
Pitamahal Village

Pitamahal is belongs to Rayagada, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Pitamahal
Village code : 426544
Block Name : Rayagada (0279)
Area : 133
Gram Panchayat : Pitamahal (08)
District : Rayagada
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Rayagada
District Head Quarter distance : 57 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : RAYAGADA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 4 Kms
Population : 896
Households : 163
Male : 508
Female : 388
Govt Primary School : NA
Private Primary School : 1
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 765002
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : Available
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 40.93 Hectares

Google map of Pitamahal location

Near by villages of Pitamahal

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
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3 Panasput(B) 426292 Matikana 28 Hectares 84
4 Sirindabadi 426293 Matikana 59 Hectares 208
5 Perabadi 426294 Matikana 137 Hectares 192
6 Padakapadu (A) 426295 Matikana 70 Hectares 110
7 Mandiapada 426296 Matikana 38 Hectares 18
8 Baharrambu 426297 Matikana 83 Hectares 155
9 Bhitar Rambu 426298 Matikana 49 Hectares 158
10 Dumapai 426299 Gumma 92 Hectares 228
11 Raikona 426300 Gumma 124 Hectares 480
12 Haragan 426301 Gumma 7 Hectares 36
13 Juruka 426302 Gumma 53 Hectares 15
14 Hadia 426303 Gumma 92 Hectares 347
15 Kambesu 426304 Gumma 179 Hectares 468
16 Kanabesi 426305 Gumma 67 Hectares 127
17 Phuluguda 426306 Gumma 69 Hectares 142
18 Kiyapadu 426307 Gumma 160 Hectares 297
19 Bhatakhala 426308 Gumma 177 Hectares 216
20 Antri 426309 Gumma 29 Hectares 123
21 Pushabadi 426310 Gumma 44 Hectares 79
22 Karli 426311 Gumma 124 Hectares 177
23 Jambu (Khudapadi) 426368 Haluwa 560 Hectares 314
24 Kataganda 426369 Gumma 33 Hectares 55
25 Lada 426370 Gumma 100 Hectares 293
26 Kuakhal 426373 Gumma 86 Hectares 124
27 Sana baleswar 426374 Gumma 42 Hectares 158
28 Lakhajharana 426375 Gumma 44 Hectares 18
29 Badabalaswar 426376 Gumma 43 Hectares 110
30 Lellibadi 426377 Gumma 104 Hectares 227
31 Kumango 426378 Gumma 39 Hectares 190
32 Jadighati 426379 Gumma 53 Hectares 218
33 Guma 426381 Gumma 103 Hectares 449
34 Kanikucheri 426382 Gumma 25 Hectares 46
35 Goudabadaguda 426383 Haluwa 203 Hectares 255
36 Khodapadi 426384 Haluwa 306 Hectares 219
37 Barijhola 426385 Haluwa 53 Hectares 3277
38 Halua 426420 Haluwa 430 Hectares 1396
39 Japakhal 426421 Haluwa 291 Hectares 365
40 Deomulasankesi 426422 Haluwa 139 Hectares 260
41 Lakkubadi 426424 Gumma 80 Hectares 133
42 Tileru 426425 Gumma 64 Hectares 308
43 Toyangiri 426428 Kumbhikote 31 Hectares 81
44 Uparatitijhola 426430 Kumbhikote 24 Hectares 65
45 Pendili 426431 Kumbhikote 176 Hectares 218
46 Guruti"G" 426433 Haluwa 532 Hectares 329
47 Jamunima 426434 Haluwa 262 Hectares 154
48 Tikarapada 426435 Haluwa 171 Hectares 432
49 Chintalguda 426436 Tadama 45 Hectares 166
50 Arjunguda 426437 Tadama 8 Hectares 69
51 Gurutiguda 426438 Haluwa 94 Hectares 386
52 Sarapadu 426439 Tadama 79 Hectares 56
53 Tadama(Bagaraguda) 426454 Tadama 520 Hectares 1485
54 Nathama 426455 Tadama 268 Hectares 510
55 Pirigaon 426456 Tadama 447 Hectares 464
56 Gadaba 426457 Tadama 133 Hectares 161
57 Kalingi 426458 Tadama 111 Hectares 173
58 Udaguda 426460 Tadama 304 Hectares 141
59 Kerakhal 426461 Kumbhikote 18 Hectares 181
60 Galipendili 426462 Kumbhikote 80 Hectares 277
61 Pichudi 426464 Kumbhikote 82 Hectares 341
62 Kosakona 426465 Kumbhikote 62 Hectares 85
63 Udayapur 426466 Kumbhikote 36 Hectares 128
64 Punjapai (Bhalungu) 426467 Kumbhikote 279 Hectares 620
65 Rapukona 426468 Kumbhikote 125 Hectares 517
66 Kutuli 426469 Kutuli 261 Hectares 1297
67 Jumuka 426470 Kutuli 356 Hectares 875
68 Gujurubadi 426471 Kutuli 121 Hectares 178
69 Sanomandhara 426472 Kutuli 90 Hectares 133
70 Badamandhara 426473 Kutuli 328 Hectares 569
71 Jadaput 426474 Kutuli 213 Hectares 459
72 Tuduleleri 426475 Nakiti 8 Hectares 69
73 Leliri 426476 Nakiti 21 Hectares 129
74 Paramajhola 426477 Nakiti 4 Hectares 17
75 Kalugan 426478 Nakiti 6 Hectares 32
76 Bajraguda 426479 Nakiti 30 Hectares 117
77 Sanasarumunda 426480 Nakiti 10 Hectares 57
78 Badasarumunda 426481 Nakiti 23 Hectares 159
