
Kandhagobindapur Village

Kandhagobindapur is belongs to Ganjam, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Kandhagobindapur
Village code : 413308
Block Name : Patrapur (0208)
Area : 38
Gram Panchayat : Samantrapur (15)
District : Ganjam
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Chatrapur
District Head Quarter distance : 81 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : BRAHMAPUR
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 58 Kms
Population : 29
Households : 6
Male : 13
Female : 16
Govt Primary School : NA
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 761005
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : NA
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 11.58 Hectares

Google map of Kandhagobindapur location

Near by villages of Kandhagobindapur

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
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2 Sourabhejipadar 413244 Badapur 22 Hectares 95
3 Naranapur 413245 Badapur 34 Hectares 68
4 Tinigharia 413247 Badapur 137 Hectares 827
5 Desari 413248 Badapur 183 Hectares 547
6 Haladiapadar 413260 Badapur 182 Hectares 1339
7 Rankuda 413261 Gundra 142 Hectares 661
8 Badapur 413263 Badapur 233 Hectares 1714
9 Burupada 413264 Badapur 101 Hectares 929
10 Mardarajpur 413265 Badapur 15 Hectares 21
11 B.Bhairapur 413266 Badapur 143 Hectares 636
12 Talapada 413267 Badapur 16 Hectares 46
13 Rajapur 413272 Badapur 30 Hectares 18
14 Bainsigam 413273 Jaradagada 22 Hectares 116
15 Abhayapur 413274 Jaradagada 68 Hectares 639
16 Daleswar 413275 Jaradagada 37 Hectares 303
17 Jillunda 413276 Badapur 195 Hectares 716
18 Gundra 413277 Gundra 145 Hectares 1444
19 kaitha 413278 Gundra 43 Hectares 396
20 Sarathicharanpur 413300 Gundra 75 Hectares 247
21 Krishnacharanapur 413301 Gundra 41 Hectares 292
22 Sunnaredi 413302 Gundra 119 Hectares 750
23 Laxmipur 413303 Gundra 81 Hectares 180
24 Subarnapur 413304 Jaradagada 252 Hectares 882
25 Narasinghapur 413305 Ambapur 57 Hectares 351
26 Jaradagada 413306 Jaradagada 159 Hectares 2563
27 Rougan 413307 Samantrapur 19 Hectares 34
28 Gobindapur 413309 Samantrapur 51 Hectares 96
29 Samantarapur 413310 Samantrapur 130 Hectares 1358
30 Damodarpalli 413311 Ambapur 92 Hectares 140
31 Bijayapur 413312 Ambapur 62 Hectares 325
32 Ambapur 413313 Ambapur 124 Hectares 769
33 Chadheigan 413314 Ambapur 27 Hectares 70
34 Somanathapur 413315 Ambapur 150 Hectares 316
35 Jaganathapur 413316 Gundra 131 Hectares 1082
36 Manikapur 413317 Ambapur 55 Hectares 88
37 Khandadeuli 413318 Ambapur 172 Hectares 63
38 Mahadeipur 413319 Ambapur 81 Hectares 483
39 Madanapur 413320 Gundra 25 Hectares 154
40 Banamalipur 413321 Ambapur 69 Hectares 115
41 Sunakhala 413322 Gundra 151 Hectares 502
42 Khajuria 413330 Ambapur 16 Hectares 81
43 Kandhabijayapur 413331 Ambapur 34 Hectares 144
44 Kutumbari 413332 Samantrapur 43 Hectares 154
45 Khariabellapada 413333 Samantrapur 87 Hectares 213
46 Narayanpur 413334 Samantrapur 47 Hectares 289
47 Raya 413335 Samantrapur 24 Hectares 86
48 Panchamba 413336 Samantrapur 53 Hectares 564
49 Jamapadar(Gopinathpur) 413337 Samantrapur 59 Hectares 184
50 Haripur 413338 Samantrapur 96 Hectares 54
51 Koinphulia 413339 Samantrapur 13 Hectares 17
52 Talapadar 413340 Samantrapur 50 Hectares 144
53 Gudipadar 413341 Samantrapur 1 Hectares 68
54 Dabada 413342 Samantrapur 63 Hectares 111
55 Chanchadakhola 413343 Samantrapur 74 Hectares 36
56 Badapur 413344 Samantrapur 57 Hectares 133
57 Mahulapada 413345 Samantrapur 4 Hectares 60
58 Sindurapur 413346 Samantrapur 40 Hectares 132
59 Lakaisuni 413354 Ankuli 92 Hectares 57
60 Mahulabada 413356 Ankuli 13 Hectares 41
61 Chariabada 413358 Ankuli 62 Hectares 56
62 Taparada 413359 Ankuli 56 Hectares 44
63 Karadabada 413360 Ankuli 8 Hectares 64
64 Tadakasahi 413361 Ankuli 22 Hectares 158
65 Raghubalabha 413362 Ankuli 6 Hectares 26
66 Jubasahi 413363 Ankuli 25 Hectares 55
