hectares 174
7 Salei 403399 Nagira 748 Hectares 473
8 Sandhar 403400 Nagira 505 Hectares 487
9 Kadaminipur 403401 Nagira 140 Hectares 199
10 Sibida 403402 Nagira 458 Hectares 385
11 Balibahal 403403 Nagira 690 Hectares 221
12 Jallaha 403404 Nagira 166 Hectares 62
13 Nagira 403405 Nagira 1160 Hectares 634
14 Rugudidiha 403406 Nagira 780 Hectares 276
15 Kadadiha 403407 Saida 94 Hectares 357
16 jolanda 403408 Saida 353 Hectares 451
17 Mohanpur 403409 Saida 92 Hectares 124
18 Atanaka 403410 Saida 128 Hectares 172
19 Gopapur 403411 Bandhabhuin 76 Hectares 108
20 Jamardiha (Panchunaika) 403412 Bandhabhuin 155 Hectares 255
21 Dudipani 403413 Bandhabhuin 371 Hectares 528
22 Jamardiha(PABUDI) 403414 Bandhabhuin 679 Hectares 685
23 Bhimakanda 403415 Bandhabhuin 127 Hectares 216
24 Bandhabhuin 403416 Bandhabhuin 80 Hectares 173
25 Ganeswarpur 403417 Bandhabhuin 175 Hectares 170
26 Patamunda 403418 Bandhabhuin 569 Hectares 455
27 Javaphal 403419 Bandhabhuin 122 Hectares 204
28 ITI 403420 Bandhabhuin 427 Hectares 771
29 Siaria 403421 Bandhabhuin 262 Hectares 703
30 Krutibaspur 403422 Bandhabhuin 37 Hectares 154
31 Timi 403423 Seegarh 287 Hectares 273
32 Saida (Dangadarahasahi) 403424 Saida 378 Hectares 595
33 Laxmipriyapur 403425 Penchamundi 350 Hectares 226
34 Kolhasahi 403426 Penchamundi 64 Hectares 42
35 Duipani 403427 Penchamundi 972 Hectares 698
36 Ramchandrapur 403428 Penchamundi 58 Hectares 78
37 Jokapani 403429 Penchamundi 558 Hectares 844
38 Shyamsundarpur 403430 Penchamundi 127 Hectares 160
39 Pechamundi 403431 Penchamundi 516 Hectares 828
40 Kaliakudar 403432 Penchamundi 59 Hectares 233
41 Similipal 403433 Penchamundi 206 Hectares 399
42 Nuajagannathpur 403434 Penchamundi 57 Hectares 237
43 Sarabeda 403435 Saida 176 Hectares 187
44 Dalo 403436 Saida 215 Hectares 416
45 Karadapal 403437 Seegarh 107 Hectares 172
46 Kamparkala 403438 Seegarh 264 Hectares 505
47 Rajamunda 403439 Saida 168 Hectares 100
48 Kantala 403440 Saida 291 Hectares 632
49 Muktapur 403441 Iswarnagar 153 Hectares 280
50 Kolipal(Chheladhempasahi) 403442 Seegarh 384 Hectares 652
51 Sigarh 403443 Seegarh 384 Hectares 1456
52 Samiapali 403444 Nizigarh Palalahada 67 Hectares 586
53 Subarnpali 403445 Nizigarh Palalahada 92 Hectares 467
54 Kainsiripali 403446 Nizigarh Palalahada 203 Hectares 393
55 Kandarapali 403447 Balipasi 56 Hectares 104
56 Naikanipali 403448 Seegarh 65 Hectares 872
57 Chautarapali 403449 Seegarh 29 Hectares 63
58 Mankadachua 403450 Karadapal 145 Hectares 225
59 Keloposi 403451 Balipasi 225 Hectares 334
60 Hatighincha 403453 Balipasi 66 Hectares 209
61 Kanjia 403454 Balipasi 57 Hectares 107
62 Baliposi 403455 Balipasi 241 Hectares 698
63 Phapanda 403456 Balipasi 401 Hectares 1199
64 jayapur 403457 Balipasi 268 Hectares 220
65 Susab 403458 Chasagurujanga 200 Hectares 960
66 Chasagurujanga 403459 Chasagurujanga 600 Hectares 2268
67 Dhuduripali 403460 Chasagurujanga 200 Hectares 227
68 Udayapur 403461 Chasagurujanga 150 Hectares 618
69 Haripur 403462 Pabitrapur 300 Hectares 291
70 Pabitrapur 403463 Pabitrapur 17 Hectares 287
71 Paramunda 403464 Sankhamur 135 Hectares 211
72 Sibagrampur 403465 Pabitrapur 191 Hectares 145
73 Siarimalia 403466 Pabitrapur 768 Hectares 1162
74 Khairbania 403467 Pabitrapur 144 Hectares 341
75 Badabagdari 403468 Pabitrapur 432 Hectares 395
76 Sanbagdari 403469 Pabitrapur 100 Hectares 877
77 Mahidharpur 403470 Pabitrapur 172 Hectares 238
78 Kansar 403471 Pabitrapur 60 Hectares 476
79 Para 403472 Pabitrapur 286 Hectares 100
80 Nabaghanpur 403473 Pabitrapur 116 Hectares 13
81 Siding 403474 Chasagurujanga 208 Hectares 62
82 Chandpank 403475 Dimiria 230 Hectares 167
83 Debahali 403476 Dimiria 10 Hectares 128
84 Bhejipada 403477 Dimiria 60 Hectares 227
85 Pravasuni 403478 Dimiria 50 Hectares 128
86 Kuturia 403479 Dimiria 48 Hectares 131
87 Khajuria 403480 Dimiria 65 Hectares 90
88 Muchurigadia 403481 Nizigarh Palalahada 157 Hectares 475
89 Dareikala 403482 Nizigarh Palalahada 96 Hectares 134
90 Khetrabasipur 403483 Iswarnagar 54 Hectares 378
91 Illisuan 403484 Iswarnagar 103 Hectares 266
92 Badajharcolony 403485 Iswarnagar 17 Hectares 247
93 Tampar 403486 Iswarnagar 273 Hectares 840
94 Patabeda 403487 Nizigarh Palalahada 48 Hectares 430
95 Kubuli 403488 Iswarnagar 27 Hectares 77
96 Kerejenga 403489 Iswarnagar 320 Hectares 517
97 Godapada 403490 Iswarnagar 384 Hectares 584
98 Samal 403491 Iswarnagar 219 Hectares 434
99 Jamara 403492 Namapashi 128 Hectares 407
100 Mahurapani 403493 Namapashi 97 Hectares 151
101 Chandaposi 403494 Namapashi 55 Hectares 117
102 Badibahal 403495 Namapashi 86 Hectares 252
103 Namgan 403496 Namapashi 182 Hectares 470
104 Kantanali 403497 Namapashi 74 Hectares 298
105 Chheliabeda 403498 Namapashi 93 Hectares 229
106 Namapasi 403499 Namapashi 197 Hectares 488
107 Chheliabedacolony 403500 Namapashi 74 Hectares 197
108 Nuguda 403501 Namapashi 258 Hectares 472
109 Susabnali 403502 Jharabeda 228 Hectares 370
110 Khuludi 403503 Jharabeda 171 Hectares 243
111 Tenteinali 403504 Jharabeda 103 Hectares 84
112 Jharabeda 403505 Jharabeda 272 Hectares 560
113 Jharalo 403506 Jharabeda 293 Hectares 587
114 Taptajharan 403507 Namapashi 58 Hectares 203
115 Barnamuhan 403508 Jharabeda 229 Hectares 238
116 Talabahali 403509 Jharabeda 199 Hectares 347
117 Kadalibari 403510 Jharabeda 204 Hectares 261
118 Raipal 403511 Jharabeda 468 Hectares 885
119 Nuabadadhauragoth 403512 Kunjam 170 Hectares 280
120 korada 403513 Batisuan 249 Hectares 335
121 Rengali 403514 Batisuan 816 Hectares 826
122 Nuasidinga 403515 Nizigarh Palalahada 113 Hectares 228
123 Iswarnagar 403516 Iswarnagar 367 Hectares 887
124 Barhakudar 403517 Iswarnagar 73 Hectares 477
125 Jhimiripali 403518 Dimiria 757 Hectares 1819
126 Bagadari 403520 Dimiria 42 Hectares 81
127 Dimiria 403521 Dimiria 286 Hectares 1126
128 Ranjo(Ranjocolony) 403523 Dimiria 672 Hectares 1224
129 Jhariakhaman 403524 Batisuan 50 Hectares 124
130 Jharabahal 403525 Batisuan 274 Hectares 146
131 Gurusulai 403527 Karadapal 1613 Hectares 147
132 Saharagurujang 403528 Karadapal 1600 Hectares 2350
133 Hatimunda 403529 Batisuan 10 Hectares 216
134 Ranjana 403530 Batisuan 349 Hectares 390
135 Tiribi 403531 Batisuan 290 Hectares 457
136 Batisuan 403532 Batisuan 992 Hectares 2157
137 Purunapani 403533 Batisuan 773 Hectares 677
138 Gurundiamunda 403534 Karadapal 486 Hectares 521
139 Bankhol 403535 Karadapal 100 Hectares 96
140 Nuagan 403536 Karadapal 684 Hectares 433
141 Bishnupur 403537 Karadapal 80 Hectares 176
142 Munipalpur 403539 Karadapal 330 Hectares 496
143 Karadapal 403540 Karadapal 502 Hectares 567
144 Banar 403541 Khemula 251 Hectares 531
145 Khemala 403572 Khemula 526 Hectares 933
146 Hatibindha 403577 Khemula 308 Hectares 309
147 Damodarpur 403579 Karadapal 301 Hectares 146
148 Nandijhari 403580 Karadapal 50 Hectares 327

