
Jamkhunta Village

Jamkhunta is belongs to Balangir, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Jamkhunta
Village code : 421155
Block Name : Saintala (0250)
Area : 157
Gram Panchayat : Dharapgarh (14)
District : Balangir
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Balangir
District Head Quarter distance : 40 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : TITLAGARH
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 22 Kms
Population : 536
Households : 153
Male : 283
Female : 253
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 767033
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : Available
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 20.37 Hectares

Google map of Jamkhunta location

Near by villages of Jamkhunta

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Kusmel 421119 Dharapgarh 443 Hectares 102
2 Dharapgarh 421156 Dharapgarh 1026 Hectares 2098
3 Goelbhadi 421157 Dharapgarh 259 Hectares 734
4 Makri 421158 Dharapgarh 335 Hectares 614
5 Bakagura 421356 Alanda 169 Hectares 871
6 Bagartipara 421357 Alanda 63 Hectares 443
7 Tentulipara 421358 Alanda 83 Hectares 293
8 Banjupadar 421359 Alanda 64 Hectares 366
9 Jamtara 421368 Themra 395 Hectares 1237
10 Pitapara 421372 Lebada 32 Hectares 526
11 Salebhata 421373 Tupaudar 164 Hectares 734
12 Tatopara 421374 Lebada 291 Hectares 1352
13 Dungrigura 421375 Tupaudar 138 Hectares 609
14 Tupaudar 421380 Tupaudar 147 Hectares 1319
15 Badudar 421381 Tupaudar 337 Hectares 1698
16 Sukunabhata 421382 Tupaudar 113 Hectares 308
17 Makripara 421383 Lebada 242 Hectares 2141
18 Gandpadar 421384 Lebada 172 Hectares 216
19 Adabahal 421390 Adabahal 132 Hectares 434
20 Chantipala 421391 Adabahal 116 Hectares 722
21 Ainlabhata 421392 Adabahal 227 Hectares 1500
22 Surda 421393 Parasara 382 Hectares 1682
23 Alanda 421407 Alanda 366 Hectares 1593
24 Pitamahul 421408 Alanda 69 Hectares 366
25 Bahalgubha 421409 Alanda 105 Hectares 381
26 Ranabandh 421473 Bankel 422 Hectares 583
27 Sanpatrapali 421478 Naren 141 Hectares 1534
28 Darlo 421479 Jagua 442 Hectares 2121
29 Lenjha 421480 Bankel 410 Hectares 1316
30 Debhuin 421482 Bankel 174 Hectares 351
31 Sirol 421483 Belpadar 583 Hectares 2486
32 Chingermunda 421484 Belpadar 57 Hectares 621
33 Khajuripara 421485 Tentelkhunti 180 Hectares 730
34 Dungriguda 421488 Belpadar 48 Hectares 169
35 Bhuslad 421501 Manigaon 493 Hectares 1460
36 Nanjhar 421502 Manigaon 441 Hectares 1428
37 Kapsibhata 421503 Mahulpada 155 Hectares 403
38 Gambharimal 421504 Mahulpada 144 Hectares 164
39 Dumdumi 421505 Sagadghat 398 Hectares 83
40 Mahulpada 421506 Mahulpada 239 Hectares 1088
41 Dangarpara 421507 Mahulpada 363 Hectares 756
42 Gulmi 421508 Mahulpada 240 Hectares 1045
43 Satbahani 421509 Mahulpada 72 Hectares 297
44 Kutrakenda 421510 Mahulpada 153 Hectares 183
45 Dumerbahal 421511 Mahulpada 276 Hectares 483
46 Sialjhudungi 421512 Sagadghat 137 Hectares 555
47 Piplibandha 421513 Sagadghat 265 Hectares 773
48 Gudguda 421514 Sagadghat 179 Hectares 407
49 Banjhijhal 421515 Sagadghat 71 Hectares 287
50 Siker 421516 Sagadghat 288 Hectares 854
51 Suagpur 421517 Sagadghat 72 Hectares 212
52 Sagadghat 421518 Sagadghat 397 Hectares 1312
53 Manigaon 421519 Manigaon 618 Hectares 1259
54 Pipalpadar 421520 Manigaon 348 Hectares 996
55 Thalka 421521 Manigaon 267 Hectares 306
56 Bordipara 421522 Bandupala 386 Hectares 1823
57 Bandupala 421523 Bandupala 166 Hectares 1412
58 Desil 421524 Bandupala 474 Hectares 1685
59 Charbhata 421525 Bandupala 176 Hectares 446
60 Kumudipadar 421526 Bandupala 119 Hectares 758
61 Pendrapadar 421527 Bandupala 217 Hectares 685
62 Katarkela 421528 Bandupala 628 Hectares 2205
63 Laitara 421529 Bandupala 320 Hectares 727
64 Balpadar 421556 Marlad 368 Hectares 1001
65 Udepur 421558 Sihini 592 Hectares 2208
66 Bineikela 421559 Binerkela 304 Hectares 1530
67 Lesunbahali 421560 Marlad 184 Hectares 538
68 Kanarla 421561 Marlad 262 Hectares 682
69 Timanbhadi 421562 Binerkela 308 Hectares 982
70 Amurla 421563 Binerkela 304 Hectares 886
71 Goidabri 421564 Binerkela 101 Hectares 472
72 Gohirapadar 421565 Binerkela 100 Hectares 262
73 Salebhata 421566 Binerkela 140 Hectares 181
74 Sirekela 421567 Binerkela 300 Hectares 1152
75 Mahada 421568 Luthurbandha 283 Hectares 947
76 Sargunamunda 421569 Luthurbandha 121 Hectares 570
77 Ghantabahali 421570 Ghantabahali 162 Hectares 1856
78 Khairkhunta 421571 Ghantabahali 121 Hectares 826
79 Serko 421572 Ghantabahali 283 Hectares 642
80 Kapsibhata 421573 Ghantabahali 155 Hectares 794
81 Pudapadar 421574 Luthurbandha 148 Hectares 572
82 Bagdor 421575 Bhalegaon 202 Hectares 621
83 Luthurbandh 421577 Luthurbandha 607 Hectares 2825
84 Gurjibhata 421578 Bhalegaon 121 Hectares 701
85 Bhalegaon 421579 Bhalegaon 497 Hectares 1585
86 Dangapata 421580 Bhalegaon 51 Hectares 647
87 Kanijuri 421581 Bhalegaon 159 Hectares 748
88 Pitapara 421582 Bhalegaon 51 Hectares 76
89 Ghisiramal 421583 Bhalegaon 139 Hectares 281
90 Malijhar 421584 Banjipadar 229 Hectares 888
91 Belpada 421585 Banjipadar 218 Hectares 427
92 Banjipadar 421586 Banjipadar 172 Hectares 789
93 Sinapali 421587 Banjipadar 104 Hectares 108
94 Karlapada 421588 Banjipadar 92 Hectares 320
95 Rigdol 421589 Bijepur 354 Hectares 1293
96 Pipaldani 421590 Banjipadar 59 Hectares 250
97 Rangabahali 421591 Banjipadar 136 Hectares 69
98 Mathanpala 421592 Banjipadar 285 Hectares 852
99 Shishakani 421593 Banjipadar 142 Hectares 261
100 Bijepur 421594 Bijepur 460 Hectares 2089
101 Ghughurpala 421595 Bijepur 484 Hectares 292
102 Thubuding 421596 Bijepur 118 Hectares 1061
103 Gokhurung 421597 Bijepur 688 Hectares 1325
104 Chandutara 421598 Bijepur 163 Hectares 123
105 Limpara 421599 Bijepur 136 Hectares 147
106 Chormara 421600 Bijepur 244 Hectares 832
107 Tarasing 421601 Bijepur 419 Hectares 1520