79 Badacheka 426482 Nakiti 180 Hectares 1387
80 Nakiti 426483 Nakiti 111 Hectares 659
81 Dangarcheka 426484 Nakiti 43 Hectares 106
82 Hulukatunda 426485 Nakiti 58 Hectares 457
83 Melakatunda 426486 Nakiti 33 Hectares 245
84 Regeda 426487 Nakiti 76 Hectares 265
85 Champikota 426488 Kumbhikote 54 Hectares 166
86 Mardipadi 426489 Kumbhikote 99 Hectares 210
87 Alingi 426490 Kumbhikote 60 Hectares 192
88 Himarpodi 426491 Kumbhikote 120 Hectares 356
89 Podamara 426492 Kumbhikote 241 Hectares 417
90 Kumbhikota 426493 Kumbhikote 190 Hectares 1717
91 Mandangitirugudi 426494 Jemadaipentha 24 Hectares 107
92 Padakapadu 426495 Tadama 35 Hectares 137
93 Huluki 426496 Tadama 700 Hectares 102
94 Rappa 426497 Tadama 172 Hectares 291
95 Singiput 426498 Tadama 214 Hectares 340
96 Pujariguda 426533 Baisingi 20 Hectares 9
97 Balinaikaguda 426534 Pitamahal 62 Hectares 76
98 Khairaguda 426535 Pitamahal 28 Hectares 115
99 Manikajhola 426538 Pitamahal 109 Hectares 227
100 Kandili 426539 Pitamahal 204 Hectares 272
101 Luhakhal 426540 Tadama 82 Hectares 130
102 GoudaKhilum 426541 Tadama 94 Hectares 437
103 Tentuliguda 426542 Pitamahal 67 Hectares 195
104 Hajaridanga 426543 Pitamahal 110 Hectares 311
105 Baisnaba Guda 426545 Pitamahal 104 Hectares 342
106 Jaganathpur 426546 Pitamahal 112 Hectares 560
107 Kamaraguda 426548 Pitamahal 19 Hectares 83
108 Beheraguda 426549 Pitamahal 226 Hectares 479
109 Umarbali 426567 Bairagihalua 181 Hectares 287
110 Ledda 426568 Pitamahal 254 Hectares 142
111 Badakhal 426569 Pitamahal 56 Hectares 210
112 Kodesu 426570 Pitamahal 358 Hectares 455
113 Bedu 426571 Pitamahal 142 Hectares 226
114 Podi 426572 Pitamahal 69 Hectares 61
115 Nagiti 426573 Badairukubadi 138 Hectares 107
116 KandhaKhilum 426574 Pitamahal 338 Hectares 639
117 ChakraPadu 426576 Tadama 94 Hectares 239
118 Mahuganda 426577 Badairukubadi 187 Hectares 47
119 Baiganpai 426580 Badairukubadi 203 Hectares 107
120 Hasku 426581 Badairukubadi 448 Hectares 264
121 Kusuku 426582 Pitamahal 289 Hectares 80
122 Pansai 426583 Badairukubadi 143 Hectares 211
123 Pratap Pur 426584 Jemadaipentha 262 Hectares 342
124 Tikarkantua 426585 Bairagihalua 210 Hectares 64
125 Kantua 426586 Bairagihalua 258 Hectares 255
126 Panasguda 426613 Bairagihalua 56 Hectares 29
127 Brahaminhaluva 426614 Bairagihalua 388 Hectares 845
128 BodoHonsa 426615 Jemadaipentha 323 Hectares 625
129 Rajpur 426616 Jemadaipentha 96 Hectares 102
130 Anakha 426617 Badairukubadi 259 Hectares 316
131 Badairipibadi 426618 Badairukubadi 201 Hectares 362
132 Sanairipibadi 426619 Badairukubadi 279 Hectares 449
133 Muduguru 426620 Badairukubadi 297 Hectares 26
134 Takapadu 426621 Badairukubadi 505 Hectares 198
135 Kutikakuli 426622 Badairukubadi 62 Hectares 122
136 Tilesu 426624 Jemadaipentha 89 Hectares 96
137 Nagiti 426625 Jemadaipentha 34 Hectares 9
138 Kodulujimidi 426626 Jemadaipentha 143 Hectares 585
139 Banapur 426627 Jemadaipentha 179 Hectares 90
140 Gururajguda 426628 Bairagihalua 44 Hectares 296
141 Badaraising 426629 Jemadaipentha 99 Hectares 606
142 Usurikapadu 426630 Bairagihalua 145 Hectares 114
143 Mamidiguda 426632 Jemadaipentha 117 Hectares 65
144 Junjamani 426633 Hatseskhal 180 Hectares 272
145 Lumbesu 426634 Hatseskhal 366 Hectares 694
146 Kerandi 426635 Hatseskhal 198 Hectares 111
147 Ranaguda 426636 Hatseskhal 169 Hectares 142
148 Sana Raisingi 426637 Jemadaipentha 241 Hectares 119
149 JimidiPeta 426638 Jemadaipentha 298 Hectares 1089
150 Jangidi 426639 Jemadaipentha 361 Hectares 308
151 MahadeiKakuli 426640 Jemadaipentha 143 Hectares 188
152 MendemGuda 426641 Ganjigam 113 Hectares 218
153 Gajigam 426642 Ganjigam 181 Hectares 799
154 Champikota 426643 Ganjigam 368 Hectares 880
155 Jangesu 426645 Ganjigam 189 Hectares 79
156 Achava 426647 Ganjigam 131 Hectares 434
157 Billesu 426648 Ganjigam 465 Hectares 1282
158 Kusa 426649 Hatseskhal 347 Hectares 927
159 Hatasakhal 426650 Hatseskhal 176 Hectares 626
160 Khilimisiguda 426651 Kerada 221 Hectares 419
161 Taram 426652 Hatseskhal 176 Hectares 197
162 Attada 426653 Kerada 281 Hectares 683
163 Sulobha 426654 Kerada 573 Hectares 609
164 Chinnapedum 426655 Kerada 172 Hectares 254
165 BahinipatiKerada 426656 Kerada 184 Hectares 914
166 Anija 426658 Kerada 633 Hectares 859

