
Sugudabadi Village

Sugudabadi is belongs to Kandhamal, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Sugudabadi
Village code : 417569
Block Name : Raikia (0228)
Area : 112
Gram Panchayat : Sugudabadi (05)
District : Kandhamal
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Phulbani
District Head Quarter distance : 73 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : G. UDAYAGIRI
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 28 Kms
Population : 1123
Households : 295
Male : 561
Female : 562
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 762101
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : Available
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : TURMERIC
Forest Area : 9.05 Hectares

Google map of Sugudabadi location

Near by villages of Sugudabadi

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Totapadar 415871 Sankarakhole 93 Hectares 101
2 Kelebali 416155 Gandrigam 74 Hectares 87
3 Padinaju 416156 Gandrigam 143 Hectares 612
4 Dakambatalangia 416157 Gandrigam 82 Hectares 172
5 Gandrigam 416158 Gandrigam 183 Hectares 613
6 Mediaganda 416159 Bandhaguda 334 Hectares 220
7 Iripiguda 416198 Gandrigam 448 Hectares 429
8 Chanchedi 416199 Chanchedi 107 Hectares 435
9 Tadangia 416200 Chanchedi 32 Hectares 281
10 Kelemaha 416201 Chanchedi 103 Hectares 231
11 Salangia jangal 416202 Kudutulli 61 Hectares 9
12 Jarginju 416203 Chanchedi 39 Hectares 409
13 Panganju 416204 Chanchedi 104 Hectares 352
14 Salangia 416205 Chanchedi 223 Hectares 711
15 Drepanga 416206 Chanchedi 313 Hectares 322
16 Bandabaju 416207 Chanchedi 340 Hectares 827
17 Sikanabadi 417360 Badabanga 1180 Hectares 422
18 Samagota 417372 Badabanga 26 Hectares 57
19 Samagota Jangal 417373 Badabanga 224 Hectares 64
20 Dadaketa 417375 Badabanga 199 Hectares 172
21 Sikaketa 417376 Badabanga 447 Hectares 473
22 Gedemaha 417377 Badabanga 49 Hectares 34
23 Pudunbadi 417378 Gumomaha 91 Hectares 354
24 Mundabadi 417379 Badabanga 283 Hectares 320
25 Pakadabadi 417394 Gumomaha 13 Hectares 270
26 Pangalpata 417395 Gumomaha 68 Hectares 69
27 Padasi 417396 Gumomaha 49 Hectares 304
28 Madubadi 417398 Gumomaha 17 Hectares 162
29 Didrabadi 417399 Gumomaha 192 Hectares 495
30 Bierpanga 417524 Dadingia 474 Hectares 488
31 Katedikia 417525 Mandakia 330 Hectares 189
32 Budamaha 417526 Mandakia 138 Hectares 605
33 Pajigalu 417529 Mandakia 518 Hectares 914
34 Gadringia 417530 Mandakia 68 Hectares 454
35 Budringia 417531 Mandakia 62 Hectares 251
36 Dandapanga 417532 Mandakia 62 Hectares 117
37 Kambaguda 417533 Mandakia 569 Hectares 165
38 Musumaha 417534 Dadingia 390 Hectares 474
39 Mandakia 417535 Mandakia 444 Hectares 756
40 Tatamaha 417536 Mandakia 220 Hectares 492
41 Bakingia 417537 Mandakia 625 Hectares 1323
42 Gundhani 417539 Manikeswar 144 Hectares 466
43 Gamerikia 417540 Manikeswar 60 Hectares 328
44 Mundanaju 417541 Manikeswar 19 Hectares 102
45 Raikia 417542 Raikia 1024 Hectares 7809
46 Beredakia 417543 Raikia 443 Hectares 1736
47 Piseramaha 417544 Dadingia 154 Hectares 878
48 Dalbali 417545 Dadingia 124 Hectares 195
49 Dadingia 417546 Dadingia 1227 Hectares 1354
50 Nahudimaha 417547 Sugudabadi 445 Hectares 292
51 Kaligadu 417549 Sugudabadi 116 Hectares 564
52 Dibari 417550 Sugudabadi 48 Hectares 206
53 Kandabada 417551 Raikia 241 Hectares 370
54 Pitairpi 417552 Sugudabadi 53 Hectares 68
55 Ganjuguda 417553 Raikia 33 Hectares 50
56 Gamandi 417554 Raikia 240 Hectares 569
57 Sisapanga 417555 Manikeswar 182 Hectares 376
58 Lamungia 417556 Katingia 272 Hectares 644
59 Balingia 417559 Katingia 64 Hectares 36
60 Sipaeju 417560 Katingia 297 Hectares 297
61 Kadingia 417561 Manikeswar 160 Hectares 177
62 Manikeswar 417562 Manikeswar 258 Hectares 695
63 Patalipanga 417563 Manikeswar 93 Hectares 176
64 Lendrikia 417564 Manikeswar 16 Hectares 268
65 Sidingipata 417565 Manikeswar 59 Hectares 40
66 Pangamaha 417566 Manikeswar 17 Hectares 69
67 Kajuri 417567 Sugudabadi 75 Hectares 89
68 Sihuripanga 417568 Sugudabadi 51 Hectares 144
69 Murudikupuda 417570 Sugudabadi 103 Hectares 347
70 Kapuguta 417571 Sugudabadi 81 Hectares 206
71 Latedi 417572 Sugudabadi 70 Hectares 286
72 Radabali 417573 Sugudabadi 93 Hectares 90
73 Kambarikia 417574 Sugudabadi 86 Hectares 460
74 Petamaha 417575 Sugudabadi 102 Hectares 152
75 Murudipanga 417576 Sugudabadi 81 Hectares 579
76 Papasi 417577 Gumomaha 67 Hectares 245
77 Gumamaha 417578 Gumomaha 38 Hectares 452
78 Tagakia 417579 Gumomaha 37 Hectares 156
79 Badajiri 417580 Gumomaha 55 Hectares 280
80 Bedaguba 417581 Gumomaha 112 Hectares 347
81 Sandhakupa 417582 Gumomaha 73 Hectares 491
82 Gujapanga 417583 Gumomaha 98 Hectares 150
83 Dadagamaha 417584 Gumomaha 29 Hectares 156
84 Kilakia 417585 Gumomaha 63 Hectares 354
85 Barepanga 417586 Manikeswar 426 Hectares 528
86 Badamaha 417587 Manikeswar 191 Hectares 563
87 Mediadami 417588 Manikeswar 69 Hectares 57
88 Mungelibadi 417589 Manikeswar 301 Hectares 268
89 Prangamaha 417590 Gumomaha 290 Hectares 192
90 Padrimaha 417591 Manikeswar 356 Hectares 334
91 Sarbapanga 417596 Bada Indraguda 216 Hectares 107
92 Sikabadi 417597 Manikeswar 169 Hectares 276
93 Kumbharakhadi 417598 Manikeswar 139 Hectares 384
94 Gudrighasi 417599 Manikeswar 254 Hectares 205
95 Malaguda 417600 Manikeswar 179 Hectares 117
96 Mandasaru 417601 Gumomaha 18 Hectares 488
97 Paderikia 417602 Gumomaha 75 Hectares 378
98 Damaguda 417603 Gumomaha 51 Hectares 190
99 Baanda 417604 Gumomaha 215 Hectares 543
100 Penamala 417605 Gumomaha 73 Hectares 164
101 Khajurikhaman 417646 Ranaba 83 Hectares 45