67 Kumardali 413364 Ankuli 61 Hectares 41
68 Luhasingi 413365 Turubudi 24 Hectares 40
69 Raikhola 413366 Ankuli 187 Hectares 179
70 Kalasahi 413367 Ankuli 86 Hectares 118
71 Jaliar 413368 Ankuli 33 Hectares 160
72 Turamunda 413369 Ankuli 65 Hectares 104
73 Jhampurimusa 413370 Ankuli 34 Hectares 40
74 Thanagam 413371 Tumbagada 33 Hectares 122
75 Dengapadar 413372 Ankuli 49 Hectares 19
76 Gaida- B 413373 Ankuli 27 Hectares 48
77 Tarasingi 413374 Ankuli 107 Hectares 36
78 Tasaranga 413375 Ankuli 194 Hectares 123
79 Gurusingi 413376 Ankuli 243 Hectares 182
80 Dhanabada 413377 Ankuli 441 Hectares 313
81 Maduaguma 413378 Ankuli 133 Hectares 366
82 Dhobaling 413381 Burutala 119 Hectares 107
83 Gaida-A 413382 Burutala 160 Hectares 66
84 Maduabada 413383 Ankuli 63 Hectares 96
85 Kurugada 413384 Ankuli 149 Hectares 111
86 Ankudi 413385 Ankuli 149 Hectares 195
87 Lengasahi 413386 Ankuli 24 Hectares 46
88 Gadanga 413387 Ankuli 646 Hectares 280
89 Titirisingi 413388 Ankuli 191 Hectares 229
90 Tuburusingi 413389 Ankuli 597 Hectares 49
91 Phulasahi 413390 Ankuli 72 Hectares 130
92 Aliar 413391 Ankuli 120 Hectares 98
93 Gokhanasahi 413392 Ankuli 24 Hectares 45
94 Haridaputunuasahi 413393 Burutala 73 Hectares 61
95 Tabalasahi 413395 Ankuli 105 Hectares 16
96 Haladibada 413396 Tumbagada 64 Hectares 87
97 Badagam 413397 Burutala 801 Hectares 111
98 Mahulabada 413398 Ankuli 13 Hectares 36
99 Thalibada 413399 Tumbagada 19 Hectares 68
100 Kasikhala 413401 Tumbagada 32 Hectares 76
101 Sunaribada 413402 Tumbagada 48 Hectares 242
102 Budhaamba 413403 Tumbagada 38 Hectares 70
103 Saradhapur 413404 Tumbagada 50 Hectares 196
104 Titigam 413405 Tumbagada 22 Hectares 22
105 Ramachandrapur 413406 Tumbagada 37 Hectares 90
106 Gangapur 413407 Tumbagada 77 Hectares 120
107 Phatakasingi 413408 Tumbagada 40 Hectares 81
108 Badajhola 413409 Tumbagada 32 Hectares 69
109 Sasana 413410 Tumbagada 53 Hectares 81
110 Banapur 413411 Tumbagada 23 Hectares 122
111 Tumbagada 413412 Tumbagada 234 Hectares 1400
112 Bhaliabada 413413 Tumbagada 22 Hectares 48
113 Kuranga 413414 Tumbagada 181 Hectares 143
114 Khajurigan 413415 Tumbagada 222 Hectares 31
115 Sangam 413416 Burutala 34 Hectares 73
116 Haridapatu 413417 Burutala 62 Hectares 56
117 Mahalimba 413418 Burutala 99 Hectares 134
118 Lokasahi 413419 Tumbagada 38 Hectares 422
119 Gauduni 413420 Tumbagada 65 Hectares 556
120 Burasahi 413421 Ankuli 33 Hectares 96
121 Bhagibandha 413422 Tumbagada 100 Hectares 150
122 Sindurabada 413423 Tumbagada 42 Hectares 114
123 Bhaliasahi 413424 Tumbagada 45 Hectares 84
124 Puriasahi 413426 Tumbagada 121 Hectares 307
125 Gujulingi 413428 Tumbagada 125 Hectares 109
126 Burutala 413429 Burutala 154 Hectares 331
127 Tading 413430 Burutala 88 Hectares 116
128 Marmaria 413431 Burutala 128 Hectares 107
129 Sapuakheta 413432 Burutala 18 Hectares 150
130 Andaanda 413433 Burutala 252 Hectares 144
131 Sanaanchaba 413434 Burutala 193 Hectares 67
132 Kamalakheta 413435 Burutala 296 Hectares 153
133 Rayagada 413436 Tumbagada 136 Hectares 38
134 Babanasahi 413437 Tumbagada 10 Hectares 69
135 Baligam 413438 Tumbagada 88 Hectares 135
136 Tubudia 413439 Tumbagada 294 Hectares 188
137 Kanhaimal 413440 Tumbagada 125 Hectares 41
138 Silisinga 413441 Tumbagada 234 Hectares 103
139 Kalada 413442 Ankuli 79 Hectares 118
140 Arjuba 413443 Tumbagada 221 Hectares 82
141 Rampa 413444 Tumbagada 93 Hectares 115
142 Sarada 413446 Tumbagada 280 Hectares 177
143 Anjagul 413447 Tumbagada 223 Hectares 214
144 Kusumulla 413448 Burutala 197 Hectares 181
145 Badaanchaba 413449 Burutala 372 Hectares 415
146 Chacher 413451 Burutala 112 Hectares 72
147 Bilagam 413452 Burutala 88 Hectares 39
148 Sanagam 413453 Burutala 128 Hectares 68
149 Bajarasahi 413454 Burutala 87 Hectares 67
150 Laida 413455 Burutala 279 Hectares 143
151 Kapadia 413456 Burutala 142 Hectares 13
152 Gudipadar 413457 Burutala 205 Hectares 134
153 Abandia 413458 Burutala 164 Hectares 335