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Pitamahal.

Q2: What is the village code for Pitamahal?

A2: The village code for Pitamahal is 426544.

Q3: In which block is Pitamahal located?

A3: Pitamahal is located in the Rayagada block.

Q4: What is the total area of Pitamahal?

A4: The total area of Pitamahal is 133 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Pitamahal belong to?

A5: Pitamahal belongs to the Pitamahal Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Pitamahal located?

A6: Pitamahal is located in the Rayagada district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Pitamahal from the district headquarter?

A7: Pitamahal is 57 kilometers away from the Rayagada district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Pitamahal?

A8: The nearest statutory town is RAYAGADA which is 4 kilometers away from Pitamahal.

Q9: What is the population of Pitamahal?

A9: The population of Pitamahal is 896 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Pitamahal?

A10: There are 193 households in Pitamahal.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Pitamahal?

A11: There are 508 males and 388 females in Pitamahal.

Q12: Are there any schools in Pitamahal?

A12: Yes, there is NA government primary school in Pitamahal. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Pitamahal?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Pitamahal.

Q14: What is the pin code of Pitamahal?

A14: The pin code of Pitamahal is 765002.

Q15: Does Pitamahal have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Pitamahal.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Pitamahal?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Pitamahal.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Pitamahal?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Pitamahal.

Q18: Is Pitamahal connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Pitamahal.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Pitamahal?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Pitamahal.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Pitamahal?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Pitamahal.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Pitamahal?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Pitamahal is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Pitamahal?

A22: There are 40.93 Hectares of forest area in Pitamahal.

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