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Sugudabadi.

Q2: What is the village code for Sugudabadi?

A2: The village code for Sugudabadi is 417569.

Q3: In which block is Sugudabadi located?

A3: Sugudabadi is located in the Raikia block.

Q4: What is the total area of Sugudabadi?

A4: The total area of Sugudabadi is 112 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Sugudabadi belong to?

A5: Sugudabadi belongs to the Sugudabadi Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Sugudabadi located?

A6: Sugudabadi is located in the Kandhamal district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Sugudabadi from the district headquarter?

A7: Sugudabadi is 73 kilometers away from the Phulbani district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Sugudabadi?

A8: The nearest statutory town is G. UDAYAGIRI which is 28 kilometers away from Sugudabadi.

Q9: What is the population of Sugudabadi?

A9: The population of Sugudabadi is 1123 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Sugudabadi?

A10: There are 193 households in Sugudabadi.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Sugudabadi?

A11: There are 561 males and 562 females in Sugudabadi.

Q12: Are there any schools in Sugudabadi?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Sugudabadi. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Sugudabadi?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Sugudabadi.

Q14: What is the pin code of Sugudabadi?

A14: The pin code of Sugudabadi is 762101.

Q15: Does Sugudabadi have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Sugudabadi.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Sugudabadi?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Sugudabadi.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Sugudabadi?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Sugudabadi.

Q18: Is Sugudabadi connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Sugudabadi.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Sugudabadi?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Sugudabadi.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Sugudabadi?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Sugudabadi.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Sugudabadi?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Sugudabadi is TURMERIC.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Sugudabadi?

A22: There are 9.05 Hectares of forest area in Sugudabadi.

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