
Haldi Village

Haldi is belongs to Nabarangpur, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Haldi
Village code : 427221
Block Name : Raighar (0284)
Area : 1161
Gram Panchayat : Haldi (20)
District : Nabarangpur
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Nabarangapur
District Head Quarter distance : 117 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : RAIGHAR
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 25 Kms
Population : 4182
Households : 900
Male : 2079
Female : 2103
Govt Primary School : 3
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 764074
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 1019.3 Hectares

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Near by villages of Haldi

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Hatigan 427196 Naktisemada 2185 Hectares 3057
2 Maripara 427197 Naktisemada 1047 Hectares 2982
3 Kaudipara 427198 Naktisemada 25 Hectares 846
4 Sobhapara 427199 Naktisemada 734 Hectares 594
5 Jalangpara 427200 Jalangpara 1047 Hectares 2749
6 Borogan 427201 Jodinga 562 Hectares 1332
7 Khadenga 427202 Jodinga 593 Hectares 1482
8 Kukurkuan 427203 Jodinga 197 Hectares 611
9 Jodenga 427204 Jodinga 481 Hectares 1207
10 Hirapara 427205 Jodinga 323 Hectares 316
11 Maruadihi 427206 Jodinga 208 Hectares 232
12 Naogan 427207 Jodinga 357 Hectares 1250
13 Maulibhata 427208 Bobei 528 Hectares 783
14 Naktisimada 427209 Naktisemada 1363 Hectares 3102
15 Kusumpur 427210 Ganjapara 1378 Hectares 2476
16 Rengabhati 427211 Kurabeda 597 Hectares 1425
17 Sonpur 427212 Kurabeda 709 Hectares 2520
18 Kudabeda 427213 Kurabeda 231 Hectares 601
19 Kundrapani 427214 Kurabeda 454 Hectares 324
20 Timanpur 427215 Timanpur 1774 Hectares 4440
21 Khallepara 427216 Timanpur 268 Hectares 747
22 Budrapada 427217 Timanpur 997 Hectares 1437
23 Binayakpur 427218 Timanpur 1297 Hectares 1628
24 Putanada 427219 Haldi 1730 Hectares 2190
25 Anchala 427220 Haldi 1180 Hectares 1630
26 Baraguda 427222 Gona 142 Hectares 684
27 Mundibeda 427223 Mundibeda 1323 Hectares 9169
28 Guchaguda 427224 Mundibeda 635 Hectares 764
29 Gona 427225 Gona 35 Hectares 2575
30 Bharsundi 427226 Gona 978 Hectares 3285
31 Ranipadar 427227 Parua 219 Hectares 483
32 Baghobeda 427228 Kurabeda 339 Hectares 633
33 Kaliapadar 427229 Kurabeda 852 Hectares 1572
34 Rajaputi 427230 Ganjapara 257 Hectares 964
35 Jhunukipara 427231 Ganjapara 264 Hectares 994
36 Dhodrapara 427232 Raighar 151 Hectares 1134
37 Gangapara 427233 Ganjapara 270 Hectares 645
38 Dumardihi 427234 Ganjapara 309 Hectares 720
39 Munigadihi 427235 Kurabeda 142 Hectares 288
40 Marangapalli 427236 Ganjapara 342 Hectares 1222
41 Bobei 427237 Bobei 674 Hectares 1282
42 Biripur 427238 Bobei 986 Hectares 2060
43 Daspur 427239 Jalangpara 691 Hectares 1854
44 Phatikipara 427240 Jalangpara 180 Hectares 560
45 Udayapur 427241 Jalangpara 928 Hectares 2474
46 Khatuarpara 427242 Bobei 483 Hectares 715
47 Hatibena 427243 Ganjapara 657 Hectares 1550
48 Junuanipara 427244 Mohand 378 Hectares 864
49 Dangiripara 427245 Mohand 325 Hectares 799
50 Khutugan 427246 Raighar 696 Hectares 1473
51 Karanpadar 427247 Raighar 584 Hectares 1510
52 Kasarabhata 427248 Raighar 47 Hectares 197
53 Parawa 427249 Parua 232 Hectares 627
54 Simdapara 427250 Parua 71 Hectares 334
55 Chhatabeda 427251 Parua 764 Hectares 4346
56 Mahubhata 427252 Parua 1032 Hectares 1540
57 Turpena 427253 Kumuli 517 Hectares 1046
58 Kumuli 427254 Kumuli 563 Hectares 2362
59 Jamdara 427255 Kumuli 781 Hectares 2523
60 Pandiripakhana 427256 Chellidongri 1093 Hectares 2813
61 Nuapara 427257 Chellidongri 517 Hectares 1599
62 Chalanpara 427258 Raighar 268 Hectares 961
63 Birisadihi 427259 Debagaon 503 Hectares 1225
64 Debagaon 427260 Debagaon 516 Hectares 1552
65 Mohond 427261 Mohand 1363 Hectares 4044
66 Dongiripara 427262 Debagaon 333 Hectares 570
67 Gurusinga 427263 Mohand 696 Hectares 2158
68 Dumurmunda 427264 Debagaon 688 Hectares 2642
69 Kurubella 427265 Debagaon 705 Hectares 1714
70 Kacharapara 427266 Kacharapara 1529 Hectares 3957
71 Tarigan 427267 Kacharapara 983 Hectares 888
72 Sarguli 427268 Chellidongri 623 Hectares 4833
73 Marigan 427271 Hatabharandi 1047 Hectares 569
74 Siunapalli 427272 Hatabharandi 157 Hectares 311
75 Hatmahuli 427273 Hatabharandi 276 Hectares 324
76 Kanadihi 427274 Kundai 150 Hectares 326
77 Khiloli 427275 Kundai 246 Hectares 871
78 Bhurkamahuli 427276 Kundai 610 Hectares 1089
79 Kundei 427277 Kundai 257 Hectares 1245
80 Sambalpur 427278 Kundai 520 Hectares 1293
81 Kandetara 427279 Khuduku 210 Hectares 594
82 Jhariadihi 427280 Khuduku 146 Hectares 2
83 Rajpur 427281 Khuduku 273 Hectares 430
84 Deobharandi 427282 Naktisemada 759 Hectares 1555
85 Keradihi 427283 Khuduku 157 Hectares 1409
86 Kandachuan 427284 Khuduku 544 Hectares 774
87 Khuduku 427285 Khuduku 1040 Hectares 2945
88 Hirri 427286 Koskonga 1214 Hectares 2311
89 Tureidihi 427287 Hatabharandi 394 Hectares 407
90 Kalarpara 427288 Kundai 292 Hectares 678
91 Bharandkhunta 427289 Hatabharandi 205 Hectares 1556
92 Jatiarpara 427290 Hatabharandi 261 Hectares 1249
93 Hatabharandi 427291 Hatabharandi 567 Hectares 2281
94 Ravanaguda 427292 Kaudola 200 Hectares 347
95 Kalepara 427293 Kaudola 254 Hectares 456
96 Dhungiadihi 427294 Kaudola 346 Hectares 625
97 Tarangapur 427295 Kaudola 358 Hectares 784
98 Dhanara 427296 Kaudola 1012 Hectares 1621
99 Ampara 427297 Kaudola 227 Hectares 460
100 Kaudola 427298 Kaudola 691 Hectares 718
101 Dhorrapara 427299 Parchipada 272 Hectares 1409
102 Simoda 427300 Parchipada 675 Hectares 1020
103 Koradihi 427301 Parchipada 493 Hectares 454
104 Parchipara 427302 Parchipada 613 Hectares 1974
105 Kibekonga 427303 Parchipada 854 Hectares 2298
106 Odondi 427304 Turudihi 341 Hectares 612
107 Kacharapada 427305 Turudihi 558 Hectares 1911
108 Turudi 427306 Turudihi 1104 Hectares 2776
109 Jodjanga 427307 Turudihi 482 Hectares 1571
110 Tumuda 427308 Parchipada 650 Hectares 1406
111 Pokhanaguda 427309 Koskonga 934 Hectares 2017
112 Sargiguda 427310 Koskonga 370 Hectares 421
113 Keskonga 427311 Koskonga 309 Hectares 403
114 Jadapara 427312 Koskonga 625 Hectares 1287
115 Pourbel 427313 Turudihi 724 Hectares 3213

