
Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) Village

Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) is belongs to Ganjam, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)
Village code : 411493
Block Name : Polasara (0199)
Area : 139
Gram Panchayat : Banthapalli (25)
District : Ganjam
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Chatrapur
District Head Quarter distance : 69 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : POLASARA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 6 Kms
Population : 588
Households : 103
Male : 311
Female : 277
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 761105
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

Google map of Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) location

Near by villages of Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Kuananda 411361 Bartini 191 Hectares 954
2 Jhitikabadi 411362 Bartini 106 Hectares 835
3 Karatali 411386 Ghodapalan 37 Hectares 664
4 Jenapur 411387 Jakara 68 Hectares 970
5 Jakara 411388 Jakara 609 Hectares 3032
6 Hatibadi 411391 Mathura 256 Hectares 284
7 Budhamba 411393 Budhamba 178 Hectares 1862
8 Gudiapalli 411394 Budhamba 154 Hectares 1912
9 Mardarajpur 411396 J. Dengapadar 216 Hectares 1389
10 Banapali 411401 Paikajamuna 156 Hectares 1104
11 Ektala Bira Balunkeswarpur 411430 Baunsia 89 Hectares 254
12 Athagadapatna 411431 Athagadapatana 1920 Hectares 5670
13 Patharapalli 411432 Baunsia 93 Hectares 984
14 Muktamalachampatipur 411433 Budhamba 394 Hectares 1390
15 Duarabagada 411434 Budhamba 85 Hectares 766
16 Deogam 411435 Khajapalli 348 Hectares 2480
17 Madarangapalli 411478 Sodaka 57 Hectares 556
18 Khanduru 411481 Khanduru 194 Hectares 2859
19 Kalamba 411482 Kalamba 182 Hectares 6079
20 Chadhiapadakrushnadaspur 411483 Khanduru 55 Hectares 1001
21 Rukakana 411484 Kalamba 78 Hectares 951
22 Kankarada 411486 Khanduru 158 Hectares 852
23 Saradhapur 411487 Khanduru 32 Hectares 1177
24 Ustapada 411489 Banthapalli 66 Hectares 1256
25 Banthapalli 411490 Banthapalli 116 Hectares 1590
26 Mahirakana 411492 Banthapalli 281 Hectares 6
27 Mathura 411494 Mathura 964 Hectares 6737
28 Chirikipadasasan 411502 Chirikipadasasan 606 Hectares 6900
29 Bhabarada 411503 Bhabarada 266 Hectares 3551
30 Jagapalli 411504 Bhabarada 115 Hectares 127
31 Gopiapalli 411505 Malatentulia 151 Hectares 142
32 Randi 411506 Bhabarada 77 Hectares 156
33 Nutanaratneipalli 411507 Gochhabadi 13 Hectares 27
34 Khumula 411509 Gochhabadi 32 Hectares 107
35 Badamalabhaliamala 411510 Gochhabadi 99 Hectares 321
36 Nuniapada 411511 Bhabarada 104 Hectares 455
37 Jokabandha 411512 Gochhabadi 149 Hectares 915
38 Nuapalli 411513 Gochhabadi 30 Hectares 171
39 Gambharia 411514 Gochhabadi - 75
40 Rugudipalli 411515 Gochhabadi 13 Hectares 25
41 Ichhapur 411516 Pandiripada 192 Hectares 804
42 Nirasa palli 411517 Pandiripada - 108
43 Gochhabadi 411518 Gochhabadi 300 Hectares 2379
44 Pandiripada 411519 Pandiripada 237 Hectares 1243
45 Sitalapalli 411520 Pandiripada 34 Hectares 88
46 Nadiamba 411521 Pandiripada 34 Hectares 169
47 Paneri 411522 Pandiripada 7 Hectares 114
48 Patalasingi 411523 Pandiripada 156 Hectares 1422
49 Tosingi 411524 Pandiripada - 89
50 Gobindapur 411525 Pandiripada 15 Hectares 19
51 Pantiama 411526 Pandiripada 106 Hectares 211
52 Kasipada 411527 Pandiripada 19 Hectares 142
53 Rampudi 411528 Pandiripada 42 Hectares 119
54 Mahulapalli 411529 Madhupalli - 321
55 Badataila 411531 Pandiripada - 39
56 Naharapeta 411532 Pandiripada - 42
57 Jhikiri 411533 Pandiripada 69 Hectares 378
58 Raipada 411534 Pandiripada 54 Hectares 102
59 Khura 411535 Pandiripada 38 Hectares 108
60 Kanjiama 411536 Pandiripada 29 Hectares 122
61 Panjiama 411537 Pandiripada - 95
62 Usta 411538 Pandiripada 70 Hectares 137
63 Andhari 411539 Pandiripada - 172
64 Kendubadi 411540 Gochhabadi 46 Hectares 36
65 Biripur 411544 Pandiripada 80 Hectares 327
66 Potalingi 411545 Pandiripada 87 Hectares 22
67 Kusapalli 411546 Gochhabadi 47 Hectares 124
68 Chhakeipalli 411547 Gochhabadi 62 Hectares 200