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Jamkhunta.

Q2: What is the village code for Jamkhunta?

A2: The village code for Jamkhunta is 421155.

Q3: In which block is Jamkhunta located?

A3: Jamkhunta is located in the Saintala block.

Q4: What is the total area of Jamkhunta?

A4: The total area of Jamkhunta is 157 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Jamkhunta belong to?

A5: Jamkhunta belongs to the Dharapgarh Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Jamkhunta located?

A6: Jamkhunta is located in the Balangir district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Jamkhunta from the district headquarter?

A7: Jamkhunta is 40 kilometers away from the Balangir district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Jamkhunta?

A8: The nearest statutory town is TITLAGARH which is 22 kilometers away from Jamkhunta.

Q9: What is the population of Jamkhunta?

A9: The population of Jamkhunta is 536 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Jamkhunta?

A10: There are 193 households in Jamkhunta.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Jamkhunta?

A11: There are 283 males and 253 females in Jamkhunta.

Q12: Are there any schools in Jamkhunta?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Jamkhunta. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Jamkhunta?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Jamkhunta.

Q14: What is the pin code of Jamkhunta?

A14: The pin code of Jamkhunta is 767033.

Q15: Does Jamkhunta have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Jamkhunta.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Jamkhunta?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Jamkhunta.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Jamkhunta?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Jamkhunta.

Q18: Is Jamkhunta connected by a national highway?

A18: Yes, there is no national highway connection to Jamkhunta.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Jamkhunta?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Jamkhunta.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Jamkhunta?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Jamkhunta.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Jamkhunta?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Jamkhunta is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Jamkhunta?

A22: There are 20.37 Hectares of forest area in Jamkhunta.

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