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Jogimunda.

Q2: What is the village code for Jogimunda?

A2: The village code for Jogimunda is 403452.

Q3: In which block is Jogimunda located?

A3: Jogimunda is located in the Palalahada block.

Q4: What is the total area of Jogimunda?

A4: The total area of Jogimunda is 125 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Jogimunda belong to?

A5: Jogimunda belongs to the Balipasi Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Jogimunda located?

A6: Jogimunda is located in the Angul district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Jogimunda from the district headquarter?

A7: Jogimunda is 105 kilometers away from the Anugul district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Jogimunda?

A8: The nearest statutory town is PALALAHADA which is 5 kilometers away from Jogimunda.

Q9: What is the population of Jogimunda?

A9: The population of Jogimunda is 200 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Jogimunda?

A10: There are 193 households in Jogimunda.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Jogimunda?

A11: There are 90 males and 110 females in Jogimunda.

Q12: Are there any schools in Jogimunda?

A12: Yes, there is NA government primary school in Jogimunda. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Jogimunda?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Jogimunda.

Q14: What is the pin code of Jogimunda?

A14: The pin code of Jogimunda is 759119.

Q15: Does Jogimunda have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Jogimunda.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Jogimunda?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Jogimunda.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Jogimunda?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Jogimunda.

Q18: Is Jogimunda connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Jogimunda.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Jogimunda?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Jogimunda.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Jogimunda?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Jogimunda.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Jogimunda?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Jogimunda is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Jogimunda?

A22: There are 32.13 Hectares of forest area in Jogimunda.

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