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Kandhagobindapur.

Q2: What is the village code for Kandhagobindapur?

A2: The village code for Kandhagobindapur is 413308.

Q3: In which block is Kandhagobindapur located?

A3: Kandhagobindapur is located in the Patrapur block.

Q4: What is the total area of Kandhagobindapur?

A4: The total area of Kandhagobindapur is 38 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Kandhagobindapur belong to?

A5: Kandhagobindapur belongs to the Samantrapur Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Kandhagobindapur located?

A6: Kandhagobindapur is located in the Ganjam district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Kandhagobindapur from the district headquarter?

A7: Kandhagobindapur is 81 kilometers away from the Chatrapur district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Kandhagobindapur?

A8: The nearest statutory town is BRAHMAPUR which is 58 kilometers away from Kandhagobindapur.

Q9: What is the population of Kandhagobindapur?

A9: The population of Kandhagobindapur is 29 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Kandhagobindapur?

A10: There are 193 households in Kandhagobindapur.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Kandhagobindapur?

A11: There are 13 males and 16 females in Kandhagobindapur.

Q12: Are there any schools in Kandhagobindapur?

A12: Yes, there is NA government primary school in Kandhagobindapur. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Kandhagobindapur?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Kandhagobindapur.

Q14: What is the pin code of Kandhagobindapur?

A14: The pin code of Kandhagobindapur is 761005.

Q15: Does Kandhagobindapur have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Kandhagobindapur.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Kandhagobindapur?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Kandhagobindapur.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Kandhagobindapur?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Kandhagobindapur.

Q18: Is Kandhagobindapur connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Kandhagobindapur.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Kandhagobindapur?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Kandhagobindapur.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Kandhagobindapur?

A20: NA, an ASHA worker is available in Kandhagobindapur.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Kandhagobindapur?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Kandhagobindapur is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Kandhagobindapur?

A22: There are 11.58 Hectares of forest area in Kandhagobindapur.

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