69 Khaikhata 411548 Gochhabadi 49 Hectares 81
70 Tiribiri 411549 Gochhabadi 42 Hectares 162
71 Chanchada 411550 Gochhabadi - 48
72 Bhitarkhola 411552 Gochhabadi - 30
73 Pithalamalai 411553 Gochhabadi - 31
74 Malaberuanhabadi 411554 Gochhabadi - 27
75 Khaikhatanuasahi 411555 Gochhabadi - 58
76 Phalaba 411556 Gochhabadi 14 Hectares 131
77 Khajuria 411557 Malatentulia 73 Hectares 56
78 Hansaralli 411558 Malatentulia 98 Hectares 788
79 Tentulia 411559 Malatentulia 159 Hectares 3059
80 Narasingapalli 411560 Chirikipadasasan 145 Hectares 349
81 Sanabaragam 411567 Nimina 165 Hectares 1385
82 Khairachata 411568 Malatentulia 109 Hectares 711
83 Nimina 411569 Nimina 260 Hectares 1993
84 Chenga 411570 Gochhabadi 25 Hectares 134
85 Kumbhirakhani 411571 Gochhabadi 22 Hectares 41
86 Bileijhari 411579 Nimina 223 Hectares 944
87 Jilunda 411580 Madhupalli 537 Hectares 2085
88 Madhupalli 411581 Madhupalli 213 Hectares 2255
89 Sunaribuguda 411582 Madhupalli 125 Hectares 463
90 Hirapalli 411583 Madhupalli 48 Hectares 731
91 Laxmanapalli 411584 Budheisuni 90 Hectares 1159
92 Budheisuni 411585 Budheisuni 254 Hectares 2522
93 Belagan 411586 Belagan 244 Hectares 1856
94 Baghadimadhusudanpur 411594 Belagan 178 Hectares 2198
95 Dimiria 411595 Belagan 64 Hectares 2097
96 Manasila 411596 Belagan 130 Hectares 1582
97 Buragam 412889 Mohada 169 Hectares 134
98 Madhapur 412890 Mohada 238 Hectares 7

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur).

Q2: What is the village code for Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A2: The village code for Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) is 411493.

Q3: In which block is Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) located?

A3: Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) is located in the Polasara block.

Q4: What is the total area of Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A4: The total area of Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) is 139 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) belong to?

A5: Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) belongs to the Banthapalli Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) located?

A6: Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) is located in the Ganjam district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) from the district headquarter?

A7: Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) is 69 kilometers away from the Chatrapur district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A8: The nearest statutory town is POLASARA which is 6 kilometers away from Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur).

Q9: What is the population of Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A9: The population of Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) is 588 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A10: There are 193 households in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur).

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A11: There are 311 males and 277 females in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur).

Q12: Are there any schools in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur). There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur).

Q14: What is the pin code of Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A14: The pin code of Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) is 761105.

Q15: Does Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur).

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur).

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur).

Q18: Is Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur).

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur).

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur).

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur) is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur)?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Kumbharigadia (Muktadeipur).

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