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Haldi.

Q2: What is the village code for Haldi?

A2: The village code for Haldi is 427221.

Q3: In which block is Haldi located?

A3: Haldi is located in the Raighar block.

Q4: What is the total area of Haldi?

A4: The total area of Haldi is 1161 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Haldi belong to?

A5: Haldi belongs to the Haldi Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Haldi located?

A6: Haldi is located in the Nabarangpur district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Haldi from the district headquarter?

A7: Haldi is 117 kilometers away from the Nabarangapur district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Haldi?

A8: The nearest statutory town is RAIGHAR which is 25 kilometers away from Haldi.

Q9: What is the population of Haldi?

A9: The population of Haldi is 4182 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Haldi?

A10: There are 193 households in Haldi.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Haldi?

A11: There are 2079 males and 2103 females in Haldi.

Q12: Are there any schools in Haldi?

A12: Yes, there is 3 government primary school in Haldi. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Haldi?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Haldi.

Q14: What is the pin code of Haldi?

A14: The pin code of Haldi is 764074.

Q15: Does Haldi have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Haldi.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Haldi?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Haldi.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Haldi?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Haldi.

Q18: Is Haldi connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Haldi.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Haldi?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Haldi.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Haldi?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Haldi.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Haldi?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Haldi is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Haldi?

A22: There are 1019.3 Hectares of forest area in Haldi.

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