
Dumerbahal Village

Dumerbahal is belongs to Balangir, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Dumerbahal
Village code : 420083
Block Name : Puintala (0253)
Area : 299
Gram Panchayat : Bahalpadar (10)
District : Balangir
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Balangir
District Head Quarter distance : 18 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : BALANGIR
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 14 Kms
Population : 782
Households : 147
Male : 400
Female : 382
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 767002
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 13.51 Hectares

Google map of Dumerbahal location

Near by villages of Dumerbahal

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Kalibhana 420059 Jamgaon 295 Hectares 947
2 Jamgaon 420060 Jamgaon 337 Hectares 1207
3 Budhisindhol 420073 Jamgaon 541 Hectares 1997
4 Kankaria 420074 Ankriapadar 161 Hectares 448
5 Bhursipali 420075 Jamgaon 291 Hectares 1045
6 Bargaon 420076 Bahalpadar 297 Hectares 963
7 Bahalpadar 420077 Bahalpadar 444 Hectares 1472
8 Manglamunda 420078 Bahalpadar 189 Hectares 762
9 Ainlasari 420085 Bahalpadar 482 Hectares 640
10 Ankriapadar 420086 Ankriapadar 197 Hectares 751
11 Motijharia 420087 Ankriapadar 207 Hectares 613
12 Burobhadi 420088 Bahalpadar 191 Hectares 561
13 Timapali 420089 Bubel 73 Hectares 336
14 Keserkela 420090 Ankriapadar 187 Hectares 785
15 Balbuka 420091 Bubel 234 Hectares 656
16 Junapadar 420092 Ankriapadar 216 Hectares 787
17 Nuapali 420093 Jamgaon 302 Hectares 461
18 Gandabahal 420094 Randa 442 Hectares 1528
19 Kulerbahali 420095 Randa 252 Hectares 818
20 Pipalbahali 420100 Puintala 194 Hectares 595
21 Niljipali 420101 Puintala 85 Hectares 343
22 Rinbachan 420102 Madhiapali 384 Hectares 1291
23 Birmunda 420103 Madhiapali 253 Hectares 803
24 Madhiapali 420137 Madhiapali 249 Hectares 1540
25 Dumerpali 420138 Madhiapali 65 Hectares 327
26 Khairpali 420139 Madhiapali 127 Hectares 324
27 Gaintala 420140 Gaintala 504 Hectares 2585
28 Malmunda 420141 Malmunda 486 Hectares 2338
29 Randa 420142 Randa 408 Hectares 1710
30 Padampur 420143 Randa 144 Hectares 398
31 Bubel 420144 Bubel 507 Hectares 1546
32 Bichhupali 420145 Bubel 228 Hectares 15
33 Jharbalangir 420146 Bubel 278 Hectares 833
34 Bhainsapali 420147 Bubel 237 Hectares 532
35 Kandagad 420151 Bairasar 159 Hectares 641
36 Chhemtala 420155 Khaliapali 255 Hectares 910
37 Chichindapali 420156 Khaliapali 298 Hectares 547
38 Fatkara 420157 Khaliapali 96 Hectares 911
39 Mundapala 420158 Bandhapara 175 Hectares 350
40 Bandhapada 420159 Bandhapara 305 Hectares 701
41 Brahmanipali 420160 Khaliapali 177 Hectares 452
42 Mangalapali 420161 Khaliapali 144 Hectares 425
43 Raghabapali 420162 Bubel 96 Hectares 350
44 Kharjhura 420163 Bubel 411 Hectares 882
45 Charpali 420164 Chhatapipal 215 Hectares 490
46 Kundamal 420165 Chhatapipal 271 Hectares 432
47 Belbahali 420166 Bubel 336 Hectares 799
48 Mehermunda 420167 Randa 401 Hectares 1114
49 Kureibhana 420168 Chhatapipal 281 Hectares 822
50 Bijabahali 420169 Bhaler 120 Hectares 249
51 Chandrapur 420170 Malmunda 68 Hectares 280
52 Kurlupali 420171 Malmunda 172 Hectares 458
53 Brahmanipali 420173 Gaintala 327 Hectares 945
54 Lakhapali 420174 Gaintala 127 Hectares 617
55 Puintala 420175 Puintala 429 Hectares 2838
56 Talpali 420176 Sadaipalli 29 Hectares 376
57 Khujenpali 420199 Khujenpalli 915 Hectares 2136
58 Kalsaipali 420200 Khujenpalli 51 Hectares 486
59 Bagbhadi 420201 Khujenpalli 126 Hectares 663
60 Pudapali 420202 Bhaler 298 Hectares 718
61 Bhaler 420203 Bhaler 520 Hectares 1986
62 Fatkara 420204 Bhaler 388 Hectares 664
63 Janipali 420205 Daspur 154 Hectares 172
64 Lepta 420206 Bhaler 312 Hectares 913
65 Chhakodimal 420207 Chhatapipal 145 Hectares 361
66 Khairmal 420208 Chhatapipal 177 Hectares 399
67 Chhatapipal 420209 Chhatapipal 348 Hectares 1479
68 Uttarbahal 420210 Bandhapara 222 Hectares 371
69 Amthimunda 420211 Bandhapara 144 Hectares 404
70 Jaljad 420212 Bandhapara 252 Hectares 789
71 Aenlapali 420213 Bandhapara 185 Hectares 342
72 Talgaj 420214 Patharla 300 Hectares 807
73 Kundeigad 420215 Patharla 86 Hectares 244
74 Jaljadpali 420216 Bandhapara 101 Hectares 372
75 Patharla 420217 Patharla 239 Hectares 886
76 Gadramunda 420218 Patharla 85 Hectares 374
77 Beherapali 420219 Chhatapipal 242 Hectares 836
78 Sundaribhana 420220 Chhatapipal 175 Hectares 382
79 Tendipali 420221 Chhatapipal 57 Hectares 540
80 Daspur 420222 Daspur 548 Hectares 1623
81 Naikenpali 420223 Daspur 134 Hectares 557
82 Surda 420224 Daspur 300 Hectares 984
83 Kankiria 420225 Kurul 90 Hectares 535
84 Siletpara 420226 Atgaon 303 Hectares 1288
85 Dumerpali 420227 Kurul 127 Hectares 442
86 Odiapali 420228 Atgaon 211 Hectares 838
87 Kasabahal 420229 Atgaon 45 Hectares 325
88 Bharatbahal 420230 Kurul 132 Hectares 539
89 Kurul 420231 Kurul 519 Hectares 1888
90 Dabkani 420232 Khujenpalli 224 Hectares 560
91 Aenlachuan 420233 Barkani 144 Hectares 564
92 Pandrapita 420234 Barkani 400 Hectares 755
93 Barkani 420235 Barkani 340 Hectares 589
94 Narayanpur 420236 Barkani 204 Hectares 260
95 Makadchuan 420244 Barkani 491 Hectares 626
96 Tandamunda 420245 Atgaon 341 Hectares 904
97 Atgaon 420246 Atgaon 433 Hectares 1830
98 Mahadebpali 420247 Atgaon 99 Hectares 424
99 Sanburkabahal 420248 Atgaon 222 Hectares 643
100 Kalijharan 420249 Atgaon 180 Hectares 369
101 Sirabahal 420250 Mahimunda 116 Hectares 429
102 Dahimal 420251 Mahimunda 170 Hectares 251
103 Mahimunda 420252 Mahimunda 649 Hectares 2723
104 Bihibandh 420253 Mahimunda 199 Hectares 791
105 Mendhipali 420254 Daspur 152 Hectares 501
106 Kutenpali 420255 Daspur 361 Hectares 1077
107 Bileikani 420256 Mahimunda 344 Hectares 778
108 Duhel 420257 Patharla 311 Hectares 910
109 Barandabahal 420258 Patharla 203 Hectares 351
110 Badburkabahal 420259 Patharla 144 Hectares 460
111 Palsapadar 420260 Patharla 85 Hectares 532
112 Talpali 420261 Patharla 164 Hectares 942
113 Rugudipali 420322 Makundapur 609 Hectares 927
114 Makundpur 420323 Makundapur 196 Hectares 434
115 Telbali 420324 Makundapur 208 Hectares 368
116 Hirlimal 420325 Makundapur 159 Hectares 360
117 Jamjharan 420326 Makundapur 261 Hectares 566
118 Purnapani 420329 Makundapur 305 Hectares 595
119 Bhimdunguri 420330 Makundapur 193 Hectares 450
120 Bandhapali 420332 Makundapur 389 Hectares 777
121 Thalbandh 420334 Makundapur 170 Hectares 478

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Dumerbahal.

Q2: What is the village code for Dumerbahal?

A2: The village code for Dumerbahal is 420083.

Q3: In which block is Dumerbahal located?

A3: Dumerbahal is located in the Puintala block.

Q4: What is the total area of Dumerbahal?

A4: The total area of Dumerbahal is 299 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Dumerbahal belong to?

A5: Dumerbahal belongs to the Bahalpadar Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Dumerbahal located?

A6: Dumerbahal is located in the Balangir district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Dumerbahal from the district headquarter?

A7: Dumerbahal is 18 kilometers away from the Balangir district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Dumerbahal?

A8: The nearest statutory town is BALANGIR which is 14 kilometers away from Dumerbahal.

Q9: What is the population of Dumerbahal?

A9: The population of Dumerbahal is 782 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Dumerbahal?

A10: There are 193 households in Dumerbahal.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Dumerbahal?

A11: There are 400 males and 382 females in Dumerbahal.

Q12: Are there any schools in Dumerbahal?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Dumerbahal. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Dumerbahal?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Dumerbahal.

Q14: What is the pin code of Dumerbahal?

A14: The pin code of Dumerbahal is 767002.

Q15: Does Dumerbahal have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Dumerbahal.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Dumerbahal?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Dumerbahal.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Dumerbahal?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Dumerbahal.

Q18: Is Dumerbahal connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Dumerbahal.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Dumerbahal?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Dumerbahal.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Dumerbahal?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Dumerbahal.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Dumerbahal?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Dumerbahal is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Dumerbahal?

A22: There are 13.51 Hectares of forest area in Dumerbahal.

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